Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Bolivia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-81 of 81

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piranhea trifoliata
PTBG1000052697D. C. Daly   20551982-08-01
Bolivia, BENI DEPARTMENT, Vaca Diez Province, "Potrero municipla," 3km SW of Riberalta.

Cupania cinerea Poepp. & Endl.
PTBG1000079381M. Nee   371331988-12-11
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, City of Santa Cruz, on campus of Universidad G.R. Moreno, -17.783333 -63.2

PTBG1000064122M. Nee   390571990-10-03
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 4 km. SW of center of Buena Vista, southside of Rio Surutu. Parque Nacional Amboro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010816M. Nee   390421990-10-03
Bolivia, DEPTO. SANTA CRUZ, Prov. Ichilo, 1 km. SW of center of Buena Vista. Brushy roadside., -17.466667 -63.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008513M. Nee   400261990-11-26
Bolivia, DEPTO. SANTA CRUZ, NULL, Prov. Andres Ibanez, 3.5 km. NW of center of Santa Cruz, NW end of Ave. San Martin., -17.75 -63.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000042276M. Nee   351601987-07-12
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, Along road from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2-4 km SW of Angostura. In gorge of Rio Pirai as it emerges from the easternmost foothills of the Andes., -18.166667 -63.533333

Cestrum sendtnerianum Mart. ex Sendtn.
PTBG1000080382M. Nee   363521988-02-18
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, 12 km. E of center of Santa Cruz on road to Cotoca. Occasionally inundated, trail to the "curiche".

Chomelia albicaulis (Rusby) Steyerm.
M. Nee   444831994-01-15
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, 6 km. NW of Terebinto on road to El Hondo., -17.683333 -63.420833

PTBG1000074826M. Nee   451561994-07-11
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Warnes., 3 km NE of railroa d crossing on E side of Warnes, Quebrada El Jipa., -17.483333 -63.133333

Sabicea paraensis
PTBG1000076489M. Nee   465111995-12-24
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Ca 12 km. SW of ma in highway at Villa German Busch., -17.5 -63.933333

Paederia brasiliensis (Hook.f.) Puff
M. Nee   451941994-07-13
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Florida Province, Steep slopes with semi-deciduous forest, along nearly dry tributary to Rio Be rmejo, 1.5 km. NW (upstream) from junction with Rio Piojeras to form the Rio Pirai., -18.183333 -63.566667

PTBG1000074125M. Nee   433571992-12-27
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Florida Province, 3 km SW of Angost ura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon of rio Pirai. Elev. 800-1000 m., -18.166667 -63.55

Emmeorhiza umbellata (Spreng.) K.Schum.
M. Nee   492891998-05-09
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Florida Province, 6.5 km (by road), 3 km (by air) NE of central square in Mairana on road to Yun ga de Mairana., -18.1 -63.933333

PTBG1000011255M. Nee   464971995-12-24
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ, Prov. Ichilo, Ca. 12 km SW of ma in highway at Villa German Busch., -17.5 63.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007596G. T. Prance   86831968-11-19
Bolivia, PANDO, NULL, W. bank of Rio Madeira opposite Abuna. By Stream.

PTBG1000073569A. Carrasco   0282002-09-14
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Manuel María Caballero Province, Siberia 11 km de Comarapa y 4 km del empalme., -17.316667 -64.7

19303M. Nee   392601990-10-12
Bolivia, DEPTO. SANTA CRUZ: Prov. Ichilo, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Rio Isama ["Rio Pitasama" on topographic map]. Rolling topography, sandy soil, secondary vegetation and disturbed patches of tropical evergreen forest., 450m

PTBG1000073589J. Gutierrez   13432005-04-21
Bolivia, CHUQUISACA DEPARTMENT, Tomina Province, Las Casas. Aprox. A 50 min. de la comunidad de Las Casas trayecto a Llantoj., 19.305056 -64.101722

Piper heterophyllum Ruíz & Pavón
M. Nee   392601990-10-12
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Rio Isama ["Rio Pitasama" on topographic map]., -17.68333333 -63.61666666

M. Nee   419511991-12-06
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboró, SE side of gorge of Río Macuñucú., -15.75 -63.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Casimirella ampla (Miers) R. A. Howard
PTBG1000007607H. H. Rusby   12811921-11-15
Bolivia, BENI, Rurrebabaque. Near Celtis.

