Bolbitis spp.
12793 K.R. Wood 9375 2002-03-22
east of Anarua bay, along the forested slopes to the north of the main stream and south of Perahu
12779 K.R. Wood 9542 2002-04-04
Anatakuri, forests just below ridge line up to Maungaoa. Elev. 1300-1450 ft.
7350 Steve Perlman 18336 2003-01-29
Feani area, Tepuna, off Hanamenu trail on west side of summit crest, at 1075 meters elev. Into gulch north side of trail., 900m
13405 Liloa Dunn 366 2003-12-10
Papuaeiekaha: cultivated tree growing along the roadside between the airport and Vaipae'e valley, 55m
13312 Art Whistler W 4871 1981-08-30
Bidens fatuhivaensis
17803 K.R. Wood 10137 2003-02-15
Tevaiua, southern summit region., 870m
Cyrtandra spp.
13654 Art Whistler W 4849 1981-08-17
In the forest east of Vaiufaufa on the Taiarapu Penninsula., 1000m
6287 Steve Perlman 14290 1994-07-05
Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, betw een Late and Pati Point,370-540 ft. el.
14605 L. B. & E. C. Abbe 12053 1964-06-15
Borneo, SARAWAK: Kuching,, ca. 0.5 mile NW of Kampong Siol Kandis, N side of Sarawak River, nearly oppo site the town. In the young kerengas, disturbed primary growth.
3873 David H. Lorence 7937 1996-12-12
Kosrae, Malem District, across road from Kosrae Village Resort, ca. 1.5-2 km N of Malem Village; elev. 1-2 m.
3862 A. N. Gillison F.R. Fosberg 60473 1980-08-25
Pohnpei, Roj Island. Top of outer beach, sandy.
12204 David H. Lorence 8135A 1997-09-13
Kosrae, At end of new road from Okat towards Yela (about 2.5 m from main highway, elevation 18-20 m.
14160 Tim Flynn 6102 1997-12-09
Pohnpei, Pohnpei Agriculture Station, Kolonia. Cultivated plants., 8m
7486 K.R. Wood 6944 1997-10-22
Mt Mo'ungalafa; transect from SW corner of Lake 'Ano, 244m
3873 K.R. Wood 6946 1997-10-22
Toafa; sea cliffs and coastal forests of rich brown soils and limestone outcrops. 700-750 ft elev.; west aspect.
15544 K.R. Wood 6948 1997-10-22
Toafa; sea cliffs and coastal forests of rich brown soils and limestone outcrops. 700-750 ft elev.; west aspect.
3862 K.R. Wood 6949 1997-10-22
Toafa; sea cliffs and coastal forests of rich brown soils and limestone outcrops. 700-750 ft elev.; west aspect.
15556 David H. Lorence 6107 1988-07-17
Toovii region, trail along ridge from near l'Economie Rurale complex to Ooumu peak. Elevation 860 -1080 m. Steep, forested slopes.
797 Steve Perlman 10268 1988-08-18
Trail to Mounanui from Teavepuhiau pass - 1/2 way to Mounanui, then west up ridge crest. Slope., 671m
12644 R. L. Oliver 3162 1975-02-13
Trail from Feani to Atuona ., 960m
15559 Steve Perlman 10215 1988-08-04
Trail to Mt. Temetiu; along windward ridge, close to summit. Low forest behind crest., 1128m
19965 Refugio Cedillo Trigos 1378 1982-05-24
Oaxaca, 15 km al NE de la desviacion a Cofradia y a 27 km de la poblacion Lazaro Cardena camino a Santa Maria Chimalapa., 250m
15574 L. J. Dorr 3648 1985-01-25
Antananarivo, Between Ambaravaranala and Tsiroanomandidy.
12972 Steve Perlman 10189 1988-07-30
Trail to Feani and Hanamenu, along plateau rim and ridge trail., 1128m
15576 Al Gentry 32429 1981-05-29
Basonal-Sierra Santa Marta road, ca. 14 km E of Lago Catemaco, alt. 700-800 m.
