P. pubistipulum C. DC. var. estylosum Trel. Shrub, 1-1.5 m tall; internodes short; stems and petioles densely, retrorsely hirsute, often matted with debris. Petioles 3-12 mm long, deeply vaginate at base; blades oblong-lanceolate to narrowly ovate (drying firm, grayish), gradually acuminate, narrowed and inequilateral at base (one side 2-4 mm shorter), 10-20 cm long, 3.5-7 cm wide, dark green and glabrous above (except sometimes at base of midrib), duller and hirsute below especially on the raised veins, the lateral veins in lower half usually 4 pairs, the intercostals prominent and raised. Spikes very small in flower, mucronate, to 3 cm long and 6 mm wide at maturity; peduncles 5-9 mm long, hirsute; bracts cupulate, triangular. Fruits 4-angled, irregularly ridged; styles 2, prominent, deciduous. Croat 8502. Rare; found in ravines and low areas in the forest. Flowering chiefly in the dry season and the early rainy season. Fruiting from the early to middle rainy season. Juvenile spikes may begin to develop before the previous year's fruits have shed.