Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Belize; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-98 of 98

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000052738Al Gentry   81201973-06-12
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, 1.5 miles from Maya village of S an Jose on road to Columbia Forestry Station.

Augusta rivalis (Benth.) J.H.Kirkbr.
M. Nee   467951996-05-22
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, Near Rio On along road to Augustine., 16.983333 -88.966667

Palicourea pubescens
PTBG1000071116M. Nee   468241996-05-24
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, West of Terra Nova Forest Reserve, near Eligio Cocom farm. 13 miles N of Iguana Creek Bridge over the Belize River, entering by Black Man Eddy from the Western Hwy., 17.35 -88.916667

Rogiera stenosiphon (Hemsl.) Borhidi
PTBG1000076284Bruce K. Holst   59501997-02-22
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Columbia River Forest Reserve: Union Camp, ca. 3 km W of SW end of Little Quartz Ridge. Elev. 700-750 m., 16.398056 -89.126111

Randia genipifolia (Standl. & Steyerm.) Lorence
PTBG1000075827Gerrit Davidse   356701996-05-07
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Southern Maya Mountains: Bladen Nature Reserve, narrow valley bottom around "AC Camp", along unnamed tributary of the upper Bladen Branch., 16.495556 -88.913056

PTBG1000075946Bruce K. Holst   51581996-05-09
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Maya Mountains, Bladen Nature Reserve. Upper Bladen Branch basin, ca. 0.5 km SW of Ek Xux ruin, 1.5 km N of Bladen Branch. Tall., 16.5 -88.916667

PTBG1000050493Bruce K. Holst   50831996-05-06
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Along Rio Grande, ca. 1.5 km NE of Big Fall, near Don Owens-Lewis property., 16.266667 -88.866667

PTBG1000000155Gerrit Davidse   362711996-05-24
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Southern Maya Mountains, Bladen Nature Reserve, mountains 1.7 airline north of the Ek Xux archeological site. Saddle between volcanic derived mountain and limestone derived mountain., 16.518056 -88.903056

PTBG1000072180T. P. Ramamoorthy   28871981-11-29
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, 5 km al E de Agustine. Cerca de la carretera. Selva baja perennifolia.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000001462John D. Dwyer   122421974-01-25
Belize, Mile 41. Northern Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista kunthiana (Cham. & Schltdl.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby
PTBG1000002003R. L. Liesner   14131974-01-18
Belize, Ridge Lagoon Plantation. Mile 11 on Northern Hwy. Near sea level.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009337Thomas B. Croat   248011973-06-21
Belize, Belize District. Along western highway at mile 35. Common on open road banks.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010589John D. Dwyer   122741974-01-29
Belize, 1 mile past Augustine, road to San Luis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010773Al Gentry   80821973-06-11
Belize, DISTRICT OF TOLEDO, Vicinity of Columbia Forestry Station, north of San Antonio; alt. ca. 300-500 ft.

PTBG1000013473Thomas B. Croat   245071973-06-14
Belize, DISTRICT OF TOLEDO, Along highway to Punta Gorda, 1 mi. east of junction with road to San Antonio., 16.21666 -88.93333

Compsoneura mexicana (Hemsl.) Janovec
PTBG1000013631Thomas B. Croat   243761973-06-13
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, Vicinity of San Jose Mayan Indian Village, 6.7 miles north of Columbia Forest Station.

PTBG1000013775Thomas B. Croat   245621973-06-14
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, Forest along highway at mile 28.5 on Hummingbird Highway, south of Belmopan; elev. 200-300 ft.

PTBG1000013691John D. Dwyer   109011973-06-02
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, 4 miles south of Grand De Oro on road to La Flor.

PTBG1000013689Al Gentry   76141973-05-27
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Near bridge over McCal River (Rio Guacamayo) south of San Luis.

PTBG1000014342Al Gentry   83781973-06-20
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, North of Belize City on Northern Highway near bridge over Belize River; altitude near sea level.

Myrcia splendens (Sw.) Dc.
PTBG1000015481John D. Dwyer   111541973-06-13
Belize, San Jose, 6.7 miles north of Columbia Forest Station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030678Thomas B. Croat   233571973-06-02
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, To 1.3 m tall; flowers white; at edge of forest. Vicinity of old lumber camp at Grano de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Combretum Loefl.
PTBG1000047521Thomas B. Croat   232691973-06-06
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, 11.5 mi. northwest of Belize along Northern Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Combretum Loefl.
PTBG1000047520Thomas B. Croat   234281973-05-26
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, Ridge Lagoon Plantation ca. 12 mi. northwest of Belize. Along Belize River.