15577 David H. Lorence 4055 1982-04-17
Oaxaca, Limite entre los distritos de Ixtlan y Tuxtepec, Sierra de Juarez; Ruta 175 a 3 km al N de Metates, camino a San Martin Soyolopan., 650m
15577 David H. Lorence 4055 1982-04-17
Oaxaca, Limite entre los distritos de Ixtlan y Tuxtepec, Sierra de Juarez; Ruta 175 a 3 km al N de Metates, camino a San Martin Soyolopan, 650m
15577 David H. Lorence 4055 1982-04-17
Oaxaca, Limite entre los distritos de Ixtlan y Tuxtepec, Sierra de Juarez; Ruta 175 a 3 km al N de Metates, camino a San Martin Soyolopan, 650m
15578 Gordon McPherson 4982 1982-10-08
Southern, peridotitic slope of Mt Kaala; fore st along creek descending toward Kaala-Gomen., 250m
26 R. L. Oliver 3193 1975-02-21
Hanaheka valley. Edge of Hibiscus tiliaceus along stream., 300m
13312 Tim Flynn 6679 2000-05-15
Vaipapahi Experimental Farm., 61m
6285 David H. Lorence 8664 2001-04-28
NW sector of island , along ridge from Leaumasili Point towards Piamafua Mountai n, near site of abandoned village of Sili uta; elevation 160-180 m.
16906 A. R. S. Oliveira 528 1995-06-08
Acre, Riozinho do Andirá, colocação Curitiba. Floresta de terra firme.
17805 David H. Lorence 8931 2003-01-29
Atu ona: the trail from Atu ona up to ridge crest leading to Mt. Temetiu (old Atuona-Hanamenu trail)., 700m
14749 Tim Flynn 7049 2002-03-19
Takaue, center of island in swamp lands. In open area along side of swamp., 5m
17140 Steve Perlman 19056 2004-06-22
Service de Development Rural, Ag Dept. and Botanical Garden, just east of Vaipaee village, along raod; Alien veg., 107m
15578 Gordon McPherson 4982 1982-10-08
Southern, peridotitic slope of Mt Kaala; forest along creek descending toward Kaala-Gomen., 250m
17590 Jacques Florence 10373 1990-02-06
Opoa, Mont Oropiro, Epaulement Nord. Assez commun en forêt de crête, 200m
17572 E. H. Quayle 588 1922-06-29
14671 Jacques Florence 10627 1990-06-18
Patio, Mont Purauti, Crête Sud-Est.
17591 Jacques Florence 10070 1990-03-26
Maiahu, Secteur Ouest. Cocoteraie
Stenogyne laevis
13277 Steve Perlman 10017 1988-07-01
Tapueahu (labeled Matatekouaehi in error- DL 3/02) Valley, 2 miles up valley. Only on cliffs near waterfall., 290m
8831 Steve Perlman 10154 1988-07-22
FATU HIVA: Ridge from Omoa to Aiguilles Rocheuses, along ridge crest to Tefatutea Peak; sea cliffs of Needle Rocks above Tahaoa., 594m
17595 Rafael Torres C. 10847 1987-12-13
Oaxaca, 17.9 Km al SO de San Jerónimo Coatlán, carr. Miahuatlán-Piedra Larga., 1800m
17596 Gordon McPherson 10172 1986-12-27
Bocas Del Toro, Along old pipeline road from continental divide., 900m
17596 Gordon McPherson 10172 1986-12-27
Bocas Del Toro, Along old pipeline road from continental divide. Forest., 900m
17597 E. Martínez S. 19016 1986-06-24
Chiapas, A 50 km al S de Boca Lacantum.
17598 Gordon McPherson 12189 1988-03-02
Darien, Pirre Massif, Alturas de Nique, above Cana mine. Elev. 850-1150 m.
17599 Tim Flynn 4025 1990-07-02
Napo Province, Estacion Biologica Jatun Sacha., 450m
17600 S. Knapp 4506 1982-03-31
Serrania de Maje. High point of ridges S of Ipetí, 5-6 hours walk from Chocó Village. 650-800 m.
