Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Costa Rica; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 360

National Tropical Botanical Garden

PTBG1000076415L. D. Gomez   229101984-07-24
Costa Rica, NULL, NULL, Parque Nal. Braulio Carrillo, Estación Carrillo. Sendero a Tanques de Agua.

PTBG1000069695Gerardo Herrera Ch.   3071986-12-03
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, NULL, Reserva Forestal de San Ramón. Elev. 800-1200 m., 10.214722 -84.607778

Psychotria brachybotria
PTBG1000074847James H. Beach   13751978-07-03
Costa Rica, NULL, NULL, In hills behind Wafer Bay.

Coussarea austinsmithii
PTBG1000069653William A. Haber   26821985-09-10
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE PROVINCE, NULL, La Cruz de Abangares.

PTBG1000072356Barry Hammel   153161986-06-03
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, San Carlos Canton, 3 km south of Boca de Arenal, in midst of cane fields of Hacienda Boca Arenal., 10.5 -84.45

PTBG1000069311Gerrit Davidse   240661983-08-25
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, NULL, Cordillera de Talamanca, area between headwaters of Rio Bella Vista and Sitio Cotón., 9.95 -82.783333

PTBG1000072200William A. Haber   43921986-04-13
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE PROVINCE, NULL, Upper Rio Chiquito valley, 5 km N of Santa Elena., 10.416667 -84.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000002019Michael H. Grayum   92541988-12-12
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, NULL, Refugio Nacional Golfito along road from Golfito to Villa Briceño, from main ford of Río Cañaza to crossing of major tributary.Alt. 17-40 m., 8.65 -83.2

Arachnothryx costaricensis (Standl.) Borhidi
PTBG1000065368William A. Haber   118711994-08-28
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, Upala Canton, Cordillera de Guanaca ste. Bijagua, slope of volcan Tenorio. On west facing slope. Elev. 700-900 m., 10.733333 -85.05

Hoffmannia longipetiolata
PTBG1000072675Gerardo Herrera   31061989-07-01
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, Talamanca Canton, Amubri. Camino entre Amubri y Soki. Siguiendo el Rio Nabri hacia Alto Soki., 9.497222 -82.986111

Psychotria spp.
11137L. D. Gómez   26009
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS: Golfito forest at ridge above Golfito., 135m

Alberth Moreno   711991-11-28
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, NULL, Reserva Biol. Hitoy-Cerere Alrededores de la Estacion Valle de la Estrella. Bosque primario.

Chomelia paucispinosa
PTBG1000000149Michael H. Grayum   37371984-08-01
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, NULL, Along Rio de Orasi, 1 km upstream from bridge, Tapanti. Near mouth of Quebrada Casa Blanca. In pasture near east bank of river., 9.766667 -83.791667

PTBG1000069772Michael H. Grayum   44341984-11-01
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, NULL, Headwaters of Quebrada Mata de Limon, westernmost fork, Finca Anai. (Sixaola region) Elev. 20-2 5 m., 9.566667 -82.65

Psychotria valeriana
PTBG1000075536William A. Haber   42851986-01-20
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, NULL, Monteverde, lower community, on Pacific slope., 10.333333 -84.833333

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011324Brad Boyle   28451994-03-05
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, NULL, P. N. Braulio Carrillo Canton de Sarapi qui. Puesto El Ceibo. On ridge crest 250 m E of Transect Trail. Transect 750-1., 10.297222 -84.073611

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011325Brad Boyle   30331994-04-17
Costa Rica, HEREDIA PROVINCE, NULL, P. N. Braulio Carrillo Canton de Sarapi qui. Puesto El Ceibo. On ridge crest 250 m W of Transect Trail. Transect 750-2., 10.295833 -84.076944

PTBG1000011286Roberto Espinoza   271990-11-21
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE PROVINCE, NULL, Estacion Cacao. Parque Nacional Guan acaste., 10.929167 -85.470833

PTBG1000011132Rodolfo Zuniga   3611990-11-06
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, NULL, Faldas del Cerro Bares. Z. P., 9.791667 -84.475

PTBG1000011135Rodolfo Zuniga   5981991-12-06
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, NULL, Z. P. Cerros de Turrubares. Sector San Rafael. Sitio Cerro Pelon. En sotobosque., 9.816667 -84.480556

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011323Brad Boyle   24481993-08-19
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, NULL, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Zurqui Sta tion. Just above Los Guarumos trail, nearly at high point. Transect 1750-2., 10.061111 -84.016667

15256K. Barringer & E. Christenson   33181985-06-25
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE: Tablazo, above San Lorenzo de Tres Rios, remnant forests and pastures. Elev. 1200-1900 m.

