Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: New Zealand; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 585

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000019066R. J. Chinnock   84101992-11-26
New Zealand, NULL, NULL, Waterfall Creek, tributary of Bull Stream, Akatarawa Range (precn 1)., -40.962222 175.111667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Undet fern
PTBG1000018015unknown   191925-01-01
New Zealand

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015196Tim Flynn   23701987-09-13
New Zealand, Knight's Point Lookout, ca 25 km north of Haast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (Forst. f.) Swartz
PTBG1000043429Tim Flynn   23751987-09-13
New Zealand, OTAGO REGION, Hwy 4 between Horopito and Pakaka.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000039050Alfred Meebold   178431932-12-01
New Zealand, Napier.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polystichum vestitum (G. Forst.) C. Presl
PTBG1000018523Tim Flynn   23681987-09-13
New Zealand

Image Associated With the Occurence
Phymatosorus scandens (Forst. f.) Pichi Serm.
PTBG1000013810Tim Flynn   23581987-09-07
New Zealand, North Island: Fitzgerald Glen between Aukland and Rotorua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000000574Alfred Meebold   46961929-05-01
New Zealand, Wellington. Wireless Hill.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000000586W. A. Setchell   161904-05-23
New Zealand, Pipiriki.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010968R. Melville   51961961-07-11
New Zealand, Waipoua State Forest, 28 mls NW of Dargaville.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pteridium esculentum (G. Forst.) Nakai
PTBG1000012705Tim Flynn   23731987-09-13
New Zealand, South Island: Otago, Lake Hawea

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pteridium esculentum (G. Forst.) Nakai
PTBG1000012564Tim Flynn   23741987-09-16
New Zealand

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000014243Tim Flynn   23661987-09-13
New Zealand, Westland National Park, Lake Murchison.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000014248Tim Flynn   23721987-09-13
New Zealand, Knight's Point Lookout, ca 25 km north of Haast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A.Braun
PTBG1000014463Tim Flynn   23601987-09-12
New Zealand, Westland, Hokitika, "Glowworm Dell" along Hwy 6.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015161Tim Flynn   23591987-09-12
New Zealand, Westland, Hokitika, "Glowworm Dell" along Hwy 6.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015257Tim Flynn   23711987-09-13
New Zealand, Knight's Point Lookout, ca 25 km north of Haast.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015571Tim Flynn   23621987-09-12
New Zealand, Westland, Hokitika, "Glowworm Dell" along Hwy 6.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fluviatile (R.Br.) Lowe.
PTBG1000015573Tim Flynn   23631987-09-12
New Zealand, Westland, Hokitika, "Glowworm Dell" along Hwy 6.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum vulcanicum (Blume) Kuhn
PTBG1000015617Tim Flynn   23611987-09-12
New Zealand, Westland, Hokitika, "Glowworm Dell" along Hwy 6.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Paesia scaberula (A. Rich.) Kuhn
PTBG1000016764Tim Flynn   23641987-09-13
New Zealand, Westland National Park, north of Franz Josef.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018764R. J. Chinnock   84181992-12-02
New Zealand, Rangitikei River, W of boatramp, Tangimoana. Also observed 3 km W of Tangimoana where it covered extensive areas on flats adjacent to the river., -40.286111 175.245

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sticherus cunninghamii (Heward ex Hook.) Ching
PTBG1000018828Tim Flynn   23671987-09-13
New Zealand, Westland National Park, Lake Murchison.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000019086Tim Flynn   23651987-09-13
New Zealand, Westland National Park, north of Franz Josef.

Drepanocladus fontinaliopsis (Müll.Hal.) Broth.
PTBG1000021567K. W. Allison   1931-11-01
New Zealand, BAY OF PLENTY REGION, Lake Rotorua [Rotonua].

Neckera hymenodonta C. Muell.
PTBG1000021568K. W. Allison   1931-04-14
New Zealand, Tararua District, Forty Mile Bush.

PTBG1000021561K. W. Allison   1931-02-01
New Zealand, Rotonua.

Thuidium laeviusculum (Mitt.) Jaeg.
PTBG1000021562K. W. Allison   1932-01-01
New Zealand, Puaiti.