17601 T. Chehaibar 170 1985-08-09
Chiapas, A 1 km al E de Tziscao ó A 11 Km al E de la entrada al Parque Nacional Lagos de Montebelloo., 1330m
14787 Steve Perlman 10097 1988-07-16
Toovii Plateau. L'Économie Rurale, along new road., 994m
17602 S.H. Sohmer LAE 75395 1979-05-23
West New Britain Province, Garu Wildlife Management Area, track from coastal logging road up to base of Mt. Gabuna, western slopes., 240m
15564 P. A. Schäfer 5462 1975-04-08
Vaitahu, vers la crête d'Uuau, pente SW de la crête.
12920 P. A. Schäfer 5921 1975-10-23
Montagnes NW du Temetiu, entre la haute vallée de Hanamenu et la crête de Temetiu- Feani. Haute vallée, 925m
15130 P. A. Schäfer 5933 1975-10-23
Montagnes NW du Temetiu, entre la haute vallée de Hanamenu et la crête de Temetiu-Feani. Crête avec brousse assez ouverte á Santalum, assez commun., 830m
12136 Mario Vázquex T. V.2520 1982-05-23
Vera Cruz, 2 km. N del Pablado 2. Ejido F. J. Mina. Suelos cársticos, quebrados; macizos rocosos emergentes.
17605 Paul House 1163 1992-01-28
Lempira, Sendero entre La Planta eléctrica y la primera casa abandonada de Don Tómas. Parque Nacional de Celaque., 1800m
17606 E. Martínez S. 5596 1983-11-22
Guerrero, Loc. A 23.5 km al NE E1 Paraiso, camino Atoyac-Puerto del Gallo., 1700m
17607 Scott Mori 6112 1975-05-16
Veraguas, 6 km NW of Santa Fe on road to Caloverbora (Panama Hwy 35). Elev. 300-500 m.
17608 David H. Lorence 4009 1982-04-14
Oaxaca, Sierra de Juárez; Ruta 174 Tuxtepec a Oaxaca, a 5 km al N de Vista Hermosa., 1250m
Arachnothryx taylorae
17609 L. Rico A. 566 1982-12-09
Oaxaca, Loc. A 10 km al NE de Putla. Distrito de Putla. Suelo café arcilloso., 950m
17610 Thomas MacDougall s.n. 1953-03-12
Oaxaca, La Glorieta-Río Grande (N. slope).
17611 Gerardo Herrera 2656 1989-04-19
Limon, El Progeso, siguiendo el sendero de la avioneta, por la fila hasta los 1700 m. Fila Matama. Valle de la Estrella., 1350m
17612 Alush Méndez Ton 4367 1982-07-01
Chiapas, "Ak'abana"., 900m
17613 José C. Soto Núñez 9719 1985-07-24
Guerrero, A 5 km al NE de El balsamo, municipio de Coyuca de Catalán. Carretera Cd. Altamirano-Zihuatanejo. En ladera rocosa, escarpada., 1570m
17614 Thomas Hawkins 993 1996-04-30
Copan, Montaña Los Zapotes, mountain to the west of Los Zapotes, 18 km north of Copan ruinas on the road to Agua Caliente from Copan Ruinas and 2-3 km west of Los Zapotes school. Forest of hardwood trees 30 to 40 m tall with an understory growing in dense shade. Elev. 950-1050 m.
