Search Results (List)

Dataset: PTBG
Search Criteria: Australia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2686

National Tropical Botanical Garden

Image Associated With the Occurence
Empodisma minus (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson & D.F.Cutler
PTBG1000037264C. M. Eardley   s.n.1935-09-10
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, REGION 13: Southern Lofty; Square waterhole Mt Compass., -32.333333 138.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000031934F. J. Badman   48861991-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. 3 km SW. of Needle Hill Cordillo Downs Station., -26.583333 140.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Senna glutinosa subsp. pruinosa
PTBG1000003612F. J. Badman   48381991-08-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, REGION 2: Lake Eyre. 6 km NE. of Bloodwood Bore, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.783333 140.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sclerolaena convexula (R. H. Anderson) A. J. Scott
PTBG1000038578F. J. Badman   48361991-08-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, REGION 2: Lake Eyre. 4 km NE of Bloodwood Bore, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.85 140.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lysiana subfalcata (Hook.) Barlow
PTBG1000009417F. J. Badman   48261991-08-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, REGION 2: Lake Eyre. 3.5 km S. of Bloodwood Bore, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.85 140.933333

Hakea eyreana (S. Moore) Mc Gill.
PTBG1000063915F. J. Badman   48271991-08-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, REGION 2: Lake Eyre. 3.5 km S. of Bloodwood Bore, Cordillo Downs Station., -25.85 140.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000026333D. Hopton   911988-10-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7; Eyre Peninsula. Jussieu Peninsula. Lincoln National Park. Open depression adjacent to road to Memory Cove., -34.970833 135.95

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bulbine semibarbata (R. Br.) Haw.
PTBG1000026338C. R. Alcock   104081985-05-10
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9; Murray, Murray River, Horseshoe swamp some 1.5 km downstream from Murtho park landing, near the 376 mile marker., -34.033333 140.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
Maireana campanulata Paul G. Wilson
PTBG1000038483F. J. Badman   48841991-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2; Lake Eyre. 3 km SW of neelde Hill, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.583333 140.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithotoma petraea (F.Muell.) E.B.Knox
PTBG1000045678F. J. Badman   48881991-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2; Lake Eyre. 1 km SW of Neelde Hill Bore, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.583333 140.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000043528F. J. Badman   48911991-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2; Lake Eyre. 1 km NW of Needld Hill Bore, 3 km SSW of Needle Hill, Cordillo Downs Station. (precn. 2), -26.583333 140.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Newcastelia cephalantha var. cephalantha
PTBG1000007860F. J. Badman   48461991-08-15
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Eremophila bignoniiflora 2.6km N of Innamincka boundary on fence, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.851389 140.983333

Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii (Meisn.) F. Muell.
PTBG1000056743F. J. Badman   47831991-08-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7 Eyre Peninsula 4.5km SE Kootaberra Homestead on Power Line Track, Kootaberra Station., -32.016667 137.466667

Eremophila bignoniiflora (Benth.) F. Muell.
PTBG1000079855F. J. Badman   48611991-08-15
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre Tributary of Nilpie Creek, 2km W of Arrabury Homestead, Cordillo Downs Station., -28.75 140.983333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037094F. J. Badman   48521991-08-15
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre 2.8 km N. of Innamincka boundary on border fence, 8k SE of Bloodwood Bore. Cordillo Downs Station., -25.85 -140.983333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ptilotus obovatus var. obovatus
PTBG1000038569F. J. Badman   48401991-08-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. 6km NE of Bloodwood Bore, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.783333 140.966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Maireana coronata (Black) Paul G. Wilson
PTBG1000038485F. J. Badman   48651991-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Needle Creek, 5km NNE of Homestead, Cordillo Downs Station., -26.65 140.633333

Undet Thymelaeaceae spp.
13264F. J. Badman   48401991-08-14
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Region 2: Lake Eyre. 6km NE of Bloodwood Bore, Cordillo Downs Station. Rocky slope. Soil: red loam.

13265F. J. Badman   48651991-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Region 2: Lake Eyre. Needle Creek, 5km NNE of Homestead, Cordillo Downs Station. Moderately common Gibber plain Brown clay soil.

Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara
BG1000054220K. L. Wilson   23571979-02-13
Australia, NEW SOUTH WALES STATE, NULL, Eastlakes, Sydney. Besides lake opposite S end of Southern Cross expressway.

