Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Guam; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 613

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000031820D. Anderson   1431949-09-04
Guam, NULL, NULL, Mt. Lamlam.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009870Steve Perlman   142601994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, La Fac Point, south of Borrow Pit, between La Fac and Anao Point, cliff edge on top of seacliff, Andersen Air Force Base.

Oldenlandia strigulosa Bartl. ex DC.
Steve Perlman   142621994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, La Fac Point,south of Borrow Pit, between La Fac and Anao Point, cliff edge on top of seacliff, Andersen Air Force Base.

Steve Perlman   142631994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, La Fac Point, south of Borrow Pit, between La Fac and Anao Point, cliff edge on top of seacliff, Andersen Air Force Base.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polyscias macgillivrayi (Benth.) Harms
PTBG1000043745K. R. Wood   32851994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg SE asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nephrolepis acutifolia (Desv.) Christ
PTBG1000021462K. R. Wood   33071994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049231K. R. Wood   33061994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000032654K. R. Wood   33051994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogostemon guamensis
PTBG1000008518K. R. Wood   33001994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

Syzygium thompsonii (Merr.) N. Snow
PTBG1000051987K. R. Wood   33011994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepturus repens (G.Forst.) R.Br.
PTBG1000033947K. R. Wood   33041994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N. aspect.

Melanthera biflora var. canescens
K. R. Wood   33031994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

PTBG1000014306K. R. Wood   33021994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Point area; Elev. 400-600 ft, N aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000003620K. R. Wood   33111994-07-03
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Ritidian to Pajon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nephrolepis hirsutula (G. Forst.) C. Presl
PTBG1000021463K. R. Wood   33231994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Ritidian to Pajon.

K. R. Wood   32691994-06-30
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tagua to Taraque; Elev. 300-400 ft.

Leptopetalum foetidum (G.Forst.) Neupane & N.Wikstr.
PTBG1000072371K. R. Wood   32711994-06-30
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tagua to Taraque; Elev. 300-400 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000026575K. R. Wood   32721994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000040992K. R. Wood   32731994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; regional elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037017K. R. Wood   32751994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg aspect.

PTBG1000014304K. R. Wood   32761994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg aspect.

Laportea ruderalis (G. Forst.) Chew
PTBG1000082251K. R. Wood   32771994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000042919K. R. Wood   33421994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; regional elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

PTBG1000081498K. R. Wood   33411994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm.
PTBG1000082389K. R. Wood   33451994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Laportea ruderalis (G. Forst.) Chew
PTBG1000082257K. R. Wood   33441994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015369K. R. Wood   33391994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015350K. R. Wood   33381994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua. Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023873K. R. Wood   33361994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogostemon guamensis
PTBG1000008517K. R. Wood   33371994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000021733K. R. Wood   33431994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua. Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

0011537K. R. Wood   33471994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; west of Tagua; . Elev. 400-550 ft, 330 deg asp.

PTBG1000061047K. R. Wood   33291994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; between Pati & Late Pt.; Elev. 300-550 ft.

Psychotria mariana Bartl. ex DC.
PTBG1000057244K. R. Wood   33321994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; between Pati & Late Pt.; Elev. 50-400 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepturus repens (G.Forst.) R.Br.
PTBG1000033959K. R. Wood   33331994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; between Pati & Late Pt.; Elev. 50-400 ft.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009869K. R. Wood   33341994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; Anao Pt.

Colubrina asiatica (L.) Brongn.
PTBG1000064082K. R. Wood   33351994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; Anao Pt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000002129K. R. Wood   33241994-07-03
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; Ritidian to Pajon Pt. Elev. 300-400 ft, 40 deg N asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000034191K. R. Wood   33221994-07-03
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; Ritidian to Pajon Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 40 deg N asp.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000023016K. R. Wood   32681994-06-30
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Forse Base; Ritidian to Pajon Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 40 deg N asp.

Dendrocnide latifolia (Gaudich.) Chew
PTBG1000081653K. R. Wood   32801994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg SE asp.

Steve Perlman   142601994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, La Fac Point, south of Borrow Pit, Between La Fac and Anao, cliff edge on top of seacliff.

Oldenlandia strigulosa Bartl. ex DC.
PTBG1000074019Steve Perlman   142621994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, La Fac, south of Borrow Pit, Betwwen La Fac and Anao Point, cliff edge on top of seacliff.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028179Steve Perlman   142631994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, La Fac, south of Borrow Pit, Betwwen La Fac and Anao Point, cliff edge on top of seacliff.

Procris pedunculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Wedd.
PTBG1000082575Steve Perlman   142651994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Pati Point, just west of point 10 degrees north aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogostemon guamensis
PTBG1000027279Steve Perlman   142661994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Pati Point, just west of point 10 degrees north aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000043741Steve Perlman   142671994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base,Pati Point,just west of point 10 degrees north aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010147Steve Perlman   142681994-07-02
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Pati Point, just west of point 10 degrees north aspect.

Bikkia tetrandra (L. f.) A. Rich.
PTBG1000067317Steve Perlman   142711994-07-03
Guam, NULL, NULL, Ritidian Point to Pajon Point. On sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000047711Steve Perlman   142721994-07-03
Guam, NULL, NULL, Ritidian Point to Pajon Point. On sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Callicarpa candicans (Burm. f.) Hochr.
PTBG1000007642Steve Perlman   142731994-07-03
Guam, NULL, NULL, Ritidian Point to Pajon Point.

Procris pedunculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Wedd.
PTBG1000082581Steve Perlman   142741994-07-03
Guam, NULL, NULL, Ritidian Point to Pajon Point, on sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037019Steve Perlman   142761994-07-04
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base. Between La Fac Borrow Pit and Late Point.

