Search Results (List)

Dataset: AVH
Taxa: Cladoniaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 684

Australasian Virtual Herbarium

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 569005.1Ewers, W.H.   10000.0-56341989-11-05
New Zealand, South Island: Arthurs Pass., -42.9 171.55

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9503301.1Johnston, J.   2000.0-31861989-11-05
New Zealand, South Island. Canterbury: c. half way along track to Margaret's Tarn, Upper Bealey Valley, Arthur's Pass National Park., -42.9167 171.55

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9503313.1Johnston, J.   10000.0-32791989-11-05
New Zealand, South Island. Canterbury: lower slopes of Cass Hill, Cass., -43.0333 171.7667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9503316.1Johnston, J.   10000.0-32811989-11-05
New Zealand, South Island. Canterbury: lower slopes of Cass Hill, Cass., -43.0333 171.7667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9503547.1Johnston, J.   1000.0-30081989-11-04
New Zealand, South Island. Canterbury: above Broken Creek ski field, Craigieburn Range., -43.05 171.7

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
NSW 295730Blackburn, R.   10000-
Papua New Guinea, Okapa [Province]., -6.5 145.58

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
NSW 296016Blackburn, R.   
Papua New Guinea, Okapa., -6.53 145.67

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 1036644AHoogland, R.D.   s.n.1953-03-25
Papua New Guinea, Morobe District, Terr. of New Guinea. Along road Wau to Edie Creek.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
NSW 295132Blackburn, R.   10000-1968-01-21
Papua New Guinea, Kanyamareta, near Baiyer River., -5.55 144.12

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 156186.1Walker   10000-ANU 51941965-05-00
Papua New Guinea, E slopes of Mt Wilhelm. Ridge N of lakes, S facing slope beneath top., -5.7833 145.0167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 156203.1Walker   10000-ANU 50801965-05-07
Papua New Guinea, EASTERN HIGHLANDS: East slopes of Mount Wilhelm. Watershed ridge between tributary of the Bundi and valley leading into Pindeaunde Valley., -5.7833 145.0333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 156222.1Walker   10000-ANU 50401965-05-05
Papua New Guinea, EASTERN HIGHLANDS: Eastern slopes of Mount Wilhelm. North side of Pindeaunde stream on flat above waterfall., -5.7833 145.0333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 163978.1McVean, D.   5000-661421966-05-00
Papua New Guinea, Near field station, Lake Aunde, Mount Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 163981.1McVean, D.   5000-66971966-05-00
Papua New Guinea, Near field station, Lake Aunde, Mount Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 164001.1McVean, D.   10000-661321966-05-00
Papua New Guinea, Close to summit track, Mount Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.0333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 164046.1McVean, D.   10000-662671966-05-00
Papua New Guinea, Close to summit track, Mount Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.0333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 164062.1McVean, D.   1000-661471966-05-00
Papua New Guinea, Brass Tarn, Mount Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.0167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 303022.1Croft, J.   1000-LAE 614481974-06-25
Papua New Guinea, Mount Albert Edward between E and W Domes. District Central, S/district Goilala., -8.4167 147.3333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 303107.1Balgooy, M.M.J. van   5000-637a1965-06-11
Papua New Guinea, EASTERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm. NE of Lake Aunde, near fieldstation. Along track to Imbuka ridge., -5.75 145.0833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 303110.1Balgooy, M.M.J. van   5000-751a1965-06-19
Papua New Guinea, EASTERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm. Morainic ridge of Pindunde., -5.75 145.0833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 611157.1Streimann, H.   1000-336801983-01-25
Papua New Guinea, GULF PROVINCE: Bema - Kaintiba Road, 3 km N of Kaintiba., -7.5 146.0167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8102741.1Streimann, H.   1000-107661981-01-11
Papua New Guinea, S.I.L. Guesthouse, Lae., -6.7333 147