17684Gerrit Davidse   313061986-09-17
Costa Rica, LIMON: Ca. 4-5 airline km S of Islas Buena Vista I the Rio Colorado. Premontane wet forest on low hills. Forest edge along new road. Elev. 100-180 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka
PTBG1000033961Kerry Barringer   33181985-06-25
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE PROVINCE, NULL, Tablazo, above San Lorenzo de Tres Rios. Elev. 1200-1900 m., 9.833333 -84.033333

Crusea setosa (M.Martens & Galeotti) Standl. & Steyerm.
19367W. D. Stevens   247011987-03-12
Costa Rica, PROV. LIMON: Cerro Coronel, E of Rio Zapote, from E of new road to Raphia swamp, within 1 km of Rio Colorado; tall evergreen forest and edge of Raphia swamp, on gentle to moderate slopes. 10-40 m elev.

19572Gerardo Herrera   25071989-03-02
Costa Rica, LIMON: Reserva Biol. Hitoy Cerere Cuenca inferior del Rio Hitoy. Cordillera de Talamanca.

Arachnothryx taylorae
PTBG1000000738Gerardo Herrera   26561989-04-19
Costa Rica, LIMON, Canton de Limon, El Progeso, siguiendo el sendero de la avioneta, por la fila hasta los 1700 m. Fila Matama. Valle de la Estrella., 9.788333 -83.145833

PTBG1000081177Gerrit Davidse   313061986-09-17
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, NULL, Ca. 4-5 airline km S of Islas Buena Vista I the Rio Colorado. Forest edge along new road. Elev. 100-180 m., 10.644444 -83.683333

Warszewiczia coccinea (Vahl) Klotzsch
PTBG1000031646L. D. GÃÆ'³mez   26009
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS, Golfito forest at ridge above Golfito.

Thomas B. Croat   226181973-03-06
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, Burica Peninsula. Quebrada Palito. Elev. 20-270 m.

W. D. Stevens   247011987-03-12
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, Cerro Coronel, E of Rio Zapote, from E of new road to Raphia swamp, within 1 km of Rio Colorado; 10-40 m elev., 10.66666667 -83.66666666

Psychotria elata (Sw.) Hammel
Garwood   11331083-02-05
Costa Rica, HEREDIA PROVINCE, South of Puerto Viejo. 2 km south of Magsasay Penal Colony, west of road.

Gerrit Davidse   310471986-09-13
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, Hills 2 airline km SSE of Islas Buena Vista in the Rio Colorado, 14 airline km SW of Barra del Colorado., 10.66666667 -83.66666666

Markea leucantha J. D. Sm.
Gerardo Herrera   25071989-03-02
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, Reserva Biol. Hitoy Cerere Cuenca inferior del Rio Hitoy. Cordillera de Talamanca., 9.0875 -83.42083333

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011130Austin Smith   41741937-05-13
Costa Rica, Barcero.

Siparuna Aubl.
K. Barringer   31671983-06-15
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, Alto de La Palma, along old road above Bajo La Hondura.

Siparuna gesnerioides (Kunth in Humb. & Bonpl.) A. DC.
L. D. GÃÆ'³mez   208261984-01-14
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, San Ramón. Río Cataratas y Cataratitas., 10.2 -84.54

Siparuna grandiflora (Kunth) Perkins
Warren D. Stevens   141771979-09-10
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, Along road from San Ramón northward through Balsa, ca. 5.7 km N of bridge over Quebrada Volio. Elev. 1100-1150 m., 10.133333 -84.483333

Siparuna gesnerioides (Kunth in Humb. & Bonpl.) A. DC.
L. D. GÃÆ'³mez   187411982-11-01
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, Reserva de Tapantí. Elev. 1300-1800 m., 9.783333 -83.8