PTBG1000014307Steve Perlman   142771994-07-04
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base. Between La Fac Borrow Pit and Late Point.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000043727Steve Perlman   142781994-07-04
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base. Between La Fac Borrow Pit and Late Point, on seacliffs.

Planchonella obovata (R.Br.) Pierre
PTBG1000079711Steve Perlman   142801994-07-04
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Bas. Between La Fac Borrow Pit and Late Point, On seacliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Digitaria gaudichaudii (Kunth) Henrard
PTBG1000032483Steve Perlman   142811994-07-04
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base. Between La Fac Borrow Pit and Late Point.

Melanthera biflora var. canescens
Steve Perlman   142821994-07-04
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base. Between La Fac Borrow Pit and Late Point, On seacliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028161Steve Perlman   142831994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Late Point to Pati Point. On sea cliffs.

PTBG1000061053Steve Perlman   142841994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Late Point to Pati Point. On sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007726Steve Perlman   142851994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Late Point to Pati Point, on sea cliffs.

Syzygium thompsonii (Merr.) N. Snow
Steve Perlman   142861994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Late Point to Pati Point. On sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009871Steve Perlman   142871994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, between Late and Pati Point.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009873Steve Perlman   142881994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, between Late and Pati Point, 370-480 ft. el.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogostemon guamensis
PTBG1000027281Steve Perlman   142891994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, between Late and Pati Point.

Leptopetalum foetidum (G.Forst.) Neupane & N.Wikstr.
PTBG1000072426Steve Perlman   142911994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, between Late and Pati Point, 370-480 ft. el. On sea cliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze
PTBG1000003141Steve Perlman   142901994-07-05
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, just north of Late Point, between Late and Pati Point,370-540 ft. el.

Syzygium thompsonii (Merr.) N. Snow
PTBG1000051984Steve Perlman   142931994-07-06
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Anao Point, In forest behind point on top plateau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000026576Steve Perlman   142941994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, west of Tagua, between Tagua and Tarague, off Crow Transect 9, on cliff.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogostemon guamensis
PTBG1000027283Steve Perlman   142951994-07-07
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, west of Tagua, between Tagua and Tarague, off Crow Transect 9, on cliff.

PTBG1000081504Steve Perlman   142961994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, seacliffs between Tarague and Mergagan in forested terraces.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense
PTBG1000050895Steve Perlman   142981994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, seacliffs between Tarague and Mergagan in forested terraces.

Laportea ruderalis (G. Forst.) Chew
PTBG1000082263Steve Perlman   143001994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, seacliffs between Tarague and Mergagan in forested terraces.

PTBG1000014308Steve Perlman   143041994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Tagua, end of Crow transect 9, on seacliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guamia mariannae (Saff.) Merr.
PTBG1000038381Steve Perlman   143051994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Tagua ,end of Crow transect 9. On seacliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015346Steve Perlman   143061994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Tagua, end of Crow transect 9.

Pipturus argenteus (G. Forst.) Wedd.
PTBG1000082507Steve Perlman   143071994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Tagua ,end of Crow transect 9, on seacliffs.

PTBG1000081689Steve Perlman   143081994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Tagua, end of Crow transect 9, on seacliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000048175Steve Perlman   143111994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, Tagua, end of Crow transect 9. On seacliffs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009868Steve Perlman   143121994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, west of Tagua Point, above end of road from Rifle Range, on cliff, 360-400 ft. el.

Ficus prolixa G. Forst.
PTBG1000013502Steve Perlman   143151994-07-12
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Andersen Air Force Base, west of Tagua Point, above end of road from Rifle Range, on cliff, 360-400 ft. el.

PTBG1000072146K. R. Wood   33551994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pajon Pt.; 20 degrees north aspect; collected close to sea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044427K. R. Wood   33581994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pajon Pt.; 20 degrees North aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oplismenus compositus (L.) P.Beauv.
PTBG1000035985K. R. Wood   33571994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pajon Pt.; 20 degrees North aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Digitaria gaudichaudii (Kunth) Henrard
PTBG1000032436K. R. Wood   33561994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pajon Pt.; 20 degrees north aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pogostemon guamensis
PTBG1000027282K. R. Wood   33591994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Pt.; 350 degrees north aspect; rappel between 400--600 ft. elev.

Pipturus argenteus (G. Forst.) Wedd.
PTBG1000082501K. R. Wood   33611994-07-11
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pati Pt.; 350 degrees north aspect; rappel between 400--600 ft. elev.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000027969K. R. Wood   33521994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tarague Pt.

Macropiper guahamense (C. DC.) A. C. Sm.
K. R. Wood   33531994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pajon Pt.; 20 degrees north aspect; 300--500 ft. elev.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000003726K. R. Wood   33541994-07-09
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Pajon Pt.; 20 degrees north aspect; collected close to sea.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eustachys petraea (Sw.) Desv.
PTBG1000032689K. R. Wood   33511994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tarague Pt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000036211K. R. Wood   33501994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tarague Pt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia chamissonis (Klotzsch & Garcke) Boiss.
PTBG1000049737K. R. Wood   33481994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tarague Pt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000027885K. R. Wood   33491994-07-08
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; Tarague Pt.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028173K. R. Wood   32871994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030988K. R. Wood   32861994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt. Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Davallia solida (G. Forst.) Sw.
PTBG1000016504K. R. Wood   32791994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt. Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Boerhavia acutifolia (Choisy) J.W.Moore
PTBG1000051833K. R. Wood   32821994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000026574K. R. Wood   32831994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt.; Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psychotria mariana Bartl. ex DC.
PTBG1000060093K. R. Wood   32841994-07-01
Guam, YIGO MUNICIPALITY, NULL, Anderson Air Force Base; La Fac Pt. Elev. 300-400 ft, 140 deg. SE aspect.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 613


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