CANB 290155.1 MacKee, H.S. 35553 1978-08-04
New Caledonia, Haute Boghen, Col Toma.
Antrophyum novaecaledoniae Hieron.
NSW 832981 MacKee, H. S. 22963 1970-11-05
New Caledonia, Pente Sud-Ouest du Mont Koghi.
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CANB 473670.1 Braithwaite, A.F. 10000.0-4128 1965-07-13
Solomon Islands, NW Guadalcanal about 6 miles [9.6 km] inland up Umasami River., -9.3667 159.7667
CANB 473668.1 Braithwaite, A.F. 5000.0-4352 1965-08-26
Solomon Islands, S Kolambangara W bank, Kolambagara [Kolombangara] River. about 2 miles [3 km] inland., -8 157.0667
CANB 197791.1 Craven, L.A. 10000-1457 1966-04-26
Papua New Guinea, Near Kwaimengu, Aseki Patrol Area.., -7.3667 146.1833
CANB 158715.1 Schodde, R. 1000-4621 1966-03-08
Papua New Guinea, Gulf District, hill on north margin of junction of Kapau and Tauririvers., -7.8167 146.1333
CANB 224968.1 Streimann, H. 1000-NGF 44594 1971-03-15
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, Mumeng subdistrict, Bangalum., -7.0333 146.6667
CANB 179981.1 Coode, M.; Cropley, T. 1000-NGF 29691 1967-01-31
Papua New Guinea, New Ireland District, inland from Lavongai, 1 1/2 miles., -2.75 151.0333
CANB 208123.1 Craven, L.A. 10000-780 1966-02-06
Papua New Guinea, Gulf District, Purari Delta, near Ravikivau., -7.65 145.1
NSW 826895 Takeuchi, W. N. 8891 1993-03-16
Papua New Guinea, Lae.
CANB 226431.1 Streimann, H. 1000-LAE 51542 1971-05-05
Papua New Guinea, Central District, Port Moresby sub-district, Kuriva Forestry Area,near Veimur River., -9.0833 147.0833
CANB 143276.1 Hoogland, R.D. 10000-9017 1964-05-21
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, Huon Peninsula, Masba Creek area ca. 3 miles S ofPindiu., -6.4833 147.5333
NSW 267186 Katik, P.; Essig, F. LAE64083 1989-02-20
Papua New Guinea, Kapiura Timber Area, West New Britain., -5.67 150.5
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 699448.1 Croft, J.R. 25000-1849 1984-01-28
Papua New Guinea, Road to Varirata National Park, c. 25 km ENE of Port Moresby., -9.4167 147.3667
CANB 100439.1 Womersley, J.S. 1000-NGF 12648 1960-06-02
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, southern slopes of Finisterre Mts, vicinity Kikiepavillage near Wantoat Patrol Post., -6.1667 146.5
CANB 170152.1 Hoogland, R.D. 10000-10201 1966-06-06
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, near Ambunti, -4.2167 142.8333
CANB 170153.1 Hoogland, R.D. 10000-10201 1966-06-06
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, near Ambunti, -4.2167 142.8333
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CANB 504277.1 Croft, J.R. 2000-LAE 71325 1979-03-12
Papua New Guinea, SW foothills of Mt Riu, Sudest Island, Misima Sub province., -11.5167 153.4333
CANB 515316.1 Croft, J.R. 5000-LAE 61094 1974-03-24
Papua New Guinea, Purari River, delta area 32.5 km E of Baimuru, Southern District Baimuru., -7.5167 145.1167
CANB 228927.1 Pullen, R. 10000-830 1972-06-27
Papua New Guinea, Maiyu River, E of Mt Suckling; c.15 km WNW of Biniguni airstrip., -9.6667 149.1667
CANB 230804.1 Pullen, R. 1000-8358 1972-06-26
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay District, Maiyu River Gorge, E. of Mt Suckling, c. 15 kmWNW of Biniguni airstrip., -9.6667 149.1667
CANB 515311.1 Croft, J.R. 10000-LAE 61272 1974-04-04
Papua New Guinea, Vailala River 70 km at 110 degree from Baimuru, 50 km at 318 degrees from Kerema, Sub division Baimuru., -7.6333 145.4667
CANB 515747.1 Kog, P. 2000-28 1978-04-29
Papua New Guinea, Abaura Island, Buso (Fly Island)., -8.5 143.5833
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CBG 8902225.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-1130 1981-03-16
Papua New Guinea, E of Panesilu, Rambutyo I, Admiralty Islands., -2.3333 147.7667
Antrophyum subfalcatum Brack.
