Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Amblystegiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-53 of 53

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
PTBG1000043971Leiti Kannukene   350632013-07-19
Estonia, HARJU COUNTY, Jõelähtme Parish, Jägala-Joa village, Jägala Waterfall on Jägala River., 59.488333 25.243333

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
PTBG1000052763Y. Inoue   s.n.2014-10-11
Japan, FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE, Hinoemata-mura, Mt. Hiuchigatake., 36.941111 139.268611

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
PTBG1000043971Leiti Kannukene   350632013-07-19
Estonia, HARJU COUNTY, Jõelähtme Parish, Jägala-Joa village, Jägala Waterfall on Jägala River., 59.488333 25.243333

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
PTBG1000052763Y. Inoue   s.n.2014-10-11
Japan, FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE, NULL, Hinoemata-mura, Mt. Hiuchigatake., 36.941111 139.268611

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
PTBG1000065654John Game   67/s.n. 391967-03-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Ansteys Cove, Torquay, south Devonshire.

Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst.
PTBG1000022114C. Troll   57961934-04-12
Tanzania, United Republic of, ARUSHA REGION, Mount Meru, west flank. [German East Africa]

Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst.
PTBG1000022114C. Troll   57961934-04-12
Tanzania, United Republic of, ARUSHA REGION, NULL, Mount Meru, west flank. [German East Africa]

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000025556David H. Lorence   102462010-12-24
United States, OREGON, Clackamas County, City of Tualatin. 8450 SW Avery Street. In yard, full sun., 45.37138748 -122.7638855

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000043983Leiti Kannukene   345422013-08-07
Estonia, SAARE COUNTY, Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea, Limo Beach., 58.802222 23.263333

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000049832James R. Shevock   443262013-11-25
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Tongariro National Park. Along Round the Mountain Track to Waitonga Falls between trail junction with Old Blyth Track and Waitonga Falls. NAD 83, -39.331889 175.504722

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000025556David H. Lorence   102462010-12-24
United States, OREGON, Clackamas County, City of Tualatin. 8450 SW Avery Street. In yard, full sun., 45.371387 -122.763886

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000043983Leiti Kannukene   345422013-08-07
Estonia, SAARE COUNTY, NULL, Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea, Limo Beach., 58.802222 23.263333

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000049832James R. Shevock   443262013-11-25
New Zealand, NULL, Ruapehu Land District, Tongariro National Park. Along Round the Mountain Track to Waitonga Falls between trail junction with Old Blyth Track and Waitonga Falls. NAD 83, -39.331889 175.504722

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000065519John Game   62/s.n. 11962-02-10
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, Near the Science Building at Bryanston School near Blandford.

Scorpidium scorpioides (Hedw.) Limpr.
PTBG1000052804Leiti Kannukene   260002004-09-13
Estonia, SAARE COUNTY, Saaremaa Island, Lumanda Paris, Viidumae Nature Reserve., 58.308333 22.075

Scorpidium scorpioides (Hedw.) Limpr.
PTBG1000052804Leiti Kannukene   260002004-09-13
Estonia, SAARE COUNTY, NULL, Saaremaa Island, Lumanda Paris, Viidumae Nature Reserve., 58.308333 22.075

Campylium hispidulum (Brid.) Mitt.
PTBG1000039020Tim Flynn   76442013-06-08
United States, PENNSYLVANIA, Delaware County, Swarthmore College, Scott Arboretum., 39.903484 -75.356026

Campylium hispidulum (Brid.) Mitt.
PTBG1000039020Tim Flynn   76442013-06-08
United States, PENNSYLVANIA, Delaware County, Swarthmore College, Scott Arboretum., 39.903484 -75.356026

Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) Lange & C. E. O. Jensen
PTBG1000043960Leiti Kannukene   346642012-06-03
Estonia, LÃu201eÃu201eNE-VIRU COUNTY, Rakke Parish, Limestone quarry of Kamariku., 59.118889 26.114167

Campylium stellatum (Hedw.) C. Jens.
PTBG1000043960Leiti Kannukene   346642012-06-03
Estonia, LAANE-VIRU COUNTY, Rakke Parish, Limestone quarry of Kamariku., 59.118889 26.114167

Campylium chrysophyllum (Brid.) J. Lange
PTBG1000065499John Game   67/S.N. 11967-02-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Oxfordshire County, Near Wytham Wood, near Oxford.

Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065463John Game   62/s.n. 31962-04-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Kent County, At Oldbury Hill, near Ightham, near Sevenoaks.

Hygrohypnum bestii (Renauld & Bryhn) Brotherus
PTBG1000047577James R. Shevock   428072013-07-05
United States, CALIFORNIA, Mono County, Central Sierra Nevada, Toiyabe National Forest. Along trail heading south of highway 108, just below Sonora Pass and the Pacific Crest Trail. T6N, R21E, section 35., 38.325833 -119.637917

Hygrohypnum bestii (Ren. & Bryhn in Ren.) Broth.
PTBG1000047577James R. Shevock   428072013-07-05
United States, CALIFORNIA, Mono County, Central Sierra Nevada, Toiyabe National Forest. Along trail heading south of highway 108, just below Sonora Pass and the Pacific Crest Trail. T6N, R21E, section 35., 38.325833 -119.637917

Hygrohypnum polare (Lindb.) Loeske
PTBG1000052797Leiti Kannukene   15037B1988-08-19
Russian Federation, KRASNOYARDK KRAI, Arctic. The north-western coast of the Taimyr Peninsula (Siberia), vicinity of the mouth of the Uboynaya River., 73.666667 82.333333

Hygrohypnum polare (Lindb.) Loeske
PTBG1000052797Leiti Kannukene   15037B1988-08-19
Russian Federation, KRASNOYARSK KRAI, NULL, Arctic. The north-western coast of the Taimyr Peninsula (Siberia), vicinity of the mouth of the Uboynaya River., 73.666667 82.333333

Leptodictyum humile (Palisot de Beauvois) Ochyra
PTBG1000052389David Toren   50441997-04-19
United States, CALIFORNIA, Lake County, North Coast Range, Mendocino National Forest. Shore of Lake Pillsbury at Pogie Point Campground.

Leptodictyum humile (P. Beauv.) Ochyra
PTBG1000052389David Toren   50441997-04-19
United States, CALIFORNIA, Lake County, North Coast Range, Mendocino National Forest. Shore of Lake Pillsbury at Pogie Point Campground.

Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst.
PTBG1000052810Leiti Kannukene   353732014-08-10
Estonia, LAANE-HARJU COUNTY, Lahemaa Nature Park, Vihula Paris, Aasumetsa Hamlet, Loobu River., 59.504722 25.8425

Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst.
PTBG1000052810Leiti Kannukene   353732014-08-10
Estonia, LAANE-HARJU COUNTY, NULL, Lahemaa Nature Park, Vihula Paris, Aasumetsa Hamlet, Loobu River., 59.504722 25.8425

Limprichtia revolvens (Sw.) Loeske
PTBG1000052805Leiti Kannukene   47881978-08-02
Russian Federation, KRASNOYARSK KRAI, Arctic. Taimyr Peninsula (Siberia), vicinity of the mouth of the Jenissei River, Dickson Settlement., 73.5 80.583333

Limprichtia revolvens (Sw.) Loeske
PTBG1000052805Leiti Kannukene   47881978-08-02
Russian Federation, KRASNOYARSK KRAI, NULL, Arctic. Taimyr Peninsula (Siberia), vicinity of the mouth of the Jenissei River, Dickson Settlement., 73.5 80.583333

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000052787Leiti Kannukene   4667a1978-07-31
Russian Federation, KRASNOYARSK KRAI, Arctic. Taimyr Peninsula (Siberia), vicinity of the mouth of Jenissei River, Dickson Settlement., 73.5 80.583333

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000052846Merlyn Pajur   2013-06-02
Estonia, VALGA COUNTY, Sangaste Parish, Risttee Village, near Houbussaare farm., 57.948 26.390972

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000052787Leiti Kannukene   4667a1978-07-31
Russian Federation, KRASNOYARSK KRAI, NULL, Arctic. Taimyr Peninsula (Siberia), vicinity of the mouth of Jenissei River, Dickson Settlement., 73.5 80.583333

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000052846Merlyn Pajur   NULL2013-06-02
Estonia, VALGA COUNTY, NULL, Sangaste Parish, Risttee Village, near Houbussaare farm., 57.948 26.390972

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000060706Hank Oppenheimer   C916042016-09-01
Canada, BRITISH COLUMBIA, NULL, Cariboo region, Ruth Lake., 51.828382 -121.032832

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000060712Hank Oppenheimer   C916032016-09-01
Canada, BRITISH COLUMBIA, NULL, Cariboo region, Ruth Lake., 51.828382 -121.032832

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000061101K. Kiryu   s.n.2016-09-11
Japan, CHUBU REGION, Shizuoka Prefecture, Shizuoka-shi, Southern Alps, Mt. Akaishi., 35.472453 138.158508

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000065525John Game   67/s.n. 231967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Shipley Bridge in the Buckfastleigh area of south Devonshire.