PTBG1000011256M. Nee   372381988-12-18
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, slopes along Rio Saguayo, 1 km. NE of entrance into first Andean foothills., -17.65 -63.716667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isoetes andicola (Amstutz) L. D. Gómez
PTBG1000013822T. Feuerer   59481981-03-25
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Bautista Saavedra Province, Etwa 2 km. Unterhalb der Abzwergung nach Charazani von der Hauptstrasse nach Ulla Ulla.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018770R. J. Hickey   7901980-03-21
Bolivia, COCHABAMBA DEPARTMENT, Quillacollo Province, Across river from Puebla Chitupampa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018769R. J. Hickey   7901980-03-21
Bolivia, COCHABAMBA DEPARTMENT, Quillacollo Province, Across river from Puebla Chitupampa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cheilanthes bonariensis (Willd.) Proctor
PTBG1000023405R. J. Hickey   7761980-03-13
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Loayza Province, 27 km beyond Jaruma. Rd to Luribay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Distichia muscoides Nees & Meyen
PTBG1000030385H. Balslev   11631980-12-14
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Mina Kaluyo-Cumbre road km 6, ca. 25 km north of La Paz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033596M. Nee   377311989-01-26
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, NW side of "Valle Sanchez", 4 km W of Aeropuerto Internacional Viru-Viru, 15 km N of Santa Cruz. 2 Km E of Rio Pirai, -17.633333 -63.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033595M. Nee   410341991-06-14
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Rio Saguayo, just upstream and opposite the mouth of Quebrada Yapoje. On flat terrace, above flood levels., -17.566667 -63.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea macrobotrys (Ruiz & Pav.) Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000033594M. Nee   417061991-07-13
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Guarayos, 8 km N of Guarayos on road to Urubicha. Pre-Cambrian shield. [Formerly part of Province Nuflo de Chavez], -15.8 -63.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Geophila repens (L.) I. M. Johnst.
PTBG1000033599M. Nee   414161991-06-26
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Velasco, 1 km N of Estancia Flor de Oro and downstream along Rio Itenez (=Rio Guapore)., -13.533333 -61.016667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Simira rubescens (Benth.) Bremek. ex Steyerm.
PTBG1000033512M. Nee   387811990-09-15
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Guarayos, Ca 8 km NW of Perseverancia, E side of Rio Negro. [formerly part of Prov. Nuflo de Chavez], -14.666667 -62.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Simira rubescens (Benth.) Bremek. ex Steyerm.
PTBG1000033508M. Nee   387711990-09-14
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Guarayos, 2 km NW of Perseverancia, trail to Rio Negro. [formerly part of Prov. Nuflo de Chavez], -14.733333 -62.816667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Mull. Arg.
PTBG1000033507M. Nee   396571990-10-31
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Provence Ichilo, 4 km N of Buena Vista on road to Laguna Madrejon., -17.416667 -63.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033506M. Nee   379781989-12-06
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Road from Buena Vista to Portachuelo, 10 km NE of Buena Vista, 2 km W of turnoff to San Javier., -17.4 -63.583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033588M. Nee   404811991-05-19
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Provence Ichilo, Estancia San RAfael de Amboro, 15 km (by air) SSE of Buena Vista.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea macrobotrys (Ruiz & Pav.) Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000033586M. Nee   409371991-06-12
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Quebrada Yapoje and Quebrada Esperanza, 2 km upstream from confluence with Rio Saguayo. Easternmost Andean foothills., -17.583333 -63.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033585M. Nee   396301990-10-31
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 7 km N of Buena Vista, N end of Laguna Madrejon ["Laguna Candelaria" on topographic map]., -17.383333 -63.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Galianthe laxa (Cham. & Schltdl.) E. L. Cabral
PTBG1000033511M. Nee   390651990-10-03
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 4 km SW of center of Buena Vista, south side of Rio Surutu. Parque Nacional Amboro., -17.483333 -63.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macrocnemum roseum (Ruiz & Pav.) Wedd.
PTBG1000033510M. Nee   390781990-10-03
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 4 km SW of center of Buena Vista, south side of Rio Surutu. Parque Nacional Amboro., -17.483333 -63.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Mull. Arg.
PTBG1000033509Mario Saldias   12801990-11-10
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, Arubay: 6 km NW de Terevinto; 20 km NW de la Ciudad de Santa Cruz., -17.683333 -63.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea macrobotrys (Ruiz & Pav.) Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000033591M. Nee   358381987-08-29
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, 6 km NW of Terevinto., -17.683333 -63.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rudgea viburnoides (Cham.) Benth.
PTBG1000033505M. Nee   391791990-10-10
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, 2.5 km ENE of summit of Cerro Amboro. On ridge., -17.75 -63.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Mull. Arg.
PTBG1000033504M. Nee   369881988-11-30
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, 6 km NW of Terevinto., -17.683333 -63.416667

Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Mull. Arg.
M. Nee   414901991-06-28
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Velasco, Estancia Flor de Oro, 2 km S of buildings, W side of Rio Guapore (=Rio Itenez). Inland from former gallery forest, now pastured but intact., -13.55 -61

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033499M. Nee   418711991-12-04
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, 7 km (by air) NE of Ciudad Amboro. On ridge above and on SE side of Rio Macunucu. Elev. 600750 m., -17.75 -63.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033497M. Nee   419871991-12-06
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro. SE side of gorge of Rio Macunucu., -17.75 -63.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chomelia albicaulis (Rusby) Steyerm.
PTBG1000033496M. Nee   363311988-02-16
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Florida Province, Gorge of Rio Pirai, ca 1 km NE of junction with Rio Bermejo. Steep slopes., -18.183333 -63.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
Randia micracantha (Lillo) Bacigalupo
PTBG1000036558James C. Solomon   101871983-04-27
Bolivia, Tarija: Arce. Comunidad Guayavillas, 23.8 km S. of Padcaya on road to Bermejo. On the West side of the Serrania de Cerrillos., -21.983333 -64.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Randia micracantha (Lillo) Bacigalupo
PTBG1000036557James C. Solomon   110631983-10-05
Bolivia, Tarija: Burnet O'Connor. 21.5 km E. of Narvaez on road to Entre Rios (6.9 km W. of Entre Rios)., -21.483333 -64.216667

Piper heterophyllum Ruiz & Pav.
PTBG1000056075M. Nee   392601990-10-12
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Rio Isama ["Rio Pitasama" on topographic map]., -17.683333 -63.616667

PTBG1000082720M. Nee   419511991-12-06
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboró, SE side of gorge of Río Macuñucú., -15.75 -63.6

PTBG1000011256M. Nee   372381988-12-18
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, slopes along Rio Saguayo, 1 km. NE of entrance into first Andean foothills., -17.65 -63.716667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isoetes andicola (Amstutz) L. D. Gómez
PTBG1000013822T. Feuerer   59481981-03-25
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Bautista Saavedra Province, Etwa 2 km. Unterhalb der Abzwergung nach Charazani von der Hauptstrasse nach Ulla Ulla.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018770R. J. Hickey   7901980-03-21
Bolivia, COCHABAMBA DEPARTMENT, Quillacollo Province, Across river from Puebla Chitupampa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000018769R. J. Hickey   7901980-03-21
Bolivia, COCHABAMBA DEPARTMENT, Quillacollo Province, Across river from Puebla Chitupampa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cheilanthes bonariensis (Willd.) Proctor
PTBG1000023405R. J. Hickey   7761980-03-13
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, Loayza Province, 27 km beyond Jaruma. Rd to Luribay.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Distichia muscoides Nees & Meyen
PTBG1000030385H. Balslev   11631980-12-14
Bolivia, LA PAZ DEPARTMENT, NULL, Mina Kaluyo-Cumbre road km 6, ca. 25 km north of La Paz.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033595M. Nee   410341991-06-14
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Rio Saguayo, just upstream and opposite the mouth of Quebrada Yapoje. On flat terrace, above flood levels., -17.566667 -63.733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea macrobotrys (Ruiz & Pav.) Schult.
PTBG1000033594M. Nee   417061991-07-13
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Guarayos, 8 km N of Guarayos on road to Urubicha. Pre-Cambrian shield. [Formerly part of Province Nuflo de Chavez], -15.8 -63.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst.
PTBG1000033599M. Nee   414161991-06-26
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Velasco, 1 km N of Estancia Flor de Oro and downstream along Rio Itenez (=Rio Guapore)., -13.533333 -61.016667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Simira rubescens (Benth.) Bremek. ex Steyerm.
PTBG1000033512M. Nee   387811990-09-15
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Guarayos, Ca 8 km NW of Perseverancia, E side of Rio Negro. [formerly part of Prov. Nuflo de Chavez], -14.666667 -62.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Simira rubescens (Benth.) Bremek. ex Steyerm.
PTBG1000033508M. Nee   387711990-09-14
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Guarayos, 2 km NW of Perseverancia, trail to Rio Negro. [formerly part of Prov. Nuflo de Chavez], -14.733333 -62.816667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Müll.Arg.
PTBG1000033507M. Nee   396571990-10-31
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Ichilo, 4 km N of Buena Vista on road to Laguna Madrejon., -17.416667 -63.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Faramea occidentalis (L.) A. Rich.
PTBG1000033588M. Nee   404811991-05-19
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Ichilo, Estancia San RAfael de Amboro, 15 km (by air) SSE of Buena Vista.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea macrobotrys (Ruiz & Pav.) Schult.
PTBG1000033586M. Nee   409371991-06-12
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, along Quebrada Yapoje and Quebrada Esperanza, 2 km upstream from confluence with Rio Saguayo. Easternmost Andean foothills., -17.583333 -63.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033585M. Nee   396301990-10-31
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 7 km N of Buena Vista, N end of Laguna Madrejon ["Laguna Candelaria" on topographic map]., -17.383333 -63.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Galianthe laxa (Cham. & Schltdl.) E.L.Cabral
PTBG1000033511M. Nee   390651990-10-03
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 4 km SW of center of Buena Vista, south side of Rio Surutu. Parque Nacional Amboro., -17.483333 -63.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macrocnemum roseum (Ruiz & Pav.) Wedd.
PTBG1000033510M. Nee   390781990-10-03
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, 4 km SW of center of Buena Vista, south side of Rio Surutu. Parque Nacional Amboro., -17.483333 -63.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Müll.Arg.
PTBG1000033509Mario Saldias   12801990-11-10
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, Arubay: 6 km NW de Terevinto; 20 km NW de la Ciudad de Santa Cruz., -17.683333 -63.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea macrobotrys (Ruiz & Pav.) Schult.
PTBG1000033591M. Nee   358381987-08-29
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, 6 km NW of Terevinto., -17.683333 -63.416667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rudgea viburnoides (Cham.) Benth.
PTBG1000033505M. Nee   391791990-10-10
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, 2.5 km ENE of summit of Cerro Amboro. On ridge., -17.75 -63.633333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Müll.Arg.
PTBG1000033504M. Nee   369881988-11-30
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Andres Ibanez, 6 km NW of Terevinto., -17.683333 -63.416667

