Search Results (List)

Dataset: AVH
Taxa: Acromastigum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-71 of 71

Australasian Virtual Herbarium

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 971166Renner, M. A. M.   2008-04-15
Fiji, Rairaimatuku Plateau, on summit area with telecommunication tower, 16 km S of Monasavu, logging road near transmitter, site 2, -17.7917 178.014

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 879860Brown, E. A.   s.n.2008-04-15
Fiji, Monasavu; logging track near transmitter., -17.75 178.07

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 878571Brown, E. A.   2005/4192005-10-30
New Caledonia, Tchamba. Quadrat 2 at end of road., -21.03 165.28

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 878581Brown, E. A.   2005/3062005-10-27
New Caledonia, track up Aoupinie., -21.18 165.27

Acromastigum echinatum (Gottsche) A.Evans
CANB 807217.1Kitagawa, N.   s.n.1982-07-29
New Caledonia, Monte Panie.

Acromastigum filum var. filum
NSW 611418Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1392003-11-02
New Caledonia, Piste des Dzumac; 8.6 km from main Dumbea to Paita road (1.3 km N of turnoff to Site du Vol Libre).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.1094 166.456

Acromastigum stellare N.Kitag.
NSW 611419Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1402003-11-02
New Caledonia, Piste des Dzumac; c. 10 km from main Dumbea to Paita road.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.0986 166.452

Acromastigum filum var. filum
NSW 611496Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1482003-11-03
New Caledonia, Les Dalmates, tributary of Ya River; road to Yate and Parc de la Riviere Bleue, 11.3 km NE of turnoff from road to Mt Dore and Plum (1.2 km W of Col des deux Tetons).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2064 166.68

Acromastigum tenax (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 611516Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1552003-11-04
New Caledonia, Creek Pernod; valley to SW of creek (southern most of three unburnt valleys).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2075 166.84

Acromastigum A.Evans
NSW 611517Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1562003-11-04
New Caledonia, Base of Pic du Pin, c. 1 km W of Route du Carenage (by track through Agathis plantation), in large dry watercourse.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2492 166.829

Acromastigum adaptatum Hürl.
NSW 611519Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/156c2003-11-04
New Caledonia, Base of Pic du Pin, c. 1 km W of Route du Carenage (by track through Agathis plantation), in large dry watercourse.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2492 166.829

Acromastigum tenax (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 611523Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1592003-11-07
New Caledonia, Mont Mou; track to summit, just beyond junction of track to vallee and Poudio.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.0733 166.342

Acromastigum tenax (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 611526Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1622003-11-07
New Caledonia, Mont Mou; saddle between peaks.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.0617 166.345

Acromastigum capillare (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 611649Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1752003-11-11
New Caledonia, Track from Sarramea to Plateau de Dogny; near plateau.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -21.6208 165.874

Acromastigum moratii N.Kitag.
NSW 611651Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/1772003-11-11
New Caledonia, Track from Sarramea to Plateau de Dogny; near plateau.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -21.6208 165.874

Acromastigum A.Evans
NSW 275079Brown, E. A.   50.0-92/216 a1992-11-10
New Caledonia, Road to Yate on mountain above Yate; 10.4 km from turnoff to Chutes de la Madeleine., -22.1633 166.912

Acromastigum A.Evans
NSW 275112Brown, E. A.   50.0-92/237 a1992-11-11
New Caledonia, Mont Dzumac road., -22.0717 166.446

Acromastigum A.Evans
NSW 275121Brown, E. A.   50.0-92/2431992-11-11
New Caledonia, Northern flanks of Mont Dzumac, beside stream (one of tributaries of Ouinne River), -22.0333 166.474

Acromastigum filum var. papillosum N.Kitag.
NSW 711973Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/169c2003-11-08
New Caledonia, Near start of track to Mount Humboldt, above Mine Gallieni.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -21.9083 166.366

Acromastigum adaptatum Hürl.
NSW 701799Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/149a2003-11-03
New Caledonia, Les Dalmates, tributary of Ya River; road to Yate and Parc de la Riviere Bleue, 11.3 km NE of turnoff from road to Mt Dore and Plum (1.2 km W of Col des deux Tetons).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2064 166.68

Acromastigum tenax (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 701861Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/140 b2003-11-02
New Caledonia, Piste des Dzumac; c. 10 km from main Dumbea to Paita road.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.0986 166.452

Acromastigum adaptatum Hürl.
NSW 702604Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/154b2003-11-04
New Caledonia, Creek Pernod; valley to SW of creek (southern most of three unburnt valleys).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2075 166.84

Acromastigum capillare (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 702605Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/154b2003-11-04
New Caledonia, Creek Pernod; valley to SW of creek (southern most of three unburnt valleys).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2075 166.84

