Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Brazil; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 454

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ipomoea parasitica (Kunth) G. Don
PTBG1000047969H. S. Irwin   149591986-04-18
Brazil, GOIAS STATE, NULL, Serra Do Morcego. Corrego Estrema, 35 km N.W. of Formosa, Goias.

Cissus albida Cambess.
H. S. Irwin   287401971-01-19
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, Diamantina Municipality, Serra do Espinhaco. Middle and upper slopes, south side of Serra da Piedade, iron-rich soil, ca. 5 km N. of Caete.

Cissus albida Cambess.
H. S. Irwin   192891968-01-27
Brazil, NULL, NULL, Serra dos Pirineus, Pico dos Pirineus, ca. 20 km N.W. of Corumba de Goias.

Cissus subrhomboidea (Baker) Planch.
H. S. Irwin   140491966-03-17
Brazil, DISTRITO FEDERAL, NULL, Corrego Landim, ca. 20 km N.E. of Brasilia, D.F.

H. S. Irwin   216391968-03-23
Brazil, GOIAS STATE, NULL, Northern Gioas. Gallery forest, ca. 27 km S. of Paraiso, Goias.

Cissus subrhomboidea (Baker) Planch.
H. S. Irwin   118951956-01-21
Brazil, GOIAS STATE, NULL, Serra Dourado. Serra Dourada, ca. 30 km S.E. of Goias Velho., -14 -50

Cissus albida Cambess.
H. S. Irwin   281431970-03-23
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, Diamantina Municipality, Serra Espinhaco; cut-over slope forst, ca. 15 km N. of Sao Joao De Chapada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Adenophaedra megalophylla (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg.
PTBG1000049062Andre M. Amorim   12851993-05-26
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Una Municipality, Reserva Biologica do Mico-leao (IBAMA) Entrasda no km 46 da Rod. BA-001 Ilheus/Una. Regiao da Mata Higrofila Sul Baiana. Coletas efetuadas na Picada do Principe., -15.15 -39.083333

PTBG1000077129T. S. dos Santos   45881998-12-15
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Ilheus Municipality, Area do CEPEC (Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau) km 22 da Rodovia Ilheus/Itabuna (BR 415) Regiao de Mata Higrofila Sul Braiana. 50 m alta. Quadra I'.

PTBG1000013724W. W. Thomas   50081986-06-01
Brazil, RONDONIA STATE, Porto Velho Municipality, Porto Velho: Represa Samuel: southern end of E dike near southern hills., -9 -63.25

Trigonia nivea Cambess.
PTBG1000081546Andre M. Amorim   27871999-04-12
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Rio de Contas Municipality, Pico do Itobira. Coletas efetuadas na trilha para o Pico. Campo Rupestre.

PTBG1000075427D. C. Daly   83621995-03-18
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Xapuri Municipality, Fazenda Bomfim. Undulating terrain., -10.778333 -68.231111

Ixora peruviana (Spruce ex K.Schum.) Standl.
PTBG1000072923D. C. Daly   86791995-11-21
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Tarauaca Municipality, Basin of Rio Juruá, Rio Tarauacá, left bank, Reserva Indígena Praia do Carapaná., -8.449444 -71.349167

Coussarea longiflora var. benensis
PTBG1000069717D. C. Daly   87791995-11-25
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Tarauaca Municipality, Basin of Rio Juruá, Rio Tarauacá, left bank, Reserva Indígena Praia do Carapaná. Seringal Universo, Colocação Morada Nova., -8.345278 -71.199167

Duroia hirsuta (Poepp.) K.Schum.
PTBG1000071519C. A. Cid Ferreira   108911992-03-21
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Margem esquerda, do rio Juruá, igarapé Viseu., -8.3 -72.733333

PTBG1000013471C. A. Cid Ferreira   103901991-10-26
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Vila Porto Walter Rio Jurua, approximadamente a 3 km atras da vila., -8.3 -72.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guatteria Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000038745D. C. Daly   91261996-11-24
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Manoel Urbano Municipality, Rio Purus, leftbank, Colocaça Nova Olinda [Sr. Raimundo Gomes ("Raimundo Cícero")]., -9.042778 -69.685833

