Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Palau or Republic of; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1447

National Tropical Botanical Garden

P. Eastlick   LR224921991-12-27
Palau, PELELIU STATE, NULL, Along airstrip. Elev. <10m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023956David H. Lorence   82881998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road from Airai to Melekeok, near Rois Beng., 7.385278 134.568333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038106Irwin E. Lane   49-412

Melicope palawensis (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
PTBG1000078102A. Rinehart   LR225331991-12-28
Palau, PELELIU STATE, NULL, Off road along ea st side of Bloody Nose Ridge. Elev. <15 m.

Melicope palawensis (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
PTBG1000078108F. R. Fosberg   319471950-03-10
Palau, NULL, NULL, Ngarmalk, western part of island just sout h of Koror. Elev. 1-5 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028509Tim Flynn   63601998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce
PTBG1000052136Tim Flynn   63611998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Tim Flynn   63621998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Babeldaob, Airai State, ca 1.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik; swamp forest along roadside with Horsfield ia, Guettarda, Campnosperma, Cocos, Freycinetia, Adenanthera , and Pandanus. Elev. ca 10 m., 7.389167 134.523333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
PTBG1000040890Tim Flynn   63631998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 2.0 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia matsudae
PTBG1000047464Tim Flynn   63641998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 2.5 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.401111 134.515833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Donax cannaeformis
PTBG1000030675Tim Flynn   63651998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 2.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.413056 134.514722

Image Associated With the Occurence
Donax cannaeformis
PTBG1000030674Tim Flynn   63891998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikuul (Goikul) Village, Kammen Chen home., 7.366167 134.591333

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
PTBG1000013636Tim Flynn   63901998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ngerikiil River. 2.6 miles beyond airport., 7.383056 134.558889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Abroma augusta
PTBG1000009642Tim Flynn   63911998-02-12
Palau, NGATPANG STATE, NULL, 9.8 miles along road from Ngatpang to Ngerenlengai. Elev. 0-1 m., 7.466667 134.518056

Ficus sagittata J.König ex Vahl
PTBG1000013512Tim Flynn   63921998-02-12
Palau, NGATPANG STATE, NULL, 11.8 miles along road from Ngatpang to Ngerenlengai., 7.478833 134.535333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyclopeltis kingii (Hance) Hosok.
PTBG1000019447Tim Flynn   63391998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, South of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Didymoglossum tahitense (Nadeaud) Ebihara & K.Iwats.
PTBG1000019035Tim Flynn   63401998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000025843Tim Flynn   63411998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Melicope palawensis (Lauterb.) T.G.Hartley
PTBG1000078101Tim Flynn   63331998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; south of road between Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corymborkis veratrifolia (Reinw.) Blume
PTBG1000030758Tim Flynn   63341998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, South of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

PTBG1000073802Tim Flynn   63351998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007657Tim Flynn   63361998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngermalk Island, south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lygodium circinnatum (Burm.fil.) Sw.
PTBG1000021505Tim Flynn   63371998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Alpinia pubiflora (Benth.) K.Schum.
PTBG1000037555Tim Flynn   63421998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, South of road between Malakal & Medalaii. Approximate elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Procris pedunculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Wedd.
PTBG1000082611Tim Flynn   63431998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Elev. 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

PTBG1000074096Tim Flynn   63441998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; inland from Ngermeuangel Inlet. Along trail to Jellyfish Lake. Elev. 2-10 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000025837Tim Flynn   63451998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; inland from Ngermeuangel Inlet. Along trail to Jellyfish Lake. Elev. 2-10 m.

PTBG1000055915Tim Flynn   63461998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; Ngermeuangel Inlet.

PTBG1000079263Tim Flynn   63471998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; Ngermeuangel Inlet.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023914Tim Flynn   63481998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, SE tip. Elev. 1-2 m.

ptbg1000074009Tim Flynn   63491998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; SE tip. Elev. 1-2 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023017Tim Flynn   63501998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; SE tip. Elev. 1-2 m.

PTBG1000073801Tim Flynn   63511998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; SE tip. Elev. 1-2 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023366Tim Flynn   63521998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, SE tip. Elev. 1-2 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyclopeltis kingii (Hance) Hosok.
PTBG1000019448Tim Flynn   63531998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Elev. 1-2 m.