CANB 57218.1 Brass, L.J. 1000-25839 1956-05-12
Papua New Guinea, Normanby Island, Butai Creek, Lebudowa River., -10.05 150.9667
CANB 512437.1 Gideon, O. 10000-27 1978-05-04
Papua New Guinea, Gurakor., -6.8333 146.6667
CANB 102750.1 Brass, L.J. 10000-30327 1959-07-05
Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands District, Mt wilhelm, east slopes., -5.7833 145.0167
CANB 103810.1 Darbyshire, P.J. 10000-8223 1961-07-21
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, Aitape Subdistrict, along Bliri River between Kaiyeand Karandu., -3.05 141.9667
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
CANB 62199.1 Carr, C.E. 5000-12103 1935-05-01
Papua New Guinea, Koitaki., -9.4 147.45
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CBG 8902236.1 Croft, J.R. 44 1975-05-02
Papua New Guinea, Din River, Busilmin, Star Mountains.
CANB 102489.1 Brass, L.J. 1000-31567 1959-09-12
Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands District, Mt Michael, northeast slopes., -6.4 145.3167
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
CANB 40598.1 Saunders, J.C. 10000-232 1955-06-10
Papua New Guinea, Madang subdiistrict, Ramn Valley ca 5 miles SE Faita airstrip; lower.slopes Bismark Range., -5.65 145.25
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 40600.1 Womersley, J.S.; Millar, A.N. 1000-NGF 8515 1955-06-18
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Jimmi Valley, Valley of the Tagan River., -5.5 144.1667
CANB 98626.1 Darbyshire, P.J. 10000-7888 1961-06-07
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, Aitape sub-district, near Marok village., -3.1833 142.2667
CANB 226541.1 Stevens, P.F. 1000-LAE 50409 1970-09-02
Papua New Guinea, Central District, Port Moresby sub-district, coastal scarp ofAstrolabe Range., -9.5 147.4667
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 119907.1 Walker, D. 1000-ANU 832 1962-10-09
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Sirunki., -5.45 143.5333
Antrophyum ledermannii Hieron.
CANB 174014.1 Wade, L.K. 10000-ANU 7513 1966-10-11
Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, slopes north of Bomkan village, near Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1
CANB 100122.1 Brass, L.J. 10000-32578 1959-11-17
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, Umi River, Markham Valley., -6.1333 146.1833
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CANB 146558.1 Schodde, R. 1000-4008 1964-09-10
Papua New Guinea, Vicinity of Aku village, c. 10 miles west of Buin Station., -6.7667 155.5667
CANB 224810.1 Streimann, H. 1000-NGF 45458 1970-11-18
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, Menyamya subdistrict, Spreader Divide, between Asekiand Menyamya., -7.3 146.1167
CANB 153378.1 Pullen, R. 10000-5729 1964-08-17
Papua New Guinea, Papua, Northern Division, Pongani River valley near Dareki village,Mangalase area., -9.0833 148.4167
CANB 135135.1 Pullen, R. 10000-5260 1963-08-26
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands District, Minj-Nona Divide, Kubor Range S. of Minj., -6 144.3
CANB 146571.1 Schodde, R. 1000-4001 1964-09-10
Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, vicinity of Aku village, c. 10 miles west of BuinStation., -6.7667 155.5667
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CANB 146647.1 Schodde, R. 1000-3946 1964-09-01
Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, vicinity of Barilo village, c. 6 miles north of BuinStation., -6.6667 155.6667
CANB 173175.1 Heyligers, P.C. 10000-1684 1966-09-09
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, 6km SE of Aitape., -3.1333 142.35
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
CANB 699441.1 Croft, J.R. 2000-1842 1983-10-31
Papua New Guinea, SW end of the Bulolo Valley, c. 5-6 km S of Bulolo., -7.2333 146.65
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 595023.1 Sands, M.J.S. 1000-1944 1975-10-10
Papua New Guinea, Namatanai Sub-province: Hans Meyer Range, on steep ridge below camp. c. 8 km WNW (map distance) of Taron on E coast., -4.4333 152.9667
CANB 699418.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-2013 1984-11-07
Papua New Guinea, Bismack Archipelago: Mt Tementa, inland from Palie Mission, S coast of Lihir Island, 210 km ESE of Kavieng, 65 km N of Namatanai., -3.1833 152.6
CANB 40599.1 Pulsford, M.; Floyd, A. 1000-5413 1953-10-17
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, Dagua., -3.4167 143.35
Antrophyum strictum Mett.