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008727D. C. Daly   42801986-09-11
Brazil, AMAZONAS STATE, Fonte Boa Municipality, Upper Rio Solimoes; Uará, Igarpé Uará, south tributary of Rio Solimoes., -2.616667 -65.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nautilocalyx pallidus (Sprague) Sprague
PTBG1000006777D. C. Daly   89681996-05-07
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Parque Nacional Serra do Divisor. Serra do Moa. Hunting trail from Boca da Serra to Igarapé Anil (=Ig. República)., -7.358333 -73.675

Siparuna decipiens (Tul.) A. DC.
PTBG1000079969D. C. Daly   70201991-10-30
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Serringal poromgaba. Colocaçåo Såo José. 25k N of km4 Brasiléia-Assis Brasil road., -10.75 -68.75

Colubrina glandulosa var. glandulosa
PTBG1000064040A. R. S. Oliveira   5941995-06-13
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá, colocaçåo Curitiba Floresta de Várzea., -9.729167 -68.148056

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049305L. A. Matos Silva   29261993-11-02
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Sao Jorge dos Ilheus Municipality, Faz. barra do Manguinho. Ramal com entrada no K 10 da Rod. Pontal/Olivença. Coletas 3.5K a Oeste da praia. Restinga, solo arenoso

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex psammophila Mart. ex Reissek
PTBG1000040035S. C. de Sant'Ana   761991-12-12
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Porto Seguro Municipality, Ca 6-7 K na estr. que liga Arraial D'Ajuda à Trancoso. Mata de restinga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000052576W. W. Thomas   107061994-09-28
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Sao Jorge dos Ilheus Municipality, 2.0 K NNE of Banco da Vitoria on road leading to west edge of Mata da Esperança., -14.777222 -39.091111

PTBG1000072329A. R. S. Oliveira   6721995-11-30
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Feijo Municipality, Rio Muru, Seringal Lancha, proprietário Sr. Antonio Francisco Ferreira., -8.518056 -70.865833

D. C. Daly   98091998-03-26
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Assis Brasil Municipality, Basin of Rio Purus, upper Rio Acre, left bank Serigal São Francisco, Colocação Duretida. Terra firme on undulating terrain. Forested ridge behind high level., -10.941944 -69.759167

Cissus subrhomboidea (Baker) Planch.
H. S. Irwin   317491971-03-14
Brazil, GOIAS STATE, NULL, Serra Geral do Paraná. Riacho, ca 3km S. of Sao Joã de Aliança

Image Associated With the Occurence
Syngonanthus caulescens (Poir.) Ruhland
PTBG1000028895W. R. Anderson   363841972-02-20
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, Diamantina Municipality, Serra do Espinhaço; Serra do Cipó.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009851A. R. S. Oliveira   5961995-06-13
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá, Colocação Curitiba Floresta de Várzea., -9.729167 -68.148056

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028170M. Silveira   9771995-11-17
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Tarauaca Municipality, Bacia so Alto Juruá, Rio Tarauacá, margem direira, Reserva Indígena Praia do Carapanã., -8.5475 -71.4775

Ficus cabballina
PTBG1000013549C. A. Cid Ferreira   104641991-10-29
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Igarapé Humaitá afluente da margem direita do Rio Juruá, Colocação Várzea Grande. Manta terra firme. Solo areno-argiloso., -8.316667 -72.783333

PTBG1000013469C. A. Cid Ferreira   106581991-11-09
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Ramal do Banho, 5 km from town seat., -7.383333 -72.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000048628D. C. Daly   97151998-03-22
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Basin of Rio Purus, upper Rio Acre, left bank., -10.956944 -11.013611

Cissus subrhomboidea (Baker) Planch.
H. S. Irwin   220691969-01-16
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, Diamantina Municipality, Serra do Espinhaço. Gallery margin. Gallery forest and adjacent cerrado and campo, ca. 25km S.W. of Diamantina on road to Gouveia.