Tortella knightii (Mitt.) Broth.
PTBG1000021605K. W. Allison   1931-03-01
New Zealand, Puaiti Bush near Rotonua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyclosorus pennigerus (G. Forst.) Ching
PTBG1000019659M. Vedel   s.n.1847-01-01
New Zealand

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grammitis billardierei Willd.
PTBG1000022334Tim Flynn   23691987-09-13
New Zealand, Westland National Park, Lake Murchison.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Microsorum diversifolium (Willd.) Copel.
PTBG1000022502T. R. N. Lothian   s.n.1937-01-01
New Zealand, Paroa. New River. Westland.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pyrrosia eleagnifolia (Bory) Hovenkamp
PTBG1000023006Tim Flynn   23571987-09-04
New Zealand, AUCKLAND REGION, Parnell District, Fraser Park.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Riccardia bipinnatifida (Colenso) Hewson
PTBG1000024729E. A. Hodgson   1934-07-01
New Zealand, 'Kiwi', Wairoa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ipomoea indica (Burm. f.) Merr.
PTBG1000027065J. Glasson   107
New Zealand, North Auckland, Bay of Islands, Opua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000029517Wilfred B. Schofield   491191972-06-22
New Zealand, South Westland, Jackson Bay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018011J. H. McMahon   161925-01-01
New Zealand, Kenepuru Head.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000029621Wilfred B. Schofield   491191972-06-22
New Zealand, On tree at seashore.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018015Mae Mahon   191925-01-01
New Zealand

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000037413G. A. Samuelson   311962-10-11
New Zealand, N. crater rim, edge of pohutukawa forest, in semi-openm.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037399G. A. Samuelson   101962-09-25
New Zealand, N. slopes, semi-open, in packed soil of roadcut.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038791B. Leland   2311910-01-01
New Zealand, AUCKLAND REGION, Auckland Council

PTBG1000040802W. R. Sykes   58/701970-02-26
New Zealand, LINCOLN, Botany Division, Lincoln.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelzer & Meijden
PTBG1000042391Alfred Meebold   55681929-09-01
New Zealand, Growing in a wild state on sand at the lagoon. Napier

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000043430Tim Flynn   23761987-09-13
New Zealand, OTAGO REGION, Hwy 4 between Horopito and Pakaka.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia (Hook.f.) B.Nord.
PTBG1000041433Alfred Meebold   175911933-03-01
New Zealand, Ruahini

Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedw.) Müll. Hal.
PTBG1000043864L. A. Doore, T. T. Earle & P. J. Philson   3621935-02-25
New Zealand, SOUTHLAND REGION, Oban. On road between Horseshoe Bay and Lee Bay.

Leucodon lagurus Hook.
PTBG1000043858L. A. Doore, T. T. Earle & P. J. Philson   3121935-02-17
New Zealand, SOUTHLAND REGION, One mile west of Oban.

Isothecium menziesii (Hook.) Brid.
PTBG1000047600L. A. Doore, T. T. Earle & P. J. Philson   3131935-02-17
New Zealand, SOUTHLAND REGION, One mile west of Oban.

Dicranum billardieri Brid.
PTBG1000047594L. A. Doore, T. T. Earle & P. J. Philson   3661935-02-25
New Zealand, SOUTHLAND REGION, Oban. On banks of Little River near Lee Beach.

Oligotrichum magellanicum (Hedw.) Kindb.
PTBG1000047588L. A. Doore, T. T. Earle & P. J. Philson   2681935-01-27
New Zealand, NORTHLAND REGION, Far North District, Bay of Islands. 12 miles east of Russell on Whangarei Road.

Sticta fossulata Dufour
PTBG1000047582L. A. Doore, T. T. Earle & P. J. Philson   3481935-02-22
New Zealand, SOUTHLAND REGION, 4 miles west of Oban at Kaipipi. On trail. Near sea level.