C. H. Miller   1941985-03-22
Australia, NEW SOUTH WALES STATE, NULL, Howe Botanical Region, Goodradigbee River, 100-2200m upstream from the entrance of Flea Creek, -35.333333 148.75

Galium compactum Ehrend. & McGill.
PTBG1000071670E. Lawson   731990-10-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 13: South-eastern Beachport, -37.483333 140

Image Associated With the Occurence
Wurmbea dioica (R.Br.) F.Muell.
PTBG1000026783P. J. Lang   83391990-11-27
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 8: Northern Lofty. Section 144, hundred of Yangya. Campbell Range. Centre of southern edge of Section 144, immediately above creek (tributary of Never Creek) which is beside road., -33.323611 138.5625

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000041439F. J. Badman   45601990-09-23
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula; .5 km NE of Hotel Creek Well, Carriewerloo Station., -32.216667 137.183333

Eremophila gibbifolia (F. Muell.) F. Muell.
PTBG1000079837P. J. Lang   D_83221990-10-26
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty Railway reserve, c. 150 m SE of Nurragi (abandoned Rail siding) in Sandergrove- Milang reserve., -35.375 138.908333

ptbg1000052695C. H. Miller   1941985-03-22
Australia, NEW SOUTH WALES STATE, NULL, Howe Botanical Region, Goodradigbee Rives. 100 - 2200m upstream from the entrance of Flea Creek., -35.333333 148.75

PTBG1000079945R. J. Chinnock   79131989-08-10
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula. Settlement, Redcliff Point., -32.7 137.85

Eremophila deserti (A. Cunn. ex Benth.) Chinnock
PTBG1000079843R. J. Chinnock   79311989-07-12
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula. Settlement, Redcliff Area on sandhills just east of causeway., -32.7 137.85

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd.
PTBG1000000834N. N. Donner   108591985-09-18
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty, junction with Forreston road, N. of Kersbook. Telecom Exchange corner., -34.783333 138.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia oswaldii F. Muell.
PTBG1000000839G. H. Bell   10791985-09-26
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. 5.4 km N of Yunta on Curnamona road, -32.533333 139.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia rupicola F. Muell. ex Benth.
PTBG1000000844N. N. Donner   111291985-11-04
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula. Lincoln National Park. Junction to the new road from main road to Taylors Landing which is ca. 1 km. from the Landing., -34.86 135.933333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia rivalis J.M. Black
PTBG1000000843E. C. Foster   1771987-09-11
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. Arkaroola Station, Mawson Plateau., -30.093333 139.403056

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth.
PTBG1000000829Gawler Ranges Survey   75561985-10-09
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula. AMG ref. 53540500 639250. Paney Station. Quadrat one. Rocky rises. Notes: 4 inches of rain recorded at end of August 1985, stimulating dense cover of annuals and ephemerals., -32.604167 135.431667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia rigens A. Cunn. ex G. Don
PTBG1000000847Gawler Ranges Survey   77191985-10-13
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula. AMG ref. 53 538300 640420. Paney Station. Pine Lodge. Quadrat six. Rocky ridge top., -32.498611 135.407778

PTBG1000079933E. N. S. Jackson   60311988-10-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9: Murray. NCS Chowilla Survey. Near Werta wert Lake. On erosion gully above Werta Wert Lake., -33.941667 110.858333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000000852R. H. Kuchel   18281964-09-15
Australia, WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, South west, ca. 40 km east Lake King.

Datura leichhardtii F. Muell. ex Benth.
PTBG1000080515D. E. Symon   149281989-11-03
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 5: Flinders Ranges. Moralana Station. Northern end of station where power line crosses "Little Brachina creek'., -31.35 138.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cephalaralia cephalobotrys (F.Muell.) Harms
PTBG1000040037David H. Lorence   71871992-04-11
Australia, QUEENSLAND STATE, NULL, Atherton Tablelands, Western Parrish Baldy Mountain, State Forest Reserve no. 194; 1100-1200 m elevation.

