Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Philippines; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 165

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Melicope blancoi T. G. Hartley
PTBG1000078092M. Ramos   223451914-07-01
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Batangas Province, Luzon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000031928B. C. Stone   122041975-03-04
Philippines, NULL, NULL, LUZON: Llavac, National Botanic Garden site. UP Land grant. Elev. 300-350 m.

16527Milagrosa R. Martinez   M-78-25-d1978-08-06
Philippines, LUZON: along the street of cor. Katipunan Road and Fabian dela Rosa, in front of Ateneo de Manila University. Floating on murky (blackish) standing water with some grasses.

Toxicodendron lamprocarpum
19837M. Ramos   2-1071915-03-01
Philippines, LUZON: Province of Rizal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000021680Milagrosa R. Martinez   M-78-25-d1978-08-06
Philippines, Along the street of cor. Katipunan Road and Fabian dela Rosa, in front of Ateneo de Manila University.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Zingiberaceae
PTBG1000037672B. C. Stone   122101975-03-05
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Quezon Province, Luzon. Tignoan Real, S. of mouth of Tignoan River, head of rocky beach; along small waterfall in thickets.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038709M. Ramos   2-1071915-03-01
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Rizal Province, Luzon.

PTBG1000007617J. S. Burley   1611987-04-26
Philippines, MIMAROPA REGION, Puerto Galera, E. Mindoro, steep valley, NW slope of Mt. Alinyaban, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007664J. S. Burley   341987-03-27
Philippines, Luzon: 30-35 km N of Baguio, Benguet; on Halsema Road.

PTBG1000002275Barbon, Garcia, Romero   189261995-12-16
Philippines, CAGAYAN, Brgy. San Vicente, Sta. Ana. Found along ridge., 18.55 122.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008709J. S. Burley   1581987-04-26
Philippines, E. Mindoro, steep valley on NW slope of Mt. Alinyaban, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

PTBG1000011207J. S. Burley   2001987-04-29
Philippines, E. Mindoro, beside quarry track, Mt. Talipanan, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

PTBG1000012346J. S. Burley   691987-04-06
Philippines, Luzon, W slope of Mt. Malinaoc, near Buhi, Camarines Sur., 13.466667 123.55

Ficus septica Burm. f.
PTBG1000013539Harold St. John   254521953-12-03
Philippines, CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION, Mountain Province, Mt. Santo Tomas, near Baguio.

PTBG1000013643J. S. Burley   2061987-04-29
Philippines, E. Mindoro, beside quarry track, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

PTBG1000013722J. S. Burley   1761987-04-28
Philippines, E. Mindoro, W of Marble Quarry, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

PTBG1000013728J. S. Burley   1771987-04-28
Philippines, E. Mindoro, W of marble quarry, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halophila spinulosa (R. Br.) Asch.
PTBG1000030300M. Doty   MD#180571958-06-26
Philippines, DAVAO REGION, South of Sasa Wharf, Mindanao.

PTBG1000034948J. S. Burley   2071987-04-29
Philippines, E. Mindoro, beside quarry track, Mt. Talipanan, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera. Local Names: " Babayas" This is a voucher specimen for anticancer and antiAids screening. NCI Sample Number: Q6600295-H, Q6600307-T, Q6600336-Z, 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000035364Reynoso, Fuentes, Garcia   10141991-05-20
Philippines, NEGROS ORIENTAL PROVINCE, Sibulan, Kabalinan, L. Balinsasayao. Found along the ridge going to the second Lake Balinsasayao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Rubiaceae
PTBG1000035363Reynoso, Fuentes, Garcia   9961991-05-20
Philippines, NEGROS ORIENTAL PROVINCE, Sibulan, Kabalinan, L. Balinsasayao. Found along the ridge going to the second Lake Balinsasayao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Rubiaceae
PTBG1000035362Reynoso, Fuentes, Garcia   10651991-05-20
Philippines, NEGROS ORIENTAL PROVINCE, Sibulan, Kabalinan, Mt. Cang-ontol. Found along the ridge of a logged-over area.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037229M. Ramos   s.n.1910-09-01
Philippines, Manila and vicinity.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037228M. Ramos   s.n.1915-08-01
Philippines, SORSOGON PROVINCE, Lake Polog.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037134A. D. E. Elmer   181341917-06-15
Philippines, PROVINCE OF LAGUNA, Loa Banos (Mt. Maquiling)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum (Hochst. ex Steud.) Stapf
PTBG1000037225A. D. E. Elmer   181831917-06-01
Philippines, LAGUNA PROVINCE, Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyrtococcum patens (L.) A. Camus
PTBG1000037223A. D. E. Elmer   181951917-06-01
Philippines, LAGUNA PROVINCE, Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling).

