Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Colombia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-26 of 26

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Arachnothryx euryphylla
PTBG1000065343Thomas B. Croat   699191990-01-23
Colombia, ANTIOQUIA DEPARTMENT, Salgar Municipality, Along road between S algar to El Dauro (Choco) near border with Choco Department., 5.983333 -76.116667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cortaderia nitida (Kunth) Pilg.
PTBG1000032203R. Callejas   7571 (12)
Colombia, ANTIOQUIA DEPARTMENT, Urrao Municipality, Inspeccion Jaipera, Vereda El Chu scal, Localidad Llanogrande, Paramo de Frontino, Paramo y bo sques circundates. Elevation 3400 mts., 6.45 -76.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleopeltis monosora
PTBG1000022650R. Callejas   7569 (13)1989-04-05
Colombia, ANTIOQUIA DEPARTMENT, Urrao Municipality, Inspeccion Jaipera, Vereda El Chu scal, Localidad Llanogrande, Paramo de Frontino, Paramo y bo sques circundates. Elevation: 3400 mts., 6.45 -76.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sarcopera anomala (Kunth) Bedell
PTBG1000010625R. Callejas   79171989-04-10
Colombia, NULL, Mun. Urrao, Antioquia. Corregimiento Santa Isabel, via a la Finca La Palma, 15 km E de Urrao en la Troncal a Medellín. Bosque montano., 6.166667 -76.25

Siparuna conica S. S. Renner & Hausner
Al Gentry   367141982-06-11
Colombia, CHOCO, Quibdo-Bolivar road, 41-56 km E of Quibdo. Elev. 350-400 m., 5.783333 -76.583333

Siparuna thecaphora (Poepp. & Endl.) A. DC.
Adrian Juncosa   16051984-01-01
Colombia, CHOCO, Mecana. On Pacific coast N of Bahía Solano. Hills near coast. Alt. 1-100 m., 6.26666 -77.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jamesonia imbricata (Cav.) Hook. & Grev.
PTBG1000018355Patricia Sanchez-Baracaldo   2291997-01-09
Colombia, CUNDINAMARCA DEPARTMENT, Chingaza, Parque Natural Nacional Chingaza - On Sendero Natural., 4.5 -73.7

PTBG1000052188David H. Lorence   103522012-08-06
Colombia, Jardin Botanico de Medellin, Calle 73, no. 51D-14. Medellin., 4.534625053 -75.64732361

David H. Lorence   103472012-08-04
Colombia, Mountains NW of Cartago, road to San Jose del Palmar., 4.938055992 -76.08960724

David H. Lorence   103482012-08-04
Colombia, Mountains NW of Cartago, road to San Jose del Palmar., 4.938055992 -76.08960724

Heliconia titanum W. J. Kress & Betancur
David H. Lorence   103452012-08-03
Colombia, Along Route 19 NW of Cali, around km 18., 3.556649923 -76.61441803

Heliconia huilensis Abalo & G. Morales
David H. Lorence   103462012-08-03
Colombia, Mountains NW of Cartago, road to San Jose del Palmar., 4.938055992 -76.08960724

David H. Lorence   103442012-08-02
Colombia, Old Buenoaventura road from El Queremal into Anchicaya watershed, near Chorrera La Elsa (waterfall)., 3.521060944 -76.75048828

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anemopaegma paraense Bur. & Schum.
PTBG1000044303Al Gentry   90711974-01-10
Colombia, CAQUETA, 6 km E of Morelia.

Siparuna conica S. S. Renner & Hausner
PTBG1000080297Al Gentry   367141982-06-11
Colombia, CHOCO, NULL, Quibdo-Bolivar road, 41-56 km E of Quibdo. Elev. 350-400 m., 5.783333 -76.583333

Siparuna thecaphora (Poepp. & Endl.) A. DC.
PTBG1000080310Adrian Juncosa   16051984-01-01
Colombia, CHOCO, NULL, Mecana. On Pacific coast N of Bahía Solano. Hills near coast. Alt. 1-100 m., 6.26666 -77.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jamesonia imbricata (Sw.) Hook. & Grev.
PTBG1000018355Patricia Sanchez-Baracaldo   2291997-01-09
Colombia, CUNDINAMARCA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Chingaza, Parque Natural Nacional Chingaza - On Sendero Natural., 4.5 -73.7

PTBG1000052188David H. Lorence   103522012-08-06
Colombia, NULL, NULL, Jardin Botanico de Medellin, Calle 73, no. 51D-14. Medellin., 4.534625 -75.647324

PTBG1000066710David H. Lorence   103472012-08-04
Colombia, NULL, NULL, Mountains NW of Cartago, road to San Jose del Palmar., 4.938056 -76.089607

PTBG1000066704David H. Lorence   103482012-08-04
Colombia, NULL, NULL, Mountains NW of Cartago, road to San Jose del Palmar., 4.938056 -76.089607

Heliconia titanum W.J.Kress & Betancur
PTBG1000066716David H. Lorence   103452012-08-03
Colombia, NULL, NULL, Along Route 19 NW of Cali, around km 18., 3.55665 -76.614418

Heliconia huilensis Abalo & G.Morales
PTBG1000066722David H. Lorence   103462012-08-03
Colombia, NULL, NULL, Mountains NW of Cartago, road to San Jose del Palmar., 4.938056 -76.089607

PTBG1000066728David H. Lorence   103442012-08-02
Colombia, NULL, NULL, Old Buenoaventura road from El Queremal into Anchicaya watershed, near Chorrera La Elsa (waterfall)., 3.521061 -76.750488

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anemopaegma paraense Bureau & K. Schum.
PTBG1000044303Al Gentry   90711974-01-10
Colombia, CAQUETA, NULL, 6 km E of Morelia.

Gouania trichodonta
PTBG1000064121G. Davidse   5651A1974-01-10
Colombia, CAQUETA DEPARTMENT, NULL, 21 km SE of Morelia along road to Rio Pescado (SW of Florencia).

PTBG1000064109W. E. Harmon   46871970-11-09
Colombia, ESCUINTLA DEPARTMENT, NULL, Near Hwy CA 2, Escuintla. On banks of Rio Achiote., 14.267778 -90.895833

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