Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: India; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-15 of 15

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.
9885Rev. Kalani   s.n.1995-05-26
India, KARNATAKA STATE: Mysore. Seeds were collected from a tree growing in a commercial stand and sent as a gift to Saiva Siddhanta Church, Kapaa, HI.

Bryum andrei Cardot & P. de la Varde
PTBG1000021905Georges Foreau   1929-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur.

Bryum pachycladum Cardot ex P. de la Varde
PTBG1000021899Georges Foreau   981923-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Kodaikanal.

Dicranum fragile Hook.
PTBG1000021893Georges Foreau   1929-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur.

Entodon plicatus Müll.Hal.
PTBG1000021887Georges Foreau   1925-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur: Tiger Shola.

Thuidium glaucinum (Mitt.) Broth.
PTBG1000021913Georges Foreau   1927-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur.

Thysanomitrion involutum (Müll.Hal.) P. de la Varde
PTBG1000021907Georges Foreau   
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Kodaikanal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Frullania nepalensis (Spruce) Lehm. & Lindenb.
PTBG1000024777R. S. Chopra   s.n.1935-07-19
India, Darjeeling, Sikkim Himalaya. Elev. 6000-7000 ft.

Bryum andrei
PTBG1000021905Georges Foreau   NULL1929-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur.

Bryum pachycladum Cardot ex Potier de la Varde, 1925
PTBG1000021899Georges Foreau   981923-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Kodaikanal.

Dicranum fragile
PTBG1000021893Georges Foreau   NULL1929-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur.

Entodon plicatus
PTBG1000021887Georges Foreau   NULL1925-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur: Tiger Shola.

Thuidium glaucinum
PTBG1000021913Georges Foreau   NULL1927-01-01
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Shembaganur.

Thysanomitrion involutum
PTBG1000021907Georges Foreau   NULL
India, MADRAS STATE, Madura District, Palni Hills: Kodaikanal and surrounding region. Kodaikanal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Frullania nepalensis (Spreng.) Lehm. & Lindenb.
PTBG1000024777R. S. Chopra   s.n.1935-07-19
India, NULL, NULL, Darjeeling, Sikkim Himalaya. Elev. 6000-7000 ft.

Page 1, records 1-15 of 15


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