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037224A. D. E. Elmer   181221917-06-01
Philippines, LAGUNA PROVINCE, Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oplismenus compositus (L.) P. Beauv.
PTBG1000037258M. Ramos   241321916-02-01
Philippines, SAMAR PROVINCE, Catubig River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet fern
PTBG1000036670   1836-11-01
Philippines, Manila. Voyage de M. Gaudichaud sur la Bonite. 1836-37

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Acanthaceae
PTBG1000037867J. S. Burley   2011987-04-29
Philippines, 6 KM sw OF Puerto Galera, beside quarry track., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze
PTBG1000036778M. Gaudichaud   s.n.1836-11-01

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000039899J. S. Burley   1021987-04-07
Philippines, LUZON, W. Slope of Mt. Malinaoc, near Buhi, Camarines Sur., 13.466667 123.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Bataceae
PTBG1000044138J. S. Burley   1991987-04-29
Philippines, MINDORO, Mt. Talipanan; 6 km SW of Puerto Galera, beside quarry track., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044229B. C. Stone   122061975-03-05
Philippines, LUZON, Llavac, Natl. Bot. Gard. area. 250-350 m alt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000047262B. C. Stone   158751987-04-09
Philippines, Luzon, Sorsogon, Mt. Bulusan just above Lake Bulusan.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000048905J. S. Burley   71987-03-23
Philippines, Mt. Santo tomas, near Baguio, Benguet. NE-facing, rocky slope., 11.333333 120.55

Dawsonia superba var. superba Greville
PTBG1000052285James R. Shevock   447602014-04-21
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO (REG.10), Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Midslope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along the alternative ridge route trail to summit forming divide separating headwaters of Alanib River and Magnao River. (NAD 83), 8.09625 -124.92375

PTBG1000052321James R. Shevock   447292014-04-21
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO (REG.10), Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Midslope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along the alternative ridge route trail to summit forming divide separating headwaters of Alanib River and Magnao River. (NAD 83), 8.094861 -124.924222

Dicranoloma braunii (C. Müll. in Dozy & Molk.) Paris
PTBG1000052326James R. Shevock   383342011-05-28
Philippines, BICOL REGION, Camarines Sur Province, Luzon, Mt. Isarog Natural Park. Along the main trail to Mount Isarog, slopes about campsite 1 on ridge between Dalahay and Inarihan rivers. WGS-84, 13.654356 123.351133

PTBG1000052332James R. Shevock   448322014-04-23
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mindanao, Mt. Ktanglad Range Natural Park. Midslope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along the alternative ridge route trail to summit forming divide separating headwaters of Alanib River and Magnao River. NAD 83, 5.903611 124.922722

Breutelia arundinifolia (Duby) M. Fleisch.
PTBG1000052338James R. Shevock   449972014-04-30
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mindanao, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Southwest slopes of Mt. Apo above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. NAD 83, 6.984111 125.2515

Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwägr.) Paris
PTBG1000052344James R. Shevock   447072014-04-20
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mindanao, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. On trail about 4.5 km above Lantapan Village toward Mt. Dulang-Dulang. NAD 83, 8.087694 124.924944

Pyrrhobryum spiniforme (Hedw.) Mitt.
PTBG1000052350James R. Shevock   450182014-05-01
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mindanao, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Southwest upper slopes of Mt. Apo at Ma-ag Lake Bunkhouse above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. NAD 83, 6.980917 125.255

Breutelia arundinifolia (Duby) M. Fleisch.
PTBG1000052371James R. Shevock   448692014-04-24
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Saddle just below summit of Mt. Dulang-Dulang off main trail route on ridge well above the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River. NAD 83, 8.112778 124.925

Trismegistia calderensis (Sull.) Broth.
PTBG1000052377James R. Shevock   449182014-04-29
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. On trail, southwest slopes of Mt. Apo above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. NAD 83, 6.998722 125.2525

Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Mont.) B. C. Tan
PTBG1000052383James R. Shevock   448212014-04-22
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Upper slopes of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along main trail route to summit on ridge well above the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River. NAD 83, 8.107083 124.923694

Acroporium stramineum (Reinwardt & Hornschuch) Fleischer
PTBG1000052407James R. Shevock   448862014-04-24
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Slopes just below summit of Mt. Dulang-Dulang on main trail route on ridge well above the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River. NAD 83, 8.116389 124.924722

Sematophyllum subhumile (Müll. Hal.) Fleischer
PTBG1000052403James R. Shevock   450422014-05-03
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Mandarangan Trail along slope from Site B of the Geothermal Production Field of EDC to Agco Mahomanoy Mountain Resort. NAD 83, 7.013111 125.230944

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mallotus moluccanus (L.) Muell. Arg.
PTBG1000052705J. S. Burley   751987-04-06
Philippines, CAMARINES SUR PROVINCE, W slope of Mt. Malinaoc, near Buhi. Near Binangkaan waterfall., 13.466667 123.55

PTBG1000053677James R. Shevock   378992011-05-11
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION (REGION IV-A), Laguna Province, Calamba NE Quad. Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve. Along access road to Mt. Makiling Trailhead at Makiling Rain Forest Park (Picnic area) below trail junction to Mud Springs. WGS-84, 14.13525 -121.228233

PTBG1000053683James R. Shevock   380082011-05-16
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION (REGION IV-A), Laguna Province, Mt. Banahaw Protected Landscape Area. Lucban SW Quad. Slopes at base of Mount Banahaw De Lucban, trail from Forestry Field Station to Tay Tay Stream. WGS-84, 14.105733 -121.515817

Meteoriella soluta (Mitten) S. Okamura
PTBG1000052174James R. Shevock   448572014-04-23
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Upper slope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along the alternative ridge route trail to summit forming divide separating headwaters of Alanib River and Magnao River., 8.106 124.922194

Neckera warburgii Brotherus
PTBG1000053773James R. Shevock   448512014-04-23
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Upper slope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along the alternative ridge route trail to summit forming divide separating headwaters of Alanib River and Magnao River., 8.102694 124.921694

Rhizogonium graeffeanum (C. Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
PTBG1000053766James R. Shevock   449652014-04-30
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Southwest slopes of Mt. Apo above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. Along trail before stream crossing., 6.9975 125.25

Hymenodon sericeus (Dozy & Molk.) Müll. Hal
PTBG1000053779James R. Shevock   448592014-04-23
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Upper slope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along the alternative ridge route trail to summit forming divide separating headwaters of Alanib River and Magnao River., 8.108333 124.921833

Racopilum spectabile Reinwardt & Hornschuch
PTBG1000053772James R. Shevock   451442014-05-07
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kiamo Range. Along ridge trail to summit of Mt. Kiamo accessed from Kibalabag Village., 8.254028 125.159556

Homaliodendron montagneanum (C. Müll. Hal.) Fleischer
PTBG1000053786James R. Shevock   448822014-04-24
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Slopes just below summit of Mt. Dulang-Dulang on main trail route on ridge well above the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River., 8.116389 124.924722

Trachypus bicolor Reinw. & Hornsch.
PTBG1000053778James R. Shevock   449812014-04-30
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Southwest slopes of Mt. Apo above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC., 6.991333 125.250056

Sinskea flammea (Mitt.) W.R. Buck
PTBG1000053759James R. Shevock   448232014-04-22
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Upper slopes of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along main trail route to summit on ridge well abvoe the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River., 8.11 124.925

Papillaria leuconeura (C. Müll. Hal.) Jaeger
PTBG1000053765James R. Shevock   447722014-04-22
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Midslope of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along main trail route to summit just below the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River., 8.096389 124.924556

Aerobryidium crispifolium (Brotherus & Geheeb) M. Fleischer
PTBG1000053771James R. Shevock   447092014-04-20
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. On trail about 4.5 km above Lantapan Village toward Mt. Dulang-dulang. NAD 83., 8.087694 124.924944