Acromastigum filum var. filum
NSW 702615Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/154c2003-11-04
New Caledonia, Creek Pernod; valley to SW of creek (southern most of three unburnt valleys).GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.2075 166.84

Acromastigum filum var. filum
NSW 702788Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/160a2003-11-07
New Caledonia, Mont Mou; track to summit, upper slopes just below summit ridge.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.0675 166.343

Acromastigum caledonicum (Steph.) Grolle
NSW 702789Brown, E. A.   500.0-2003/160b2003-11-07
New Caledonia, Mont Mou; track to summit, upper slopes just below summit ridge.GPS reading taken on map datum WGS 84 which needs conversion to be read on New Caledonian 1:50 000 map series., -22.0675 166.343

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 878586Brown, E. A.   2005/4822005-11-02
New Caledonia, Aoupinié, Quadrat 1., -21.18 165.25

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 882417Brown, E. A.   s.n.2006-11-28
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans
NSW 899817Brown, E. A.   1000.0-s.n.2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans
NSW 899818Brown, E. A.   1000.0-2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans
NSW 899827Brown, E. A.   1000.0-2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans
NSW 899828Brown, E. A.   1000.0-2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans
NSW 900035Brown, E. A.   1000.0-s.n.2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum echinatiforme (De Not.) A.Evans
NSW 900036Brown, E. A.   1000.0-s.n.2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum divaricatum (Nees) A.Evans
NSW 900065Brown, E. A.   1000.0-2006-11-00
Vanuatu, E of Penaraou, S of Logmoli airstrip, Espiritu Santo., -14.97 166.65

Acromastigum brachyphyllum
NSW 745732Glenny, D. S.   94302005-04-15
New Zealand, North Westland: Mount Augustus.

Acromastigum cunninghamii (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 433948Glenny, D. S.   1000.0-5918a1995-04-15
New Zealand, Glasgow Range, south of Mount Glasgow, Westland., -41.6 172.07

Acromastigum marginatum E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 524024Engel, J. J.   223951997-02-14
New Zealand, Summit of Table Mountain., -37.05 175.67

Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 749373Engel, J. J.; Konrat, M. von; Braggins, J. E.   245022003-03-01
New Zealand, Mt Rakeahua, track to summit, N of Rakeahua River., -45.94 167.875

Acromastigum colensoanum (Mitt.) A.Evans ex Reimers
NSW 749446Engel, J. J.   233401997-03-24
New Zealand, Panekiri Range, summit area of Pukenui in vicinity of Punekiri Bluff, S of Lake Waikaremoana., -38.78 177.07

Acromastigum marginatum E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 745727Renner, M. A. M.   50.0-25432007-02-14
New Zealand, Coromandel Ecological Region, Thames Ecological District. Ridge NW of Mount Rowe, track to Mount Rowe., -37.0378 175.672

Acromastigum verticale (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 870842Glenny, D. S.   105742009-01-26
New Zealand, Denniston Plateau.

Acromastigum anisostomum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
NSW 870349Glenny, D. S.   99642007-01-31
New Zealand, Stockton Plateau.

Acromastigum cunninghamii (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 749450Engel, J. J.   206601995-01-29
New Zealand, Near boundary of Gisborne and South Auckland Province. Crest trail from highway 38 towards Whakataka summit, N of northern extremity of Lake Waikaremoana., -38.7 177.05

Acromastigum anisostomum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
NSW 749343Engel, J. J.; Konrat, M. von   236872003-02-08
New Zealand, Mt Moehau, valley system of western aspect below summit area of the large rocky outcrop, "Little Moehau"., -36.57 175.5

Acromastigum anisostomum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
NSW 749356Engel, J. J.   218091995-02-27
New Zealand, Cascade Road, Cascade ultramafic moraine, W of Martyr Saddle, SSW of Jackson Bay., -44.15 168.6

Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 749366Engel, J. J.; Konrat, M. von; Braggins, J. E.   243262003-02-26
New Zealand, Mount Rocky summit area., -46.8617 167.947

Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 749368Engel, J. J.; Konrat, M. von; Braggins, J. E.   243512003-02-26
New Zealand, Mount Rocky summit area., -46.8617 167.947

Acromastigum cunninghamii (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 419078Braggins, J. E.   10000.0-87/1361987-10-05
New Zealand, Coromandel Peninsula, c. 500 m N of summit of Mt Moehau., -36.53 175.38

Acromastigum marginatum E.A.Hodgs.
CANB 753245.1Engel, J.J.   1000.0-223951997-02-14
New Zealand, North Island, South Auckland Province: Coromandel State Forest Park, summit of Table Mountain., -37.05 175.6667

Acromastigum cunninghamii (Steph.) A.Evans
NSW 419079Sneddon, B. V.   1000.0-s.n.1984-12-09
New Zealand, Waterfall Creek, Akatarawa [Range], N Wellington. North Island., -40.9622 175.112

Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 857118Brown, E. A.   2002/2902002-12-04
New Zealand, 3.0 km along Cascade Rd from Port Jackson Rd.

Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 857205Brown, E. A.   2002/3322002-12-05
New Zealand, [?] Omeroa Saddle c. 50 m N of O'Connor Creek.

Acromastigum mooreanum (Steph.) E.A.Hodgs.
NSW 857243Brown, E. A.   2002/3412002-12-05
New Zealand, 1.2 km S of Tiropahi Tram Track [old bush tramway], 1.9 km S of Four Mile River. [S of Westport].

Acromastigum anisostomum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
CBG 9304491.1Streimann, H.   1000.0-511311993-02-02
New Zealand, SOUTH ISLAND: Denniston Plateau, 16 km E of Westport., -41.75 171.8167

Acromastigum anisostomum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
CBG 9304499.1Streimann, H.   1000.0-511391993-02-02
New Zealand, SOUTH ISLAND: Denniston Plateau, 16 km E of Westport., -41.75 171.8167

Acromastigum A. Evans
NSW 875852de Lange, P. J.   81092009-11-14
New Zealand, Coromandel Ecological Region, Tairua Ecological District, Tairua, Paku Hill, Te Huruhuru Point. Map T11 657624.

Acromastigum anisostomum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
NSW 747815Renner, M. A. M.   500.0-10342004-11-10
New Zealand, 19.9 km along Cascade Road., -44.1214 168.547

Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) A.Evans
CANB 807218.1Mundua, A.   1000-2861986-02-24
Papua New Guinea, Headwaters of Kong Kong Creek, 5 km S of Vanimo., -2.6833 141.2833

Acromastigum obliquatum (Mitt.) A.Evans
CBG 8111334.1Streimann, H.   1000-135461981-01-29
Papua New Guinea, Araulu Logging Area, 26 km SE of Wau., -7.4667 146.8

Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) A.Evans
CBG 8911388.1Streimann, H.   1000-405651989-02-19
Papua New Guinea, Nakanai Mountains, 48 km SE of Hoskins., -5.75 150.7667

Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) A.Evans
CANB 807219.1Brown, R.   1000-11985-01-00
Papua New Guinea, Amanab., -3.6 141.2167

Acromastigum denticulatum A.Evans
CANB 185666.1Heyligers, P.C.   10000-17041966-09-14
Papua New Guinea, Sepik District: 26 km N of Lumi., -3.4167 142.0833

Acromastigum obliquatum (Mitt.) A.Evans
CANB 154460.1Robbins, R.G.   16721958-09-03
Papua New Guinea, Madang District: Lower Ramu-Atitau Area; Adelbert foothills,Josephstaal., -4.7 145.2667

Acromastigum bancanum (Sande Lac.) A.Evans
CANB 763134.1Koponen, T.   1000-352371981-08-04
Papua New Guinea, Frieda River prospecting Area of Frieda Copper Co. 1 km SW of Frieda Base Camp. (Collection site No. 8b)., -4.7 141.7833

Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) A.Evans
CANB 763135.1Koponen, T.   1000-349081981-08-02
Papua New Guinea, Frieda River prospecting Area of Frieda Copper Co. 9 km NW of Frieda Base Camp, helipad M 200 of Nena Area. (Collection site No. 3a)., -4.6667 141.7167

Acromastigum inaequilaterum (Lehm. & Lindenb.) A.Evans
CANB 763137.1Koponen, T.   5000-356121981-08-07
Papua New Guinea, Frieda River prospecting Area of Frieda Copper Co. Nena River 5 km NNW of Frieda Base Camp (helipad K 1). (Collection site No. 4b)., -4.6667 141.75

Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) A.Evans
CBG 8002194.1Borrell, W.   1000-101979-09-00
Papua New Guinea, Kairuru Island., -3.3667 143.55

Acromastigum A.Evans
CBG 8002199.1Borrell, W.   1000-151979-09-00
Papua New Guinea, Kairuru Island., -3.3667 143.55

Acromastigum bifidum (Steph.) A.Evans
CBG 8002201.1Borrell, W.   1000-171979-09-00
Papua New Guinea, Kairuru Island., -3.3667 143.55

Acromastigum divaricatum (Gott. et al.) A.Evans
CBG 8909603.1Streimann, H.   1000-267601982-12-12
Papua New Guinea, Tambul-Mendi road, 18 km SW of Tambul., -5.9667 143.8167

Page 1, records 1-71 of 71


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