Coussarea hydrangeifolia (Benth.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Müll.Arg.
NULLM. Nee   414901991-06-28
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Province Velasco, Estancia Flor de Oro, 2 km S of buildings, W side of Rio Guapore (=Rio Itenez). Inland from former gallery forest, now pastured but intact., -13.55 -61

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033499M. Nee   418711991-12-04
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro, 7 km (by air) NE of Ciudad Amboro. On ridge above and on SE side of Rio Macunucu. Elev. 600750 m., -17.75 -63.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000033497M. Nee   419871991-12-06
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Ichilo Province, Parque Nacional Amboro. SE side of gorge of Rio Macunucu., -17.75 -63.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chomelia albicaulis (Rusby) Steyerm.
PTBG1000033496M. Nee   363311988-02-16
Bolivia, SANTA CRUZ DEPARTMENT, Florida Province, Gorge of Rio Pirai, ca 1 km NE of junction with Rio Bermejo. Steep slopes., -18.183333 -63.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
Randia micracantha (Lillo) Bacigalupo
PTBG1000036558James C. Solomon   101871983-04-27
Bolivia, NULL, NULL, Tarija: Arce. Comunidad Guayavillas, 23.8 km S. of Padcaya on road to Bermejo. On the West side of the Serrania de Cerrillos., -21.983333 -64.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Randia micracantha (Lillo) Bacigalupo
PTBG1000036557James C. Solomon   110631983-10-05
Bolivia, NULL, NULL, Tarija: Burnet O'Connor. 21.5 km E. of Narvaez on road to Entre Rios (6.9 km W. of Entre Rios)., -21.483333 -64.216667

PTBG1000056047M. Nee   390721990-10-03
Bolivia, NULL, NULL, Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Ichilo, 4km SW of center of Buena Vista, south side of Rio Surutu. Parque Nacional Amboro., -17.483333 63.683333

Alibertia curviflora var. curviflora
PTBG1000064405M. Nee   316981985-08-31
Bolivia, PANDO DEPARTMENT, Province Manuripi, Along Rio Madre de dios, 2 km W of Humaita., -21.016667 -68.283333

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