Liana; stems and leaves glabrate. Petioles 1-3 cm long, often narrowly winged, slightly enlarged at base; blades oblong-elliptic to oblong-obovate, acuminate, acute to obtuse at base, 8-22 cm long, 4-9 cm wide, subentire to obscurely dentate. Fascicles small, axillary, usually on defoliated stems; pedicels 4-10 mm long; sepals 3 or 4 (sometimes to 6), irregular, mostly rounded or ovate, concave, glabrous outside, appressed-pubescent inside; petals 2 or 3 (sometimes to 5), obovate, 10-15 mm long, 6-10 mm wide, pale yellow, soon falling; stamens 35-60, to 7 mm long, deciduous; anthers ca 1 mm long; ovary subglobose, densely pubescent with stiff straight trichomes; style glabrous, to 7 mm long. Fruits globose, 1.5-2 cm diam, red at maturity, densely puberulent and with sparser hispid trichomes, dehiscing into 2 valves at maturity, the valves fleshy, flattening out, splitting irregularly at about the middle and spreading widely; seeds 2, mostly enveloped by a fleshy white aril. Croat 6820, 14873. Occasional in the forest and at the edge of the lake; common in the canopy at least in the vicinity of the Laboratory Clearing. More abundant in the old forest than any other Doliocarpus. Flowers chiefly in May and June. The fruits mature from August to December, especially in September and October. Known only from Panama, from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone and Panama and from premontane moist forest in Panama.