PTBG1000076545 W. G. D'Arcy 18060 1992-05-30
Honduras, NULL, NULL, Trail between La Chorrera campsite and la Picucha summit, Agalta National Park.
PTBG1000065338 Randy Evans 2523 1996-04-20
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Confluence of Rio Bonito and large queb rada flowing from the SW (from the direction of Pico Bonito) . Ca. 50 m from quebrada., 15.65 -86.85
PTBG1000080288 Thomas B. Croat 64263 1987-02-01
Honduras, DEPARTAMENTO OLANCHO, NULL, Along Rio Olancho, on road between San Fr ancisco de la Paz and Gualaco, 13.6 mi SW of Gualaco, on steep slope ca 1/2 mi E of main road , along gravel road into private property., 15 -86.116667
PTBG1000072015 Randy Evans 2522 1996-04-20
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Confluence of Rio Bonito and large queb rada flowing from the SW (from the direction of Pico Bonito). Ca. 50 m from quebrada., 15.65 -86.85
PTBG1000080255 R. L. Liesner 26576 1993-05-27
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, NULL, Rio Pijol Valley. 6 to 7 km sough of Nueva E speranza. Elev. 1570-1670 m., 15.2 -87.583333
PTBG1000080249 R. L. Liesner 26249 1993-05-13
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km so uth west of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito. Forest at base of bluff and slope and near river. Quebrada Grande., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000000154 Randy Evans 1559 1993-05-08
Honduras, ATLANTIDA, NULL, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of New CURLA camp building on Quibrada Grande, ca. 1/3 km above its confluence with the Rio Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000000732 Paul House 1163 1992-01-28
Honduras, LEMPIRA, NULL, Sendero entre La Planta eléctrica y la primera casa abandonada de Don Tómas. Parque Nacional de Celaque., 14.6 -88.666667
PTBG1000000145 Thomas Hawkins 993 1996-04-30
Honduras, COPAN, NULL, Montaña Los Zapotes, mountain to the west of Los Zapotes, 18 km north of Copan ruinas on the road to Agua Caliente from Copan Ruinas and 2-3 km west of Los Zapotes school. Forest of hardwood trees 30 to 40 m tall with an understory growing in dense shade. Elev. 950-1050 m., 14.966667 -89.166667
PTBG1000011235 J. M. MacDougal 3406 1988-11-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Southern boundary of Lancetilla Valley (near Tela), on ridge separating Lancetilla watershed from that to the S, W of San Francisco, halfway to Cerro Peña Blanca. Elev: 450-590 m., 15.691667 -87.475
S. Blackmore 3820 1987-05-10
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho, 4 km from town, on road from Corquin.
S. Blackmore 4074 1987-05-22
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro Municipality, Yoro; near Puente Grande, on a tributary of the Rio Agua (Rio Puente Grande).
S. Blackmore 3660 1987-05-06
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Siguatepeque Municipality, Siguatepeque, 10 km north of town.
S. Blackmore 4195 2010-05-25
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Cordillera Nobre de Dios; Quebrada Grande on lower north slope of Pico Bonito.
S. Blackmore 4050 1987-05-22
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro Municipality, Yoro; near Puente Grande, on a tributary of the Rio Agua (Rio Puente Grande).
S. Blackmore 3664 1987-05-06
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Siguatepeque Municipality, Siguatepeque, 10 km north of town.
S. Blackmore 4164 1987-05-25
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Rio Cangrejal; 5 km inland from La Ceiba. Boulder-strewn river bank (west) and marginal thicket.
S. Blackmore 3836 1987-05-11
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho, 4 km from town on road from Corquin.
S. Blackmore 3961 1987-05-19
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Rio Tepemechin, 1 km south of Lago de Yojoa.
S. Blackmore 4212 1987-05-26
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Cordillera Nombre de Dios; Quebrada Grande on lower north slope of Pico Bonito.
S. Blackmore 4201 1987-05-26
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Cordillera Nombre de Dios; Quebrada Grande on lower north slope of Pico Bonito.
S. Blackmore 3876 1987-05-12
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho.
