Repent or caespitose epiphyte, to ca 40 cm high; pseudobulbs narrowly oblong, somewhat flattened, stipitate at base, 5-9 cm long, to 1.3 cm wide and 8 mm thick, borne on a flexuous stem. Leaves solitary from apex of pseudobulb, conduplicate, ligulate, acute to obtuse, (10) 14-20 (30) cm long, (1.5) 2-3 (5) cm wide, coriaceous. Inflorescences terminal, few-flowered, to 15 cm long, ensheathed at base, the sheath to 2.5 cm long; flowers with sweet, intense aroma, subtended by a narrowly acute bract; sepals narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, to 3 cm long; petals oblanceolate, acuminate, to 1.7 cm long; both sepals and petals greenish-white to yellowish in age, dotted near base with violet-purple; lip broadly ovate, to 1.8 cm long and 1.1 cm wide, narrowly long-acuminate, striped throughout with violet-purple, the lateral margins upturned. Fruits not seen. Croat 15573, Shattuck 551. Rare, in the forest. Flowering usually November to January (R. Dressler, pers. comm.).