Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Tonga; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 458

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000031919Art Whistler   67341989-05-30
Tonga, NULL, NULL, In the yard of Henelei Sa'afi, in the village of Ha'asini.

PTBG1000077245Art Whistler   66921989-05-24
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Growing in a plantation at Fatai village.

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
9898Steve Perlman   161012018-10-01
Tonga, EUA: northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs. In good native forests w/ Pandanus tectorius, Xylosma, Wikstroemia, Wollstonia biflora, Ficus prolixa, Psydrax odorata, Burckella richii, Pittosporum arborescens, Santalum yasi, Scaevola sericea, Pittosporum yunkeri, Hoya, Terminalia, Dysoxylum tongense, Geniostoma rupestre, Alphitonia, Harpullia arborea, Lantana, Neiosperma, Bikkia, 158m

Micromelum minutum Wight & Arn.
PTBG1000078093Steve Perlman   160881997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

Badusa corymbifera (G.Forst.) A.Gray
PTBG1000067209Steve Perlman   160891997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

PTBG0073856Steve Perlman   160901997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

PTBG1000056342K. R. Wood   68771997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs., -21.383333 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010359K. R. Wood   68631997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On limestone cliffs, central eastern forest and coastal cliffs. 10 degrees north-east asp., -21.383333 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucas decemdentata (Willd.) Sm.
PTBG1000007847K. R. Wood   68751997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs; 10 degrees north-east asp., -21.383333 -174.9

Procris pedunculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Wedd.
PTBG1000082609K. R. Wood   68761997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs., -21.383333 -174.9

Tectaria cf. jardinii
2846Steve Perlman   160892017-10-01
Tonga, EUA: on steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge, 800 ft. elev. on limestone cliffs in Calophyllum - Garcinia rain forest with Alphitonia, Excoecaria, Bikkia tetrandra, Wollastonia biflora, Clerodendrum inerme, Pittosporum yunkeri, Fagraea berteroana,Diospyros elliptica, Syzygium richii, Wikstroemia, Mussaenda, Omalanthus, Ficus, Pandanus, Neonauclea, Dysoxylum, Podocarpus, Cyrtandra

PTBG1000039028Steve Perlman   160811997-10-16
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central plateau, western slope of the eastern ridge, Heke Conservation area, off tree plantation roads.

Alphitonia zizyphoides (Sol. ex Spreng.) A.Gray
PTBG1000064065Steve Perlman   160821997-10-16
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central plateau, western slope of the eastern ridge, Heke Conservation area, off tree plantation roads.

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
PTBG1000056346Steve Perlman   160831997-10-16
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central plateau, western slope of the eastern ridge, Heke Conservation area, off tree plantation roads.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010723Steve Perlman   160841997-10-16
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central plateau, western slope of the eastern ridge, Heke Conservation area,off tree plantation roads.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Graptophyllum insularum (A.Gray) A.C.Smith
PTBG1000037746Steve Perlman   160861997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

Syzygium richii (A.Gray) Merr. & Perry
PTBG1000051942Steve Perlman   160871997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Homalanthus nutans (G. Forst.) Guill.
PTBG1000052555Steve Perlman   160911997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
PTBG1000056370Steve Perlman   160921997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On steep slopes near summit of eastern ridge.

PTBG1000056330Steve Perlman   160941997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Cliffs & slopes near summit of Eastern ridge.

Psychotria carnea (G.Forst.) A.C.Sm.
PTBG1000053704Steve Perlman   160951997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Cliffs & slopes near summit of Eastern ridge.

PTBG1000011108Steve Perlman   16096A1997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Cliffs & slopes near summit of Eastern ridge.

Citronella samoensis (A.Gray) R.A.Howard
PTBG1000007612Steve Perlman   160971997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Forested slopes near summit of Eastern ridge.

Burckella richii (A.Gray) H.J.Lam
PTBG1000079571Steve Perlman   160981997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs.

Psydrax odorata (G.Forst.) A.C.Sm. & S.P.Darwin
PTBG1000075572Steve Perlman   160991997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hoya australis R.Br. ex Traill
PTBG1000039449Steve Perlman   161001997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs.

PTBG1000079213Steve Perlman   161011997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs.

PTBG1000078848Steve Perlman   161021997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs.

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
PTBG1000056376Steve Perlman   161031997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Northeast side, Kahana, on sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038667Steve Perlman   161041997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Between Kahana and Mahina Hopu, northeast side, on sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007845Steve Perlman   161051997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Between Kahana and Mahina Hopu, northeast side, on sea cliffs.

Harpullia arborea (Blanco) Radlk.
PTBG1000079508Steve Perlman   161061997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Between Kahana and Mahina Hopu, northeast side.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008972Steve Perlman   161071997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Between Kahana and Mahina Hopu, northeast side.