CANB 52160.1 Womersley, J.S.; Millar, A.N. 1000-NGF 8584 1955-06-25
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Jimmi Valley, Jimmi River., -5.5 144.5
Antrophyum reticulatum (G.Forst.) Kaulf.
CANB 514199.1 Rau, K. 5000-320 1978-06-29
Papua New Guinea, Hoskins., -5.5 150.4167
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CANB 708658.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-2048 1984-11-11
Papua New Guinea, Bismack Archipelago: Lower slopes of caldera rim W of Luise Harbour, E coast of Lihir Island, 210 km ESE of Kavieng, 65 km N of Namatanai., -3.0667 152.6333
CANB 708659.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-2047 1984-11-11
Papua New Guinea, Bismack Archipelago: Lower slopes of caldera rim W of Luise Harbour, E coast of Lihir Island, 210 km ESE of Kavieng, 65 km N of Namatanai., -3.0667 152.6333
CANB 599068.1 Takeuchi, W. 1000-16768 2003-11-13
Papua New Guinea, Feni Group, Ambitle Island, E side of Nanum Caldera., -4.1 153.5997
CANB 473658.1 Conn, B. 5000-LAE 6613 1974-10-10
Papua New Guinea, Gune-Karapo track area. Subdistrict. Finschhafen-Umboi Island. District., -5.6 147.9333
CANB 515309.1 Stevens, P.F. 5000-LAE 58525 1973-06-04
Papua New Guinea, Miller mapping point. District W New Britain, Subdistrict Hoskins., -4.95 151.5667
CANB 515313.1 Vink, W. 10000-16995 1966-06-27
Papua New Guinea, Ibiwara, Tari Sub-district., -5.95 143.15
CANB 515315.1 Vink, W. 10000-16922 1966-06-18
Papua New Guinea, Ibiwara, Tari Sub-district., -5.95 143.15
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
QRS 48078.1 Stevens, P.F.; Lelean, Y. LAE 58525 1973-06-04
Papua New Guinea, Miller mapping point; West New Britain District, -4.95 151.5667
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 52131.1 Womersley, J.S.; Kazakof, M. 1000-NGF 7908 1955-10-00
Papua New Guinea, NE New Britain, Warangoi Valley, Gazelle Peninsula., -4.5 152.3333
CANB 515750.1 Croft, J.R. 5000-LAE 65643 1974-10-24
Papua New Guinea, 5 km S Logagon Village, N Schleinitz Range. Sub-district Kavieng, District New Ireland., -2.95 151.35
CANB 515753.1 Croft, J.R. 4000-LAE 65516 1974-10-08
Papua New Guinea, 2 km N Metemulai Village, W Lavongai, (New Hanover). subdistrict Lamet, District. New Ireland., -2.5 150.0333
CANB 515757.1 Gay, H.J. 5000-1109 1986-10-17
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay Province. Fergusson Island, track between Bosalewa and Salakardi., -9.5 150.6667
CANB 515762.1 Gay, H.J. 2000-985 1986-10-01
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay Province. Nassai [Nasai] Island, Woodlark archipelago, Guasopa Subdistrict., -9.15 152.6667
CANB 515769.1 Gay, H.J. 2000-1017 1986-10-03
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay Province. Bonivat logging area. Woodlark Island, Guasopa Subdistrict., -9.1167 152.75
Antrophyum parvulum Blume
CANB 342626.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-LAE 68744 1976-11-10
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay District, Esa'ala subdistrict, Fergusson Island, trackbetween Gamwabila and Tutubea., -7.5833 150.75
Antrophyum strictum Mett.