PTBG1000047584James R. Shevock   439162013-11-10
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Motupiko River, Upper tributary of the Motueke. Along the Kikiwa to Tophouse Road less than 10 km from Tophouse. Along banks of Motupiko River at cascading stream over bedrock. NAD 83, -41.706806 172.886667

Trachyloma diversinerve Hampe in F. Müller
PTBG1000047578James R. Shevock   439662013-11-13
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Kahurangi National Park. Along Riuwaka Resurgence Track along the Riuwaka River from trailhead to Crystal Pool. NAD 83, -41.032278 172.900861

Dicranoloma menziesii (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Paris
PTBG1000047542James R. Shevock   441522013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Slopes above city of Nelson, along Tuatara Ridge Trail between junction with Jacobs Ladder Trail and Flagstone Crossing. NAD 83., -41.322 172.292972

Leptodon smithii (Hedwig) F. Weber & D. Mohr
PTBG1000047530James R. Shevock   439602013-11-13
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Tasman Bay Region. About road 0.25 km from trailhead of Abel Tasman Coastal Track just before community of Marahau. NAD 83. Along paved road., -41.0025 173.007333

Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Thér.
PTBG1000047529James R. Shevock   444072013-11-30
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve. Along Highway 6 below Pelorus River Bridge. NAD 83, -41.298333 173.572361

Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Hoe
PTBG1000047595James R. Shevock   439402013-11-12
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Maitai River Basin. City of Nelson, Along Dun Mountain Trail off of Maitai River Road just below Maitai Dam toward Maitai Caves above city. NAD 83, -41.2975 173.366944

PTBG1000047589James R. Shevock   439242013-11-12
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Maitai River Basin. City of Nelson. Along Maitai River Road below the Smith Ford Bridge above city. NAD 83, -41.2975 173.335833

Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) J. D. Hooker
PTBG1000047583James R. Shevock   441422013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson, along Tuatara Ridge Trail between junction with Jacobs Ladder Trail and Flagstone Crossing. NAD 83, -41.321111 173.291222

Niphotrichum elongatum (Frisvoll) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra
PTBG1000047571James R. Shevock   444502013-12-02
New Zealand, Westland Land District, Denniston Scenic Reserve, Denniston Plateau. Parking area for Denniston Walkway Track, Denniston Road below the historic coal mining town of Denniston, 2.4 km above junction with highway 67 and the town of Waimangaroa. NAD 83, -41.725944 171.772

PTBG1000047565James R. Shevock   444002013-11-29
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson. Along the ridge track between Third House and Jenkins Hill. NAD 83, -41.336389 173.309833

Cladomnion ericoides (Hook.) Wilson
PTBG1000047559James R. Shevock   444032013-11-29
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson. Along the ridge track between Third House and Jenkins Hill. NAD 83, -41.334917 173.303111

Cladomnion ericoides (Hook.) Wilson
PTBG1000047541James R. Shevock   442522013-11-23
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Tongariro National Park. Along Old Blyth Track between Ohakune Mountain Road and junction with Round the Mountain Track. NAD 83, -39.335694 175.499861

Leucobryum javense (Bridel) Mitten
PTBG1000047547James R. Shevock   439082013-11-10
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Nelson Lakes National Park. Lake Rotoiti. Slopes above the lake along Honeydew Track. NAD 83, -41.810833 172.851667

Ptychomnium aciculare (Bridel) Mitten
PTBG1000047553James R. Shevock   438702013-11-09
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Mount Campbell, Arthur Range. Along the 14.1 km section of Rocky River Road to summit of Mount Campbell communications tower, 9.8 km below summit. Along streamlet adjacent to Pinus radiata plantation. NAD 83, -41.132667 172.900639

Echinodium hispidulum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Reichardt
PTBG1000049796James R. Shevock   440352013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Bryant Range. Hiro Forest. Sharlands Creek watershed. Along Sharlands Track off of Sharlands Road about 1 km above junction with Kaka Road just above Maitai River Road. NAD 83, -41.261861 173.339806

Cyathophorum bulbosum (Hedw.) Müll. Hal.
PTBG1000049795James R. Shevock   439802013-11-13
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Kahurangi National Park. Along Riuwaka Resurgence Track along the Riuwaka River from trailhead to Crystal Pool. NAD 83, -41.032278 172.900861

Lopidium concinnum (W. J. Hooker) Wilson in J. D. Hooker
PTBG1000049802James R. Shevock   440402013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Bryant Range. Hiro Forest. Sharlands Creek watershed. Along Sharlands Track at junction with Sapplejack Trail off of Sharlands Road about 1 km above junction with Kaka Road. along stream. NAD 83, -41.259722 173.339167

Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Hoe
PTBG1000049808James R. Shevock   440382013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Bryant Range. Hiro Forest. Sharlands Creek watershed. Along Sharlands Track at junction with Sapplejack Trail off of Sharlands Road about 1 km above junction with Kaka Road. along stream. NAD 83, -41.259722 173.339167

