12341 David H. Lorence 8892 2002-06-04
Samoan Islands, TAU: Fitiuta District, National Park of American Samoa, Saua site, transect at 1800 m from N entrance heading toward Siu Point; secondary coastal forest with Dysoxylum, Macaranga harveyana, Pipturus, Ficus scabra, Morinda citrifolia, and old agroforest with Artocarpus altilis.
15003 Art Whistler 11377 2000-07-05
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the lowland forest south of Salelologa., 50m
2929 Tim Flynn 1989-s.n.2 1989-10-01
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Apia. Central Market. Plant materials purchased in market.
10289 Art Whistler 8067 1991-04-11
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: On the north end of the ridge just to the west of Afono Bay.
8742 David H. Lorence 8710 2001-06-18
Samoan Islands, OFU: National Park of Americ an Samoa, To`aga site, between coastal road and shoreline, w estern end of park; littoral forest with Hernandia nymphaeif olia, Barringtonia asiatica, Hibiscus tiliaceus, and Thespesia populnea, on coral sand substrate and scattered basalt boulders. Survey station 25+50-40., 4m
6368 David H. Lorence 8666 2001-04-28
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: NW sector of island , along ridge from Leaumasili Point towards Piamafua Mountai n, near site of abandoned village of Sili uta; montane wet f orest with Syzygium spp, Diospyros samoensis, Alphitonia, R hus, Incarpus, Cocos, Artocarpus, Psychotria, Tarenna, eleva tion 160-180 m.
2703 David H. Lorence 8746 2001-06-20
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: trail from above Le aumasili Point toward Piumafua Mountain along Alei ridge, so uth of Sili Uta village site abandoned since 1981; secondary and disturbed primary wet forest on ridge with Ficus, Diospy ros, Tarenna, Inocarpus, Syzygium, Flacourtia, Alphitonia, D ysoxylum, Myristica, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Rhus taitensis, etc . on deep brown soil, elevation. c. 200-245 m.
16275 David H. Lorence 8754 2001-06-21
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: trail from above Leaumasili Point toward Piumafua Mountain along Alei ridge, so uth of Sili Uta village site abandoned since 1981; secondary and disturbed primary wet forest on ridge with Ficus spp, D iospyros spp, Alphitonia, Rhus taitensis, Syzygium spp, Dy soxylum, Myristica, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Morinda, etc. on deep brown soil., 270m
12228 David H. Lorence 8755 2001-06-21
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: trail from above Le aumasili Point toward Piumafua Mountain along Alei ridge, so uth of Sili Uta village site abandoned since 1981; secondary and disturbed primary wet forest on ridge with Ficus spp, D iospyros spp, Alphitonia, Rhus taitensis, Syzygium spp, Dy soxylum, Myristica, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Morinda, etc. on dee p brown soil, elevation 270 m.
15189 David H. Lorence 8756 2001-06-21
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: trail from above Le aumasili Point toward Piumafua Mountain along Alei ridge, so uth of Sili Uta village site abandoned since 1981; secondary and disturbed primary wet forest on ridge with Ficus spp, D iospyros spp, Alphitonia, Rhus taitensis, Syzygium spp, Dy soxylum, Myristica, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Morinda, etc. on dee p brown soil, elevation 270 m.
7456 David H. Lorence 8757 2001-06-21
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: trail from above Le aumasili Point toward Piumafua Mountain along Alei ridge, so uth of Sili Uta village site abandoned since 1981; secondary and disturbed primary wet forest on ridge with Ficus spp, D iospyros spp, Alphitonia, Rhus taitensis, Syzygium spp, Dy soxylum, Myristica, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Morinda, etc. on dee p brown soil, elevation 270 m.
8905 David H. Lorence 8733 2001-06-19
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: Leaumasili Point on N tip of island; coastal littoral forest with Barrintonia a siatica and Pisonia grandis dominant, elevation 5-10 m.
7196 David H. Lorence 8734 2001-06-19
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: Asaga Strait, E end of causeway bridge along roadside above littoral vegetation with Scaevola, etc. elevation 5-6 m.
2083 David H. Lorence 8767 2001-06-22
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: from Leaumasili Poi nt towards Piumafua Mountain along Alei Ridge; disturbed or primary montane wet forest with Szyzgium spp, Diospyros spp , Rhus taitensis, Alphitonia zizyphoides, Planchonella, Fic us spp, Morinda citrifolia, Glochidion, canopy with Faraday a, Gynochtodes, some invasion by Derris malaccensis & Clidem ia hirta, on rich brown soil, elevation 290-300 m.
