Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Caroline Islands; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1718

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson ex Z) Fosberg
16437Diane Ragone   5841999-01-23
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Utwa, trial to Menka ruins at juncture of first fork in main trail where left fork narrows and heads uphill., 15m

Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson ex Z) Fosberg
16437Diane Ragone   5851999-01-23
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Utwa, trial to Menka ruins at juncture of first fork in main trail where left fork narrows and heads uphill., 15m

7051F. Sohl   802001-02-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Kitti Municipality: Nan mand, Lehnmesi river.

7162M.J. Balick   38541997-09-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Sokehs Municipality: Mwalok Village. Home of Marie David (grandmother of Francisco Sohl). Roadside on hill.

12364T. Portner   52005-05-27
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Down road right before the top of the ridge.

Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn.
2149Tim Flynn   61131997-12-09
Caroline Islands, Pohnpei: Uh Municipality. Trail to Kupwuriso; lower portion through disturbed forest of Pittosporus, Elaeocarpus, Hibiscus, Ficus, Cananga, Flagellaria, Nephrolepis, Cordyline, Asplenium, Costus, Calophyllum, and Cynometra. Becoming wetter near the summit ridge with Clinostigma, Cinnamomum, Pandanus, Piper, and Myristica as well. Elev. ca 150-280 m.

Mimusops balata (Aubl.) C.F.Gaertn.
5164D. Anderson   7891949-11-19
Caroline Islands, CHUUK: Moen Island, ridge back of Moen Village at summit.

14897Tim Flynn   59971996-12-02
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District, Mt. Oma along trail from Malem River. Summit forest with Campnosperma, Cyathea, Horsfieldia Astronidium, Pandanus, Freycinetia, Angiopteris, Psychotria, Elaeocarpus, Styrax, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Cyrtandra, Piper, Procris, and numerous pteridophytes on ground and as epi- phytes. Elev. 400-450 m.

Legazpia polygonoides (Benth.) T. Yamaz.
14898Tim Flynn   59991996-12-02
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District, Mt. Oma along trail from Malem River. Summit forest with Campnosperma, Cyathea, Horsfieldia Astronidium, Pandanus, Freycinetia, Angiopteris, Psychotria, Elaeocarpus, Styrax, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Cyrtandra, Piper, Procris, and numerous pteridophytes on ground and as epi- phytes. Elev. 400-450 m.

8224Tim Flynn   59911996-12-01
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: east coast, N of Kosrae Village Resort in coastal forest with canopy dominated by Sonneratia and mangroves (Rhizophora and Brugieria), Barringtonia, Cocos, Pandanus, Clerodendron, and Derris. Elev. 1-2 m.

6969Tim Flynn   59931996-12-01
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: east coast, N of Kosrae Village Resort in coastal forest with canopy dominated by Sonneratia and man- groves (Rhizophora and Brugieria), Barringtonia, Cocos, Pandanus, Clerodendron, and Derris. Elev. 1-2 m.

3141Tim Flynn   60691996-12-06
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Utwa District, road from Utwe to Walung, ca one km east of Sipyen Waterfall. Lowland wet agroforest and secondary vegetation along roadside with Hibiscus, Horsefieldia, Campnosperma, Ficus, Chromolaena, Nephrolepis, and Dicranopteris. Elev. ca 40 m.

Lindsaea spp.
14976Tim Flynn   60051996-12-02
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District, Mt. Oma along trail from Malem River. Summit forest with Campnosperma, Cyathea, Horsfieldia Astronidium, Pandanus, Freycinetia, Angiopteris, Psychotria, Elaeocarpus, Styrax, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Cyrtandra, Piper, Procris, and numerous pteridophytes on ground and as epi- phytes. Elev. 400-450 m.

Didymoglossum bimarginatum (Bosch) Ebihara & K. Iwats.
6038David H. Lorence   78681996-12-04
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Utwe District. Coastal road from Utwe to Walag, ca. 1-3 km W of Utwe; lowland wet secondary forest and agroforest with ruderal vegetation along roadside, elev. 5-40 m.

