10326 Hank Oppenheimer H20912 2009-02-04
United States, Hawaii, MAUI: W. Maui, Lahaina District, Olowalu Valley, SE slope below Ulaula. On steep slope near large boulders & bluff, about midslope on steep, windward facing valley wall. In protected soil pockets at edge of good habitat, just up from Leucaena dominated slope. W/ Dodonaea, Bidens, Melanthera, Euphorbia, Panicum, Sida, Eragrostis, Doryopteris, Leucaena, Opuntia, Sonchus, Emilia, Conyza.
PTBG1000005340 Hank Oppenheimer H20919 2009-02-10
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley. In loi kalo., 20.94224536 -156.5185471
PTBG1000025775 Tim Flynn 4747 1991-10-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge; Hanalei Valley.
PTBG1000025774 Tim Flynn 971 1984-12-26
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lihue. Nawiliwili Stream behind Menehune Shopping Village.
PTBG1000025773 Tim Flynn 971 1984-12-26
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lihue. Nawiliwili Stream behind Menehune Shopping Village.
PTBG1000005340 Hank Oppenheimer H20919 2009-02-10
United States, Hawaii, Maui County, W. Maui, Waihee Valley. In loi kalo., 20.942245 -156.518547
PTBG1000025775 Tim Flynn 4747 1991-10-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge; Hanalei Valley.
PTBG1000025774 Tim Flynn 971 1984-12-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue. Nawiliwili Stream behind Menehune Shopping Village.
PTBG1000025773 Tim Flynn 971 1984-12-26
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lihue. Nawiliwili Stream behind Menehune Shopping Village.
PTBG1000002260 Lauren Clevenger 1 2006-09-29
United States, TEXAS, Brazos County, College Station; Oaks Park at corner of Harvey and Stallings. On creek side near bridge in center of Park. With other aquatic herbs under bridge.
PTBG1000002260 Lauren Clevenger 1 2006-09-29
United States, TEXAS, Brazos County, College Station; Oaks Park at corner of Harvey and Stallings. On creek side near bridge in center of Park. With other aquatic herbs under bridge.
PTBG1000025777 Michael Evans 633 1965-09-20
Guam, Agana Spring.
PTBG1000025777 Michael Evans 633 1965-09-20
Guam, NULL, NULL, Agana Spring.
PTBG1000025776 Steve Perlman 18391 2003-02-04
French Polynesia, HIVA-OA COMMUNE, NULL, Hanaiapa, in ditch near beach., -9.75 -139
PTBG1000025772 D. C. Daly 8739 1995-11-23
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Tarauaca Municipality, Basin of Rio Jurua, Rio Tarauac a, left bank, Reserva Indigena Praia do Carapana, Seringal Universo, Colocacao Vai-quem-quer. "Baixio" -- forest subjected to periodic flooding in wet season., -8.406389 -71.298333