CANB 223962.1 Johns, R.J. 1000-NGF 47443 1970-07-30
Papua New Guinea, Ridge top to south of Oomsis, Lae Sub-District, Morobe District., -6.6833 146.75
CANB 191261.1 Frodin, D. 10000-NGF 32044 1966-08-27
Papua New Guinea, Vicinity of Habono rest house 6 1/2 miles W. of Mt. Ne. Tari,Southern Highlands., -6 143.1667
CANB 191266.1 Frodin, D. 10000-NGF 28465 1966-08-23
Papua New Guinea, Vicinity of Habono rest house 6 1/2 miles west of Mt. Ne. S.Highlands., -6 143.1667
CANB 120763.1 Pullen, R. 10000-3486 1962-08-03
Papua New Guinea, Sogeri Plateau near Koitaki, Central District., -9.4 147.45
CANB 202959.1 Henty, E.E. 1000-NGF 29102 1966-11-23
Papua New Guinea, Lake Trist, Morobe District., -7.4167 146.95
CANB 206005.1 Henty, E.E. 1000-NGF 29061 1966-11-22
Papua New Guinea, Lake Trist, Morobe District., -7.4167 146.95
CANB 236026.1 Streimann, H.; Martin, N. 1000-LAE 52844 1971-11-23
Papua New Guinea, Amanab-Kamberatore Road. Amanab Sub-District, West Sepik Dist., -3.5 141.1167
CANB 192264.1 Millar, A.N. 10000-NGF 22931 1967-07-13
Papua New Guinea, Bupu village, Wampit, Morobe District., -6.8333 146.5833
CANB 154281.1 Pullen, R. 10000-5453 1964-07-25
Papua New Guinea, S. side of Hydrographers Range near Siurani, Managalase area,Northern District., -8.9833 148.3833
CANB 154282.2 Pullen, R. 10000-5453 1964-07-25
Papua New Guinea, S. side of Hydrographers Range near Siurani, Managalase area,Northern District., -8.9833 148.3833
CANB 154283.1 Pullen, R. 10000-5444 1964-07-25
Papua New Guinea, S. side of Hydrographers Range near Siurani, Managalase area,Northern District., -8.9833 148.3833
CANB 217998.1 Galore, M.; Vandenberg, J. 1000-NGF 41065 1968-11-09
Papua New Guinea, 9 M. from Lake Kopiago on road to Tari. L. Kopiago Sub-Dist, WesternHighlands Dist., -5.3667 142.55
CANB 730694.1 Takeuchi, W. 1000-21750 2006-10-13
Papua New Guinea, Siboma., -7.5167 147.25
CANB 200300.1 Millar, A.N. 1000-NGF 40516 1968-09-09
Papua New Guinea, Road to McAdam Park, Wau Sub-district, Morobe District., -7.3333 146.75
CANB 174884.1 Pullen, R. 10000-7390 1967-09-28
Papua New Guinea, Agu River branch of the Middle Fly River, near Mipan village;Western District., -6.9167 141.15
CANB 200267.1 Millar, A.N. 1000-NGF 37636 1968-07-07
Papua New Guinea, Trauna Valley, Hagen Sub-district, Western Highlands District., -5.5833 144.1667
CANB 200580.1 Galore, M. 1000-NGF 17587 1968-07-07
Papua New Guinea, Agaun, Rabaraba Sub-District, Milne Bay District., -10.0833 149.6667
CANB 494029.1 Veldkamp, J.F. 10000-5533 1972-06-10
Papua New Guinea, Goropu Mountains (Mt Suckling)., -9.5667 148.9333
CANB 528731.1 Takeuchi, W. 5375 1989-10-10
Papua New Guinea, Mt Hunstein, around "camp 4' area.
CANB 45225.1 Pullen, R. 25000-640 1957-09-24
Papua New Guinea, Goroka sub-district; E. Highlands; above Namaro village; upper BenaBena valley., -6.1167 145.5
CANB 45226.2 Pullen, R. 25000-640 1957-09-24
Papua New Guinea, Goroka sub-district; E. Highlands; above Namaro village; upper BenaBena valley., -6.1167 145.5
CBG 9000879.1 Vinas, A.N. 300 1984-06-18
Papua New Guinea, Head of Buso River, on the base of mountain, south of Buso Camp, Lae.
CBG 9204627.1 Reeve, T.M. 6415 1983-06-03
Papua New Guinea, Kongonol, Nondugl, Minj District, Western Highlands Province.
CBG 9204628.1 Reeve, T.M. 6416 1983-06-03
Papua New Guinea, Kongonol, Nondugl, Minj District, Western Highlands Province.
