Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: United Kingdom; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-64 of 64

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000019763Kenneth A. Wilson   25131995-07-29
United Kingdom, SOUTH WEST ENGLAND REGION, Cornwall County, "The Home" Country House Hotel. Penjerrick.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000019762Kenneth A. Wilson   25131995-07-29
United Kingdom, SOUTH WEST ENGLAND REGION, Cornwall County, "The Home" Country House Hotel. Penjerrick.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris affinis subsp. borreri ( Lowe ) Fraser-Jenk.
PTBG1000019761Barbara Joe Hoshizaki   s.n.1995-07-30
United Kingdom, SOUTH WEST ENGLAND REGION, Cornwall County, "The Home" COuntry House Hotel, Penjerrick.

PTBG1000053987Art Whistler   98261995-03-25
United Kingdom, Collected just south of Donkey Gate, uncommon elsewhere.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dryopteris affinis subsp. borreri (Newman) Fraser-Jenk.
PTBG1000019761Barbara Joe Hoshizaki   s.n.1995-07-30
United Kingdom, SOUTH WEST ENGLAND REGION, Cornwall County, "The Home" COuntry House Hotel, Penjerrick.

PTBG1000053987Art Whistler   98261995-03-25
United Kingdom, NULL, NULL, Collected just south of Donkey Gate, uncommon elsewhere.

PTBG1000065635John Game   16/0462016-05-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Kent County, Near the track around Oldbury Hill, on the west side between the track that descends to Styants Bottom and the World War 2 bomb crater; just over mile or so west of Ightham Village.

PTBG1000065505John Game   16/0502016-05-01
United Kingdom, SCOTLAND, NULL, Collarfirth Hill (east of Ronas Hill) near the end (high point) of the road near the radio masts.

Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr.
PTBG1000065612John Game   11/0012011-09-10
United Kingdom, SCOTLAND, Argyll and Bute Council Area, South of Dervaig (uphill from the small road runnng south from Dervaig).

Thamnobryum alopecurum
PTBG1000065666John Game   06/s.n. 12006-12-20
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Shropshire County, Aston/Meadowley Hill, near Morville.

Myurium hockstetteri
PTBG1000065514John Game   71/0011971-08-01
United Kingdom, SCOTLAND, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Council Area, Near the sea, south of Callernish.

Andreaea alpina
PTBG1000065630John Game   68/s.n. 11968-07-01
United Kingdom, SCOTLAND, Sutherland County, Northern Sutherland County.

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
PTBG1000065654John Game   67/s.n. 391967-03-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Ansteys Cove, Torquay, south Devonshire.

Marchesinia mackaii
PTBG1000065518John Game   67/s.n. 381967-03-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Walls Hill, Ansteys Cove, Torquay, south Devonshire.

Fissidens dubius P. Beauv.
PTBG1000065488John Game   67/s.n. 361967-03-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Walls Hill, Ansteys Cove, Torquay, south Devonshire.

Neckera crispa
PTBG1000065476John Game   67/s.n. 351967-03-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Above Ansteys Cove, near Torquay, south Devonshire.

Scorpiurium circinatum
PTBG1000065495John Game   67/s.n. 371967-03-28
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Ansteys Cove, near Torquay, south Devonshire.

Metzgeria fruticulosa auct. amer. [non (Dicks.) A. Evans
PTBG1000065475John Game   67/s.n. 341967-03-27
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Just southeast of Loworthy Brake, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Fissidens polyphyllus
PTBG1000065457John Game   67/s.n. 331967-03-27
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Holne Bridge, south Devonshire.

Hookeria lucens (Hedw.) Sm.
PTBG1000065524John Game   67/s.n. 61967-03-27
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Tortella nitida
PTBG1000065512John Game   67/s.n. 311967-03-26
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, South Grounds Farm, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Bazzania trilobata (L.) S. Gray
PTBG1000065624John Game   67/s.n. 251967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, A little above (i.e. north of) Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area, south Devonshire.

Ditrichum heteromallum (Hedw.) Britt.
PTBG1000065523John Game   67/s.n. 291967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, About half a mile north of Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area, south Devonshire.

Lepidozia cupressina
PTBG1000065517John Game   67/s.n. 281967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, About one mile north of Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area, south Devonshire.

Nardia compressa (Hook.) S. Gray
PTBG1000065469John Game   67/s.n. 271967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Just north of Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area of south Devonshire.

Hyocomium armoricum
PTBG1000065500John Game   67/s.n. 241967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area of south Devonshire.

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000065525John Game   67/s.n. 231967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Shipley Bridge in the Buckfastleigh area of south Devonshire.

Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065477John Game   67/s.n. 321967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area, south Devonshire.

Mylia taylorii (Hook.) S. Gray
PTBG1000065471John Game   67/s.n. 221967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, About 1 mile north of Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh district, south Devonshire.

Isothecium holtii
PTBG1000065459John Game   67/s.n. 301967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleigh area, south Devonshire.

