Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-55 of 55

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Undet alga
Liloa Dunn   2132003-07-07
French Polynesia, TAHUATA COMMUNE, NULL, Hanahevane.

Undet alga
Liloa Dunn   2142003-07-07
French Polynesia, TAHUATA COMMUNE, NULL, Hanahevane.

Undet alga
Liloa Dunn   2156467-07-01
French Polynesia, TAHUATA COMMUNE, NULL, Hanahevane.

Undet alga
Liloa Dunn   2162003-07-07
French Polynesia, TAHUATA COMMUNE, NULL, Hanahevane.

Undet alga spp.
8117K.R. Wood   129332008-03-29
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Waimea District, Polihale State Park; dunes in front of reef zone near Queens Pond, *coastal dry mixed community, with Scaevola sericea, Sida fallax, Sporobolus virginicus, Ipomoea imperati, Nama sandwicensis, Chamaesyce celastroides var. stokesii & C. c. var. celastroides, Ophioglossum polyphyllum, Vitex rotundifolia, 9m

Undet alga spp.
18363K.R. Wood   128862008-03-12
United States, Hawaii, HAWAII: *Kaiholena Unit, TNC Ka'u Preserve, Old Plantation Springs area, *closed to open Metrosideros forest 50â€"70% cover @ 8â€"15 m with Cheirodendron trigynum 10â€"30% cover @ 5â€"8 m, over secondary canopy of native shrubs with Cibotium chamissoi 50â€"80% @ 3â€"5 m, Sadleria spp. 10â€"20% @ 1â€"3 m, and Broussaisia arguta 10â€"40% @ 1.5â€"4 m, dissected by riparian habitat, 1006m

Undet alga spp.
14122K.R. Wood   131372008-06-28
United States, Hawaii, Alakai, Lehua Makanoi Bog., 1128m

Undet alga spp.
7364K.R. Wood   131712008-07-11
United States, Hawaii, W. Maui, Puu Kukui summit., 1417m

Undet alga spp.
13083K.R. Wood   132862008-09-12
United States, Hawaii, KAUAI: *Wainiha, upper northeastern fork, *closed Metrosideros forest, 8-12 m canopy, understory dominated by Antidesma w/ mixed wet associates, Syzygium, Broussaisia, Perrottetia, Cyrtandra spp, Psychotria spp, Dubautia spp, Labordia spp, Coprosma waimeae, Cheirodendron spp, Tetraplasandra kavaiensis, T. oahuensis, rich fern and bryophyte understory, steep slopes with Dicranopteris, 701m

Undet alga spp.
14994K.R. Wood   135972009-03-16
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: *Malem Municipality, south central part of island, Kuplu Wan region, near Infal Palusrik drainage, east of Utaw village, *secondary forest near agro forest, large trees of Elaeocarpus, Horsfieldia irya, Ficus, Polyscias subcapitata, Neubergia celebica, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, rich in terrestrial and epiphytic ferns and bryophytes, Angiopteris evecta, 91m

Undet alga spp.
10470K.R. Wood   139312009-09-09
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: border of Lelu and Tafunsak Municipality, closed forested ridge SE of Sialat River which climbs to Mutunte, trees of Ficus prolixa, Cynometra ramiflora, Ixora, Pandanus, Elaeocarpus kusanoi & E. carolinensis, Polyscias subcapitata, Pouteria micronesica, Astronidium, ferns of Neprolepis obliterata, Tectaria grandifolia, Asplenium pellucidum, Sphaeropteris nigricans, rich bryophyte component, 300m

Undet alga spp.
15292K.R. Wood   139582009-09-11
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Utwa Municipality, Finkol summit and slopes climbing up from Finkol stream, slopes of closed cloud forest dominated by Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Sphaeropteris nigricans, Astronidium kusaianum with Ponapea ledermanniana, Newbergia celebica, Psychotria rhombocarpa & P. hombroniana, prolific fern and bryophyte composition, summit dominated by Dicranopteris linearis, Nephrolepis obliterata with occasional trees, 633m

Undet alga
Tim Flynn   80242015-01-15
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Poipu Kai Tennis Club., 21.875017 -159.449628

Undet alga
PTBG1000052928K. R. Wood   136002009-03-16
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, South central part of island, Kuplu Wan region, near Infal Palusrik drainage, east of Utaw village.

Undet alga
PTBG1000029069W. H. Magruder   K1041979-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench, west end of Ash Lizard, inner side about one-half way from beach to point, 0.5 m of water.

Undet alga
PTBG1000029070W. H. Magruder   K1041979-09-21
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench, west end of Ash Lizard, inner side about one-half way from beach to point, 0.5 m of water.

Undet blue green alga
PTBG1000027197Gordon Daida   B-1181979-09-08
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, 0.0 to -1.0 m depth., 21.888133 -159.5028

Undet blue green alga
PTBG1000027198Gordon Daida   D1851980-03-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -1 m, high pond on flat (+1 m), intermittant flushing., 21.888133 -159.5028

Undet alga
PTBG1000027224Gordon Daida   C-1461979-12-27
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, 2.0 m deep, moderate to heavy surf, sloping flat edge. Codium and Neomeris in pockets ca. 6 cm wide., 21.888133 -159.5028

Undet alga
PTBG1000052166Hank Oppenheimer   H514292014-05-29
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, East Maui, Koolau Forest Reserve, west fork of Heleleikeoha Stream., 20.757026 -156.08802

Undet alga
K. R. Wood   156472013-08-22
United States, HAWAII, Maui County, Hana Forest Reserve, headwaters of Kawaipapa, 20.74 -156.070007