Helmholtzia acorifolia
PTBG1000018562Tim Flynn   49691992-04-10
Australia, QUEENSLAND STATE, Danbulla Parish, Atherton Tableland, Danbullah Forest Drive; forestry road ca 5 km North of Danbullah, SE of Mt. Edith.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhagodia candolleana subsp. candolleana
PTBG1000038571M. Eadsforth   51985-12-03
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Aldinga. Steep descent to the sea on limestone slope with various bushes., -35.266667 138.483333

Santalum acuminatum (R. Br.) A. DC.
PTBG1000079237A. C. Robinson   4701987-10-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 3: Nullabor. S.A. N.P.W.S. Y ellabina Survey. Mitcherie Site. 0.5km E of Mitcherie Rockho le. Mitcherie Quadrat 5. Patch III., -31.454444 132.8425

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008462D. E. Symon   154891997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes. Heavy soil flats. precn 1., -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astrebla lappacea (Lindl.) Domin
PTBG1000031937H. T. Smyth   661997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flats W of large red sand dune approximately 12 km W of Dulkaninna Field Station by Track. Dulkaninna Field Station is c. 80 km N of Marree on the Birdsville Track., -29.004167 138.384722

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038224H. T. Smyth   1631998-04-07
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Lake Harry ruins. Just E of Birdsville Track, Clayton Station approxima tely 31 km N of Marree. Near former homestead settlement. (Coord. ex GPS 29 26 12 S 138 14 48 E; precn 1), -29.436667 138.246667

PTBG1000060974C. R. Alcock   113881993-09-03
Australia, WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, C. 445 km W of Sandfire Roadhouse on National Highway 1 and 9 km E from the 80 mile Beach Caravan Park. (Coord. ex collector 19 48 S 120 40 E; precn 2), -19.8 120.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000038234D. E. Symon   15509A1997-04-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Clayton Sta tion (1745 km on Dog Fence). (Coord. ex GPS 29 21 41 S 138 16 52 E; precn 1), -29.361389 138.281111

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000006783D. E. Symon   155061997-04-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Clayton Station (1745 km on dog Fence).precn 1), -29.361389 138.281111

PTBG1000079402D. E. Murfet   36561999-11-19
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Pioneer Road, Milang. (Coord. ex GPS 35 20 47 S 138 57 51 E; precn 1), -35.346389 138.964167

Image Associated With the Occurence
Astrebla pectinata (Lindl.) F. Muell.
PTBG1000031944F. J. Badman   75151995-02-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 4: Gairdner-Torrens. 50 m N of Homestead Dam. Bosworth Station. Arcoona Landsystem., -30.933333 137.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000032051F. J. Badman   86381995-09-09
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 4: Gairdner-Torrens. Camel Camp Tank. Kokatha Station. Stock water. Ebunbanie Landsystem., -31.466667 135.366667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Austrostipa nitida (Summerh. & C.E.Hubb.) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
PTBG1000031949F. J. Badman   86561995-09-09
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 4: Gairdner-Torrens. Camel Camp Tank. Kokatha Station. Water tanks. Ebunbanie Landsystem., -31.466667 135.366667

Grevillea lavandulacea var. lavandulacea
PTBG1000063806D. J. E. Whibley   96401984-05-30
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 8: Northern Lofty. Along road near East entrance to Para Wirra., -34.65 138.866667

PTBG1000077104D. J. E. Whibley   99981985-10-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Above coastal cliff on slope towards water above Newlands Head., -35.65 138.533333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007121A. G. Spooner   161171996-10-20
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9: Murray. Monarto Conservation Park. Limestone nodules.( precn 2), -35.15 139.1

16085F. J. Badman   86561995-09-09
Australia, South Australia. Region 4: Gairdner-Torrens. Came l Camp Tank. Kokatha Station. Water tanks. Red clay-loam. He rbland. No grazing. Ebunbanie Landsystem. (Coord. ex collector 31 28 S 135 22 E; precn 2)

PTBG1000079244C. R. Alcock   100611984-08-28
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre (East). Environ s of Mary's Waterhole. (Blacnewater), some 200 km east of Ly ndhurst., -29.583333 129.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037265R. J. Bates   335251993-07-03
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Littley' s Property, Back Valley. Ridge top., -35.5 138.8

PTBG1000006787D. E. Murfet   30691997-12-26
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11. Southern Lofty. Nurragi Conservation area., -35.364167 138.895833

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000032030Amy J. Blaylock   SG 21998-10-18
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Sturt Gorge, off The Boulevard, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelaide, Section 674. Behind The Boulevard and dirt track., -35.035556 138.576111

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000037972D. E. Murfet   34421998-12-24
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 8: Northern Lofty. Clinton Cons[ervation] Park. (Coord. ex GPS 34 07 31 S. 138 06 30 E.; precn 1), -34.125278 138.108333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000042513D. N. Kraehenbuehl   59911989-11-17
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 12: Kangaroo Island. Harr iet Road between Playford Highway and Rocky River to Kingscote Highway. (Autoderived coord. 35 54 50 S 137 07 56 E; precn 3), -35.913889 137.132222