PTBG1000067241Tim Flynn   63541998-02-08
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Oreor; Nikko Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000039391Tim Flynn   63551998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.5 miles from Airai to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000047720Tim Flynn   63561998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.5 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

PTBG1000076450Tim Flynn   63571998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000031668Tim Flynn   63581998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000019348Tim Flynn   63591998-02-10
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Ca 1.6 miles from Airai along road to Aimeliik., 7.389167 134.523333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028181Tim Flynn   63661998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Site of old Japanese Experiment Station., 7.420833 134.517778

Decaspermum J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
PTBG1000013880Tim Flynn   63671998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik., 7.430556 134.530833

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010748Tim Flynn   63681998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik., 7.433889 134.518333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000047353Tim Flynn   63691998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik., 7.459167 134.538333

PTBG1000054825Tim Flynn   63701998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik., 7.448833 134.529667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Taenitis blechnoides (Willd.) Sw.
PTBG1000023896Tim Flynn   63711998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik Tabecheding Waterfall. From parking area to stream., 7.450278 134.518333

PTBG1000072383Tim Flynn   63721998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik Tabecheding Waterfall. From parking area to stream., 7.456389 134.5425

PTBG1000055227Tim Flynn   63731998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik Tabecheding Waterfall. From parking area to stream., 7.456389 134.5425

Hedyotis korrorensis (Valeton) Hosok
PTBG1000072433Tim Flynn   63741998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik near Tabecheding Waterfall turnoff., 7.456389 134.5425

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000032791Tim Flynn   63751998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik near Tabecheding Waterfall turnoff., 7.456389 134.5425

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriocaulon sexangulare var. micronesicum
PTBG1000028893Tim Flynn   63761998-02-10
Palau, AIMELIIK STATE, NULL, Along road between Airai and Aimeliik near Tabecheding Waterfall turnoff., 7.456389 134.5425

PTBG1000073794Tim Flynn   63771998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Just N of the airport on road to Oikuul., 7.370278 134.543056

PTBG1000079610Tim Flynn   63781998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Just N of the airport on road to Oikuul., 7.370278 134.543056

Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce
PTBG1000052135Tim Flynn   63791998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Just N of the airport on road to Oikuul., 7.368833 134.539167

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009705Tim Flynn   63801998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, On road to Oikuul., 7.376111 134.551111

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030711Tim Flynn   63811998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, On road to Oikuul. 3.7 miles beyond airport.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fagraea ksid Gilg & Benedict
PTBG1000004004Tim Flynn   63821998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, On road to Oikuul., 7.391 134.568167

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astronidium palauense (Kanehira) Markgr.
PTBG1000010643Tim Flynn   63831998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, On road to Oikuul., 7.395833 134.569167

Hedyotis tomentosa (Valeton) Hosok.
Tim Flynn   63841998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, On road to Oikuul., 7.374167 134.596667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023859Tim Flynn   63851998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikuul (Goikul) Village, Kammen Chen home., 7.351667 134.584167

Image Associated With the Occurence
Belvisia mucronata (Fée) Copel.
PTBG1000022195Tim Flynn   63861998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikuul (Goikul) Village, Kammen Chen home., 7.376944 134.596667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Haplopteris elongata (Sw.) E.H.Crane
PTBG1000023577Tim Flynn   63871998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikuul (Goikul) Village, Kammen Chen home., 7.351667 134.584167

Image Associated With the Occurence
Osmoxylon truncatum (Kaneh.) Fosberg & Sachet
PTBG1000040154Tim Flynn   63881998-02-11
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Oikuul (Goikul) Village, Kammen Chen home., 7.366167 134.591333

PTBG1000064035Tim Flynn   63931998-02-12
Palau, NGATPANG STATE, NULL, Along road from Ngatpang to Ngerenlengai., 7.535556 134.556667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023955Tim Flynn   63941998-02-12
Palau, NGATPANG STATE, NULL, Along road from Ngatpang to Ngerenlengai., 7.551667 134.583889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros foliosa (Rich ex A.Gray) Bakh.
PTBG1000048585Tim Flynn   63951998-02-12
Palau, NGATPANG STATE, NULL, Along road from Ngatpang to Ngerenlengai., 7.576944 134.592778

PTBG1000074089David H. Lorence   81791998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Adjacent to causeway between Medalaii and Malakal, south of Mobil gas station; elevation 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.451389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Clerodendrum speciosissimum Van Geert ex C. Morren
PTBG1000007712David H. Lorence   81801998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngermalk Island (adjacent to causeway between Medalaii and Malakal, south of Mobil gas station); elevation 0-30 m., 7.333333 134.463889

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000006762David H. Lorence   81811998-02-07
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngermalk Island (along causeway between Medalaii and Malakal, south of Mobil gas station). elev. 0-30 m., -7.333333 134.463889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms
PTBG1000040274Tim Flynn   63971998-02-12
Palau, NGARDMAU STATE, NULL, Ngardmau., 7.611833 134.579

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000045904Tim Flynn   63981998-02-12
Palau, NGARDMAU STATE, NULL, Just N of Ngardmau., 7.610278 134.603611

Phyllanthus otobedii
PTBG1000055175Tim Flynn   63991998-02-13
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Road from Airai to Aimeliik, 9.9 miles from Airai., 7.466944 134.548056