Aerobryidium filamentosum (W. J. Hooker) Fleisher in Brotherus
PTBG1000053746James R. Shevock   449532014-04-29
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. On trail, southwest slopes of Mt. Apo above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. NAD 83, 6.998611 125.252833

PTBG1000053753James R. Shevock   446982014-04-20
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. On trail about 4 km above Lantapan Village toward Mt. Dulang-Dulang. NAD 83, 8.083528 124.926889

Endotrichella perplicata Brotherus
PTBG1000053740James R. Shevock   379562011-05-14
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Quezon Province, Mt. Banahaw Protected Landscape Area. Lucban SW Quad. Trail to Mount Banahaw De Lucban, slopes above the Forestry Field Station. WGS-84, 14.098667 121.522667

PTBG1000053835James R. Shevock   380112011-05-16
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Laguna Province, Mt. Banahaw Protected Landscape Area. Lucban SW Quad. Slopes at base of Mount Banahaw De Lucban, trail from Forestry Field Station to Tay Tay Stream. WGS-84, 14.105733 121.515817

Trachypus bicolor Reinw. & Hornsch.
PTBG1000053829James R. Shevock   382682011-05-23
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Quezon Province, Mt. Banahaw Protected Landscape Area. San Pablo Quad. Along trail to Mount Banahaw De Dolores from Forestry Station at Kinabuhayan. Slopes just below the summit ridge of the caldera. WGS-84, 14.053233 121.473

Callicostella papillata (Montagne) Mitten
PTBG1000053805James R. Shevock   384102011-05-31
Philippines, BICOL REGION, Camarines Sur Province, Mt. Isarog Natural Park. Lower western slopes of Mount Isarog, trail paralleling stream channel along the water supply pipeline off of main trail to Mt. Isarog. WGS-84., 13.663333 123.338333

Papillidiopsis aquatica (Dixon) B. C. Ho & B. C. Tan
PTBG1000053793James R. Shevock   383912011-05-30
Philippines, BICOL REGION, Camarines Sur Province, Mt. Isarog Natural Park. Along the lower southern slopes of Mount Isarog along Luksuhon Stream. WGS-84, 13.607233 123.375083

PTBG1000053728James R. Shevock   450232014-05-01
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Southwest upper slopes of Mt. Apo about Ma-ag Lake Bunkhouse above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. NAD 83, 6.982167 125.253639

Palamocladium nilgheriense (Montagne) Müll. Hal.
PTBG1000053844James R. Shevock   448102014-04-22
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park. Upper slopes of Mt. Dulang-Dulang along main trail route to summit on ridge well above the crossing of forks of headwaters portion of Alanib River. NAD 83, 8.107083 124.923694

Acroporium strepsiphyllum (Mont.) B. C. Tan
PTBG1000053795James R. Shevock   451282014-05-07
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, Bukidnon Province, Mt. Kiamo Range. Along ridge trail to summit of Mt. Kiamo accessed from Kibalabag Village. NAD 83, 8.255111 125.161694

Entodon plicatus Müll.Hal.
PTBG1000053794James R. Shevock   449992014-04-30
Philippines, NORTHERN MINDANAO REGION, North Cotabato Province, Mt. Apo Natural Park, Matingao Watershed. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City. Southwest slopes of Mt. Apo above the Geothermal Production Field of EDC. NAD 83, 6.998528 125.245917

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000021680Milagrosa R. Martinez   M-78-25-d1978-08-06
Philippines, NULL, NULL, Along the street of cor. Katipunan Road and Fabian dela Rosa, in front of Ateneo de Manila University.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Zingiberaceae
PTBG1000037672B. C. Stone   122101975-03-05
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Quezon Province, Luzon. Tignoan Real, S. of mouth of Tignoan River, head of rocky beach; along small waterfall in thickets.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038709M. Ramos   2-1071915-03-01
Philippines, CALABARZON REGION, Rizal Province, Luzon.

PTBG1000007617J. S. Burley   1611987-04-26
Philippines, MIMAROPA REGION, Puerto Galera, E. Mindoro, steep valley, NW slope of Mt. Alinyaban, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007664J. S. Burley   341987-03-27
Philippines, NULL, NULL, Luzon: 30-35 km N of Baguio, Benguet; on Halsema Road.