CANB 99804.1 Brass, L.J. 1000-32575 1959-11-17
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, Umi River, Markham Valley., -6.1333 146.1833
CANB 71529.1 Pullen, R. 10000-1782 1959-09-23
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District, Angoram subdistrict, Wewak- Angoram Area, nearKanduanum village, Sepik River., -4.1833 143.7667
Antrophyum subfalcatum Brack.
QRS 17216.1 Croft, J.R. LAE 68264 1975-10-01
Papua New Guinea, Tamai River, 6 km NW of Taron; New Ireland District, -4.4667 153.05
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
QRS 48092.1 Croft, J.R.; Lelean, Y. LAE 65516 1974-10-08
Papua New Guinea, 2 km N of Metemulai village, W Lavongai; New Ireland District, -2.5 150.0333
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
CBG 8902229.1 Croft, J.R. 10000-364 1976-06-12
Papua New Guinea, Kassam Pass, Lae-Kainantu road., -6.2167 146.0167
Antrophyum ledermannii Hieron.
CANB 84048.1 Brass, L.J. 10000-24753 1953-10-16
Papua New Guinea, Goodenough Island, east slopes., -9.3167 150.2
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 83206.1 Brass, L.J. 1000-25072 1953-10-26
Papua New Guinea, Goodenough Island, east slopes., -9.3667 150.3667
Antrophyum parvulum Blume
QRS 39965.1 Croft, J.R.; et al. LAE 68744 1976-11-10
Papua New Guinea, Track between Gamwabila and Tutubea, Fergusson Island; Milne Bay District, -7.5833 150.75
CBG 9005393.1 Croft, J.R. 4000-1891 1984-10-25
Papua New Guinea, W slopes Mt Tumbumpo, Central Lelet Plateau, 160 km SE of Kavieng, 40 km SE of Konos, Bismarck Archipelago., -3.25 151.9833
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CBG 8902240.1 Croft, J.R. 229 1975-10-10
Papua New Guinea, 8 km WNW of Taron, southern NW New Ireland.
Antrophyum subfalcatum Brack.
CBG 8902242.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-185 1975-10-03
Papua New Guinea, Tamai River, 6 km WNW of Taron, southern New Ireland., -4.4333 152.9833
Antrophyum parvulum Blume
CBG 8902230.1 Croft, J.R. 1000-490 1976-11-10
Papua New Guinea, NW of Salamo, Fergusson Island., -9.6667 150.8
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CBG 9009141.1 Croft, J.R. 25000-1969 1984-10-31
Papua New Guinea, Logging area E of Mt Apal region, northern Hans Meyer Range, 300 km SE of Kavieng, 70 km SE of Namatanai, S New Ireland., -4.1333 152.85
CANB 43604.1 Pullen, R. 10000-525 1957-09-10
Papua New Guinea, Eastern Highlands, Goroka Subdistrict, upper Omahaiga River Valley, Collins Bros. logging area., -5.9667 145.4667
Antrophyum subfalcatum Brack.