Siparuna grandiflora (Kunth) Perkins
HÃÆ'©ctor M. HernÃÆ'¡ndez   7171984-08-19
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS, Reserva Biológica de Monteverde, vertiente del Pacífico, Sendero Nuboso, 10.29 -84.79

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleopeltis complanata (Weather.) E. G. A. Hooper
PTBG1000000588John T. Mickel   24811967-07-06
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, Slope of Volcan Poas at bridge just below Hacienda El Tirol.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aeschynomene deamii Robinson & Bartlett
PTBG1000001463Gerardo Herrera   17701988-04-11
Costa Rica, Alajuela: Upala, San Jose. 4 km al Noreste del pueblo. Laguna Las Playuelas y su alrededor., 10.966667 -85.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Andira inermis (Wright) DC.
PTBG1000001512Abelardo Chacon   121989-06-28
Costa Rica, Limon: Reserva Indigena Talamanca Camino a Soki entre la quebrada Amubri, margen izquierda de Rio Lari., 9.494444 -82.994444

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000003075Thomas Antonio   6301978-09-28
Costa Rica, Forest remnants on hills about 8 km. west of Ciudad Colon, 700-800 m. alt. near the Rio Jaris., 9.916667 -84.3

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000003229Utley & Utley   22731975-04-28
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, Volcan Irazu, 2 km from crater along C. R. 8.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zygia latifolia (L.) Fawc. & Rendle
PTBG1000003433W. D. Stevens   247481987-03-12
Costa Rica, LIMON, Cerro Coronel, E of Rio Zapote, from E of new road to Raphia swamp, within 1 km of Rio Colorado; on gentle to moderate slopes. 10-40 m., 10.666667 -83.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000003466Rafael Robles   19411988-07-09
Costa Rica, LIMON, Tortuguero. 3 km al suroeste de Tortuguero, por la trocha que comunica con Cuatro Esquinas. Bosque primario de Vochysia, Carapa y Pentaclethra., 10.533333 -83.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007538Gerrit Davidse   314801986-09-17
Costa Rica, LIMON, Southwestern-most ridge of Cerro Coronel, NW-facing slope, just S of the Rio Colorado. 10-80 m, 10.675 -8.658333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vismia baccifera (L.) Planch. & Triana
PTBG1000007586K. Barringer   36281984-07-09
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, Canton de Mora, Ciudad Colon, Hacienda El Rodeo., 9.916667 -84.266667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nectandra smithii C. K. Allen
PTBG1000008707William A. Haber   112361992-07-03
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, Canton de San Ramon. Valley of Rio La Esperanza, 4 km SW of La Tigra, Finca Araya Ledezma, Bosque Eterno de Los Ninos. Alt. 500-600 m., 10.3 -84.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees
PTBG1000008713William C. Burger   123371988-02-17
Costa Rica, PROV. PUNTARENAS, Ca. 3-4 km north of Palmar Norte. Elev. 140-200 m.alt., 8.966667 -83.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ruptiliocarpon caracollito Hammel & N. Zamora
PTBG1000008766Barry Hammel   181541991-03-20
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce Canton de Osa; camino nuevo entre Rancho Quemado y Drake. Bosque primario. Coordinadas aproximadas en el centro del trayectorio., 8.716667 -83.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009421W. D. Stevens   251161987-03-20
Costa Rica, LIMON, Shores of Cano Pereira., 10.783333 -83.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009540Kerry Barringer   36441983-07-06
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE PROVINCE, Near Hacienda El Rodeo, west of Cuidad Colon., -9.916667 -84.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Conostegia oerstediana O. Berg ex Triana
PTBG1000010679William A. Haber   15881985-06-01
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS, Monteverde Reserve. Upper community.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010970W. D. Stevens   250061987-03-18
Costa Rica, Limon. Along shore of Laguna de Enmedio, NNE of Barra del Colorado., 10.85 -83.616667

Hyperbaena leptobotryosa (Donn. Sm.) Standl.
PTBG1000011038Al Gentry   484761984-08-11
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, Corcobado National Park, Osa Peninsula, Vicinity of Sirena Field Station. Alt. 0-100 m., 8.5 -83.583333

PTBG1000011134Utley & Utley   33401975-11-15
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, Two km southeast of Tuis on Calle Rival along Rio Tuis.