S. Blackmore 3857 1987-05-11
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho, just outside the town, on road to Corquin.
S. Blackmore 4108 1987-05-23
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Cordillera Nombre de Dios; 5 km north of pass on road from Las Flores to La Ceiba.
S. Blackmore 4145 1987-05-24
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Rio Cangrejal; 5 km inland from La Ceiba. Boulder-strewn river bank (west) and marginal thicket.
S. Blackmore 3937 1987-05-14
Honduras, INTIBUCA DEPARTMENT, Cordillera Opalaca; between San Miguel and La Esperanza.
Thomas Hawkins 567 1993-03-11
Honduras, COMAYAGUA, Qbr. Agua Amarilla. Along both sides of the Agua Amarilla stream. Nuclear zone of the Azul Meambar National Park, 10.5 km east of Lago Yojoa., 14.8 -87.866667
Randy Evans 1358 1993-03-11
Honduras, COMAYAGUA, Ridge of Cerro El Maneadero, ca. 11 km of Lago Yojoa, Parque Nacional Azúl Meámbar., 14.8 -87.875
PTBG1000011240 Randy Evans 1580 1993-05-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlantico) camp building on Quebrada Grande, ca 1/3 km above its confluence with the Rio Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000011239 R. L. Liesner 26087 1993-05-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito, from camp to 2 km E of camp. Elev: 80-150 m., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000011238 Reinaldo Aguilar 4065 1995-04-24
Honduras, YORO, Yoro, Camino Real de San Jose Texiguat a Campo Nuevo en un lugar llamado Las Letras al oeste del Cerro Cabeza de Negro., 15.466667 -87.434722
PTBG1000011237 R. L. Liesner 26068 1993-05-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito, from camp to 2 km E of camp. Elev: 80-150 m., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000011273 Randy Evans 1660 1993-05-14
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlantico) camp building on the Quebrada Grande, ca. 1/3 km above its confluence with the Rio Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of the La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito., 15.7 -86.833333
PTBG1000011289 Gerrit Davidse 35341 1994-06-24
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Cordillera de Celaque, 3 mi N of Belen Gualcho along road to Cucuyagua., 14.501667 -88.800556
PTBG1000011288 Gerrit Davidse 35367 1994-06-24
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Cordillera de Celaque: 5.5 mi N of Belen Gualcho along road to Cucuyagua., 14.52 -88.807222
PTBG1000011287 Mejia Dario 136 1992-06-01
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, Alrededor de El Filo, 15 km al Noroeste de Catacamas, departamento de Olancho en el Parque Nacional de Agalta., 14.983333 -85.933333
PTBG1000011300 Reinaldo Aguilar 4083 1995-04-24
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro Municipality, Camino Real de San Jose Texiguat a Campo Nuevo en un lugar llamado Las Letras al oeste del Cerro Cabeza de Negro., 15.466667 -87.434722
PTBG1000011299 Thomas Hawkins 824 1995-04-24
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Rio Guan Guan. 100 m above river. 300-380 m., 15.5 -87.455556
PTBG1000033691 J. M. MacDougal 3318 1988-11-07
Honduras, ATLANTIDA, Lancetilla near Tela, cerca la Rio Lancetilla, arriba del Estacion Experimental. 40-18- m, 15.716667 -87.458333
PTBG1000033687 Mejia Dario 178 1992-06-06
Honduras, Olancho (La Muralla), A ambos lados del Sendero El Pizote, 8 km al Noroeste de La Union, departamento de Olancho en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre La Muralla., 15.083333 -86.733333
PTBG1000033611 Thomas Hawkins 565 1993-03-11
Honduras, COMAYAGUA, Along both sides of the Agua Amarilla stream, nuclear zone of the Azul Meambar National Park, 10.5 km East of Lago Yojoa., 14.8 -87.8666667
PTBG1000033614 Thomas Hawkins 233 1992-02-10
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, South slopes of montana Cerro Azul. 14 km northeast of Florida. Cerro Azul National Park., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033602 Thomas Hawkins 113 1991-11-23
Honduras, DEPARTMENT SANTA BARBARA, Ridge leading to top of Santa Barbara National park., 14.916667 -88
PTBG1000033604 Mejia Dario 121 1992-05-30
