Liana; stems terete, glabrous; tendrils forked. Leaves subbipinnate (lower set of pinnae biternate), pubescent on upper sides of petioles, rachises, and midribs and on lower midrib and major veins, otherwise glabrous; stipules linear-lanceolate, to 1 cm long; petioles 1-2.5 cm long; petiole and rachis narrowly winged, wider at apex; leaflets usually 11, lanceolate, acuminate, acute at base, subsessile, 1.5-10 cm long, l-3 cm wide, both surfaces often bearing granular punctations, ciliate, serrate-dentate in apical half to entire; foliage of young plants gray-green. Thyrses in leaf axils or on leafless stems often near the ground, aggregated, glomerulate; flowers ca 3 mm long, white; pedicels ca 4 mm long; sepals 5, glabrous, orbicular to obovate and petaloid, to 3 mm long, spreading; petals 4, narrowly obovate, sparsely granular-puberulent, the scales broader than petals, ca half as long, glabrous but with villous margin, the scales of the anterior petals with simple orange crests, the reflexed appendage densely pubescent on margin only, the anterior glands glabrous, ca 1 mm long, ca twice as long as broad; stamens 8, the 3 anterior ones only slightly reduced; filaments glabrous, somewhat flattened; styles 3, short. Capsules suborbicular, sessile, glabrate, 1-1.5 cm long, reddish, with 3 narrow wings to 4 mm wide; valves splitting between the wings; seed solitary, black, shiny, ca 7 mm long, sparsely and softly pubescent with short trichomes, subtended by a white, fleshy aril. Croat 7997.