Pendulothecium punctatum (Hook. f. & Wilson) Enroth & S. He
PTBG1000049814James R. Shevock   440652013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Eves Valley Scenic Reserve, Tasman Bay Region. Along track in lowland forest with small stream off of Eves Valley Road. NAD 83, -41.333889 173.051944

PTBG1000049829James R. Shevock   438932013-11-10
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Nelson Lakes National Park. Along Gibbs Walk (about a 0.25 km track) above campground site at Lake Rotoiti. Above lake. NAD 83, -41.804444 172.848278

PTBG1000049823James R. Shevock   442532013-11-23
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Tongariro National Park. Along Old Blyth Track between Ohakune Mountain Road and junction with Round the Mountain Track. NAD 83, -39.335694 175.499861

PTBG1000049817James R. Shevock   440662013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Eves Valley Scenic Reserve, Tasman Bay Region. Along track in lowland forest with small stream off of Eves Valley Road. NAD 83, -41.333889 173.051944

PTBG1000049811James R. Shevock   440682013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Eves Valley Scenic Reserve, Tasman Bay Region. Along track in lowland forest with small stream off of Eves Valley Road. NAD 83, -41.333889 173.051944

Campylopus clavatus (R. Br.) Wilson in J. D. Hooker
PTBG1000049805James R. Shevock   440262013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Bryant Range. Hiro Forest. Sharlands Creek watershed. Along Sharlands Road about 1.5 km above junction with Kaka Road just above Maitai River Road. NAD 83, -41.261722 173.340778

Calomnium complanatum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Lindberg
PTBG1000049799James R. Shevock   441492013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson, along Tuatara Ridge Trail between junction with Jacobs Ladder Trail and Flagstone Crossing. NAD 83, -41.321111 173.291222

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp. in Bruch & Schimp.
PTBG1000049793James R. Shevock   440072013-11-15
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, City of Nelson, Maitain River Basin. Edge of Branford Park along Maitai River Road about 50 m from junction with Nile East Road. NAD 83, -41.27475 173.300639

Bartramia mossmaniana Müll.Hal.
PTBG1000049830   439422013-11-12
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, City of Nelson, Maitai River Basin. Along Dun Mountain Trail off of Maitai River Road just below Maitai Dam toward Maitai Caves above city. NAD 83, -41.2975 173.366944

Acrocladium chlamydophyllum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. & Broth.
PTBG1000049824James R. Shevock   438772013-11-09
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Motueka River Valley, Base of Arthur Range. McKean Recreation Area. Between Motueka River Valley Road and Motueka River. NAD 83, -41.288694 172.804889

Acrophyllum dentatum (Hook. f. & W.) Vitt & Crosby
PTBG1000049818James R. Shevock   439702013-11-13
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Kahurangi National Park. Along Riuwaka Resurgence Track along the Riuwaka River from trailhead to Crystal Pool. NAD 83, -41.032278 172.900861

Hymenodon pilifer Hook. f. & Wilson
PTBG1000049812James R. Shevock   441432013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson, along Tuatara Ridge Trail between junction with Jacobs Ladder Trail and Flagstone Crossing. NAD 83, -41.321111 173.291222

Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
PTBG1000049832James R. Shevock   443262013-11-25
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Tongariro National Park. Along Round the Mountain Track to Waitonga Falls between trail junction with Old Blyth Track and Waitonga Falls. NAD 83, -39.331889 175.504722

Catagonium nitens (Brid.) Cardot
PTBG1000049801James R. Shevock   442962013-11-24
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Erua Conservation Area. Along Tupapakurua Falls Track between Tupapakurua Falls Lookout and Teranaki Lookout accessed off Fisher Road about 3 km from National Park Village. NAD 83, -39.178722 175.361833

Breutelia pendula (Smith) Mitten
PTBG1000049792James R. Shevock   440272013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Bryant Range. Hiro Forest. Sharlands Creek watershed. Along Sharlands Road about 1 km above junction with Kaka Road just above Maitai River Road. NAD 83, -41.262306 173.340944

Thuidiopsis furfurosa (Hook. f. & Wilson) M. Fleisch.
PTBG1000049798James R. Shevock   441692013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson, along the Toru-Kerny Flat Trail between junction with Tuatara Ridge Trail and Jacobs Ladder Trail. NAD 83, -41.320694 173.292833