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, a AMBOS LADOS DEL Rio lara y alrededor de La Chorrera, q5 km al Noroeste de Catacamas. En el Parque Nacional de Agalta., 15 -85.933333
PTBG1000033697 Mejia Dario 39 1992-02-09
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, Lado Sur de la montana alrededor de la meseta, 12 km al Noreste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional Cerro Azul., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033699 Thomas Hawkins 623 1993-03-14
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Along both sides of the Agua Amarilla stream. Nuclear zone of the Azul Meambar National Park, 10.5 km east of Lago Yojoa., 14.8 -87.866667
PTBG1000033700 Mejia Dario 46 1992-02-11
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, Al Noreste Quebrada Canon Oscuro, 10.8 km al NOroeste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional de Cerro Azul., 15.083333 -88.916667
PTBG1000033698 Mejia Dario 37 1992-02-09
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, Lado Sur de la montana alrededor de la meseta, 12 km al Noroeste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional Cerro Azul., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033701 Mejia Dario 34 1992-02-09
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, Lado Sur de la montana alrededor de la Meseta, 12 km al Noroeste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional Cerro Azul., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033702 Thomas Hawkins 485 1992-06-05
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, Area around visitor's centre of the La Muralla National Park, 8 km NNW of La Union., 15.083333 -86.733333
PTBG1000033714 Thomas Hawkins 466 1992-06-03
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, Trail between La Chorrera campsite and 1900 m camp of ridge., 14.983333 -88.933333
PTBG1000033712 Thomas Hawkins 388 1992-05-30
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, Area around La Chorrera campsite, Agalta National Park. 17 km NNW of Catacamas. On the north side of the mountain. Along and above the Rio Lara., 15 -85.933333
PTBG1000033713 Mejia Dario 240 1992-09-16
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Sendero en la Montana La Germania, 12 km al Noroeste de Siguatepeque., 14.633333 -87.95
PTBG1000031709 Thomas Hawkins 399 1992-05-30
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, La Chorrera. Area around La Chorrera campsite, Agalta National Park. 17 Km NNW of Catacamas. On the north side of the mountain. Along and above the Rio Lara., 15 -85.933333
PTBG1000033710 Thomas Hawkins 439 1992-06-01
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, El Filo. Trail between La Chorrera campsite and 1900 m camp on ridge., 14.983333 -88.933333
PTBG1000033711 Thomas Hawkins 499 1992-06-06
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, La Muralla. Between guest house and "exploration" turn on nature trail. La Muralla National Park, 8 km NNW of La Union., 15.083333 -86.733333
PTBG1000033696 Thomas Hawkins 384 1992-05-30
Honduras, DEPARTMENT OLANCHO, Area around La Chorrera campsite, Agalta National Park. 17 km NNW of Catacamas, on the north side of the mountain., 15 -85.933333
PTBG1000033695 Mejia Dario 194 1992-08-05
Honduras, DEPARTMENT LEMPIRA, Al oeste del Campamento Don Tomas, 10 km al Suroeste de Gracias. En el Parque Nacional de Celaque. Oeste Campo Don Tomas., 14.533333 -88.666667
PTBG1000033326 Gerrit Davidse 34538 1991-05-18
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Cordillera Nombre de Dios, Quebrada El Oro, presa area on steep hills S of Nueva Florida. Along quebrada., 15.516667 -87.475
PTBG1000011235 J. M. MacDougal 3406 1988-11-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Southern boundary of Lancetilla Valley (near Tela), on ridge separating Lancetilla watershed from that to the S, W of San Francisco, halfway to Cerro Peña Blanca. Elev: 450-590 m., 15.691667 -87.475
PTBG1000074178 S. Blackmore 3820 1987-05-10
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho, 4 km from town, on road from Corquin.
PTBG1000075367 S. Blackmore 4074 1987-05-22
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro Municipality, Yoro; near Puente Grande, on a tributary of the Rio Agua (Rio Puente Grande).