Phyllanthus stipulatus (Raf.) G. L. Webster
PTBG1000031376R. L. Liesner   16691974-01-27
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, End of Airport runway near Coca Cola plant. Ponds, bare soil, grassy areas. Mile 8 on Northern Hwy. Near sea level.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hoffmannia nicotianifolia (M. Martens & Galeotti) L. O. Williams
PTBG1000033603Bruce Allen   154471993-12-12
Belize, TOLEDO, Slopes of ridge and in narrow stream valley near Helicopter pad, vicinity of Doyles's Delight. Souther Maya Mountains., 16.483333 -89.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea tetragona (Donn. Sm.) C. M. Taylor & Lorence
PTBG1000033613Bruce K. Holst   44331992-04-13
Belize, TOLEDO, Southwestern Maya Mountains, Columbia River Forest Reserve. Gloria Camp. Site of recent illegal forest clearing, Acalypha diversifolia (?) abundantly sprouting., 16.366667 -89.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Randia matudae Lorence & Dwyer
PTBG1000033612Bruce Allen   152781993-12-08
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, Southern Maya Mountains. Along ridge, near ridge top camp in vicinity of Doyle's Delight., 16.5 -89.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038339John D. Dwyer   115821973-07-10
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, Cuevas at Little John's Camp

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038821John D. Dwyer   112991973-06-20
Belize, Between Belize River Bridge and Belize Saw Mill on Northern Highway., 17.53472 -88.24166

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038766R. L. Liesner   16071974-01-24
Belize, Mt. Pine Ridge. Vicinity of Blancaneaux Lodge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calea ternifolia var. ternifolia Kunth
PTBG1000043224John D. Dwyer   122351974-01-25
Belize, Mile 19, Northern Highway., 17.66222 -88.37

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044251R. L. Liesner   15071974-01-21
Belize, Gracie Rock 1.5-4 mi. S. of mile 22 on Western Hwy., 17.4 -88.4666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044253R. L. Liesner   15581974-01-24
Belize, 5 mi. South of Georgeville in the direction of Mt. Pine Ridge, regional elevation 100-300m., 17.1 -88.96666

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudocatalpa caudiculata (Standl.) A.H. Gentry
PTBG1000044302Al Gentry   76901973-05-30
Belize, Cuevas, S. of Millionario., 16.71666 -88.98333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
PTBG1000044317John D. Dwyer   121001974-01-22
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway., 17.05 -88.5666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044499John D. Dwyer   121591974-01-25
Belize, DSTRICT OF ORANGE WALK, Toll Bridge area at New River, 3 miles south of Orange Walk.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Semialarium mexicanum (Miers) Mennega
PTBG1000047264John D. Dwyer   110151973-06-07
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, Mile 42.5 on Northern Highway, north of Maskall River., 17.92638 -88.36777

Image Associated With the Occurence
Semialarium mexicanum (Miers) Mennega
PTBG1000047263Thomas B. Croat   232861973-06-06
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, 11.5 mi. northwest of Belize along Northern Highway., 17.56361 -88.32722

Image Associated With the Occurence
Combretum Loefl.
PTBG1000047519R. L. Liesner   15861974-01-24
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Mt. Pine Ridge. Transition Zone 5 mi. N of Blancaneaux Lodge. 12 mi. S. of Georgeville.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049059R. L. Liesner   14651974-01-21
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, Gracie Rock 1.5-4 mi. S of Mile 22 on Western Hwy.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049058John D. Dwyer   108721973-06-02
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Grano de Oro, road toward Rio La Flor, vicinity of Lumber Mill.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049056Thomas B. Croat   239071973-06-04
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, Gracie Rock, 1.5 mi. south of mile 22 on Western Highway; limestone outcrops prevalent.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049055Thomas B. Croat   233231973-06-02
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Vicinity of old lumber camp at Grano de Oro.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049054John D. Dwyer   120551974-01-22
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049050Thomas B. Croat   238651973-06-04
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, Gracie Rock, 1.5 mi. south of mile 22 on Western Highway; limestone outcrops prevalent.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049049Thomas B. Croat   234481973-05-27
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, Roadside; 9.5 mi. northwest of Belize along Northern Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049067John D. Dwyer   120541974-01-22
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cleidion oblongifolium (Standl.) Croizat
PTBG1000049065John D. Dwyer   115851973-07-10
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Cuevas at Little John's Camp; woods., 16.71666 -88.98333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049304Thomas B. Croat   233501973-06-02
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, Vicinity of old lumber camp at Grano de Oro., 16.6727778 -89.0263889

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049303Thomas B. Croat   236211973-05-29
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, Vicinity of Cuevas south of Millionario., 16.7166667 -88.9833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049302Thomas B. Croat   244451973-06-13
Belize, DISTRICT OF TOLEDO, Vicinity of San Jose Myan Indian Village; 6.7 mi. north of Columbia Forest Station., 16.2666667 -89.1

Not listed Not listed
PTBG1000054292Thomas B. Croat   248701973-06-21
Belize, Along Sibun river, just west of Hummingbird Highway, elev. 200-300 ft.