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
Steve Perlman   161081997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Mahina Hopu, along road to Queens estate.

PTBG1000079225Steve Perlman   161091997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Mahina Hopu, along road to Queens estate.

Tarenna sambucina (G. Forst.) T. Durand ex Drake
PTBG1000076994Steve Perlman   161101997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Mahina Hopu, along road to Queens estate.

ptbg1000073848Steve Perlman   161111997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Sea cliffs between Kahana and Mahina Hopu Estate.

Burckella richii (A.Gray) H.J.Lam
PTBG1000079566Steve Perlman   161121997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Sea cliffs between Kahana and Mahina Hopu Estate.

PTBG1000056324Steve Perlman   161131997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Sea cliffs between Kahana and Mahina Hopu Estate.

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
PTBG1000056352Steve Perlman   161141997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Utula aina Pt. north end.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hoya australis R.Br. ex Traill
PTBG1000039447Steve Perlman   161151997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Utula aina Pt. north end.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros foliosa var. elliptica (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Dorr
PTBG1000048565Steve Perlman   161161997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Utula aina Pt. north end.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Decaisnina forsteriana (Schult.fil.) Barlow
PTBG1000009374Steve Perlman   161171997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Utula aina Pt. north end.

Burckella richii (A.Gray) H.J.Lam
10658Steve Perlman   161101997-10-18
Tonga, EUA: Mahina Hopu, along road to Queens estate. In Native forest and Pine plantings with Xylosma, Wikstroemia, Psidium guajava, Casuarina, Rhus, Psydrax odorata, Burckella richii, Pittosporum arborescens, Santalum yasi, Hoya, Stachytarpheta, Tarenna sambucina, Jasminum, Diospyros, Canarium harveyi, Alphitonia zizyphoides, Harpullia arborea, Lantana, Neiosperma, 152m

Maesa tonganensis
PTBG1000063335Steve Perlman   161201997-10-22
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Mt. Moungaiaoa, Ulukalala estate, tu'anuku.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anacolosa lutea Gillespie
PTBG1000043814Steve Perlman   161211997-10-22
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Muitoulu, Taolafa Lookout area, along top of sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Memecylon harveyi
PTBG1000010730Steve Perlman   161221997-10-22
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Muitoulu, Taolafa Lookout area, along top of sea cliffs.

Diospyros elliptica (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) P.S. Green
8789Steve Perlman   161141997-10-21
Tonga, VAVAU: Utula aina Pt. north end in native forest with Planchonella, Alphitonia zizyphoides, Rhus taitensis, Alyxia, Hoya australis, Cocos nucifera, Diospyros ellipica, Ochrosia, Wikstroemia, Morinda citrifolia, Casuarina, Cordyline, Stachytarpheta, Dodonaea viscosa, Pittosporum

Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros foliosa var. elliptica (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Dorr
PTBG1000048562K. R. Wood   69251997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Rhamnella vitiensis (Benth.) A. C. Sm.
PTBG1000064134K. R. Wood   69311997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Colubrina asiatica (L.) Brongn.
PTBG1000064075K. R. Wood   69381997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023347K. R. Wood   68701997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs;10 degrees north-east asp., -21.383333 -174.9

Melanthera biflora (L.) Wild.
K. R. Wood   68691997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs., -21.383333 -174.9

Pittosporum arborescens Rich. ex A. Gray
PTBG1000056328K. R. Wood   68721997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs., -21.383333 -174.9

Colubrina asiatica (L.) Brongn.
15196K.R. Wood   69251997-10-21
Tonga, VAVAU: north-west sea cliffs and lowland coastal forest with rich brown soil and limestone outcrops., 91m

Melanthera biflora (L.) Wild.
15198K.R. Wood   68661997-10-17
Tonga, EUA: central eastern forest and coastal cliffs; Calophyllum neo-ebudicum mixed upland rain forest above limestoe cliffs with Dysoxylum tongense, Alyxia stellata, Embelia vaupelii & Macropiper puberula; A series of steep cliffs interrupted by narrow terraces, leading to a coastal forest. 10 degrees north-east asp., 274m

Psychotria faguetii (Baill.) Schltr.
8789K.R. Wood   68721997-10-17
Tonga, EUA: central eastern forest and coastal cliffs; Calophyllum neo-ebudicum mixed upland rain forest above limestoe cliffs with Dysoxylum tongense, Alyxia stellata, Embelia vaupelii & Macropiper puberula; A series of steep cliffs interrupted by narrow terraces, leading to a coastal forest. 10 degrees north-east asp., 274m

