Common Forest Trees of Hawaii (native/introduced)
Authors: Elbert L. Little, Jr. and Roger G. Skolmen
Citation: Little, Elbert L, Jr., and Roger G. Skolmen. 1989. Common forest trees of Hawaii (native and introduced). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agric. Handb. 679, 321 p.
Locality: Hawaiian Islands
Notes: This book was written and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, and is therefore in the public domain.

Common Names
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Families: 61
Genera: 107
Species: 149
Total Taxa: 150

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Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Ardisia elliptica Thunb. - shoebutton ardisia
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. - Cunningham's beefwood
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Casuarina equisetifolia L. - common ironwood
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Cibotium chamissoi Kaulf. - Chamisso's manfern
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Citharexylum caudatum L. - juniper berry
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Cocos nucifera L. - Coconut Palm
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Coffea arabica L. - Arabian coffee
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Coprosma montana Hillebr. - alpine mirrorplant
Tree, endemic
Tree, indigenous
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Cupressus arizonica Greene - Arizona cypress
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Cupressus lusitanica Mill. - Portuguese cypress
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. - Monterey cypress
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Cupressus sempervirens L. - Italian cypress
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. - hopseed bush
Tree, indigenous
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Erythrina variegata L. - tiger's claw
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introductions
Eucalyptus botryoides Sm. - southern mahogany
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Eucalyptus deglupta Blume - Indonesian gum
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. - bluegum eucalyptus
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell. - Australian tallowwood
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Eucalyptus saligna Sm. - Sydney bluegum
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Grevillea banksii R.Br. - Kahili flower
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Hibiscus arnottianus A. Gray - white rosemallow
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, indigenous
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Kadua affinis DC. - variable starviolet
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Melia azedarach L. - white cedar
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Morella faya (Aiton) Wilbur - candleberry myrtle
Tree, Post-Cook intrdoduction
Morinda citrifolia L. - Indian mulberry
Tree, indigenous
Myoporum sandwicense A.Gray - false sandalwood
Tree, endemic
Myrsine lessertiana A.DC. - mountain colicwood
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Persea americana Mill. - Guatemalan avocado
Tree, Lauraceae
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Pinus pinaster Aiton - cluster pine
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Pinus taeda L. - loblolly pine
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Pisonia brunoniana Endl. - Australasian catchbirdtree
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Pritchardia sp. - pritchardia
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Rhizophora mangle L. - American mangrove
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Santalum ellipticum Gaudich. - coastal sandalwood
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, indigenous
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, indigenous
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Terminalia catappa L. - Indian almond
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Polynesian introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Toona ciliata M.Roem. - Australian redcedar
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tournefortia argentea L.f. - velvetleaf soldierbush
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, Post-Cook introduction
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic
Tree, endemic