PTBG1000011133William C. Burger   120021981-02-27
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, At La Gloria below La Cangreja and just above the Carretera Interamericana., 9.783333 -83.933333

PTBG1000011211R. L. Liesner   153531983-05-10
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, Turrialba Canton, 24 km northeast of Turrialba on highway to Limón, then east at Tres Equis on jeep road 1.5 km. Elev: 450-525 m., 9.96 -83.56

PTBG1000011209R. L. Liesner   153531983-05-10
Costa Rica, CARTAGO PROVINCE, Turrialba Canton, 24 km northeast of Turrialba on highway to Limón, then east at Tres Equis on jeep road 1.5 km. Elev: 450-525 m., 9.96 -83.56

PTBG1000011214William A. Haber   28651985-09-24
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE PROVINCE, La Cruz de Abangares.

PTBG1000011219William A. Haber   25151985-09-04
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE PROVINCE, La Cruz de Abangares.

PTBG1000011227Karsten Thomsen   11531994-10-09
Costa Rica, LIMON PROVINCE, Pueblo Nuevo, 17 km NE of Cariari, on the farm of Bernardo Herrera M., 10.333333 -83.6

PTBG1000011228Karsten Thomsen   781992-09-09
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, Coto Brus, 3.5 km W of Rincon. Four-hectare permanent sample plot 1 km N of BOSCOSA station., 8.716667 -83.516667

PTBG1000011226Alonso Carvajal   1071982-03-04
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, San Ramon Canton, Cerro Berlin.

PTBG1000011223J. F. Morales   14131993-04-29
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, San Ramon Canton, Bosque primario y secundario en el sendero Saino. Estacion Rio San Lorencito. Elev: 800-902 m., 10.219444 -84.593056

PTBG1000011147Brad Boyle   11541992-10-09
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Canton de Barva. La Legua, Finca Montreal. Ridge between headwaters of the Rio Volcan and Rio San Fernando, just above trail to refugio at 180 m., 10.210833 -84.1125

PTBG1000011146J. F. Morales   1261991-07-31
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, Z. P. Cerros de Escazu. Cedral, Falda noreste del Alto Hierba Buena. 1700-2100 m., 9.844167 -84.112778

PTBG1000011145N. Zamora V.   13071986-10-29
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, Local. Alto de Ochomogo, Bosquecito atras de la Fabrica Westomatik, Cartago.

PTBG1000011144William C. Burger   12082A1987-03-08
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, At La Gloria, below La Cangreja and just above the Carretera Interamericana., 9.783333 -83.933333

PTBG1000011143Brad Boyle   10431992-09-02
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Parque Nal. Braulio Carrillo Sendero del Transecto. Flat area immediately to left of trail ca. 50 minutes walk below refugio at 2070 m., 10.184167 -84.1075

PTBG1000011142Brad Boyle   10031992-08-15
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Parque Nal. Braulio Carrillo Sendero del Transecto. Flat area to right of trail. Transect 2000-1., 10.182778 -84.106667

PTBG1000011141Brad Boyle   8991992-05-30
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Sendero del Transecto, on flat portion of ridge during otherwise steep descent from Cerro Las Marías to old road that leads from San Rafael, Vara Blanca to regufio. Transect 2250-1, 10.168611 -84.113333

PTBG1000011140Carlos Chavez   2901990-10-28
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE, Parque Nacional Guanacaste Estacion Cacao. Liberia., 10.929167 -85.470833

PTBG1000011139Erick Bello   13721989-09-17
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA, Reserva Biologica Monteverde San Gerardo, altos del Rio Cano Negro. Finca de Lolo Chuta., 10.35 -84.8

PTBG1000011138Brad Boyle   11971992-11-22
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Sendero del transecto. Immediatelt to right of trail, one half hour below refigio at 1070 m., 10.277222 -84.0825

PTBG1000011137K. Thomsen & J. Korning   13471995-03-15
Costa Rica, LIMON, Zapota Dos, ca. 20 km NW of Tortuguero village. On farm of Ronulfo Vargas. Altitude 90-110 m., 10.633333 -83.683333

PTBG1000011136Utley & Utley   25321975-08-06
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, 5 to 6 miles south of San Isidro de Cartago; remnant trees in pastures along the Pan American Highway.

