Herb, to 1 m tall, pubescent, the trichomes long, simple, chiefly gland-tipped toward the apex of blade and on petioles and stems; stems square, the corners usually winged and ciliolate. Petioles 1-4 cm long, often winged laterally; blades +/- ovate to oblong-ovate, acuminate, obtuse to subcordate at base, mostly 6-13 cm long, 3.5-6.5 cm wide; veins 5-7. Cymes terminal, divaricately branched, the branches usually square and weakly winged; flowers 4-parted; hypanthium globose, fleshy, +/- inflated, both the hypanthium and calyx lobes hispid; calyx lobes minute, curved outward; petals to 4.3 mm long, soon falling, white or pinkish; stamens 8, erect, mounted on rim of hypanthium, to 3.5 mm long, shorter than sepals at anthesis, then elongating; ovary superior; style slightly longer, straight. Capsules globose, thin-walled, dehiscing irregularly; seeds cochleate (shaped like a snail shell), brown, somewhat foveolate, less than 1 mm long. Bailey & Bailey 581. Collected once on the island and, though abundant elsewhere in Panama, not seen recently on the island. The species could be expected to occur from time to time in the larger clearings. Flowers and fruits throughout the year.