13241W. W. Thomas   107061994-09-28
Brazil, Bahia: mun. Ilheus. 2.0 K NNE of Banco da Vitoria on road leading to west edge of Mata da Esperança. Some large trees recently logged. Disturbed southern Bahian wet forest.

PTBG1000013778A. R. S. Oliveira   2611994-06-21
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Porto Acre Municipality, Reserva Florestal do Humaitá-UFAC. Terra Firme, capoeira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Trichilia casaetti
PTBG1000010815J. Jardin, M.L. Guedes, S.C. Sant'Ana, J.L. da Paixão et al.   18651999-01-01
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Jussari Municipality, Rod Jussari- palmira, entrada ca. 7.5K Faz Teimoso a 1.5K E da entrada. Reserva do Patrimônio natural (RPPN), Serra do Teimoso., -15.166667 -39.583333

12046H. S. Irwin   317491971-03-14
Brazil, GOIAS: Serra Geral do Paraná. Riacho, ca 3km S. of Sao Joã de Aliança, 850m

Psidium acutangulum Mart. ex DC.
A. R. S. Oliveira   102441995-06-10
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá , Colocação Curitiba. Floresta de Várzea, -9.729167 -68.148056

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009543C. A. Cid Ferreira   105251991-11-01
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Rio Juruá, aproximadamente a 5k atrás da vila Porto Walter., -8.3 -72.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000003436A. R. S. Oliveira   2361994-06-13
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Porto Acre Municipality, Reserva Florestal do Humaitá-UFAC. Mata de terra firme.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000045870C. A. Cid Ferreira   10.137A1991-08-27
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal porongaba, estrada para a Colocação Urubu, aproximadamente a 33k de Brasiléia. Mata terra firme, solo argilo-arenoso., -10.066667 -68.75

13245C.A. Cid Ferreira   104641991-10-29
Brazil, ACRE: Mun Cruzeiro do Sul: Igarapé Humaitá afluente da margem direita do Rio Juruá, Colocação Várzea Grande. Manta terra firme. Solo areno-argiloso.

Siparuna thecaphora (Poepp. & Endl.) A. DC.
13249J. Jardin, M.L. Guedes, S.C. Sant'Ana, J.L. da Paixão et al.   18651999-01-01
Brazil, Bahia. Mun de Jussari, Rod Jussari- palmira, entrada ca. 7.5K Faz Teimoso a 1.5K E da entrada. Reserva do Patrimônio natural (RPPN), Serra do Teimoso. Floresta semi-decidual., 400m

13253A. R. S. Oliveira   102441995-06-10
Brazil, Acre, Mun. Sena Madureira: Riozinho do Andirá , Colocação Curitiba. Floresta de Várzea

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009838C. Figueiredo   11351996-04-22
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Bujari Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá. Descida da margem direita. Várzea., -9.116667 -72.7

PTBG1000013470I. S. Rivero   4032000-02-06
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Placido de Castro Municipality, Km. 20, AC-40 (Plácido de Castro-Rio Branco), Igarapé Visionário., -10.2625 -67.612778

PTBG1000081622I. S. Rivero   3462000-02-04
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Placido de Castro Municipality, Km 20, AC-40 (Plácido de Castro-Rio Branco), Igarapé Visionário., -10.2625 -67.612778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mosannona raimondii (Diels) Chatrou
PTBG1000038748C. A. Cid Ferreira   108451992-03-17
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Alto rio Juruá, margem direita, localidade próxima a fazenda Calila Sara. Mata de terra firme, solo arenoso.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mabea subsessilis Pax & K.Hoffm.
PTBG1000052582C. A. Cid Ferreira   106071991-11-08
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Ramal do Banho, 5 km from Mâncio Lima., -7.8 -72.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxandra A. Rich.
PTBG1000038750C. A. Cid Ferreira   108111992-03-14
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Alto rio Juruá, margem esquerda, localidade Tapauna, seringal São João. Mata de terra firme, solo arenoso., -9.2 -72.233333

PTBG1000054026C. Figueiredo   5801995-01-15
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Placido de Castro Municipality, Rio Xipamano. Colocação Café da Paz.