Undet alga
PTBG1000052162Tim Flynn   79062014-08-26
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Nounou Mtns, Nounou Forest Reserve, E of Kuamoo Nounou Trail near 1 mile marker., 22.056335 -159.362742

Undet alga
Tim Flynn   79042014-08-26
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Nounou Mtns, Nounou Forest Reserve, E of Kuamoo Nounou Trail near 1 mile marker., 22.057256 -159.3629

Undet alga
PTBG1000052175Tim Flynn   78972014-08-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, East of Keoniloa Bay, along Makawehi., 21.877437 -159.432814

Undet alga
ptbg1000052199Tim Flynn   78922014-08-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, East of Keoniloa Bay, along Makawehi., 21.875757 -159.432722

Undet alga
PTBG1000052193Tim Flynn   78912014-08-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, East of Keoniloa Bay, along Makawehi., 21.874879 -159.433484

Undet alga
PTBG1000052187Tim Flynn   78842014-08-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Keoniloa Bay, east end., 21.874853 -159.435858

Undet alga
ptbg1000052156Tim Flynn   78992014-08-23
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Along Wailua River mouth, north side, just under bridge., 22.04575 -159.335994

Undet alga
ptbg1000052181Tim Flynn   78982014-08-23
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Along Wailua River mouth, north side, just under bridge., 22.04575 -159.335994

Undet alga
ptbg1000052169K. R. Wood   160432014-08-20
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Makawehi, south shore of Kauai, 500 m to the east of Keoniloa Bay, 140 m inland from ocean, 21.877583 -159.432485

Undet alga
K. R. Wood   160542014-08-28
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Aliomanu, Kuaehu Point, NE corner of Kauai., 22.158369 -159.30553

Undet alga
PTBG1000052871Tim Flynn   81912015-10-09
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Poipu, Poipu Kai Tennis complex., 21.875017 -159.449628

Undet alga
Tim Flynn   80022014-11-22
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp.

Undet alga
Tim Flynn   80062014-12-15
United States, HAWAII, Kauai County, Just south of parking area for Haena State Park. Base of basalt face in underhang., 22.22073 -159.57838

Undet alga
PTBG1000052871Tim Flynn   80242015-01-15
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Poipu Kai Tennis Club., 21.875017 -159.449628

Undet alga
PTBG1000052928K. R. Wood   136002009-03-16
Micronesia, Federated States of, KOSRAE STATE, Malem Municipality, South central part of island, Kuplu Wan region, near Infal Palusrik drainage, east of Utaw village.

Undet alga
PTBG1000029069W. H. Magruder   K1041979-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench, west end of Ash Lizard, inner side about one-half way from beach to point, 0.5 m of water.

Undet alga
PTBG1000029070W. H. Magruder   K1041979-09-21
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kipu Kai. Limestone bench, west end of Ash Lizard, inner side about one-half way from beach to point, 0.5 m of water.

Undet blue green alga
PTBG1000027197Gordon Daida   B-1181979-09-08
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, 0.0 to -1.0 m depth., 21.888133 -159.5028

Undet blue green alga
PTBG1000027198Gordon Daida   D1851980-03-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, depth -1 m, high pond on flat (+1 m), intermittant flushing., 21.888133 -159.5028

Undet alga
PTBG1000027224Gordon Daida   C-1461979-12-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Lawai Kai. Location E, 2.0 m deep, moderate to heavy surf, sloping flat edge. Codium and Neomeris in pockets ca. 6 cm wide., 21.888133 -159.5028

Undet alga
NULLK. R. Wood   160542014-08-28
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Aliomanu, Kuaehu Point, NE corner of Kauai., 22.158369 -159.30553

Undet alga
PTBG1000060448Tim Flynn   80022014-11-22
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Alakai Swamp.

Undet alga
PTBG1000060430Tim Flynn   80062014-12-15
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Just south of parking area for Haena State Park. Base of basalt face in underhang., 22.22073 -159.57838

Undet alga
NULLTim Flynn   87062016-12-09
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kokee State Park. Microwave dish site southeast of DOFAW mid elevation nursery site proposed expansion zone., 22.139617 -159.646117

Undet alga
NULLK. R. Wood   173312017-04-04
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, North fork of Wailua River, ca. 1.5 km east of the Blue Hole and below Pohakupele., 22.069304 -159.477147

Undet alga
NULLTim Flynn   86602016-06-30
Samoa, PALAULI DISTRICT, NULL, Forest track above Taga., -13.71663 -172.51274

Undet alga
ptbg1000071019Tim Flynn   87442017-09-18
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Nawiliwili Small boat harbor, breakwater., 21.948728 -159.357911

Undet alga
PTBG1000065143Tim Flynn   88672018-01-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kealia Forest Reserve. Along Kapahi Stream., 22.10724 -159.38416

Undet alga
PTBG1000065153Tim Flynn   88722018-01-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kealia Forest Reserve. Along Kapahi Stream., 22.10807 -159.38463

Undet alga
PTBG1000065134Tim Flynn   88732018-01-27
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Kealia Forest Reserve. Along Kapahi Stream., 22.10807 -159.38463

Undet alga
PTBG1000064584Tim Flynn   87722018-01-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai County, Moloaa Forest Reserve, inland from Hunter Check Station along Hwy 56., 22.17282 -159.36449

Undet alga
K. R. Wood   175782017-10-30
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Forests above Hakahetau, slopes around base of Poumaka., -9.390248 -140.082398

Undet alga
K. R. Wood   176252017-11-03
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Tekohepu, slopes and ridges above Hohoi., -9.411939 -140.066767

Undet alga
K. R. Wood   176782017-11-09
French Polynesia, NULL, NULL, Papuaei, above Atuona and below Vaiee waterfall., -9.779007 -139.067901

Page 1, records 1-55 of 55


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