CANB 40593.1 Hoogland, R.D. 1000-5222 1955-09-13
Papua New Guinea, Madang District, near Puria River, foot (NE) of Mount Hellwig., -5.8833 145.6833
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
CANB 40595.1 Hoogland, R.D. 1000-4512 1954-08-10
Papua New Guinea, Northern District, Tufi subdistrict, near Ridubidubina camp., -9.1833 149.1
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 40596.1 Hoogland, R.D. 1000-5842 1956-08-10
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, near Wankl village, on mountain slope ca 5 km SEof Mount Hagen station., -5.7833 144.0667
CANB 40597.1 Hoogland, R.D. 10000-5994 1956-08-22
Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands District, near Mount Hagen Station., -5.75 144.0333
CANB 40592.1 Hoogland, R.D. 1000-4392 1954-07-28
Papua New Guinea, Northern District, Tufi subdistrict, ca. 1 km E of Aku., -9.0667 149.0667
Antrophyum callifolium Blume
CANB 40594.1 Hoogland, R.D. 10000-3235 1953-07-08
Papua New Guinea, Northern Division, ca 2 km NE of Sangara homestead (ca 10 km W ofPopondetta)., -8.8 148.1167
CANB 515738.1 Kalkman, C. 25000-5188 1966-08-20
Papua New Guinea, Lei River, (SE foot Mt Ambua). Tari Sub-dsitrict., -5.95 143.05
CANB 515735.1 Katik, P. 10000-LAE 62130 1974-07-05
Papua New Guinea, Rouna No 2 Power Station. Near Rocky Creek, Port Moresby Sub-district, central District., -9.4167 147.5
CANB 87060.1 Hoogland, R.D. 10000-7700 1960-09-06
Papua New Guinea, Laiagam subdistrict,Yobobos grassland area (sourceof Lagaip River)., -5.6833 143.6333
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CANB 84099.1 Brass, L.J. 10000-24023 1953-08-17
Papua New Guinea, Peria Creek, Kwagira River., -9.5833 149.4333
CANB 84881.1 Brass, L.J. 10000-23778 1953-08-02
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay District, Biniguni Camp, Gwariu River., -9.6833 149.2833
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CBG 8902227.1 Croft, J.R. 10000-1597-B 1982-08-31
Papua New Guinea, Creek 6 km N of Bewani Patrol Post, c. 35 km SSW of Vanimo., -3.0333 141.1667
CBG 8902232.1 Croft, J.R. 3000-423 1976-08-06
Papua New Guinea, Natter Bay, 93 km SE of Lae., -7.5167 147.35
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CBG 8902234.1 Croft, J.R. 10000-1597 1982-08-31
Papua New Guinea, Creek 6 km N of Bewani Patrol Post, c. 35 km SSW of Vanimo., -3.0333 141.1667
Antrophyum ledermannii Hieron.
CBG 8902238.1 Croft, J.R. 1384 1981-08-18
Papua New Guinea, Logging road E of Iaro R, near Onim village, S slopes of Mt Giluwe.
Antrophyum ledermannii Hieron.
CANB 86756.1 Brass, L.J. 1000-23224 1953-07-05
Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay District, north slopes of Mt Dayman, Maneau Range., -9.8333 149.2833
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CBG 8902226.1 Croft, J.R. 1609 1982-09-04
Papua New Guinea, 2 km inland from Wutung, 1 km E of West Irian border, 33 km WNW of Vanimo (33 km ESE of Jayapura), N foothills of Mt Bougainville, Oenake Range, ...
Antrophyum alatum Brack.
CBG 8902228.1 Croft, J.R. 3000-177 1975-09-30
Papua New Guinea, 2 km WNW of Taron, Southern New Ireland., -4.45 153.0333
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CBG 8902235.1 Croft, J.R. 1609-B 1982-09-04
Papua New Guinea, 2 km inland from Wutung, 1 km E of West Irian border, 33 km WNW of Vanimo (33 km ESE of Jayapura), N foothills of Mt Bougainville, Oenake Range, ...
Antrophyum semicostatum Blume
CBG 8902237.1 Croft, J.R. 10000-168 1975-09-09
Papua New Guinea, Habiina village, near Mt Piora., -6.6667 145.9667