CANB 558164.1 Takeuchi, W. 1000-11654 1996-11-12
Papua New Guinea, Lakekumu; East branch of the Avi Avi River, along stream by Bulldog track, neat the 3 km mark from base camp., -7.7333 146.4917
CANB 558164.2 Takeuchi, W. 1000-11654 1996-11-12
Papua New Guinea, Lakekumu; East branch of the Avi Avi River, along stream by Bulldog track, neat the 3 km mark from base camp., -7.7333 146.4917
CANB 213152.1 Eddowes, P.J. 1000-NGF 36097 1969-12-21
Papua New Guinea, Wariarata Plateau, Sogeri Sub-district, Central District., -9.4667 147.3833
CANB 168334.1 Frodin, D.; Hill, D. 10000-NGF 26330 1965-12-18
Papua New Guinea, Off Wau-Bulolo Road, 10 miles (from Wau), Morobe District., -7.1667 146.6667
CANB 156314.1 Flenley, J.R. 10000-ANU 2288 1964-12-30
Papua New Guinea, Near the old Lutheran sawmill at Yaibos, near Wabag W. HighlandsDistrict. Ecological site no. 19., -5.5667 143.8333
CANB 156315.2 Flenley, J.R. 10000-ANU 2288 1964-12-30
Papua New Guinea, Near the old Lutheran sawmill at Yaibos, near Wabag W. HighlandsDistrict. Ecological site no. 19., -5.5667 143.8333
CANB 156316.1 Flenley, J.R. 10000-ANU 2288A 1964-12-30
Papua New Guinea, Near the old Lutheran sawmill at Yaibos, near Wabag W. HighlandsDistrict. Ecological site no. 19., -5.5667 143.8333
CANB 201924.1 Eddowes, P.J. 10000-NGF 36065 1968-12-07
Papua New Guinea, Hum Gap, Mendi Sub-district, Southern Highlands District., -6.1667 143.6667
CANB 347798.1 Brown, H.A. 1000-264 1952-09-10
Papua New Guinea, Papua; Central District; Bereina;between Manisa and Komu., -8.05 146.7667
CANB 338992.1 Streimann, H. 1000-NGF 34160 1972-09-14
Papua New Guinea, Kiunga-Rumginae Rd, 5 km N of Kiunga. Kiunga Sub-district., -6.1667 141.3333
CANB 46053.1 Robbins, R.G. 50000-1220 1957-08-31
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu sub-district. E. Highlands. Wahgi valley near Chuave., -6.1667 144.9667
CANB 46059.1 Robbins, R.G. 10000-1226 1957-08-29
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Sub-district. E. Highlands. Womar, near Kundiawa., -6.0167 144.9667
CANB 53002.1 Robbins, R.G. 10000-1362 1958-08-07
Papua New Guinea, Mombasop to Asai Valley. Schrader Ra above Aiome. Lower Ramu-AtitauArea, Madang District., -5.1333 144.7333
CANB 494033.1 Foreman, D.B.; Lelean, Y. 1000-LAE 52467A 1973-09-21
Papua New Guinea, Near Efogi Village.Efogi; District Central, Subdistrict Port Moresby., -9.1667 147.65
CANB 494067.1 Croft, J.; Lelean, Y. 10000-NGF 34839 1973-09-20
Papua New Guinea, S.E. slope to Lake Myola No. 2. District Central, Subdistrict PortMoresby., -9.15 147.7167
CANB 494070.1 Croft, J.; Lelean, Y. 10000-NGF 34821 1973-09-20
Papua New Guinea, S.E. slope to Lake Myola No. 2. District Central, Subdistrict PortMoresby., -9.15 147.7167
CANB 494071.1 Foreman, D.B.; Vinas, A. 10000-LAE 60141 1973-09-30
Papua New Guinea, On ridge above Boridi Village. District Central, Subdistrict PortMoresby., -9.0833 147.6333
QRS 29244.1 Croft, J.R.; Lelean, Y. NGF 34839 1973-09-20
Papua New Guinea, SE slope to Lake Myola No 2; Central District, -9.15 147.7167
QRS 29245.1 Croft, J.R.; Lelean, Y. NGF 34821 1973-09-20
Papua New Guinea, SE slope to Lake Myola No 2; Central District, -9.15 147.7167
QRS 29246.1 Foreman, D.B.; Vinas, A.N. LAE 60141 1973-09-30
Papua New Guinea, On ridge above Boridi village; Central District, -9.0833 147.6333
CANB 88396.1 Robbins, R.G. 50000-3175 1960-08-03
Papua New Guinea, Road from Sirunki to Laiagum. Wabag Area, Western Highlands Distrist., -5.5 143.5
CANB 88397.2 Robbins, R.G. 50000-3175 1960-08-03
Papua New Guinea, Road from Sirunki to Laiagum. Wabag Area, Western Highlands Distrist., -5.5 143.5
CANB 472524.1 Johns, Moi, Taurereka, Inu, Wiringa, Kwevekabutu 10000-LAE 64884 1974-12-04
Papua New Guinea, On Feramin airstrip., -5.1667 141.6667