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ixodia achillaeoides subsp. alata
PTBG1000042389D. N. Kraehenbuehl   59891989-11-17
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 12: Kangaroo Island. Harr iet Road between Playford Highway and Rocky River - Kingscot e Highway. (Autoderived coord. 35 54 50 S 137 07 56 E; precn 3), -35.913889 137.132222

PTBG1000063995D. E. Murfet   35811999-08-16
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Currency Creek Game Reserve. Shallow water and damp area. (Coord. ex GPS 35 29 39 S 138 49 42 E; precn 1), -35.494167 138.828333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Juncus flavidus L. A. S. Johnson
PTBG1000030437D. E. Murfet   34781999-03-20
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9: Murray. Nalpa, W of Wellington., -35.368056 139.331667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Juncus usitatus L.A.S. Johnson
PTBG1000030442D. E. Murfet   34881999-03-20
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9: Murray. Millowar, S of Wellington., -35.411389 139.3125

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gahnia lanigera (R.Br.) Benth.
PTBG1000028213D. E. Murfet   35291999-04-28
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 8: Northern Lofty. Spring Gully C[onservation] P[ark]. Exposed rocky hill sides and top., -33.909167 138.584722

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia dodonaeifolia (Pers.) Balb.
PTBG1000000819D. E. Murfet   36541999-11-17
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 13: South-eastern. Lucindale. precn 1, -36.966389 140.3775

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007452Amy J. Blaylock   SG41A1998-10-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Magpie Gully, off Gorge Road, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelaide, Section 19. ( precn 1), -35.034444 138.586389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br.
PTBG1000047757Amy J. Blaylock   SG1061998-11-29
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Sturt River, Sturt Gorge, Hundred of Noarlunga, Section 1561. (Autoderived coord. 35 01 26 S 138 45 50 E; precn 4), -35.023889 138.763889

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000044441Amy J. Blaylock   SG61998-10-18
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Sturt Gorge, off the Boulevard, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adel aide, Section 674. Grassy area between the Boulevard and dir t track. (Coord. ex GPS 35 02 08 S 138 34 34 E; precn 1), -35.035556 138.576111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halosarcia pergranulata subsp. pergranulata
PTBG1000038477D. E. Symon   160201999-09-20
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 9: Murray. c. 4.5 km N of Cooke Plains off Gypsum Road. Gypsum mining lease, Cooke Plains Gypsum. (Autoderived coord. 35 20 27 S 139 33 40 E; precn 3), -35.340833 139.561111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gahnia lanigera (R.Br.) Benth.
PTBG1000028219Enid L. Robertson   3021999-12-01
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Marino Conservation Park, Marino., -35.054444 138.507778

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000010212J. Z. Weber   93071986-09-08
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dakota Bore., -26 135.833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000027991Amy J. Blaylock   SG1081998-11-29
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11. Southern Lofty. Sturt River, Sturt Gorge. Hundred of Noarlunga, Section 1556. River bank., -35.039167 138.575

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schoenus apogon Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000028535Amy J. Blaylock   SG881998-11-22
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Magpi e Gully, off Bushland Drive, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelaide, Section 19., -35.036111 138.594167

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000008776Amy J. Blaylock   SG1041998-11-29
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Tom Waite's Track, Magpie Gully, [Bellevue Heights] Hundred of Adelaide, Section 20., -35.033333 138.593889

PTBG1000078917Amy J. Blaylock   SG471998-10-28
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Magpi e Gully, off Eve Road, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelaide , Section 19. (Coord. ex GPS 35 02 01 S 138 35 29 E; precn 1), -35.033611 138.591389

PTBG1000054428Amy J. Blaylock   SG711998-11-07
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Bushl and Drive, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelaide, Section 19 . (Coord. ex GPS 35 01 59 S 138 35 30 E; precn 1), -35.033056 138.591667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Allocasuarina verticillata (Lam.) L.A.S. Johnson
PTBG1000047180Amy J. Blaylock   SG1281999-07-28
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Magpie Gully, off Bushland Drive, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelaide, Section 19., -35.033611 138.593333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schoenus apogon Roem. & Schult.
PTBG1000028541Amy J. Blaylock   SG11998-10-18
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Sturt Gorge, off The Boulevard, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adel aide, Section 674. Beneath The Boulevard and dirt track., -35.035556 138.576111