Naucleopsis inaequalis (Ducke) C. C. Berg
PTBG1000013565C. Figueiredo   7601995-03-22
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Porto Acre Municipality, Reserva Florestal de Humaitá. Beira do Rio Acre., -9.75 -67.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038765C. A. Cid Ferreira   104471991-10-29
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Igarapé Humaitá, afluente da margem direita do Rio Juruá, a 6 km da margem, atrás da Colocação Dois Portos. Mata de terra firme. Solo areno-argiloso., -8.316667 -72.783333

13301C. Figueiredo   5801995-01-15
Brazil, ACRE: Mun. Plácido de Castro: Rio Xipamano. Colocação Café da Paz. Terra firme.

13302C. Figueiredo   7601995-03-22
Brazil, ACRE: Mun. Porto Acre: Reserva Florestal de Humaitá. Beira do Rio Acre.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astronium groveolens
PTBG1000038619C. Figueiredo   3041994-08-27
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Xapuri Municipality, Reserva Extravista Chico Mendes, Seringal Independência Rio Iaco, colocaçã Nova Olinda.Mata primária de terra firme., -10.116667 -69.216667

Pseudolmedia laevis (Ruiz & Pav.) J. F. Macbr.
PTBG1000013573C. Figueiredo   4311994-08-27
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Bacia do Rio Purus, Rio Iaco, Fazenda Nova Olinda. Floresta primária. Terra firme (Restinga)., -10.116667 -69.216667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000001570D. C. Daly   97731998-03-25
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Assis Brasil Municipality, Basin of Rio Purus, upper Rio Acre, left bank. Riverside vegetation near high-water mark, river level descending., -10.926389 -69.808889

PTBG1000078080A. R. S. Oliveira   2531994-08-17
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Porto Acre Municipality, Reserva Florestal do Humanitá-UFAC Terra firme.

Coussarea longiflora var. benensis
PTBG1000069711A. R. S. Oliveira   2641994-06-21
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Porto Acre Municipality, Reserva Florestal do Humanitá-UFAC.

Palicourea punicea (Ruiz & Pav.) DC.
ptbg1000074285A. R. S. Oliveira   4431995-05-30
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Sena Madureira Municipality, Riozinho do Andirá, Colocação Curitiba Floresta de Várzea., -9.729167 -68.148056

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eumachia cephalantha (Müll.Arg.) Delprete & J.H.Kirkbr.
PTBG1000074869W. W. Thomas   110741996-03-17
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Sao Jorge dos Ilheus Municipality, Ilhéus: 3K N of Rodoviaria, Mata da Esperança, forest N. of dam and reservoir., -14.781944 -39.069167

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007631S. C. de Sant'Ana   5841995-08-29
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Una Municipality, Reserva Biológica do Mico-leão (IBAMA). Entrada no km 46 da Rod. BA-001 Ilhéus/Una. Região da Mata Hilgrófila Sul Baina. Coletas próxima a portaria da Reserva., -15.15 -39.083333