Not listed Not listed
PTBG1000054293John D. Dwyer   120931974-01-22
Belize, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000001462John D. Dwyer   122421974-01-25
Belize, NULL, NULL, Mile 41. Northern Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaecrista kunthiana (Schltdl. & Cham.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
PTBG1000002003R. L. Liesner   14131974-01-18
Belize, NULL, NULL, Ridge Lagoon Plantation. Mile 11 on Northern Hwy. Near sea level.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000009337Thomas B. Croat   248011973-06-21
Belize, NULL, NULL, Belize District. Along western highway at mile 35. Common on open road banks.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010773Al Gentry   80821973-06-11
Belize, DISTRICT OF TOLEDO, NULL, Vicinity of Columbia Forestry Station, north of San Antonio; alt. ca. 300-500 ft.

PTBG1000013473Thomas B. Croat   245071973-06-14
Belize, DISTRICT OF TOLEDO, NULL, Along highway to Punta Gorda, 1 mi. east of junction with road to San Antonio., 16.21666 -88.93333

Compsoneura mexicana (Hemsl.) Janovec
PTBG1000013631Thomas B. Croat   243761973-06-13
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Vicinity of San Jose Mayan Indian Village, 6.7 miles north of Columbia Forest Station.

PTBG1000013775Thomas B. Croat   245621973-06-14
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, Forest along highway at mile 28.5 on Hummingbird Highway, south of Belmopan; elev. 200-300 ft.

PTBG1000013691John D. Dwyer   109011973-06-02
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, 4 miles south of Grand De Oro on road to La Flor.

PTBG1000013689Al Gentry   76141973-05-27
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Near bridge over McCal River (Rio Guacamayo) south of San Luis.

Myrcia splendens (Sw.) DC.
PTBG1000015481John D. Dwyer   111541973-06-13
Belize, NULL, NULL, San Jose, 6.7 miles north of Columbia Forest Station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000030678Thomas B. Croat   233571973-06-02
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, To 1.3 m tall; flowers white; at edge of forest. Vicinity of old lumber camp at Grano de Oro.

Phyllanthus stipulatus (Raf.) G.L. Webster
PTBG1000031376R. L. Liesner   16691974-01-27
Belize, DISTRICT OF BELIZE, NULL, End of Airport runway near Coca Cola plant. Ponds, bare soil, grassy areas. Mile 8 on Northern Hwy. Near sea level.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hoffmannia nicotianifolia (M.Martens & Galeotti) L.O.Williams
PTBG1000033603Bruce Allen   154471993-12-12
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Slopes of ridge and in narrow stream valley near Helicopter pad, vicinity of Doyles's Delight. Souther Maya Mountains., 16.483333 -89.033333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Palicourea tetragona (Donn.Sm.) C.M.Taylor
PTBG1000033613Bruce K. Holst   44331992-04-13
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Southwestern Maya Mountains, Columbia River Forest Reserve. Gloria Camp. Site of recent illegal forest clearing, Acalypha diversifolia (?) abundantly sprouting., 16.366667 -89.166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Randia matudae Lorence & Dwyer
PTBG1000033612Bruce Allen   152781993-12-08
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, Southern Maya Mountains. Along ridge, near ridge top camp in vicinity of Doyle's Delight., 16.5 -89.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038339John D. Dwyer   115821973-07-10
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, NULL, Cuevas at Little John's Camp

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill.
PTBG1000038821John D. Dwyer   112991973-06-20
Belize, NULL, NULL, Between Belize River Bridge and Belize Saw Mill on Northern Highway., 17.53472 -88.24166

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038766R. L. Liesner   16071974-01-24
Belize, NULL, NULL, Mt. Pine Ridge. Vicinity of Blancaneaux Lodge.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calea ternifolia var. ternifolia
PTBG1000043224John D. Dwyer   122351974-01-25
Belize, NULL, NULL, Mile 19, Northern Highway., 17.66222 -88.37

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044251R. L. Liesner   15071974-01-21
Belize, NULL, NULL, Gracie Rock 1.5-4 mi. S. of mile 22 on Western Hwy., 17.4 -88.466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044253R. L. Liesner   15581974-01-24
Belize, NULL, NULL, 5 mi. South of Georgeville in the direction of Mt. Pine Ridge, regional elevation 100-300m., 17.1 -88.96666

