Asplenium auritumWall. (redirected from: Asplenium erosum L.)
Family: Aspleniaceae
[Asplenium auritum var. macilentum (Kunze ex Klotzsch) T. Moore, moreAsplenium auritum var. moritzianum Hieron., Asplenium erosum L., Asplenium levyi Fourn.]
Epiphyte, to 35 cm tall. Leaves 1-pinnate, glabrous; leaflets oblong, reduced above and tapered to a narrowly rounded apex, usually with a small auricle on upper side near base, to 3 cm long, less than 1 cm wide, the margins finely and +/- irregularly serrate or the proximal one-fourth of the lower edge entire, the veins mostly 1- or 2-forked. Sori several, oblong, 2-5 mm long, along upper edge of lateral veins, sometimes also on auricle, sharply oblique to midrib; indusium +/- lunate, thin. Croat 11293. Uncommon, on trees (seen mostly near the ground) or on rocks, within the forest.