PTBG1000080085A. M. de Carvalho   61751995-12-12
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Una Municipality, Reserva Biológica do Mico-leão (IBAMA). Entrada no km 46 da Rod. BA-001 Ilhéus/Una. Região da Mata Hilgrófila Sul Baina., -15.15 -39.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038338C. A. Cid Ferreira   105651991-11-04
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Rio Juruá, margem esquerda ao lado do igarapé Viseu, a 5km da margem. Mata alta de terra firme. Solo areno-argiloso., -8.25 -72.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Diospyros piresii Cavalcante
PTBG1000048629C. A. Cid Ferreira   106431991-11-08
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Mâncio Lima Ramal do Bahno, 5 km from Mâncio Lima., -7.8 -72.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aspidosperma Mart. & Zucc.
PTBG1000039336C. A. Cid Ferreira   104911991-10-31
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Rio Juruá, aproximanament a 5 km atrás da vila Porto Walter. Mata de terra firme. Solo areno-argiloso., -8.3 -72.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vellozia stenocarpa Mello-Silva
PTBG1000037301H. S. Irwin   272431970-03-09
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, NULL, Serra do Cabral; ca. 3 km W of Cantoni. Steep campo and cerrado slopes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vellozia nuda L.B.Sm. & Ayensu
PTBG1000037299H. S. Irwin   285311970-03-28
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, Diamantina Municipality, Serra do Espinhaço; ca. 5km N of São João da Chapada, road to Inhaí.

Palicourea mansoana (Müll.Arg.) Standl.
PTBG1000074228L. de Lima   2081991-12-05
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Porongaba, transecto 1., -9.116667 -72.7

PTBG1000064500L. de Lima   2511992-01-16
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Porongaba, transecto 1, M586. Floresta primária de terra firme., -9.116667 -72.7

Siparuna glycycarpa (Ducke) S. S. Renner & Hausner
PTBG1000080072L. de Lima   2121991-12-05
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Porongaba, transecto 1., 9.116667 -72.7

Siparuna decipiens (Tul.) A. DC.
PTBG1000080030L. de Lima   2951992-02-21
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Porongaba, transecto 1,M347., -9.116667 -72.7

PTBG1000075200L. de Lima   2301992-01-15
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Brasileia Municipality, Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Porongaba, transecto 1, M152., -9.116667 -72.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium barbatum (L.) Benth. & Oerst.
PTBG1000002814H. S. Irwin   257231970-01-31
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, NULL, Cerrado, ca. 4 km N. of Patrocinio.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Krameria argentea Mart. ex Spreng.
PTBG1000007630H. S. Irwin   116351966-01-14
Brazil, DISTRITO FEDERAL, NULL, Cerrado, summit of Chapada da Contagem.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium leiocarpum (Spreng.) G.Don
PTBG1000002816H. S. Irwin   245291969-03-16
Brazil, GOIAS STATE, NULL, Chapada dos Veadeiros, 38 km north of Veadeiros

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium leiocarpum (Spreng.) G.Don
PTBG1000002815H. S. Irwin   130901966-02-22
Brazil, DISTRITO FEDERAL, NULL, Cerrado. Ca. 10 km. N.E. of Brasilia, D.F.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037300H. S. Irwin   326141991-02-19
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, NULL, Serra do Tombador: Rio Ferro Doido, ca. 18km E. of Morro do Chapue.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ocotea lancifolia (Schott) Mez
PTBG1000008712Andre M. de Carvalho   51291994-09-25
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Sao Jorge dos Ilheus Municipality, Cidade de Ilheus. MATA DA ESPERANCA. Entrada a 2 km a partitr da antiga ponte do Rio Fundao. Mata Higrofila Sul Baiana, -14.781944 -39.069167

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vellozia tubiflora (A.Rich.) Kunth
PTBG1000037302H. S. Irwin   256141970-01-29
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, NULL, Morro das Pedras; among rocks. Outcrops and gravelly campo, ca. 35km N.E. of Patrocinio.

Cissus albida Cambess.
H. S. Irwin   112801965-12-14
Brazil, DISTRITO FEDERAL, NULL, 25 km. N. of Brasilia, D. F.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000025786H. S. Irwin   302461971-01-13
Brazil, MINAS GERAIS STATE, Diamantina Municipality, Serra do Espinhaco; Outcrops. Steep iron-rich rocky slopes, near summit of Serra da Piedade, ca. 35km E. of Belo Horizonte, near BR-31. 1800-2000 m.