Pritchardia flynnii Lorence & Gemmill
12715Tim Flynn   60771996-12-06
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Utwe District, ruderal vegetation along road road from Utwe to Walung with Chamaesyce spp, Phyllanthus, Ipomoea tuboides, Eclipta, Cyperus, Ageratum, Crotalaria, Merremia, Echinochloa, Paspalum, and Cenchrus., 40m

Clermontia arborescens (H. Mann) Hillebr.
15194Tim Flynn   63411998-02-07
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror State, Oreor; Ngermalk Island, south of road be tween Malakal & Medalaii. Primary forest with Ficus, Morinda Semecarpus, Psychotria, Pisonia, Aglaia, Callicarpa, Alpinia Malaisia, Tectaria, Piper, and various orchids on limestone karst. Elev. 0-30 m.

8535Tim Flynn   63731998-02-10
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Aimeliik State, along road between Airai and Aimeliik Tabecheding Waterfall. Wet forest from parking area to stream with Parinari, Pinanga, Campnosperma, Horsfieldia, and Hedyotis., 30m

Monogramma paradoxa (Fée) Bedd.
1Tim Flynn   63951998-02-12
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Ngatpang State; along road from Ngatpang to Ngerenlengai. Remnant forest of Alphitonia, Dracaena, Garcinia, Freycinetia, Calophyllum, Rhus, and Horsfieldia at edge of savanna lands., 200m

15298Tim Flynn   64001998-02-13
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Airai State, road from Airai to Aimeliik, 9.9 miles f rom Airai. Primary forest of Trichospermum, Glochidion, Alph itonia, Alpinia, Manilkara, Wikstroemia, and Connarus. Elev. ca 100 m.

9956Tim Flynn   63021997-09-09
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District, north of Kosrae Village Resort in c oastal forest of Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Brugiera, Xylocarpu s, Thespesia, Cocos, Barringtonia, Pandanus, Lumnitzera, Der ris, and Wollastonia. Elev. 0-1 m.

15319Tim Flynn   64241998-02-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Airai State, Babeldaob, along road behind airport, ca 2.2 miles past airport entrance. Savanna with Casuarina, Nep enthes, Melastoma, Cassytha, Gleichenia, Commersonia, Dianel la, Manilkara, and Hedyotis., 50m

Chrysothemis pulchella (Donn ex Sims) Decne.
2895Tim Flynn   61001997-12-09
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Net Municipality. Pohnpei Agriculture Station, Kolonia. Cultivated plants., 8m

Cryosophila warscewiczii (H.Wendl.) Bartlett
15244Tim Flynn   61191997-12-12
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Lelu District, ruderal vegetation at west end o f bridge over Inya Mutumenea near causeway to Lelu island. W ith Ipomoea, Eragrostis, Desmodium, and Vernonia., 2m

Cyperus kyllinga
17174Tim Flynn   63091997-09-11
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District, Mosral. From Mosral farm road to Kup luwan Plateau. Lowland agroforest/ secondary forest with Neu bergia, Adenanthera, Horsfieldia, Musa, Artocarpus, and Mani hot giving way to lowland wet forest on plateau with Horsfie ldia, Neubergia, Ptychosperma, Cyathea, Ficus, Syzygium, Psy chotria, Antidesma, Flagellaria, Polyscias, Angiopteris, and Asplenium spp. Elev. 80-100 m.

Huperzia squarrosa (G. Forst.) Trevis.
15261David H. Lorence   78971996-12-06
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Malem District. Kosrae Village Resort near Teya. Coastal mangrove vegetation with Brugiera, Rhizophora spp, Sonneratia, Barringtonia, Pandanus, Cocos, elevation 0-1 m.

Bidens mauiensis (A.Gray) Sherff
8178David H. Lorence   80541997-09-04
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality. Tamworohi, grounds of the Pohnpei Agriculture and Trade School (PATS), elev. 10-20 m. Agricultural fields and roadsides with ruderal vegetation.

12692David H. Lorence   80651997-09-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Uh Municipality. East of Saladak Kosop along ridge leading to Mt. Kupwuriso. Primary lowland wet forest with Clinostigma ponapensis, Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Aglaea, Cynometra ramiflora, Myristica insularis, elev. 250-560 m.