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 1025910AWalker   ANU 50491965-05-05
Papua New Guinea, Eastern slopes of Mt. Wilhelm, Eastern Highlands. N side of Pindeaunde Stream on flat above waterfall.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8204266.1Streimann, H.   1000-184861982-04-12
Papua New Guinea, Track to Mt Michael, 5 km SW of Lufa., -6.35 145.2833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8201797.1Streimann, H.   1000-176311982-03-13
Papua New Guinea, Mt Kaindi, 5 km W of Wau., -7.35 146.6833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8113481.1Streimann, H.   1000-145741981-02-05
Papua New Guinea, Varirata National Park, Sogeri, 22 km ENE of Port Moresby., -9.4167 147.35

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8113589.1Streimann, H.   1000-146821981-02-07
Papua New Guinea, Mt Lawes, 18 km NW [NNE] of Port Moresby., -9.3333 147.2333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8107380.1Streimann, H.   1000-120641981-01-21
Papua New Guinea, Aseki-Menyamya Road, Spreader Divide, 12 km NW of Aseki., -7.2667 146.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8109813.1Streimann, H.   1000-123881981-01-23
Papua New Guinea, Aiuwa-Bakia Track, 3 km W of Aseki., -7.3667 146.15

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566633.1Streimann, H.   1000-340401983-02-13
Papua New Guinea, Mount Kaindi Road, 3 km W of Wau., -7.3333 146.6833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 357604.1van Royen, P.   10000-11.0151976-05-25
Papua New Guinea, CENTRAL PROVINCE, Mount Victoria area, track from Koma Creek to the Rock Pile, SE of Mount Service., -8.9167 147.5167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 357608.1van Royen, P.   10000-109751976-05-23
Papua New Guinea, CENTRAL PROVINCE: Mount Victoria area, Iswan Swamp, c. 2 km SSW of Mount Service. Bordering Koma Creek., -8.9167 147.5667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8205045.1Royen, P. van   2000-109751976-05-23
Papua New Guinea, Mt Victoria Area, Iswan Swamp, c. 2 km SSW of Mt Service. Bordering Koma Creek., -8.8833 147.5333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8400018.1Streimann, H.   1000-NGF 393731969-04-15
Papua New Guinea, Nawata Banda. Logging Area, Bulolo., -7.1667 146.6667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8110292.1Streimann, H.   1000-128171981-01-26
Papua New Guinea, Manki Trig. Bulolo-Watut Divide, 10 km SW of Bulolo., -7.3 146.6167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8111319.1Streimann, H.   1000-135311981-01-29
Papua New Guinea, Araulu Logging Area, 26 km SE of Wau., -7.4667 146.8

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 253225.1Hope, G.   20000-ANU 161601974-06-21
Papua New Guinea, Near Tarn, 5.5 km NW of summit of Mount Albert Edward, Wharton Range., -8.4167 147.4

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566627.1McVean, D.   10000-66851966-05-00
Papua New Guinea, McAdam Park, 5 km S [N] of Wau., -7.3 146.6833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9806972.1Hnatiuk, R.   2000-s.n.1970-04-11
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU PROVINCE: near Kombugomambuno [hut], NW of Keglsugl, on track to Lake Piunde, Mt Wilhelm., -5.8 145.0667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9806973.1Hnatiuk, R.   2000-s.n.1970-04-11
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU PROVINCE: near Kombugomambuno [hut], NW of Keglsugl, on track to Lake Piunde, Mt Wilhelm., -5.8 145.0667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9806975.1Hnatiuk, R.   10000-s.n.1970-04-11
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Province: above Brass` Tarn near Wilhelm track, Mt Wilhelm., -5.8 145.025

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566632.1Streimann, H.   1000-336171983-01-24
Papua New Guinea, Kaintiba., -7.5 146.0333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 106263.1Schodde, R.   10000-18761961-08-16
Papua New Guinea, SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Western summit grasslands of Mount Giluwe., -6.0667 143.85