Timonius mollis var. villosissimus (Kaneh.) Fosberg & Sachet
PTBG1000077024Tim Flynn   64001998-02-13
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Road from Airai to Aimeliik, 9.9 miles from Airai., 7.466944 134.548056

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010548Tim Flynn   64021998-02-13
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Road from Airai to Aimeliik, 10.6 miles from Airai., 7.451111 134.535

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gonocarpus acanthocarpus (Brongn.) Orchard
PTBG1000007458Tim Flynn   64031998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Off road from Airai to Melekeok, S of Lake Ngardor along tributary of Ngerdorch River., 7.484444 134.601111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hanguana malayana (Jack.) Merr.
PTBG1000028915Tim Flynn   64041998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Off road from Airai to Melekeok, S of Lake Ngardor along tributary of Ngerdorch River., 7.505556 134.618889

PTBG1000073785Tim Flynn   64051998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Off road from Airai to Melekeok, S of Lake Ngardor along tributary of Ngerdorch River., 7.505556 134.618889

Timonius mollis var. villosissimus (Kaneh.) Fosberg & Sachet
PTBG1000077030Tim Flynn   64061998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Off road from Airai to Melekeok, S of Lake Ngardor, along tributary of Ngerdorch River., 7.505556 134.618889

Anacolosa glochidiiformis Kaneh. & Hatus.
PTBG1000054019Tim Flynn   64071998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Off road from Airai to Melekeok, S of Lake Ngardor, along tributary of Ngerdorch River., 7.505556 134.618889

Myrsine palauensis (Mez) Fosberg & Sachet
PTBG1000063773Tim Flynn   64081998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Off road from Airai to Melekeok, S of Lake Ngardor, along tributary of Ngerdorch River., 7.505556 134.618889

PTBG1000081131Tim Flynn   64091998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Along road from Airai to Melekeok., 7.503611 134.619167

Melicope denhamii (Seem.) T.G.Hartley
ptbg1000078107Tim Flynn   64101998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Along road from Airai to Melekeok., 7.514444 134.619722

Planchonella obovata (R.Br.) Pierre
PTBG1000079723Tim Flynn   64111998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Along road from Airai to Melekeok. Ca 19 miles from Airai., 7.5105 134.610333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnopsis orientalis
PTBG1000015624Tim Flynn   64121998-02-14
Palau, MELEKEOK STATE, NULL, Along road from Airai to Melekeok., 7.501111 134.600833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J.Presl) Kubitzki
PTBG1000007528Tim Flynn   64131998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngeremviu Beach. Just at high tide line., 7.261944 134.448056

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000047217Tim Flynn   64141998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngeremviu Beach. Just at high tide line., 7.261944 134.448056

PTBG1000067305Tim Flynn   64151998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngeremviu Beach., 7.257167 134.442167

PTBG1000014312Tim Flynn   64161998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngchus Beach., -7.230278 -134.370833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Celtis L.
PTBG1000045853Tim Flynn   64171998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngchus Beach., 7.230278 134.370833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Celtis L.
PTBG1000045854Tim Flynn   64181998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngchus Beach., 7.230278 134.370833

Tarenna sambucina (G. Forst.) T. Durand ex Drake
PTBG1000076975Tim Flynn   64191998-02-15
Palau, KOROR STATE, NULL, Ngchus Beach., 7.230278 134.370833

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000001497Tim Flynn   64201998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Babeldaob, along road behind airport, ca 2 miles past airport entrance. Ruderal vegetation of Chromal aena, Dactyloctenium, Mimosa, and Leucaena., 7.368333 134.533889

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030319Tim Flynn   64211998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road behind airport, ca 2.2 miles past airport entrance., 7.376389 134.551389

PTBG1000079616Tim Flynn   6421a1998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road behind airport, ca 2.2 miles past airport entrance., 7.3725 134.550833

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008551Tim Flynn   64221998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road behind airport, ca 2.2 miles past airport entrance., 7.376389 -134.551389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Machaerina mariscoides subsp. mariscoides
PTBG1000028401Tim Flynn   64231998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road behind airport, ca 2.2 miles past airport entrance., 7.3725 134.550833

PTBG1000006013Tim Flynn   64241998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Along road behind airport, ca 2.2 miles past airport entrance., 7.376389 134.551389

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000039394Tim Flynn   64261998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Airai - Oikuul road, 2.6 mile s from Airai along banks of Ngrikill river., 7.378333 134.553333

PTBG1000072434Tim Flynn   64271998-02-16
Palau, AIRAI STATE, NULL, Airai - Oikuul road, 2.6 mile s from Airai along banks of Ngrikill river., 7.386111 134.555556

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1447


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