PTBG1000018423 G. Rouhan 203 2003-06-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Crête du Dimitile., -21.209167 55.483611
PTBG1000018422 G. Rouhan 247 2003-04-15
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de Bébour., -21.114444 55.565
PTBG1000017953 G. Rouhan 226 2003-11-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de de la Plaine des Fougères. Sentier montant au bord du cirque de la Salazie Sentier de la rivière., -20.985833 55.512778
PTBG1000018411 G. Rouhan 208 2003-07-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Sentier du Tremblet., -21.295278 55.796389
PTBG1000018427 G. Rouhan 235 2003-04-19
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Bass Vallée, Ravine Pérote. Sur des rochers, dans le lit d'un torrent non permanent., -21.340278 55.710556
PTBG1000018426 G. Rouhan 246 2003-04-15
Reunion, NULL, NULL, FORET DE BÉBOUR. Bois de sans soucis, sentier de l'ilet Alcide., -21.128611 55.571667
Elaphoglossum hybridum var. vulcani
PTBG1000018400 G. Rouhan 219 2003-04-10
Reunion, NULL, NULL, VOLCAN DE LA FOURNAISE. Cratère Commerson, dans une fissure., -21.258333 55.643333
Elaphoglossum hybridum var. hybridum
PTBG1000018396 G. Rouhan 217 2003-04-25
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque du Cilaos. Le long sentier GR Rl entre "Le Bloc" et le gite de la caverne Dufour.
PTBG1000017958 G. Rouhan 216 2003-09-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque du Cilaos. Le long sentier GR Rl entre "Le Bloc" et le gite de la caverne Dufour.
PTBG1000018429 G. Rouhan 212 2003-09-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque du Cilaos. Le long sentier GR Rl entre "Le Bloc" et le gite de la caverne Dufour. Sur un vieux mur au bord du sentier.
PTBG1000018428 G. Rouhan 221 2003-10-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Volcan de la Fournaise . Pas de Belecombe, bord du sentier descendant dans l'enclos., -21.222222 55.69
PTBG1000018418 G. Rouhan 231 2003-11-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de la Plaine des Fougerères. Sentier montant as bord du cirque de la Salzie., -20.985833 55.512778
PTBG1000018412 G. Rouhan 248 2003-04-15
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de Bébour. Sentier de la rivière., -21.114444 55.565
PTBG1000018417 G. Rouhan 205 2003-06-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Crête du Dimitile; Foreêt ericoide basse., -21.201667 55.483333
PTBG1000018415 G. Rouhan 207 2003-06-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Crête du Dimitile., -21.201667 55.483333
PTBG1000018425 G. Rouhan 213 2003-09-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque du Cilaos. Le long de sentier GR R1 entre "Le Bloc" et le gite de la caverne Dufour. Sur des rochers au bord du chemin.
PTBG1000018424 G. Rouhan 225 2003-11-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de la Plaine des Fougères. Sentier montant au bord du cirque de la Salazie., -20.985833 55.512778
PTBG1000017951 G. Rouhan 249 2003-04-15
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de Bébour. Sentier de la rivière., -21.114444 55.565
PTBG1000017957 G. Rouhan 229 2003-04-11
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Forêt de la Plaine des Fougères. Sentier montant au bord du cirque de la Salazie., -20.985833 55.512778
PTBG1000017952 G. Rouhan 242 2003-04-14
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Hauts de L'Ouest de St. Paul. Bois de sans soucis, sentier de l'ilet Alcide.
David H. Lorence 8849 1991-07-13
Reunion, NULL, NULL, St. Rose village on east coast of island.