Wijkia extenuata (Brid.) H.A. Crum
PTBG1000049804James R. Shevock   438712013-11-09
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Mount Campbell, Arthur Range. Along the 14.1 km section of Rocky River Road to summit of Mount Campbell communications tower, 9.8 km below summit. NAD 83, -41.132667 172.900639

Weymouthia mollis (Hedw.) Broth.
PTBG1000049810James R. Shevock   440552013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Eves Valley Scenic Reserve, Tasman Bay Region. Along track in lowland forest with small stream off of Eves Valley Road. NAD 83, -41.333889 173.051944

Distichophyllum pulchellum (Hampe in C. Müller Hal.) Mitten
PTBG1000049816James R. Shevock   438552013-11-09
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Mount Campbell, Arthur Range. Along the 14.1 km section of Rocky River Road to summit of Mount Campbell communications tower, 1.8 km below summit. NAD 83, -41.120472 172.865

Bartramia mossmaniana Müll.Hal.
PTBG1000049822James R. Shevock   438642013-11-09
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Mount Campbell, Arthur Range. Along the 14.1 km section of Rocky River Road to summit of Mount Campbell communications tower, 2 km below summit. NAD 83, -41.120083 172.867361

Weymouthia cochlearifolia (Schwägrichen) Dixon
PTBG1000049828James R. Shevock   443972013-11-29
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Slopes above the city of Nelson, along the ridge track between Third House and Jenkins Hill. NAD 83, -41.336389 173.309833

Thamnobryum pandum (Hooker & Wilson) Stone & G. A. M. Scott
PTBG1000049803James R. Shevock   441142013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Slopes above the city of Nelson, along Brook Stream Trail between the Visitor Center and weir sites. NAD 83, -41.313889 173.291111

Pendulothecium punctatum (Hook. f. & Wilson) Enroth & S. He
PTBG1000049809James R. Shevock   442132013-11-20
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Slopes above the cith of Nelson, along the Toru-Kerny Flat Trail, slopes immediately above Kerny Flat at Brook Stream with secondary stream. NAD 83, -41.323056 173.303972

Pendulothecium punctatum (Hook. f. & Wilson) Enroth & S. He
PTBG1000049857James R. Shevock   441102013-11-19
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson, along Brook Stream Trail between the Visitor Center and weir sites. NAD 83, -41.313889 173.291111

Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Hoe
PTBG1000049851James R. Shevock   440542013-11-16
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Eves Valley Scenic Reserve, Tasman Bay Region. Along track in lowland forest with small stream off of Eves Valley Road. NAD 83, -41.333889 173.051944

Pseudoscleropodium purum (Limpr.) M. Fleisch.
PTBG1000049845James R. Shevock   440022013-11-15
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, City of Nelsono, Maitai River Basin. Edge of Branford Park along Maitai River Road about 50 m from junction with Nile East Road. NAD 83, -41.27475 173.300639

Thamnobryum pandum (Hooker & Wilson) Stone & G. A. M. Scott
PTBG1000049839James R. Shevock   439142013-11-10
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Motupiko River, Upper Tributary of the Motueka. Along the Kikiwa to Tophouse Road less than 10 km from Tophouse. Along banks of Motupiko River at cascading stream over bedrock. NAD 83, -41.706806 172.886667

Dawsonia superba var. pulchra Greville
PTBG1000049847James R. Shevock   442972013-11-24
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Erua Conservation Area. Along Tupapakurua Falls Track between Tupapakurua Falls Lookout and Teranaki Lookout accessed off Fisher Road about 3 km from National Park Village. NAD 83, -39.178722 175.361833

Echinodium hispidulum (J. D. Hooker & Wilson) Reichardt
PTBG1000049841James R. Shevock   442122013-11-20
New Zealand, Nelson-Marlborough Land District, Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Bryant Range. Slopes above the city of Nelson, along the Toru-Kerny Flat Trail, slopes immediately above Kerny Flat at Brook Stream with secondary stream. NAD 83, -41.323056 173.303972

PTBG1000049835James R. Shevock   442272013-11-23
New Zealand, Ruapehu Land District, Tongariro National Park. Along Round the Mountain Track between trailhead off Ohakune Mountain Road to junction with Old Blyth Track. NAD 83, -39.329528 175.495778

Page 1, records 1-100 of 585


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