11399 Steve Perlman 14291 1994-07-05
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, betw een Late and Pati Point,370-480 ft. el. on sea cliffs dominated by Bikkia tetrandra with Pemphis acidula, Sporobolus farinosus, Cassytha filiformis, Phyllanthus, Pisonia grandis, Eugenia thompsonii, Ochrosia mariannensis, Triphasia triflora, Ficus prolixa, Hibiscus tiliaceus, lots of deer damage
15189 K.R. Wood 3279 1994-07-01
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Bikkia tetrandra-Sporobolus farinosus limestone cliffs with Guamia marinnae-Aglaia mariannensis forests below cliffs. Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.
12254 K.R. Wood 3294 1994-07-01
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Bikkia tetrandra-Sporobolus farinosus limestone cliffs with Guamia marinnae-Aglaia mariannensis forests below cliffs. Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.
12338 K.R. Wood 3326 1994-07-04
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt. to Late Pt. (Borrow Pits area); Bikkia tetrandra-Sporobolus farinosus limestone cliffs with Eugenia bryanii, Pemphis acidula, Phyllanthus marinus. Elev. 350-- 500 ft, 130 degrees SE aspect.
7275 K.R. Wood 3318 1994-07-03
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Anderson Air Force Base; Ritidian to Pajon Pt.; Bikkia tetrandra-Casuarina equistifolia limestone cliffs with Guamia marinnae-Aglaia mariannensis forests above cliffs. Elev. 300--400 ft. 40 degrees north aspect.
Stenogyne cf. rugosa
14288 F. R. Fosberg 25135 1946-06-23
Mariana Islands, ROTA: Northwest coast of west end of main part of island, between Rota and Tataacho Point. Flat sandy coastal plain, limestone cliffs and sloping limestone terrace. Rocky upper beach. Alt. 1-70 m. (estimated).
Solanum spp.
14298 K.R. Wood 3329 1994-07-05
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Anderson Air Forse Base; between Pati & Late Pt.; Bikkia tetrandra limestone cliffs w/ rich Aglaia mariannensis forests at base of cliffs. Elev. 300-550 ft.
7868 Steve Perlman 14313 1994-07-20
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Andersen Airforce Base, above Tagua on seacliffs, between Tagua and Tarague Point, north facing Cliff terrace., 125m
Morinda latibracteata
11136 Michael Evans 688 1965-11-01
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Mr. Look's property above Jona. Open savanna area. Site of abandoned radar station. Elev. 100-150m.
5845 F. R. Fosberg 46278 1965-07-08
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Asanite Bay. In dense tangled scrub forest on rough limestone cliffs.
5845 F. R. Fosberg 46226 1965-07-03
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Ritidian Point, plateau near lighthouse. In dense scrubby mixed forest on rough limestone., 160m
15411 F. R. Fosberg 59604 1980-06-16
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Fonte grade below Nimitz Hill. Abundant on low herbaceous weedy vegetation.
14782 Art Whistler 8391 1991-10-17
Mariana Islands, ROTA: in the limestone forest on the flat area at the southeast corner of a plot of land that will become the Plumeria Country Club.
Eragrostis spp.
12073 F. R. Fosberg 59817 1980-07-12
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Tarague Beach. On sand flat back of beach. Elev. 2-3 m.
7778 Michael Evans 2293 1966-06-18
Mariana Islands, SAIPAN: Housing area on Navy Hill overlooking Tanapag Village and Harbor., 250m
17029 E. H. Bryan, Jr. 1061 1936-04-04
Mariana Islands, GUAM: Atangtano, roadside weed on Piti-Sumay road, sea level.
15790 Michael Evans 1981 1966-05-17
Mariana Islands, ROTA: Road from Songsong village along Sosanlagh Bay. Common in coral and coral sand. Alt. 5-10 m.
15791 F. R. Fosberg 58222 1978-11-08
Mariana Islands, GUAM: West of Hainia Point, southeast coast. Occasional in shaded on semi-open places in thick forest on rough limestone.
12340 F. R. Fosberg 24877 1946-06-08
Mariana Islands, TINIAN: Mt. Lasso, highest point on the island. Rough coral limestone with disturbed forest of Cynometra, Pipturus, Melanolepis, Mrinda, etc. with weedy abandoned cultivated ground. Alt. 150-175 m (estimated). Around house, well scattered over island.