PTBG1000042386 David H. Lorence 6938 1991-07-09
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes; mid elevation wet forest, elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.6
PTBG1000021482 David H. Lorence 7502 1994-07-27
Reunion, NULL, NULL, La Pointe du Tremblet (S. sector of island), along Route Nationale no. 2., -21.283333 55.8
Stereocaulon vulcanii
PTBG1000024706 David H. Lorence 7503 1994-07-27
Reunion, NULL, NULL, La Pointe du Tremblet (S. sector of island), along Route Nationale no. 2., -21.283333 55.8
David H. Lorence 7505 1994-07-27
Reunion, NULL, NULL, La Pointe du Tremblet (S. sector of island), along Route Nationale no. 2., -21.283333 55.8
PTBG1000064152 David H. Lorence 7506 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Along Route Forestiere No. 5 from Plaine des Cafres (le Vingt-Septieme) to Le Volcan, near turnoff to Piton Texor., -21.183333 55.65
PTBG1000048832 David H. Lorence 7507 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Along Route Forestiere no. 5 from Plaine des Cafres (Le Vent-Septieme) to Le Volcan, near turnoff to Piton Textor., -21.183333 55.65
Undet Asteraceae
PTBG1000044018 David H. Lorence 7508 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Pas de Bellcombe at the northern edge of Piton de la Founaise (Le Volcan)., -21.183333 55.65
Undet Asteraceae
PTBG1000044017 David H. Lorence 7509 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Pas de Bellcombe at the northern edge of Piton de la Founaise (Le Volcan)., -21.183333 55.65
PTBG1000043647 David H. Lorence 7510 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Pas de Bellcombe at the northern edge of Piton de la Founaise (Le Volcan)., -21.183333 55.65
PTBG1000048831 David H. Lorence 7511 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Pas de Bellcombe at the northern edge of Piton de la Founaise (Le Volcan)., -21.183333 55.65
PTBG1000003728 David H. Lorence 7514 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Pas de Bellcombe at the northern edge of Piton de la Founaise (Le Volcan)., -21.183333 55.65
David H. Lorence 7515 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, La Plaine des Cafres, along Route Forestiere no. 5, west of Nez de Boeuf and east of la Grande Ferme., -21.2 55.616667
PTBG1000011333 David H. Lorence 7516 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Plaine des Cafres, at Col de Bellevue overlooking Plaine des Palmistes., -21.15 55.6
PTBG1000011331 David H. Lorence 7517 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Plaine des Cafres, at Col de Bellevue overlooking Plaine des Palmistes., -21.15 55.6
PTBG1000049003 David H. Lorence 7518 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Plaine des Cafres, at Col de Bellevue overlooking Plaine des Palmistes., -21.15 55.6
Osmunda regalis var. obtusifolia
PTBG1000021781 David H. Lorence 7519 1994-07-28
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Plaine des Palmistes, region of town known as the Premier Village., -21.133333 55.633333
PTBG1000044230 David H. Lorence 7520 1994-07-29
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka: trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (on way to Bebour); 1,000-600 m., -21.083333 55.6
PTBG1000048406 David H. Lorence 7521 1994-07-29
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka: trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (on way to Bebour); 1,000-600 m., -21.083333 55.6
PTBG1000022246 David H. Lorence 7542 1994-07-31
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque de Salazie, along unpaved road just North of Piton Marmite, on crest separating Cirque de Salazie from Cirque de Mafate., -21.05 55.45
PTBG1000017947 David H. Lorence 7543 1994-07-31
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque de Salazie, along unpaved road just North of Piton Marmite, on crest separating Cirque de Salazie from Cirque de Mafate., -21.05 55.45
Elaphoglosum splendens
PTBG1000018421 David H. Lorence 7544 1994-07-31
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Cirque de Salazie, along unpaved road just North of Piton Marmite, on crest separating Cirque de Salazie from Cirque de Mafate., -21.05 55.45
PTBG1000054429 David H. Lorence 7546 1994-08-01
Reunion, NULL, NULL, La Plaine des Palimstes village, 1er Village. In home garden, elev. 1,100 m, 21o08'S, 55o38'E.
David H. Lorence 7548 1994-08-03
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Along Route Forestiere no. 8 to Piton Maido, near La Petite France near Hotel Maido., -21.033333 55.366667
Acacia hybrid
David H. Lorence 7549 1994-08-03
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Along Route Forestiere no. 8 to Piton Maido, near La Petite France at Mr. Longenon's farm and forest plantations, elev. 800-900 m., -21.033333 55.366667
David H. Lorence 7550 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons; elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000007585 David H. Lorence 7551 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons; elev. 1850-2000 m 21o10'S, 55o30'E., -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000043646 David H. Lorence 7552 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons; regional elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000008906 David H. Lorence 7555 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons; elev. 1850-2000 m, -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000017948 David H. Lorence 7561 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons; , elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
David H. Lorence 7557 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons; elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000011332 David H. Lorence 7562 1994-08-04
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Le Dimitile, SE rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons., -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000007120 David H. Lorence 7564 1994-08-07
Reunion, NULL, NULL, St. Denis, along coastal highway in vicinity of Le Barachois, Front de Mer (seaside) Park, elev. ca. 5-10 m., -20.88333 55.45
PTBG1000018856 David H. Lorence 6942 1991-07-09
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka, trail to Ilet à Bananes; elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.616667
PTBG1000018855 David H. Lorence 6941 1991-07-09
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka, trail to Ilet à Bananes; elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.616667
PTBG1000019264 David H. Lorence 6946 1991-07-09
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka, trail to Ilet à Bananes; elev. 600-1000 m.
PTBG1000019010 David H. Lorence 6950 1991-07-09
Reunion, NULL, NULL, Takamaka, trail to Ilet à Bananes; elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.6
Undet lichen
PTBG1000024772 David H. Lorence 7557 1994-08-04
Reunion, Crete de Dimitile: crest of SW rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons. Elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
Undet liverwort
PTBG1000024769 David H. Lorence 7560 1994-08-04
Reunion, Crrete de Dimitile: crest of SW rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, north of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons. Elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
PTBG1000008904 David H. Lorence 6933 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Ele. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.61
PTBG1000008905 David H. Lorence 6932 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Ele. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.61
PTBG1000009736 David H. Lorence 6940 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.6
PTBG1000011330 David H. Lorence 6937 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes; elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.6
Elaphoglossum hybridum var. hybridum (Bory) Brack.