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9807002.1Hnatiuk, R.   2000-s.n.1970-05-08
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Province: near field station at Lake Piunde, Mt Wilhelm., -5.7917 145.05

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 0038048AWillis, J.H.   s.n.1970-06-30
Papua New Guinea, Imbuka Ridge (above Lake Aunde), Mt. Wilhelm area, Western Highlands.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 303007.1Croft, J.   1000-LAE 605431973-10-02
Papua New Guinea, East side of Lake Myola No. 1. District Central, Subdistrict Port Moresby., -9.15 147.75

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227818.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu District: Between Kegelsugl and Pinaunde., -5.8 145.0667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227889.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-28
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Between Pinaunde and Keglsugl., -5.8 145.0667

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227892.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-28
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227914.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227916.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227927.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm S of Lower Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227929.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm S of Lower Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227950.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm: Upper Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227953.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm, Upper Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227963.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Upper Pianunde Lake at Mt. Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227983.1Stapf, L.   10000-19701970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mount Wilhelm., -5.7833 145.0333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 228059.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, Mt Wilhelm: S of Lower Pinaunde Lake., -5.8 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 228084.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, WESTERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm: Lower Pinaunde Valley., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 252181.1Schodde, R.   10000-16531961-07-28
Papua New Guinea, SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Near Ebenda, Anga valley., -6.25 143.7167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227375.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, WESTERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227795.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-09-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm at upper Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227741.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm at Lower Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227743.2Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-26
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm at Lower Pinaunde Lake., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227748.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227750.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, WESTERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Mt Wilhelm: Below Pinaunde Valley., -5.7833 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227754.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, CHIMBU DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 227763.1Dahl, E.   10000-s.n.1970-08-25
Papua New Guinea, WESTERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Above Keglsugl., -5.8333 145.1

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 148866.1Hoogland, R.D.   25000-97301964-09-01
Papua New Guinea, Monarauwe grassland, (headwaters of the Mongi River), Salawaket Range, Huon Peninsula; Morobe District., -6.4167 147.4167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 148868.1Hoogland, R.D.   25000-97311964-09-01
Papua New Guinea, Monarauwe grassland (headwaters of the Mongi River), Salawaket Range, Huon Peninsula; Morobe District., -6.4167 147.4167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 148879.1Hoogland, R.D.   25000-98331964-09-12
Papua New Guinea, Tempanpan, Salawaket Range, Huon Peninsula; Morobe District., -6.25 147.0833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 148880.1Hoogland, R.D.   25000-98401964-09-13
Papua New Guinea, Tempanpan, Salawaket Range, Huon Peninsula; Morobe District., -6.25 147.0833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 148887.1Hoogland, R.D.   10000-98771964-09-19
Papua New Guinea, Kongdorambun, Salawaket Range, Huon peninsula; Morobe District., -6.3167 147.1333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 148889.1Hoogland, R.D.   25000-99181964-09-24
Papua New Guinea, Konomdongang, Salawaket Range, Huon Peninsula; Morobe District., -6.0167 147.0167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8212251.1Streimann, H.   1000-202741982-06-17
Papua New Guinea, Ekuti Divide, Bulolo-Aseki Road, 33 km WSW of Bulolo., -7.3167 146.3833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8212399.1Streimann, H.   1000-204561982-06-22
Papua New Guinea, Kagamuga, 10 km E of Mt Hagen. Highland Agricultural College., -5.85 144.3167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 132547.1Pullen, R.   1000-54041963-09-10
Papua New Guinea, Minj-Nova Divide, Kubor Range S of Minj, Western Highlands District., -5.95 144.6167

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8400522.1Streimann, H.   1000-208841982-06-25
Papua New Guinea, Jimi - Waghi Divide, 9 km N of Banz., -5.7167 144.6333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 165148.1McVean, D.   10000-671271967-07-00
Papua New Guinea, Mount Giluwe, near highest peak., -6.0667 143.85

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 165157.1McVean, D.   10000-671541967-07-00
Papua New Guinea, Mount Hagen, eastern ridge., -5.85 144.2333

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 1036666AHoogland, R.D.   s.n.1953-09-25
Papua New Guinea, Northern Div, Terr. of Papua ca 1km S of Alola village, Iora Valley (S of Kokoda).