Andreaea rothii Web. & Mohr
PTBG1000065502John Game   67/s.n. 211967-03-25
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Just north of Shipley Bridge, Buckfastleight area, south Devonshire.

PTBG1000065648John Game   67/s.n. 171967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Prawle Point, fairly near high tide mark.

Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid.
PTBG1000065511John Game   67/s.n. 161967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Burlestone Wood, near Gara Bridge, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Schistidium maritimum (Turn.) Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065481John Game   67/s.n. 181967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Prawle Point, south Devonshire.

Frullania dilatata
PTBG1000065506John Game   67/s.n. 141967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Prawle Point, south Devonshire.

Radula complanata (Linnaeus) Dum.
PTBG1000065489John Game   67/s.n. 151967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Burlestone Wood, near Gara Mill, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Porella arboris-vitae
PTBG1000065526John Game   67/s.n. 201967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Burlestone Wood, south of Gara Bridge, near Slapton, south Devon.

Frullania tamarisci (L.) Dumort.
PTBG1000065508John Game   67/s.n. 191967-03-24
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Near Prawle Point, south Devonshire.

Metzgeria furcata (L.) Dumort.
PTBG1000065617John Game   67/s.n. 101967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Neckera complanata (Hedw.) Hüb.
PTBG1000065494John Game   67/s.n. 81967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Eurhynchium crassinervium
PTBG1000065470John Game   67/s.n. 51967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Just west of Higher Ley, just south of Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Neckera pumila
PTBG1000065458John Game   67/s.n. 131967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood near the valley bottom, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Platyhypnidium riparioides
PTBG1000065513John Game   67/s.n. 71967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Lejeunea lamacerina (Steph.) Schiffn.
PTBG1000065507John Game   67/s.n. 121967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Chiloscyphus polyanthos (Linnaeus) Corda
PTBG1000065501John Game   67/s.n. 91967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Oxyrrhynchium swartzii
PTBG1000065496John Game   67/s.n. 111967-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Just west of Higher Ley and south of Slapton Wood, near Slapton, south Devonshire.

Porella platyphylla (Linnaeus) Pfeiff.
PTBG1000065642John Game   67/s.n. 41967-03-22
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Devonshire County, Slapton, south Devonshire.

Didymodon fallax (Hedw.) Zand.
PTBG1000065618John Game   67/s.n. 4a1967-03-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Oxfordshire County, Bagley Wood, near Kennington.

Eurhynchium striatum
PTBG1000065629John Game   67/s.n. 31967-02-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Oxfordshire County, Wytham Wood, near Oxford.

Homalia trichomanoides (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065611John Game   67/s.n. 21967-02-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Oxfordshire County, Wytham Wood, near Oxford.

Campylium chrysophyllum (Brid.) J. Lange
PTBG1000065499John Game   67/S.N. 11967-02-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Oxfordshire County, Near Wytham Wood, near Oxford.

Anthelia julacea (L.) Dum.
PTBG1000065520John Game   66/s.n. 31966-07-01
United Kingdom, SCOTLAND, Inverness-shire County, On the southwest side of Ben Nevis.

Platygyrium repens (Brid.) Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065660John Game   66/s.n. 11966-05-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Oxfordshire County, Bagley Wood, near Oxford.

Cryphaea heteromalla
PTBG1000065465John Game   64/s.n. 21964-03-23
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, On the grounds of Bryanston School, near Blandford.

Anomodon viticulosus (Hedw.) Hook. & Tayl.
PTBG1000065605John Game   62/s.n. 91962-12-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, Bryanston School, near Blandford.

Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065606John Game   62/s.n. 101962-12-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, Near Bryanston School, near Blandford.

Hylocomiadelphus triquetrus
PTBG1000065482John Game   62/s.n. 81962-10-11
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, Near Dorchester.

Buckiella undulata
PTBG1000065487John Game   62/s.n. 71962-10-10
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, Near Dorchester.

Ctenidium molluscum auct. E. Amer.
PTBG1000065623John Game   62/s.n. 61962-08-01
United Kingdom, WALES, Pembrokeshire County, Whitesands Bay, near St. Davids.

Pogonatum urnigerum (Hedw.) P. Beauv.
PTBG1000065483John Game   62/s.n. 51962-08-01
United Kingdom, WALES, Pembrokeshire County, Middle Mill, near Solva.

Polytrichastrum formosum (Hedw.) G.L. Sm.
PTBG1000065636John Game   62/s.n. 41962-04-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Kent County, Oldbury Hill, about a mile west of Ightham Village, five miles east of Sevenoaks.

Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G.
PTBG1000065463John Game   62/s.n. 31962-04-01
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Kent County, At Oldbury Hill, near Ightham, near Sevenoaks.

Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv.
PTBG1000065493John Game   62/s.n. 21962-03-17
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Kent County, At Oldbury Farm, near Ightham, about five miles east of Sevenoaks.

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000065519John Game   62/s.n. 11962-02-10
United Kingdom, ENGLAND, Dorset County, Near the Science Building at Bryanston School near Blandford.

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