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000032091K. R. Wood   68911997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea cliffs; 10--430 ft elevation.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia simplex (Sparrm.) Pedley
PTBG1000000793K. R. Wood   69121997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hypolepis tenuifolia (G. Forst.) Bernh.
PTBG1000016620K. R. Wood   69001997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea cliffs. 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

PTBG1000072080K. R. Wood   68881997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs. 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.
PTBG1000007028K. R. Wood   69091997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; wind-swept cliff vegetation terraceing down to strand vege- tation. 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.
PTBG1000007027K. R. Wood   69131997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; wind-swept cliff vegetation terraceing down to strand vege- tation. 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

K. R. Wood   68921997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hoya australis R.Br. ex Traill
PTBG1000039450K. R. Wood   68861997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.
K. R. Wood   69141997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T.Blake
PTBG1000032017K. R. Wood   69151997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000036194K. R. Wood   69161997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retz.) Trin.
PTBG1000032185K. R. Wood   69171997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs;10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dennstaedtia parksii Copel. ex Morton
PTBG1000071130K. R. Wood   69021997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenotaphrum micranthum (Desv.) C.E.Hubb.
PTBG1000037129K. R. Wood   69181997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

PTBG1000055012K. R. Wood   68931997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

K. R. Wood   68871997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leucas decemdentata (Willd.) Sm.
PTBG1000007846K. R. Wood   68941997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; 10--430 ft elevation.

PTBG1000055504K. R. Wood   68981997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scleria neocaledonica
PTBG1000028619K. R. Wood   68951997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; wind-swept cliff vegetation terracing down to strand vegetation. 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

15245K.R. Wood   69021997-10-18
Tonga, EUA: Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; wind-swept cliff vegetation terraceing down to strand vege- tation. 10--430 ft elevation.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ochrosia oppositifolia (Lam.) K. Schum.
PTBG1000039504K. R. Wood   68971997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thuarea involuta (G. Forst.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000037050K. R. Wood   69061997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr.
PTBG1000003885K. R. Wood   69051997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; wind-swept cliff vegetation terracing down to strand vegetation. 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia atoto G. Forst.
PTBG1000049677K. R. Wood   69041997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft. regional elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023187K. R. Wood   69031997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000001957K. R. Wood   69081997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; north-east sea-cliffs; wind-swept cliff vegetation terraceing down to strand vegetation. 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

PTBG1000082530K. R. Wood   69101997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area; 10-430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Myristica hypargyraea subsp. hypargyraea
PTBG1000013734K. R. Wood   68991997-10-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Kahana Spring area;10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Decaisnina forsteriana (Schult.fil.) Barlow
PTBG1000009373K. R. Wood   69291997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

PTBG1000071967K. R. Wood   69281997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, North-west sea-cliffs., -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008971K. R. Wood   69201997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Abundant down to near sea level., -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Alyxia stellata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000039250K. R. Wood   69241997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008970K. R. Wood   69271997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008627K. R. Wood   69231997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Gynochthodes myrtifolia (A.Gray) Razafim. & B.Bremer
ptbg1000073719K. R. Wood   69191997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Ixora calcicola A.C. Sm.
PTBG1000072868K. R. Wood   69211997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, NULL, -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000029519K. R. Wood   68711997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs. A series of steep cliffs interrupted by narrow terraces, leading to a coastal forest. 10 degrees north-east asp., -21.383333 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000039419K. R. Wood   68741997-10-17
Tonga, NULL, NULL, Central eastern forest and coastal cliffs. A series of steep cliffs interrupted by narrow terraces, leading to a coastal forest. Elev. ca 900 fr. ; 10 degrees north-east asp., -21.383333 -174.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schleinitzia insularum (Guill.) Burkart
PTBG1000003515K. R. Wood   69071998-04-18
Tonga, NULL, NULL, North east sea cliffs; Kahana Springs area; 10--430 ft elevation., -21.3 -173.933333

Aidia graeffei (Reinecke) Tirveng.
PTBG1000064439K. R. Wood   69341997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On ocean side of plantation road., -18.566667 -173.933333

Zanthoxylum pinnatum (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Druce
PTBG1000000172K. R. Wood   69351997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, North-west sea cliffs and lowland coastal forests; rich brown soil and limestone outcrops;ich and relatively undisturbed on ocean side of plantation road., -18.566667 -173.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka
PTBG1000033955K. R. Wood   69361997-10-21
Tonga, VAVAU, NULL, On ocean side of plantation road., -18.566667 -173.933333

Maesa tonganensis
PTBG1000063329K. R. Wood   69371997-10-21
Tonga, NULL, NULL, On ocean side of plantation road., -18.566667 -173.933333

Page 1, records 1-100 of 458


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