Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Taxa: Achariaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-58 of 58

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037981Scott Lucas   12081983-03-05
Sri Lanka, WESTERN PROVINCE, Kurunegala. Growing in forest on east-facing slope of Atagala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037982Scott Lucas   12081983-03-05
Sri Lanka, WESTERN PROVINCE, Kurunegala. Growing in forest on east-facing slope of Atagala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037981Scott Lucas   12081983-03-05
Sri Lanka, WESTERN PROVINCE, NULL, Kurunegala. Growing in forest on east-facing slope of Atagala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037982Scott Lucas   12081983-03-05
Sri Lanka, WESTERN PROVINCE, NULL, Kurunegala. Growing in forest on east-facing slope of Atagala.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037983David H. Lorence   79001996-12-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Along main road heading S from Nan Mall just N of Pwudoi; 10-15 m elevation., 6.85 158.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037984David H. Lorence   79001996-12-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Along main road heading S from Nan Mall just N of Pwudoi; 10-15 m elevation., 6.85 158.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037985Michael J. Balick   38051997-08-31
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Sokehs Municipality, Sokehs: Trail to Pohndolap. At peak., 6.970833 158.188889

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037987Francisca Sohl   232000-01-16
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Kitti Municipality, Rentu. Growing next to a stream., 6.817778 158.265

15030David H. Lorence   96432008-01-15
Ngeremlengui State, Along new highwaynorth of turnoff to Ngapang Waterfall, just past Organic Farm. Vertical roadside bank, clay soil with Dicranopteris hanging above., 160m

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037986David H. Lorence   96462008-01-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along main road SE of Ngerusar. Kitalong residence., 7.358056 134.509444

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037988C. A. Salsedo   881968-11-15
Palau, Republic of, KOROR STATE, Biology lab, Koror.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000005904Relio Lengsi   80
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Found near roadside besides oahs, hibiscus, and breadfruit tree., 6.944722 158.224444

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037988C. A. Salsedo   881968-11-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Biology lab, Koror.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000005904Relio Lengsi   80
Micronesia, Federated States of, POHNPEI STATE, Nett Municipality, Found near roadside besides oahs, hibiscus, and breadfruit tree., 6.944722 158.224444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hydnocarpus anthelminthicus Pierre ex Laness.
PTBG1000037970Carolyn Corn   s.n.1985-01-29
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu County, Honolulu, Hale Mohalu, southwest corneer of property boardering H-1.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037975Tim Flynn   69222002-01-22
Samoa, NULL, NULL, O Le Pu Pue National Park. Along trail to Pe' ape'a Cave., -14.022222 -171.737222

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037976Art Whistler   115402001-11-08
Samoa, Along the road to the Ole Pupu coast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037977Art Whistler   114492000-11-04
Samoa, Just inland from the Ole Pupu coast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037978Art Whistler   114102000-10-29
American Samoa, On the top of the saddle leading to Taufanua behind Vatia Village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037979Art Whistler   80501991-04-07
American Samoa, Papatele Ridge, above Breaker's Point.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037980Art Whistler   70451989-12-05
Samoa, In O Le Pupu Park.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037976Art Whistler   115402001-11-08
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along the road to the Ole Pupu coast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037977Art Whistler   114492000-11-04
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Just inland from the Ole Pupu coast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037978Art Whistler   114102000-10-29
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the top of the saddle leading to Taufanua behind Vatia Village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037979Art Whistler   80501991-04-07
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Papatele Ridge, above Breaker's Point.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000037980Art Whistler   70451989-12-05
Samoa, NULL, NULL, In O Le Pupu Park.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056587Art Whistler   86511992-06-07
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Faiga Ridge west of Vatia village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056573Art Whistler   57261985-03-26
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On a ridge above the village of Laulii.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056574Art Whistler   W 38821977-07-31
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the north slope of Mt. Olomaga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056592Art Whistler   86691992-06-09
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Pola'uta saddle behind Vatia Village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056593Art Whistler   W 39961978-09-11
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Mt. Vaea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056575Art Whistler   W 47771981-01-20
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing to the southeast of Mt. Mariota in the Aleisa area; only 1 seen.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056591Art Whistler   W 11111973-11-14
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Along the trail from Saagafou to Saaga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056598Art Whistler   W 28921975-08-23
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Mt Tau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056568Art Whistler   69201989-08-17
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing beside the trail to a plantation area called Tuloto inland from Tua'efu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056588Art Whistler   W 32531976-01-02
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing on the ridge to the south of Mt. Fao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056578Art Whistler   84621992-04-14
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the headland between Afono and O'a Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056585Art Whistler   W 12631973-12-09
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing on top of Mt. Mariota near Aleisa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056582Art Whistler   W 6271973-09-05
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Growing near Utumapu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056584Art Whistler   W 2261972-07-27
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Between Poutasi and Siumu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056594Art Whistler   112741999-01-28
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Between Salelaloga and Tafua, on the new Public Works Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056590Art Whistler   116662002-10-21
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the road down to Ole Pupu cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056597Art Whistler   W 12301973-11-28
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, South of Tafuauta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000054772Art Whistler   89481992-12-20
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, In one spot on the saddle just to the north of Mt. Tau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000054783Art Whistler   82801991-09-11
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, Just north of Letui.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000054795Art Whistler   109531998-03-05
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the Fuafanua saddle behind Vatia village.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000054789Art Whistler   103371997-04-03
Samoa, NULL, NULL, Above the village of Uafato.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000054777Art Whistler   116342002-02-09
American Samoa, NULL, NULL, On the west slope of O'a Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000054771Art Whistler   119462008-08-09
Samoa, NULL, NULL, At O le Pupu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erythrospermum acuminatissimum (A. Gray) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000056586Art Whistler   W 39091978-08-22
Samoa, NULL, NULL, On Fagaloa Volcanics on a ridge NW of Togitogiga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037880David H. Lorence   68011991-06-28
Mauritius, Perrier Nature Reserve, -20.35 57.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037880David H. Lorence   68011991-06-28
Mauritius, NULL, NULL, Perrier Nature Reserve, -20.35 57.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037989M. Nee   71551973-09-27
Panama, PANAMA PROVINCE, Along road K-10, 4 km N of Arraijan., 9.00055 -79.66944

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037990M. Nee   68921973-09-11
Panama, PANAMA PROVINCE, Alt. 40-50 m, 6 km SW of Arraijan along old road to Bique., 8.92333 -79.6675

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037989M. Nee   71551973-09-27
Panama, PANAMA PROVINCE, NULL, Along road K-10, 4 km N of Arraijan., 9.00055 -79.66944

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037990M. Nee   68921973-09-11
Panama, PANAMA PROVINCE, NULL, Alt. 40-50 m, 6 km SW of Arraijan along old road to Bique., 8.92333 -79.6675

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000035146Wayne Takeuchi   66761990-09-06
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, East Sepik Province, Lower slopes of Suba, above alluvial flats aroud Gahom., -4.816667 142.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000035146Wayne Takeuchi   66761990-09-06
Papua New Guinea, MOMASE REGION, East Sepik Province, Lower slopes of Suba, above alluvial flats aroud Gahom., -4.816667 142.733333

Page 1, records 1-58 of 58


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