Undet Polypodiaceae spp.
8071David H. Lorence   80381997-09-03
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality, SW of Peiai, along road from Peiai then along path ascending to Pohnauleng plateau towards Nihpit. Agroforest and slightly disturbed lowland wet forest with canopy of Campnospermum, Clinostigma ponapensis, Parinari, Myristica insularis, also with Aglaea, Cyathea, Pandanus, Maesa, Syzygium, and understory of Freycinetia and ferns, elev. 200-240 m.

12302David H. Lorence   80471997-09-03
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality, along unpaved road heading SW from Peiai, ca. 0.5-1 km SW of Peiai; secondary forest and agroforest with Artocarpus, elevation 90-100 m.

Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton & Rose
1David H. Lorence   80511997-09-04
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality, along main paved road just S of Peiai; secondary vegetation with Hibuscus tiliaceus, Morinda citrifolia, Glochidion, various grasses, etc, elevation 10-20 m.

281David H. Lorence   80681997-09-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Uh Municipality. East of Saladak Kosop along ridge leading to Mt. Kupwuriso. Primary lowland wet forest with canopy of Clinostigma ponapensis, Campnospermum, Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Myristica insularis, also Aglaia, Cyathea, Pandanus, Freycinetia, elev. 345-560 m., 350m

Bulbophyllum spp.
15279David H. Lorence   80901997-09-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Uh Municipality. From Saladak Kosop along ridge leading to Mt. Kupwuriso. Primary lowland wet forest with canopy of Clinostigma ponapensis, Camnospermum, Elaeocarpus carolinensis, Myristica insularis, Cynometra ramiflora, also Cyathea, Aglaia, Pandanus, Freycinetia, elevation 250-345 m.

Hypolytrum nemorum (Vahl) Spreng.
1893David H. Lorence   80831997-09-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Uh Municipality. Forested ridge leading to summit of Mt. Kupwuriso. Primary mossy wet summit forest with Xylosma, Gynotroches, Glochidion, Maesa, Cyathea, Campnospermum, Melastoma, Astronidium, Syzygium, Eurya, a few Clinostigma ponapensis, and Psychotria spp. elevation 560-630 m.

13645David H. Lorence   80941997-09-06
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Uh Municipality. Dolen Lamwer, grounds of "The Village" Hotel. Remnant lowland wet forest and old agroforest with native remnants and ornamental plantings. Elevation 40-50 m.

Hemigraphis alternata (Burm.f.) T.Anderson
12563David H. Lorence   81771998-02-07
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror State, Ngermalk Island (adjacent to causeway between Medalaii and Malakal, south of Mobil gas station); tropical evergreen mesic forest on karstic limestone, with Pisonia, Aglaia, Ficus, Ixora, Semecarpus, Psychotria, Meryta, Morinda, Ptychosperma, and numerous vines and epiphytes, elevation 0-30 m.

1630David H. Lorence   81941998-02-08
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror State: Ulebsechel Island, SE end of island; shrub vegetation on karst limestone cliffs above ocean with Eugenia reinwartiana, Maytenus, Bikkia, Dracaena, Alyxia, elevation 2-3 m.

13349David H. Lorence   81951998-02-08
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Koror State: Ucheliungs Island; growing just below coastal forest and shrub vegetation with Bikkia palauensis, Eugenia reinwartiana, Maytenus, Dracaena, Alyxia, Alophylus, elevation ca. 1.5-2 m.