15594 David H. Lorence 8775 2001-06-23
Samoan Islands, OFU: National Park of Americ an Samoa, To`aga site, along roadside from western end towar d middle part of park; littoral forest with Hernandia nympha eifolia, Guettarda speciosa, Barringtonia asiatica, mixed wi th agroforest plantings of coconut and bananas, over coral s and substrate, elevation 3-4 m.
17984 Tim Flynn 6966 2002-01-28
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Along main road west of Falelima. Secondary vegetation of Mimosa, Sida, Digitaria, Polygala, and Macroptilium., 61m
13014 G. T. Prance 30865 2001-04-30
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: 1.1 m on road from Aua to Af ono. In forest remnant by roadside.
1277 G. T. Prance 30866 2002-05-18
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Saipipi Village. Growing in garden of Lusila Tofa.
1212 Stephanie Dunbar 4 2002-04-05
Samoan Islands, TAU: Saua, NPAS. Habitat: Agroforest dominated by Cocos nucifera, Artocarpus altilis and Macaranga harveyana. Understory composed of juvenile Artocarpus altilis, Cocos nucifera, Oplismenus compositus and Asplenium nidus., 3m
12909 Diane Ragone 2001-33 2001-06-23
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: Agroforest behind Olosega village. Transect 5B; Heading 305 NW. Canopy of Artocarpus altilis, with bananas, Musa x paradisica, and Colocasia esculenta, some Alocasia macrorrhiza, Heliconia laufao, Zingiber zerumbet, Polyscias guilfoylei, Cordyline fruticosa, Carica papaya, Macrothelypteris torresiana, numerous Nephrolepis hirsutula, Oplismenus compositus, Mikania micrantha. Seedlings and juveniles of Diospyros samoense, Morinda citrifolia, Ficus scabr a, Macaranga harveyana, and Pipturus argenteus., 3m
5097 Diane Ragone 2001-28 2001-06-23
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: Agroforest behind Olosega village. Transect 2; Canopy of Artocarpus altilis, Cocos nucifera, with bananas Musa x paradisica, Manihot esculenta,Colocasia esculenta, Alocasia macrorrhiza, few Pandanus tectorius, Bischofia javonica, Clerodendrum buchanii, Dioscorea bulbifera, numerous Epipremnum pinnatum, Christella harveyi, Nephrolepis hirsutula, Syn edrella nodiflora, Oplismenus compositus, and Mikania micrantha. Seedlings and juveniles of Morinda citr ifolia, Dysoxylum samoense, and ficus scabra., 5m
15692 Diane Ragone 2001-31 2001-06-23
Samoan Islands, OLOSEGA: Agroforest behind Olosega village. Transect 2; Canopy of Artocarpus altilis, Cocos nucifera, wi th bananas Musa x paradisica, Manihot esculenta,Colocasia esculenta, Alocasia macrorrhiza, few Pandanus tectorius, Bischofia javonica, Clerodendrum buchanii, Dioscorea bulbifera, numerous Epipremnum pinnatum, Christella harveyi, Nephrolepis hirsutula, Syn edrella nodiflora, Oplismenus compositus, and Mikania micrantha. Seedlings and juveniles of Morinda citr ifolia, Dysoxylum samoense, and ficus scabra., 5m
17042 Art Whistler 9468 1994-05-02
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Lava flow just to the east of Aopo beside the road., 100m
11067 Art Whistler 9203 1993-05-11
Samoan Islands, Marsh behind Tau Village.
5379 Art Whistler 8648 1992-06-07
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: On the north slope of the Leapu Stream valley west of Vatioa Village., 140m
17414 Art Whistler 11090 1998-05-04
Samoan Islands, TAU: In scrubby vegetation near Mt. Lata at the top of the islands., 905m
12146 Art Whistler 11021 1998-05-05
Samoan Islands, TAU: In scrubby vegetation near the top of the island on Mt. Lata., 910m
15003 Art Whistler 6854 1989-08-07
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the littoral/coastal forest on the Taga coast.
14994 Art Whistler 7625 1990-12-19
Samoan Islands, TAU: Along the Au Vai ole Ia Stream., 200m
17358 Art Whistler 7739 1990-12-31
Samoan Islands, TAU: On forest floor on Liu Beach on the south couast of the islands., 250m
15193 Tim Flynn 3708 1989-12-04
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Mt. Maliota; disturbed montane rain forest dominated by Dysoxylum. Elev. 1800-1900 ft.
5379 Art Whistler 6913 1989-08-13
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: On the rim of Mt. Fiamoe., 700m
15003 Art Whistler 8657 1992-06-07
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the forest on Faiga Ridge near Vatia Village., 260m
17478 Art Whistler 7662 1990-12-20
Samoan Islands, TAU: Beside the road south of Fitiuta.
12338 Art Whistler 7545
Samoan Islands, TAU: In littoral areas at the southeast corner of the island.