PTBG1000018398 David H. Lorence 6944 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.6
PTBG1000018405 G. Rouhan 210 2003-04-07
Reunion, Sentier du Tremblet., -21.295278 55.796389
PTBG1000018404 G. Rouhan 236 2003-04-13
Reunion, CIRQUE DE CILAOS. Bord de sentier GR allant a la cascade de bras rouge., -21.127778 55.467778
PTBG1000022072 David H. Lorence 7553 1994-07-31
Reunion, Crete de Dimitile: SW rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Rivine des Citrons. Elev. 1850-2000 m., -20.166667 55.5
PTBG1000022096 David H. Lorence 7505 1994-07-27
Reunion, Pointe de Tremblet (southern sector of island), at coulee de lave 1986 (1986 lava flow) along Route Nationale no. 2., -21.283333 55.8
PTBG1000022108 David H. Lorence 7539 1994-07-31
Reunion, Cirque de Salazie, along road to Piton Marmite on rim of caldera adjacent to Cirque to Mafate., -21.05 55.45
PTBG1000022120 David H. Lorence 7522 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, along trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000022077 David H. Lorence 6949 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000022083 David H. Lorence 7528 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, along trail from hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000022095 David H. Lorence 6948 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000022088 David H. Lorence 7554 1994-07-31
Reunion, Crete de Dimitile: Sw rim of Cirque de cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons. Elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
Polytrichum elatum P. Beauv.
PTBG1000022112 David H. Lorence 7504 1994-07-27
Reunion, Pointe du Tremblet (southern sector of island), at Coulee de Lave 1986 (1986 lava flow) along Route Nationale no. 2., -21.283333 55.8
Polytrichum elatum P. Beauv.
PTBG1000022118 David H. Lorence 6934 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000022123 David H. Lorence 6943 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000022128 David H. Lorence 7540 1994-07-31
Reunion, Cirque de Salazie, along road to Piton Marmite on rim of caldera adjacent to Cirque de Mafate., -21.05 55.45
Undet moss
PTBG1000022067 David H. Lorence 7558 1994-07-31
Reunion, Cret de Dimitile: SW rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons. Elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
Undet moss
PTBG1000022073 David H. Lorence 7545 1994-07-31
Reunion, Cirque de Salazie, along road to Piton Marmite on rim of caldera adjacent to Cirque to Mafate., -21.05 55.45
Undet moss
PTBG1000022085 David H. Lorence 7559 1994-07-31
Reunion, Crete de Dimitile: SW rim of Cirque de Cilaos caldera, N of Entre-Deux and Ravine des Citrons. Elev. 1850-2000 m., -21.166667 55.5
Undet moss
PTBG1000022109 David H. Lorence 7541 1994-07-31
Reunion, Cirque de Salazie, along road to Piton Marmite on rim of caldera adjacent to Cirque to Mafate., -21.05 55.45
Brachymenium gemmiferum A. J. Shaw & W. R. Buck
PTBG1000022086 David H. Lorence 7512 1994-07-28
Reunion, Plaine des Cafres (Le Vignt-Setieme) to Le Volcan along Route Porestiere no. 5, near turnoff to Piton Textor., -21.183333 55.65
Undet moss
PTBG1000022080 David H. Lorence 7513 1994-07-28
Reunion, Plaine des Cafres (Le Vignt-Setieme) to Le Volcan along Route Porestiere no. 5, near turnoff to Piton Textor., -21.183333 55.65
Undet moss
PTBG1000022074 David H. Lorence 7530 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, along trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
Undet moss
PTBG1000022068 David H. Lorence 7536 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, along trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000024712 David H. Lorence 7525 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m.
PTBG1000024718 David H. Lorence 7526 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000024657 David H. Lorence 7529 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000024663 David H. Lorence 7532 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000024669 David H. Lorence 7533 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
Undet lichen
PTBG1000024675 David H. Lorence 7536 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, along trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000024740 David H. Lorence 6947 1991-07-09
Reunion, Takamaka, trail to Ilet a Bananes. Elev. 600-1000 m., -21.083333 -55.608333
PTBG1000024763 David H. Lorence 7535 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
PTBG1000024757 David H. Lorence 7534 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m.
Undet lichen
PTBG1000024797 David H. Lorence 7531 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
Undet lichen
PTBG1000024730 David H. Lorence 7527 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
Undet lichen
PTBG1000024736 David H. Lorence 7523 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
Sticta dichotoma Bory
PTBG1000024742 David H. Lorence 7538a 1994-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333
Undet lichen
PTBG1000024748 David H. Lorence 7524 2012-07-29
Reunion, Takamaka, trail from above hydroelectric plant leading to Ilet a Bananes (trail to Bebour forest). Elev. 1000-600 m., -21.083333 55.608333