Selaginella spp.
11090David H. Lorence   82501998-02-13
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob (Babelthuap) Island. Melekeok State: road from Airai and Aimeliik to Melekeok, 18.8 miles from beginning of unpaved road. Primary evergreen wet forest with Alphitonia, Calophyllum, Rhus taitensis, Gmelina , Symplocos, Wikstroemia, Commersonia, Campnospermum, over lateritic soil., 90m

5576David H. Lorence   82761998-02-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob (Babelthuap) Island: Airai State. Along road from Airai to Ouikuul, at 2.2 miles NE of airport entrance; mesic evergreen savanna and shrubland with Eurya, Hedyotis, Dracaena, Nepenthes, Rhus, Dicranopteris, Manilkara, Symplocos, etc. over lateritic soil., 50m

15248David H. Lorence   82771998-02-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob (Babelthuap) Island: Airai State. Along road from Airai to Ouikuul, at 2.2 miles NE of airport entrance; mesic evergreen savanna and shrubland with Eurya, Hedyotis, Dracaena, Nepenthes, Rhus, Dicranopteris, Manilkara, Symplocos, etc. over lateritic soil., 50m

Rhaphidophora spp.
15498David H. Lorence   82801998-02-16
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob (Babelthuap) Island: Airai State. Along road from Airai to Ouikuul, at 2.6 miles NE of airport entrance; riverine forest with Cerbera floribunda, Dracaena , Pouteria, and Terminalia crassipes, with Freycinetis and Rhaphidophora common on trees., 30m

9214M.J. Balick   39961999-08-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality: Woukoatohr. Primary forest, cleared for Piper methysticum (sakau) cultivation., 371m

Pteris spp.
3132F. R. Fosberg   605081980-08-28
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Kolonia. Planted in Pohnpei Hotel grounds

Merremia peltata (L.) Merr.
16361E. Albert Amor   662003-12-03
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Saladak., 15m

Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
17475A. Dores   2062003-11-05
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Nankepin Awak., 10m

Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
17475E. Amor   1032004-01-12
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Nan Ahtikitik, Awak., 54m

Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
17475Francisca Sohl   732005-02-07
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Kitti Municipality. Dien. Lowland., 13m

Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
17475E. Albert Amor   1872004-03-15
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Pohntamwatamw, Awak., 270m

Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
17476R. Gallen   1362003-09-24
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw: Nihpit.

17476A. Raynor   632001-03-21
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality: Sounpeiei, Keprohi. Agroforest.

17479Francisca Sohl   642004-11-12
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Sokehs Municipality. Palikir. Lowland., 92m

15907David H. Lorence   94872006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

Hyophila beruensis Dixon, 1927
17530David H. Lorence   94882006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

Macromitrium eurymitrium
12575David H. Lorence   94892006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

19893David H. Lorence   94902006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn.
15277David H. Lorence   94922006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

Legazpia polygonoides (Benth.) T. Yamaz.
13526David H. Lorence   94932006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

Axonopus compressus (Sw.) P.Beauv.
12195David H. Lorence   94942006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

14899David H. Lorence   94952006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 40m

13639David H. Lorence   94962006-01-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Nett Municipality, Kolonia; grounds of old Japanese Agricultural Experiment Station (now called Pohnpei Botanical Garden); old tree plantings and abandoned weedy areas., 49m

17133Irwin E. Lane   49-4561949-01-01
Caroline Islands, BELAU: On steep, nearly bare slopes in dense shade.

5084P. Raynor   1132002-01-09
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality, Sako, Kepirohi.

Fagraea berteroana A. Gray ex Benth.
17795R. Gallen   1252003-09-24
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw; Nihpit.

Gynura spp.
2929E. Albert Amor   2142004-03-31
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Pahlap., 26m

Korthalsella complanata (Tiegh.) Engl.
15194Craig Costion   2422005-06-08
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Ngaraard, along trail to Ngerokl. Shaded upland forest.

15473Clay Trauernicht   3642008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected in the dense understory of the Parkia forest on slope across the waterfall from trail., 80m

Undet Poaceae spp.
18373Clay Trauernicht   3652008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected in the dense understory of the Parkia forest on slope across the waterfall from trail., 80m

Malaxis spp.
15299Clay Trauernicht   3662008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected along open river bank just below falls., 80m

9005Clay Trauernicht   3672008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected on moss bank midstream below waterfall., 80m

18374Clay Trauernicht   3692008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected at trail edge in shady understory, 80m

Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
4940Clay Trauernicht   3702008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected in shady understory along trail., 80m