Solanum cf. torvum
17615 Melanie Heath 881 1990-01-01
Chiapas, El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, in the Soconusco region of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Pacific slope., 1450m
6283 E. Albert Amor 173 2004-02-09
Pohnpei, Pakepeng, Nan Uh., 50m
17966 Wayne Takeuchi 4550 1989-07-11
Morobe Province, Labu Swamp; woodline on landslip., 100m
18011 Gordon McPherson 4001 1981-07-30
Rivière Bleue reserve., 300m
18029 Gordon McPherson 4759 1982-08-01
Mandjélia, above Puébo., 650m
18030 Gordon McPherson 4512 1981-12-19
Mandjélia., 700m
13450 Steve Perlman 19730 2005-07-22
Pou Maka, ridge between Pou Maka and Oave., 792m
12211 David H. Lorence 9641 2008-01-15
Ngeremlengui State, Along new highwaynorth of turnoff to Ngapang Waterfall, just past Organic Farm. Vertical roadside bank, clay soil with Dicranopteris hanging above., 160m
15030 David H. Lorence 9643 2008-01-15
Ngeremlengui State, Along new highwaynorth of turnoff to Ngapang Waterfall, just past Organic Farm. Vertical roadside bank, clay soil with Dicranopteris hanging above., 160m
5001 David H. Lorence 9690 2008-01-22
Koror State, South of Ngermith village., 60m
19930 Rafael Torres C. 9067 1986-09-06
Oaxaca, 3 km al SO de Totontepec, carr. a Mitla., 1910m
3623 Craig Costion 379 2005-06-28
Belau, Ngatpang, along Tabechding River, off compact road bridge before junction to Melekeok; growing along river in Terminalia crassipes dominant riparian forest.
13543 P. Raynor 126 2002-01-16
Pohnpei, Imwinsapw, Temwen.
18450 H. Ern 2482 1977-11-20
Zone V. Agbatope, 6km ostl. Tsevie. Uferwald des Lili-Flusschens.
11068 A. Dores 140 2003-08-21
Pohnpei, Nanisou., 18m
3873 A. Dores 38 2002-10-14
Pohnpei, N.V. kehoaroar (Pohnpeian), 14m
Dalbergia spp.
3721 Craig Costion 108 2005-05-17
Belau, Ngarchelong, Ole, in upland forest.
3721 Craig Costion 144 2005-05-18
Belau, Ngarchelong. Along causeway to dock on west side.
11067 David H. Lorence 9710 2008-03-23
Belau, Side road heading south from Koror's main street toward Ngerbeched c. 0.5 mile along road., 25m
6719 David H. Lorence 9711 2008-03-24
Belau, Malakal, Government offices near Ice Box Beach Park., 5m
15412 David H. Lorence 9720 2008-03-24
Koror State, Ngerkebesangl, (Ngerekebesang) grounds of Palau Pacific Resort., 5m
13403 David H. Lorence 9740 2008-03-25
Belau, Ngerchol, in front of Dolphin Bay Resort, S of Kloulklubed. Weedy ruderal vegetation along roadside., 5m
13588 David H. Lorence 9807 2008-03-29
Belau, Airai State. Along new compact road near west side of airport; hydroseeded area along roadside., 60m
Ischaemum spp.
13005 David H. Lorence 9808 2008-03-29
Belau, Airai State. Along new compact road near west side of airport; hydroseeded area along roadside., 60m
15102 David H. Lorence 9812 2008-03-29
BELAU: Airai State. Along new compact road near west side of airport; hydroseeded area along roadside.
15317 David H. Lorence 9813 2008-03-29
Airai State, Along new compact road near west side of airport; hydroseeded area along roadside., 60m
13541 David H. Lorence 9814 2008-03-29
Belau, Airai State. Along new compact road near west side of airport; hydroseeded area along roadside., 60m
18344 David H. Lorence 9817 2008-03-29
Belau, Airai State. Along new compact road west of airport, Chenatel; hydroseeded area along roadside., 60m
13158 David H. Lorence 9818 2008-03-29
Belau, Airai State. Along new compact road west of airport, Chenatel; hydroseeded area along roadside., 60m
18313 M.J. Balick 4411 2007-07-31
Airai State, Oikull Village, Ngesechang summer house. b/w Ngesechang and Oikull.
3873 M.J. Balick 4427 2007-08-02
Airai State, Oikull Village, Meeting house 'bai', Beluu, Oikull. Nearby stone path.
35 M.J. Balick 4423 2007-08-02
Airai State, Oikull Village, Summer house b/w Oikull and Ngesechang. b/w Ngesechang and Oikull.
6285 M.J. Balick 4378 2007-07-30
Airai State, Oikull, Medal Village. Near mangrove forest.