Hygroamblystegium varium (Hedw.) Mönk.
PTBG1000052443Tim Flynn   78002014-05-23
United States, NEW YORK, Dutchess County, Staatsburg, 39 Lake Pleasant Road. On shores of Brown Pond., 41.867172 -73.863839

Scorpidium cossonii (Schimp.) Hedenäs
PTBG1000043913Leiti Kannukene & Merlyn Pajur   343652012-08-14
Estonia, HARJU COUNTY, Kose Parish, Nabala karst area., 59.235833 24.888056

Scorpidium cossonii (Schimp.) Hedenäs
PTBG1000043913Leiti Kannukene & Merlyn Pajur   343652012-08-14
Estonia, HARJU COUNTY, Kose Parish, Nabala karst area., 59.235833 24.888056

Acrocladium chlamydophyllum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth.
PTBG1000049824James R. Shevock   438772013-11-09
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Motueka River Valley, Base of Arthur Range. McKean Recreation Area. Between Motueka River Valley Road and Motueka River. NAD 83, -41.288694 172.804889

Acrocladium chlamydophyllum C. Müller & Brotherus, 1900
PTBG1000049824James R. Shevock   438772013-11-09
New Zealand, NULL, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Motueka River Valley, Base of Arthur Range. McKean Recreation Area. Between Motueka River Valley Road and Motueka River. NAD 83, -41.288694 172.804889

Calliergonella lindbergii (Mitt.) Hedenäs
PTBG1000034112Tim Flynn   76402013-06-03
United States, MASSACHUSETTS, Hampden County, Longmeadow. 863 Frank Smith Road. Residence of Anselmo and Amparo Briones., 42.04089 -72.546165

Calliergonella lindbergii Hedenäs, 1990 [1992]
PTBG1000034112Tim Flynn   76402013-06-03
United States, MASSACHUSETTS, Hampden County, Longmeadow. 863 Frank Smith Road. Residence of Anselmo and Amparo Briones., 42.04089 -72.546165

Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook. f. & Wilson) M. Fleisch.
PTBG1000052396James R. Shevock   443282013-11-25
New Zealand, RUAPEHU LAND DISTRICT, Tongariro National Park. Along Round the Mountain Track at base of Waitonga Falls among bryophyte covered rocks of cascading streams entering river. NAD 83, -39.333167 175.508611

Cratoneuropsis relaxa Fleischer in Brotherus, 1925
PTBG1000052396James R. Shevock   443282013-11-25
New Zealand, RUAPEHU LAND DISTRICT, NULL, Tongariro National Park. Along Round the Mountain Track at base of Waitonga Falls among bryophyte covered rocks of cascading streams entering river. NAD 83, -39.333167 175.508611

Sasaokaea aomoriensis (Paris) Kanda
PTBG1000047544T. Seki   s.n.2012-11-20
Japan, HONSHU REGION, Shiga-ken, Takashima-shi, Katsumoto., 35.299111 136.009972

Sasaokaea aomoriensis Kanda, 1976 [1977]
PTBG1000047544T. Seki   s.n.2012-11-20
Japan, HONSHU REGION, Shiga-ken, Takashima-shi, Katsumoto., 35.299111 136.009972

Straminergon stramineum (Dix. ex. Brid.) Hedenas
PTBG1000052798Leiti Kannukene   312582005-07-13
Estonia, HARJU COUNTY, Tallinn City, Aegna Insel, Jarvesoo mire, Aegna Landscape Reserve., 59.566667 24.733333

Straminergon stramineum Hedenäs, 1993
PTBG1000052798Leiti Kannukene   312582005-07-13
Estonia, HARJU COUNTY, NULL, Tallinn City, Aegna Insel, Jarvesoo mire, Aegna Landscape Reserve., 59.566667 24.733333

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