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 221707.1Paijmans, K.   10000-12011969-08-01
Papua New Guinea, SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS DISTRICT: Mt Giluwe., -6.05 143.8333

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 1020452AHoogland, R.D.   70191960-07-12
Papua New Guinea, N slopes of Sugarloaf-complex (along Wapu River), Wabag subdistrict, Western Highlands.

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 1020456AHoogland, R.D.   70351960-07-13
Papua New Guinea, N slopes of Sugarloaf-complex (along Wapu River), Wabag subdistrict, Western Highlands.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 8400005.1Streimann, H.   5000-NGF 453411970-10-02
Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province: Nawata Banda, 5 miles [8 km] Sw Bulolo., -7.2 146.7833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566630.1Streimann, H.   1000-256181982-10-31
Papua New Guinea, Wau-Salamaua Track, head of Black Cat Creek, 14 km NE of Wau., -7.3 146.8167

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 1020457AHoogland, R.D.   73941960-08-10
Papua New Guinea, Near Kepilam village, Lagaip Valley, Laiagam subdistrict, Western Highlands, Terr. of New Guinea.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9201701.1Streimann, H.   1000-349361982-06-17
Papua New Guinea, MOROBE PROVINCE: Ekuti Divide, Bulolo-Aseki Road, 33 km WSW of Bulolo., -7.3167 146.3833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566631.1Streimann, H.   1000-258151982-11-11
Papua New Guinea, Spreader Divide, 10 km SE of Menyamya., -7.1 146.1

Cladonia P. Browne
MEL 0038043AWillis, J.H.   s.n.1970-07-05
Papua New Guinea, Mt. Giluwe, Southern Highlands District.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9807172.1Hnatiuk, R.   2000-s.n.1970-10-04
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Province: near field station, SE shore of Lake Piunde, Mt Wilhelm., -5.7917 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9807173.1Hnatiuk, R.   2000-s.n.1970-10-04
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Province: near field station, SE shore of Lake Piunde, Mt Wilhelm., -5.7917 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CBG 9807174.1Hnatiuk, R.   2000-s.n.1970-10-04
Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Province: near field station, SE shore of Lake Piunde, Mt Wilhelm., -5.7917 145.05

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 91479.1Hoogland, R.D.   76281960-08-30
Papua New Guinea, Yobobos grassland area (source of Lagaip river), Laiagam subdistrict, Western Highlands.

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 91491.1Hoogland, R.D.   5000-73941960-08-10
Papua New Guinea, Near Kepilam village, Lagaip valley, Laiagam subdistrict, Western Highlands., -5.6167 143.6

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 91510.1Hoogland, R.D.   1000-70191960-07-12
Papua New Guinea, Northern slopes of Sugarloaf-complex (along Wapu river), Wabag subdistrict, Western Highlands., -5.7667 143.6833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 91512.1Hoogland, R.D.   1000-70351960-07-13
Papua New Guinea, Northern slopes of Sugarloaf-complex (along Wapu river), Wabag subdistrict, Western Highlands., -5.7667 143.6833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566626.1Streimann, H.   1000-241291982-09-12
Papua New Guinea, Mt Giluwe, 5 km SSE of summit., -6.0833 143.8833

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566598.1Elix, J.A.   1000-119671982-12-05
Papua New Guinea, Spreader Divide, Aseki - Menyamya Road, 9 km NW of Aseki., -7.3 146.1333

Cladonia Hill ex P. Browne
CANB 566599.1Elix, J.A.   1000-119471982-12-04
Papua New Guinea, Province: Morobe. Angabena Ridge, Aseki-Bulolo Road, 4 km NNE of Aseki., -7.3167 146.2167

Page 2, records 101-200 of 684


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