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudocatalpa caudiculata (Standl.) A. H. Gentry
PTBG1000044302Al Gentry   76901973-05-30
Belize, NULL, NULL, Cuevas, S. of Millionario., 16.71666 -88.98333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
PTBG1000044317John D. Dwyer   121001974-01-22
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway., 17.05 -88.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044499John D. Dwyer   121591974-01-25
Belize, DSTRICT OF ORANGE WALK, NULL, Toll Bridge area at New River, 3 miles south of Orange Walk.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Semialarium mexicanum (Miers) Mennega
PTBG1000047264John D. Dwyer   110151973-06-07
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, NULL, Mile 42.5 on Northern Highway, north of Maskall River., 17.92638 -88.36777

Image Associated With the Occurence
Semialarium mexicanum (Miers) Mennega
PTBG1000047263Thomas B. Croat   232861973-06-06
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, NULL, 11.5 mi. northwest of Belize along Northern Highway., 17.56361 -88.32722

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049067John D. Dwyer   120541974-01-22
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cleidion oblongifolium (Standl.) Croizat
PTBG1000049065John D. Dwyer   115851973-07-10
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Cuevas at Little John's Camp; woods., 16.71666 -88.98333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049304Thomas B. Croat   233501973-06-02
Belize, CAYO DISTRICT, NULL, Vicinity of old lumber camp at Grano de Oro., 16.672778 -89.026389

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049303Thomas B. Croat   236211973-05-29
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Vicinity of Cuevas south of Millionario., 16.716667 -88.983333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049302Thomas B. Croat   244451973-06-13
Belize, DISTRICT OF TOLEDO, NULL, Vicinity of San Jose Myan Indian Village; 6.7 mi. north of Columbia Forest Station., 16.266667 -89.1

PTBG1000054292Thomas B. Croat   248701973-06-21
Belize, NULL, NULL, Along Sibun river, just west of Hummingbird Highway, elev. 200-300 ft., 17.1 -88.666667

PTBG1000054293John D. Dwyer   120931974-01-22
Belize, NULL, NULL, Mile 25, south of Belmopan, Hummingbird Highway.

PTBG1000054554Thomas B. Croat   232581973-06-06
Belize, NULL, NULL, 12.5 mi northwest of Belize along Northern Highway.

Deherainia smaragdina subsp. smaragdina
PTBG1000063076Thomas B. Croat   237641973-06-03
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Vicinity of La Flor at Rio de la Flor; 6 mi south of Grano de Oro. Limestone outcrops aboundant. Elev. 1700-2000 ft.

Alibertia edulis var. edulis
PTBG1000064504Gerrit Davidse   356021996-05-04
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Big Fall Estate, ca 3 airline km NE of village of Big Fall, just E of Southern Highway. Along streamlet., 16.273056 -88.874167

PTBG1000064505Percy H. Gentle   88591955-09-06
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Humming Bird Highway, 47 miles section.

PTBG1000064499Gerrit Davidse   361891996-05-21
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Southern Maya Mountains, Bladen Nature Reserve, upper Bladen Branch basin, hill immediately E of "AC Camp", ca 1 km SW of Ek Xux archelogical site., 16.494444 -88.908333

ptbg1000064506Thomas Hawkins   15601996-12-20
Belize, BELIZE DISTRICT, NULL, Grounds of Belize Zoo, mile 28 on the western highway., 17.356944 -88.541111

PTBG1000064512Gerrit Davidse   327571987-03-19
Belize, ORANGE WALK DISTRICT, NULL, Ca. 5 km N of August Pine Ridge on the road to Trinidad., 18 -88.7

Appunia guatemalensis
PTBG1000064460Gerrit Davidse   361541996-05-19
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Southern Maya Mountains, Bladen Nature Reserve, Ek Xux Canyon, ca. 2 airline km NE of Ek Xux archelogical site., 16.518056 -88.915

Appunia guatemalensis
PTBG1000064466Gerrit Davidse   319941987-03-04
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Lower slopes of Richardson Peak, Maya Mountains, directly N of the junction of Richardson Creek and Bladen Branch. Elev. 300-620 m., 16.55 -88.775

Arachnothryx belizensis
PTBG1000064551Gerrit Davidse   321441987-03-05
Belize, TOLEDO DISTRICT, NULL, Solomon Camp, vicinity of the junction of Richardson Creek and Bladen Branch, foothills of the Maya Mountains. Elev. 80-420 m., 16.541667 -88.758333

Arachnothryx buddleioides (Benth.) Planch.
PTBG1000065254Jorge Meave   14311989-07-03
Belize, DISTRICT OF CAYO, NULL, Kinloch Road, 0.5 km S of Brunton Trail, intersection. Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve.

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