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011263L. D. GÃÆ'³mez   235851985-04-30
Costa Rica, Cerro entre Cerro Chimu y Cerro Matama.

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011262Gerrit Davidse   242181983-08-29
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, Fila El Tigre, SE of Las Alturas; elev. 1350-1450 m., 8.933333 -82.85

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011261Gerrit Davidse   232211983-01-23
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE, Bajo de Hondura, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo. Forest along river. Elev. 1100-1200 m., 10.066667 -83.966667

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011259R. L. Liesner   145881983-04-21
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, 10 km south of Cartago by air, along confluence of Río Empalme and Río Estrella, 1 km south of Palo Verde by road, Paloverde is 1.5 km south of Pan American Highway on road to Estrella., 9.766667 -83.95

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011260R. L. Liesner   145881983-04-21
Costa Rica, CARTAGO, 10 km south of Cartago by air, along confluence of Río Empalme and Río Estrella, 1 km south of Palo Verde by road, Paloverde is 1.5 km south of Pan American Highway on road to Estrella., 9.766667 -83.95

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011264L. D. GÃÆ'³mez   21987
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, La Tigra, Las Mellizas.

PTBG1000011296William A. Haber ex Eric Bello   32381985-10-27
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, Monteverde Reserve, El Valle trail, on continental divide with Atlantic exposure., 10.333333 -84.833333

PTBG1000011295William A. Haber ex Eric Bello   31981985-10-26
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, Monteverde Reserve, El valle trail, near continental divide with Atlantic exposure., 10.333333 -84.833333

PTBG1000011293Michael H. Grayum   35941984-07-22
Costa Rica, HEREDIA PROVINCE, "Zona Protectora La Selva", along Quebrada Cantarrana, between Rio Peje and Rio Guacimo; elev. 300-400 m., 10.366667 -84.05

PTBG1000011307William A. Haber   16671985-06-18
Costa Rica, ALAJUELA PROVINCE, Sendero pantanoso hacia el Rio Penas Blancas. Elev. 1540-1575.

PTBG1000011306William A. Haber   20011985-07-15
Costa Rica, GUANACASTE PROVINCE, La Cruz de Abangares.

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011322L. D. GÃÆ'³mez   214451983-08-19
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS PROVINCE, Upper Rio Buru.

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011321R. L. Liesner   142981983-04-16
Costa Rica, CARTAGO PROVINCE, 12 km S of Turrialba by air, 4 km SE of Pejibaye along Rio Gato., 9.8 -83.7

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011320Gerrit Davidse   282641984-09-04
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS, Foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, just north of Santa Elena on Fila Coton, south of Agua Caliente., 8.95 -82.933333

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011319Gerrit Davidse   288081984-09-10
Costa Rica, LIMON, Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, Cerros Tararia (locally known as Tres Picos); elev. 2400-2600 m., 9.15 -82.966667

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011318Gerrit Davidse   289501984-09-11
Costa Rica, LIMON, Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, south side of unnamed cordillera between the Rio Terbi and Rio Sini, 2-4 airline km W of the Costa Rican-Panamanian border; elev. 2300-2500 m., 9.15 -82.966667

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011329Juan Marin   2531991-11-04
Costa Rica, PUNTARENAS, Osa Canton, Rancho Quemado. Sector sureste. Sierpe., 8.652778 -83.538889

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011328Brad Boyle   11711992-10-09
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Barva Canton, La Legua, Finca Montreal. Ridge between headwaters of Rio Volcan and Rio San Fernando, just above trail to refugio at 1800 m., 10.210833 -84.1125

Mollinedia Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000011327Brad Boyle   12751992-11-25
Costa Rica, HEREDIA, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Sendero del transecto. Immediately to right of trail, one half hour below refugio at 1070 m., 10.277222 -84.0825

Image Associated With the Occurence
Huperzia attenuata (Spring ) Rothm.
PTBG1000014171R. J. Hickey   8921983-07-25
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE PROVINCE, Cord. de Talamanca; Cerro de la Muerte, Pan American Hwy at km 92. Alt. 30-3300 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Huperzia Bernh., 1801
PTBG1000014173R. J. Hickey   8981983-07-25
Costa Rica, SAN JOSE PROVINCE, Cord. de Talamanca; Cerro de la Muerte, Pan American Hwy at km 91. Alt. 30-3300 m.

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