Glabrous trees, to 15 m tall, ca 30 cm dbh. Petioles 5-10 mm long; blades oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, acute to obtuse at base, 12-22 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, pellucid-punctate. Flowers 1-5 at ends of branchlets, 4-parted, glabrous; pedicels ca 1.5 cm long; receptacle 1-1.5 cm long; sepals semicircular, recurved at anthesis, 5-7 mm long, persistent in fruit; petals white, l-2 cm long, ovate, pellucid-punctate; stamens many; stamens and style long-exserted. Berries subglobose to pear-shaped, 2-3 cm diam, green to pinkish or yellowish at maturity; seeds 2 to several. Croat 7413. Infrequent, along some areas of the shore. The species is apparently naturalized but may be the result of former habitation. Flowers mainly in the dry season (rarely November to as late as May). Fruit maturity time has not been determined. Native to the East Indies; cultivated and escaped throughout tropical America. In Panama, reported from low and middle elevations in moist and wet areas, often in pastures (Holdridge, 1970); known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Bocas del Toro, Colón and Panama. See Fig. 426.