Ficus sagittata J.König ex Vahl
14286Clay Trauernicht   3712008-01-31
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babeldaob Island. Ngeremlengui State. Ngermeskang Village. Trail to waterfall behind community college. Wet tropical evergreen forest on volcanic soils. Collected along trail in shady understory., 80m

Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Asch.
14897David H. Lorence   96922008-01-22
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island. Koror State, Bukrairong Island, south of Ngermith village. Evergreen moist forest on karst lava limestone, with Cleistanthus, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Dracaena multiflora, Garcinia, Fgraea, lianas including Salacia and Gynothodes. Chris Kitalong's vegetation sampling plots: Plot 2., 60m

Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso
5095David H. Lorence   96942008-01-22
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island. Airai State, near Kitalong residence along old stone path. Evergreen lowland moist forest and agroforest with Pangium edule, Horsfieldia palauensis, Semecarpus, Pouteria, Musa, Cocos., 15m

14944David H. Lorence   96992008-01-23
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island. Ngaraard State, near Elab hamlet, private farm near coast known as Long Beach Garden. Shallow marine lagoon 0.5-1 m in depth with coral sand bottom.

7935David H. Lorence   97002008-01-26
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Pelelieu. WWII Memorial Museum. Secondary lowland moist forest with Calophyllum, Terminalia, Manilkara, Premna, Macaranga, over limestone., 3m

16779David H. Lorence   97012008-01-26
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Pelelieu. Orange Beach. Coastal secondary forest with Casuarina equisetifolia, Barringtonia asiatica, Neisosperma, Acalypha, Melanthera, on coral sand., 2m

Adenophorus hymenophylloides (Kaulf.) Hook. & Grev.
18153David H. Lorence   96882008-01-22
Caroline Islands, BELAU: Babelthuap (Babeldaob) Island. Koror State, Bukrairong Island, south of Ngermith village. Evergreen moist forest on karst lava limestone, with Cleistanthus, Eugenia reinwardtiana, Syzygium smargense, Calophyllum, Garcinia, lianas including Pachygone, Salacia, and Caesalpinia. Chris Kitalong's vegetation sampling plots: Plot 1., 25m

Dendrobium spp.
1893R. Gallen   1412003-09-24
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw: Nihpit.

Sorghum spp.
3833M.J. Balick   41252000-08-17
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality: Sapwalp, Petring Albert's house garden. 06 53'.0229" N 158 17'.503" E

Kadua elatior (H.Mann) A.Heller
18455A. Raynor   1142001-08-27
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality: Woukutoar. Agroforest.

Garcinia spp.
19624M.J. Balick   41512000-08-25
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Awak pah, Kousapw. Dooryard Garden.

Musa spp.
5229R. Gallen   702001-03-22
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Madolenihmw Municipality: Nindol, Temwen. Agroforest.

Kadua elatior (H.Mann) A.Heller
13055A. Dores   2042003-10-15
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: U Municipality. Pahntakai., 20m

7552Francisca Sohl   152004-10-15
Caroline Islands, POHNPEI: Sokehs Municipality. Pahnasang. Lowland forest., 34m

Derris spp.
7850Tim Flynn   FSM12005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Spreng.
10721Tim Flynn   FSM22005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

3226Tim Flynn   FSM32005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

16444Tim Flynn   FSM42005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Horsfieldia irya (Gaertn.) Warb.
13314Tim Flynn   FSM62005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J.Presl) Kubitzki
5443Tim Flynn   FSM72005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Ochrosia oppositifolia (Lam.) K. Schum.
6105Tim Flynn   FSM92005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

5850Tim Flynn   FSM102005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

2080Tim Flynn   FSM112005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd.
7682Tim Flynn   FSM122005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Mucuna spp.
11220Tim Flynn   FSM132005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

5844Tim Flynn   FSM142005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Smythea lanceata (Tul.) Summerh.
329Tim Flynn   FSM152005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg
7491Tim Flynn   FSM162005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex Z
17952Tim Flynn   FSM172005-02-03
Caroline Islands, KOSRAE: Coastline fronting Kosrae Village Resort.

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1718


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