17527 Art Whistler 10262 1996-08-06
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: On the edge of a lava flow above Aopo., 1320m
10289 Art Whistler 9304 1993-10-08
Samoan Islands, TAU: In the scrub vegetation on the slopes of Laufuti Stream., 60m
10289 Art Whistler 9304 1993-10-08
Samoan Islands, TAU: In the scrub vegetation on the slopes of Laufuti Stream., 60m
10289 Art Whistler 8332 1991-09-17
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Nu`utele, in the coastal forest at the end of the ridge on the north side of the Bay.
17664 Art Whistler 8015 1991-01-09
Samoan Islands, TAU: At the top of Faleiulu Stream. Montane forest., 620m
17664 Art Whistler 11013 1998-05-05
Samoan Islands, TAU: Near the summit of the island on Mt. Lata. Scrubby vegetation., 910m
17665 Art Whistler 9128 1993-04-29
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: Tafuna, in the Ottoville Forest., 30m
17665 Tim Flynn 3682 1989-12-01
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Tafua Cinder Cone, Cape Paepaeoleia, SW of Salelologa. Elev. 200-250 ft. Diverse lowland forest with Pometia, Dysoxylum, and Psychotria.
17666 Art Whistler 10256 1996-08-06
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Above the village of Aopo. Rainforest., 1200m
17667 Art Whistler 9340 1993-10-15
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: Above Amalua Falls., 300m
17712 Tim Flynn 3610a 1989-10-25
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Vaipu, Fusiluaga Swamp, north of road along Vaigafa stream. Montane Swamp forest of Hibiscus, Barringtonia, Palaquim, and Canthium with Stenochlaena as a common epiphyte., 229m
12634 Art Whistler 7523 1990-12-15
Samoan Islands, TAU: North of Luatele Crater in disturbed lowland forest., 380m
12634 Art Whistler 8007 1991-01-09
Samoan Islands, TAU: Along the Faleiulu Stream. In forest., 620m
12634 Tim Flynn 3621 1989-10-25
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Vaipu, behind Afulilo Falls in forest dominated by Fagraea, Barringtonia, Calophyllum, Canthium, Terminalia, Freycinetia, and Mapania., 305m
12149 Art Whistler 7568 1990-12-17
Samoan Islands, TAU: On rocks on the cliff on the south coast of the island near sea level.
12149 Art Whistler 8905 1992-12-18
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: Along the trail through the forest down to Tuafanua beach west of Vatia., 20m
16363 Art Whistler 7513 1990-12-15
Samoan Islands, TAU: In the forest on the north rim of Luatele Crater., 340m
17681 Tim Flynn 3657 1989-10-28
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Sigaele Crater; secondary forest with occasional areas of swiddon running to pristine montane forest around rim of crater. Elev. 2500-2800 ft.
5710 Tim Flynn 6567 1999-07-18
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: Pako Amerika Samoa; Fagasa Pass. Al ong Mt. Alava trail from Hwy 005 towards Mt. Alava. Secondar y vegetation with Mikania, Hibiscus, Costus, Omalanthus, Can anga, Leucaena, Paraserianthes, and Centotheca., 338m
5128 Tim Flynn 3720 1989-12-05
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: Vai'ula between Tafatafa and Matautu; disturbed littoral scrub under Cocos canopy just behind beach., 2m
5850 Art Whistler 9021 1992-12-27
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: On the shore at Amalau Beach.
Undet Rosaceae spp.
7023 Art Whistler 9020 1992-12-27
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the forest near the shore at Amalau Beach.
4031 Tim Flynn 6546a 1999-07-17
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: between Poloa and Fagamalo, "Maloat a Trail". Secondary forest grading into disturbed primary fo rest with Inocarpus, Macaranga, Syzygium, Alyxia, Flacourtia , Myristica, Alphitonia, Aglaia, Piper, Maesa, Barringtonia, Cinnamomum, and Ficus. Elev. ca 400-600 ft.
10581 Tim Flynn 6547a 1999-07-17
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: between Poloa and Fagamalo, "Maloat a Trail". Secondary forest grading into disturbed primary fo rest with Inocarpus, Macaranga, Syzygium, Alyxia, Flacourtia , Myristica, Alphitonia, Aglaia, Piper, Maesa, Barringtonia, Cinnamomum, and Ficus. Elev. ca 400-600 ft.