S. Blackmore 3660 1987-05-06
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Siguatepeque Municipality, Siguatepeque, 10 km north of town.
PTBG1000075086 S. Blackmore 4195 1987-05-25
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Cordillera Nobre de Dios; Quebrada Grande on lower north slope of Pico Bonito.
PTBG1000074803 S. Blackmore 4050 1987-05-22
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro Municipality, Yoro; near Puente Grande, on a tributary of the Rio Agua (Rio Puente Grande).
PTBG1000069910 S. Blackmore 3664 1987-05-06
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, Siguatepeque Municipality, Siguatepeque, 10 km north of town.
PTBG1000076174 S. Blackmore 4164 1987-05-25
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Rio Cangrejal; 5 km inland from La Ceiba.
PTBG1000071775 S. Blackmore 3836 1987-05-11
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho, 4 km from town on road from Corquin.
PTBG1000076175 S. Blackmore 3961 1987-05-19
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Rio Tepemechin, 1 km south of Lago de Yojoa.
S. Blackmore 4212 1987-05-26
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Cordillera Nombre de Dios; Quebrada Grande on lower north slope of Pico Bonito.
PTBG1000075102 S. Blackmore 4201 1987-05-26
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Cordillera Nombre de Dios; Quebrada Grande on lower north slope of Pico Bonito.
PTBG1000067174 S. Blackmore 3876 1987-05-12
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Belen Gualcho.
PTBG1000067171 S. Blackmore 4108 1987-05-23
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Cordillera Nombre de Dios; 5 km north of pass on road from Las Flores to La Ceiba.
PTBG1000069383 S. Blackmore 4145 1987-05-24
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Rio Cangrejal; 5 km inland from La Ceiba.
Hexasepalum apiculatum
PTBG1000071441 S. Blackmore 3937 1987-05-14
Honduras, INTIBUCA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Cordillera Opalaca; between San Miguel and La Esperanza.
PTBG1000080262 Thomas Hawkins 567 1993-03-11
Honduras, COMAYAGUA, NULL, Qbr. Agua Amarilla. Along both sides of the Agua Amarilla stream. Nuclear zone of the Azul Meambar National Park, 10.5 km east of Lago Yojoa., 14.8 -87.866667
PTBG1000080272 Randy Evans 1358 1993-03-11
Honduras, COMAYAGUA, NULL, Ridge of Cerro El Maneadero, ca. 11 km of Lago Yojoa, Parque Nacional Azúl Meámbar., 14.8 -87.875
PTBG1000011239 R. L. Liesner 26087 1993-05-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito, from camp to 2 km E of camp. Elev: 80-150 m., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000011238 Reinaldo Aguilar 4065 1995-04-24
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro, Camino Real de San Jose Texiguat a Campo Nuevo en un lugar llamado Las Letras al oeste del Cerro Cabeza de Negro., 15.466667 -87.434722
PTBG1000011237 R. L. Liesner 26068 1993-05-09
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Campamento Quebrada Grande ca. 10 km SW of La Ceiba. At base of north slope of Pico Bonito, from camp to 2 km E of camp. Elev: 80-150 m., 15.7 -86.85
PTBG1000011273 Randy Evans 1660 1993-05-14
Honduras, ATLANTIDA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Base of N slope of Pico Bonito, E of new CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlantico) camp building on the Quebrada Grande, ca. 1/3 km above its confluence with the Rio Bonito, ca. 10 km SW of the La Ceiba, Parque Nacional Pico Bonito., 15.7 -86.833333
PTBG1000011289 Gerrit Davidse 35341 1994-06-24
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Cordillera de Celaque, 3 mi N of Belen Gualcho along road to Cucuyagua., 14.501667 -88.800556
PTBG1000011288 Gerrit Davidse 35367 1994-06-24