PTBG1000002275Barbon, Garcia, Romero   189261995-12-16
Philippines, CAGAYAN, NULL, Brgy. San Vicente, Sta. Ana. Found along ridge., 18.55 122.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008709J. S. Burley   1581987-04-26
Philippines, NULL, NULL, E. Mindoro, steep valley on NW slope of Mt. Alinyaban, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

PTBG1000012346J. S. Burley   691987-04-06
Philippines, NULL, NULL, Luzon, W slope of Mt. Malinaoc, near Buhi, Camarines Sur., 13.466667 123.55

Ficus septica Burm.fil.
PTBG1000013539Harold St. John   254521953-12-03
Philippines, CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION, Mountain Province, Mt. Santo Tomas, near Baguio.

PTBG1000013643J. S. Burley   2061987-04-29
Philippines, NULL, NULL, E. Mindoro, beside quarry track, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Knema glomerata (Blanco) Merr.
PTBG1000013728J. S. Burley   1771987-04-28
Philippines, NULL, NULL, E. Mindoro, W of marble quarry, Mt. Talipanan, 7 km SW of Puerto Galera., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halophila spinulosa (R.Br.) Asch.
PTBG1000030300M. Doty   MD#180571958-06-26
Philippines, DAVAO REGION, NULL, South of Sasa Wharf, Mindanao.

PTBG1000034948J. S. Burley   2071987-04-29
Philippines, NULL, NULL, E. Mindoro, beside quarry track, Mt. Talipanan, 6 km SW of Puerto Galera. Local Names: " Babayas" This is a voucher specimen for anticancer and antiAids screening. NCI Sample Number: Q6600295-H, Q6600307-T, Q6600336-Z, 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000035364Reynoso, Fuentes, Garcia   10141991-05-20
Philippines, NEGROS ORIENTAL PROVINCE, NULL, Sibulan, Kabalinan, L. Balinsasayao. Found along the ridge going to the second Lake Balinsasayao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Rubiaceae
PTBG1000035363Reynoso, Fuentes, Garcia   9961991-05-20
Philippines, NEGROS ORIENTAL PROVINCE, NULL, Sibulan, Kabalinan, L. Balinsasayao. Found along the ridge going to the second Lake Balinsasayao.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Rubiaceae
PTBG1000035362Reynoso, Fuentes, Garcia   10651991-05-20
Philippines, NEGROS ORIENTAL PROVINCE, NULL, Sibulan, Kabalinan, Mt. Cang-ontol. Found along the ridge of a logged-over area.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037229M. Ramos   s.n.1910-09-01
Philippines, NULL, NULL, Manila and vicinity.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037134A. D. E. Elmer   181341917-06-15
Philippines, PROVINCE OF LAGUNA, NULL, Loa Banos (Mt. Maquiling)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum (Steud.) Stapf
PTBG1000037225A. D. E. Elmer   181831917-06-01
Philippines, LAGUNA PROVINCE, NULL, Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyrtococcum patens (L.) A. Camus
PTBG1000037223A. D. E. Elmer   181951917-06-01
Philippines, LAGUNA PROVINCE, NULL, Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling).

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037224A. D. E. Elmer   181221917-06-01
Philippines, LAGUNA PROVINCE, NULL, Los Banos (Mt. Maquiling).

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oplismenus compositus (L.) P.Beauv.
PTBG1000037258M. Ramos   241321916-02-01
Philippines, SAMAR PROVINCE, NULL, Catubig River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet fern
PTBG1000036670NULL   NULL1836-11-01
Philippines, NULL, NULL, Manila. Voyage de M. Gaudichaud sur la Bonite. 1836-37

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet Acanthaceae
PTBG1000037867J. S. Burley   2011987-04-29
Philippines, NULL, NULL, 6 KM sw OF Puerto Galera, beside quarry track., 13.466667 120.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze
PTBG1000036778M. Gaudichaud   s.n.1836-11-01
Philippines, NULL, NULL, NULL

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000039899J. S. Burley   1021987-04-07
Philippines, LUZON, NULL, W. Slope of Mt. Malinaoc, near Buhi, Camarines Sur., 13.466667 123.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044229B. C. Stone   122061975-03-05
Philippines, LUZON, NULL, Llavac, Natl. Bot. Gard. area. 250-350 m alt.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 165


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