3339 Art Whistler 8770 1992-06-14
Samoan Islands, OFU: On the slope just to the East of Va'oto marsh., 10m
18431 Art Whistler 8744 1992-06-12
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: North slope of Alava Ridge east of the TV transmitter. Montane forest., 390m
9300 Art Whistler 8495 1992-04-16
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In disturbed forest North of Aoloau Village., 300m
10909 Art Whistler 8803 1992-06-15
Samoan Islands, OFU: In disturbed areas along the road to the microwave tower., 400m
12569 Art Whistler 8487 1992-04-15
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In disturbed places at the southwest corner of Fagafue Bay., 20m
2481 Art Whistler 9488 1994-05-07
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Ca. 100 m inland from Sasina. Growing beside the plantation road.
15128 Art Whistler 8766 1992-06-14
Samoan Islands, OFU: In sandy plantations East of Vaoto., 4m
18432 Art Whistler 8850 1992-06-17
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the cloud forest on a crater near Mt. Silisili., 1700m
18433 Art Whistler 9489 1994-05-08
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In disturbed forest near Mali`oli`o., 480m
16409 Art Whistler 9585 1994-06-21
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In disturbed cloud forest just to the north of Mt. Lepue., 900m
18441 Art Whistler 9588 1994-06-21
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In the disturbed cloud forest on Mt. Lepue., 1000m
18442 Art Whistler 9580 1994-06-21
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In the disturbed cloud forest just to the east of Mt. Lepue., 1000m
13857 Art Whistler 9498 1994-05-08
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the disturbed forest inland of Samalaeulu near Maliolio., 480m
18443 Art Whistler 9597 1994-06-21
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In the disturbed cloud forest near Mt. Lepue., 950m
6704 Art Whistler 9622 1994-06-26
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In the disturbed cloud forest just north of Mt. Lepue., 950m
16368 Art Whistler 9507 1994-05-09
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Near the rim of Matavanu Crater. Lava flow scrub., 600m
16388 Art Whistler 8829 1992-06-16
Samoan Islands, OFU: In the coastal forest on the southwest side of Sunuitao Peak., 30m
18627 Art Whistler 9064 1992-12-31
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the fernland on top of Mt. Pioa., 480m
Boerhavia alba
15004 Art Whistler 9058 1992-12-29
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In lawns and disturbed places at the head of Leone Valley.
11144 Art Whistler 9059 1992-12-27
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the lawn of the elementary school at the north end of Vatia Village.
18633 Art Whistler 9026 1992-12-27
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: On the cliff along the northeast end of Polauta Ridge near Vatia.
19603 Art Whistler 8867 1992-06-17
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: On the rim of a crater southeast of Mt. Silisili, in cloud forest., 1750m
5443 Art Whistler 9015 1992-12-27
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: Occasional in the slope forest near the road through Amalau Valley., 70m
14994 Art Whistler 11378 2000-07-05
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the lowland forest south of Salelologa., 50m
14994 Art Whistler 8529 1992-06-01
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the ridge forest NNW of Afono Pass., 250m
14994 Art Whistler 10029 1996-05-17
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: On a ridge about 5km East of Afulilo Dam., 485m
5379 Art Whistler 10992 1998-05-04
Samoan Islands, TAU: In the scrubby vegetation at the top of the island near Mt. Lana., 905m
15193 Art Whistler 8581 1992-06-03
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the forest on Sauma Ridge just to the east of Vatia., 180m
17245 Art Whistler 10004 1996-05-14
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In the montane forest on the rim of Mt. Fito., 1050m
12572 Art Whistler 8543 1992-06-01
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: On the cliff face of a small knoll on the ridge NNW of Afono Pass., 320m
17414 Art Whistler 10024 1996-05-17
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: At the summit of a ridge about 5km E of Afulilo Dam., 485m
4293 Art Whistler 11481 2000-11-09
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In disturbed places along the road above Asau., 500m
16275 Art Whistler 11432 2000-10-31
Samoan Islands, AUNUU: In the ridge forest on the south rim of the crater.
4293 Art Whistler 11553 2001-11-11
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the disturbed and plantation forests above Asau., 200m
4310 Art Whistler 8471 1992-04-14
Samoan Islands, TUTUILA: In the forest on the headland between Afono and O`a Bay., 30m
16275 Art Whistler 11612 2001-12-14
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: On the lava flow just to the west of A`opo village., 200m
Diospyros spp.
4031 Art Whistler 11737 2003-11-29
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the coastal and lowland forest in Asau Village., 5m
4309 Art Whistler 11457 2000-11-07
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: Mauga. By the roadside in a patch of disturbed forest.
16275 Art Whistler 11462 2000-11-08
Samoan Islands, SAVAII: In the lava flow scrub vegetation just to the west of Aopo., 200m
4033 Art Whistler 11646 2002-08-25
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: On the south summit of Mt. Vaea just south of the turn in the trail up to Mt. Vaea., 300m
19431 Art Whistler 10020 1996-05-17
Samoan Islands, UPOLU: In the forest on a ridge about 5 km west of Afulilo Dam., 485m