PTBG1000054805W. W. Thomas   108031995-01-17
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Sao Jorge dos Ilheus Municipality, Ilheus. 3 km north of Rodoviaria , Mata da Esperanca, forest north of dam and reservoir., -14.781944 -39.069167

14374W. W. Thomas   108031995-01-17
Brazil, Bahia. Mun. Ilheus: Ilheus. 3 km north of Rodoviaria , Mata da Esperanca, forest north of dam and reservoir. Southern Bahian wet forest. soil deep, clay, light brown to reddish (lower slopes ideal for growing cocoa)., 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mandevilla hirsuta (Rich.) K. Schum.
PTBG1000039489Andre M. Amorim   2500
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Porto Seguro Municipality, Parque Nacional de Monte Pascoal. Area limite entre o PARNA e a Reserva Indige na Barra Velha, da tribo Pataxo. MATA HIGROFILA SUL BAIANA.

PTBG1000076449Andre M. de Carvalho   4085
Brazil, BAHIA STATE, Una Municipality, Reserva Biologica do Mico-l eao (IBAMA). Entrada no km 46 da Rod. BA-001 llheus/Una. Regiao da Mata Higrofila Sul Baiana., -15.15 -39.083333

PTBG1000064488D. C. Daly   71331991-11-05
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Xapuri Municipality, Rio Acre. ca 3 hours by boat dow stream from Xapuri and 1 hour walking inland from left bank. Trail through moist forest on relatively level terrain., -10.75 -68.333333

PTBG1000013779W. W. Thomas   46991985-10-30
Brazil, MATO GROSSO, Jauru and Pontes e Lacerda Municipalities, 38 km S E of Pontes e Lacerda on BR174 to Caceres., -15.45 -59.066667

PTBG1000013768W. W. Thomas   49531986-06-07
Brazil, RONDONIA STATE, Porto Velho Municipality, Represa Samuel: southern end of E dike near quarry by road, ca 2 km S of end of main dike., -9 -63.25

H. S. Irwin   265181970-02-22
Brazil, DISTRITO FEDERAL, NULL, Planalto do Brasil. Campo slopes at Rajadinha, ca. 15 km S. of Planaltina, BR-13.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007537D. C. Daly   72332009-11-01
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Xapuri Municipality, Rio Acre. @ 3 hrs by boat downstream from Xapuri and 1 hr. walking inland from left bank., -10.75 -68.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guarea cinnanomea
PTBG1000010971C. A. Cid Ferreira   105051991-10-31
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipality, Rio Jurua, aproximadamente a 5 km atras da vila Porto Walter. Mata de terra firme. So lo areno-argiloso., -8.3 -72.766667

PTBG1000014346M. Silveira   453
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mal. Traumaturgo Municipality, Rio Alto Jurua, Reserva Extrativista do Alto Jurua, N de Sao Joao do Breu, margem e squerda, Seringal Damiao, colocacao Belfort., -9.183333 -72.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vismia bemerguii Van den Berg
PTBG1000007587M. Silveira   8001994-06-07
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Mancio Lima Municipality, Mancio Lima: Bacia do Alto Jurua, cerca de 20 km de Cruzeiro do Sul, direcao noroeste. Campina de areia br anca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007597W. Steward   P176541979-11-01
Brazil, AMAZONAS STATE, NULL, CEPLAC, cocoa research station, m anaus-Itacoatiara Road, Km. 31.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007592G. T. Prance   90101968-11-30
Brazil, RONDONIA STATE, NULL, Basin of Rio Madeira. Track f rom Mutumparana to Rio Madeira.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mabea anadena Pax & K.Hoffm.
PTBG1000052617M. Silveira   10171995-11-19
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Tarauaca Municipality, Bacia do Alto Jurua, Rio Tarauaca, m argem esquerda, seringal Sumare (sede)., -8.513889 -71.463611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mabea anadena Pax & K.Hoffm.
PTBG1000052611M. Silveira   9301994-09-27
Brazil, ACRE STATE, Tarauaca Municipality, Bacia do Rio Jurua, Rio Muru, Sering al Vitoria Velha, Colocacao Estrema, margem direita., -8.460278 -70.845556

Page 1, records 1-100 of 454


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