PTBG1000056891R. L. Taplin   8111998-09-25
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Lobet hal Bushland Park off Lobethal - Gumeracha Road. In wet area s alongside the track from the upper dam. (Coord. ex GPS 34 53 19 S 138 52 40 E; precn 1), -34.888611 138.877778

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000015375R. L. Taplin   7971998-09-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Monta cute Conservation Park, off Valley Road. In damp loam cutting alongside the track near the entrance gate, with Maidenhair fern and Anogramma., -34.884444 138.775556

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000028284D. E. Murfet   32131998-07-21
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 7: Eyre Peninsula. Elliston. Brown sand over limestone., -33.654167 134.883611

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000041113D. E. Murfet   32431998-09-04
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 11: Southern Lofty. Ecker t Road, Belvidere. (Coord. ex GPS 35 17 06 S 138 58 28 E; precn 1), -35.285 138.974444

16180Amy J. Blaylock   SG41A1998-10-22
Australia, South Australia. Region 11: Southern Lofty. Magpi e Gully, off Gorge Road, Bellevue Heights. Hundred of Adelai de, Section 19. Grey box woodland with understorey of Eucaly ptus saplings, Olearia and Allocasuarina sp. (Coord. ex GPS 35 02 04 S 138 35 11 E; precn 1)

Halosarcia pergranulata (J. M. Black) Paul G. Wilson
16181Amy J. Blaylock   SG1061998-11-29
Australia, South Australia. Region 11: Southern Lofty. Sturt River, Sturt Gorge, Hundred of Noarlunga, Section 1561. On edge of river bed. (Autoderived coord. 35 01 26 S 138 45 50 E; precn 4)

Cyanea spathulata (Hillebr.) A.Heller
16183D. E. Symon   160201999-09-20
Australia, South Australia. Region 9: Murray. c. 4.5 km N of Cooke Plains off Gypsum Road. Gypsum mining lease, Cooke Pl ains Gypsum. Wide gypsum dune above the wide samphire swamp. Two Eucalyptus sp, E. gracilis, E. brachycalyx dominant ma llee over scattered Atriplex and few Maireana. Gypsum 3-4 m deep. (Autoderived coord. 35 20 27 S 139 33 40 E; precn 3)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cucumis maderaspatana
PTBG1000048194D. E. Symon   155761997-04-07
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. (Coord. ex GPS 29 14 10 S 138 32 24 E; precn 1), -29.236111 138.54

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000001460D. E. Symon   155501997-04-07
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. 16 km SSE o f Dulkaninna Station on road to Sinclairs Bore. Shallow drainage line in gibber plain. Precn 1., -29.138889 138.526389

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000032656D. E. Symon   154851997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes., -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000007461D. E. Symon   154871997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes. Heavy soil flat.( precn 1), -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chenopodium nitrariaceum (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth.
PTBG1000038432D. E. Symon   154881997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. (Coord. ex GPS 28 59 23 S 138 22 16 E; precn 1), -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000049241D. E. Symon   154901997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Duklaninna Station.(Coord. ex GPS 28 59 23 S 138 22 16 E; precn 1), -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
PTBG1000027974D. E. Symon   155131997-04-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Clayton Riv er, Dulkaninna Station. Eucalyptus coolabah river., -29.249444 138.190278

PTBG1000060931D. E. Symon   155141997-04-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Clayton Riv er, Dulkaninna Station. (Coord. ex GPS 29 14 58 S 138 11 25 E; precn 1), -29.249444 138.190278

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.
PTBG1000032243D. E. Symon   155041997-04-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Bore Drain. Flat areas adjacent to bore drain., -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eragrostis australasica (Steud.) C.E.Hubb.
PTBG1000032661D. E. Symon   155011997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes., -28.989722 138.371111

PTBG1000060925D. E. Symon   155021997-04-06
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Bore Drain. (Coord. ex GPS 28 59 23 S 138 22 16 E; precn 1), -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriochloa australiensis Stapf & Thell.
PTBG1000032686D. E. Symon   154931997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes., -28.989722 138.371111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) A.Camus
PTBG1000032358D. E. Symon   154941997-04-05
Australia, SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE, NULL, Region 2: Lake Eyre. Dulkaninna Station. Flat between dunes., -28.989722 138.371111

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2686


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