Honduras, OCOTEPEQUE DEPARTMENT, Belen Gualcho Municipality, Cordillera de Celaque: 5.5 mi N of Belen Gualcho along road to Cucuyagua., 14.52 -88.807222
PTBG1000011287 Mejia Dario 136 1992-06-01
Honduras, DEPARTAMENTO OLANCHO, NULL, Alrededor de El Filo, 15 km al Noroeste de Catacamas, departamento de Olancho en el Parque Nacional de Agalta., 14.983333 -85.933333
PTBG1000011300 Reinaldo Aguilar 4083 1995-04-24
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, Yoro Municipality, Camino Real de San Jose Texiguat a Campo Nuevo en un lugar llamado Las Letras al oeste del Cerro Cabeza de Negro., 15.466667 -87.434722
PTBG1000011299 Thomas Hawkins 824 1995-04-24
Honduras, YORO DEPARTMENT, NULL, Rio Guan Guan. 100 m above river. 300-380 m., 15.5 -87.455556
PTBG1000033691 J. M. MacDougal 3318 1988-11-07
Honduras, ATLANTIDA, NULL, Lancetilla near Tela, cerca la Rio Lancetilla, arriba del Estacion Experimental. 40-18- m, 15.716667 -87.458333
PTBG1000033687 Mejia Dario 178 1992-06-06
Honduras, OLANCHO DEPARTMENT, NULL, A ambos lados del Sendero El Pizote, 8 km al Noroeste de La Union, departamento de Olancho en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre La Muralla., 15.083333 -86.733333
PTBG1000033611 Thomas Hawkins 565 1993-03-11
Honduras, COMAYAGUA, NULL, Along both sides of the Agua Amarilla stream, nuclear zone of the Azul Meambar National Park, 10.5 km East of Lago Yojoa., 14.8 -87.866667
PTBG1000033614 Thomas Hawkins 233 1992-02-10
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, NULL, South slopes of montana Cerro Azul. 14 km northeast of Florida. Cerro Azul National Park., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033602 Thomas Hawkins 113 1991-11-23
Honduras, DEPARTMENT SANTA BARBARA, NULL, Ridge leading to top of Santa Barbara National park., 14.916667 -88
PTBG1000033604 Mejia Dario 121 1992-05-30
Honduras, DEPARTAMENTO OLANCHO, NULL, a AMBOS LADOS DEL Rio lara y alrededor de La Chorrera, q5 km al Noroeste de Catacamas. En el Parque Nacional de Agalta., 15 -85.933333
PTBG1000033697 Mejia Dario 39 1992-02-09
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, NULL, Lado Sur de la montana alrededor de la meseta, 12 km al Noreste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional Cerro Azul., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033699 Thomas Hawkins 623 1993-03-14
Honduras, COMAYAGUA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Along both sides of the Agua Amarilla stream. Nuclear zone of the Azul Meambar National Park, 10.5 km east of Lago Yojoa., 14.8 -87.866667
PTBG1000033700 Mejia Dario 46 1992-02-11
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, NULL, Al Noreste Quebrada Canon Oscuro, 10.8 km al NOroeste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional de Cerro Azul., 15.083333 -88.916667
PTBG1000033698 Mejia Dario 37 1992-02-09
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, NULL, Lado Sur de la montana alrededor de la meseta, 12 km al Noroeste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional Cerro Azul., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033701 Mejia Dario 34 1992-02-09
Honduras, COPAN DEPARTMENT, NULL, Lado Sur de la montana alrededor de la Meseta, 12 km al Noroeste de Florida. En el Parque Nacional Cerro Azul., 15.1 -88.916667
PTBG1000033702 Thomas Hawkins 485 1992-06-05
Honduras, DEPARTAMENTO OLANCHO, NULL, Area around visitor's centre of the La Muralla National Park, 8 km NNW of La Union., 15.083333 -86.733333
PTBG1000033714 Thomas Hawkins 466 1992-06-03
Honduras, DEPARTAMENTO OLANCHO, NULL, (El Filo) Trail between La Chorrera campsite and 1900 m camp of ridge., 14.983333 -88.933333
PTBG1000033712 Thomas Hawkins 388 1992-05-30
Honduras, DEPARTAMENTO OLANCHO, NULL, Area around La Chorrera campsite, Agalta National Park. 17 km NNW of Catacamas. On the north side of the mountain. Along and above the Rio Lara., 15 -85.933333