1. Sanchezia pennellii Leonard Sanchezia pennellii Leonard, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 16: 488. 1926. Type collected in a sandy loam forest along the Río Magdalena at Vuelta de Acuña, Antioquia, Colombia, altitude 125 to 130 meters, January 14, 1918, by Francis W. Pennell, No. 3798. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1043822. Low shrub; stems glabrous; leaf blades elliptic-obovate, 10 to 30 cm. long, 5 to 13 cm. wide, abruptly narrowed at apex to a blunt tip, gradually narrowed at base, crenate, glabrous bearing cystoliths 0.5 mm. long; petioles 4 cm. long; inflorescence spicate, the flowers 6 to 8, sessile, crowded in the axils of the bracts and forming fascicles 3 to 6 cm. in diameter; bracts 5 cm, long, connate below, loosely enclosing the flowers, the free portion broadly ovate, 3 to 3.5 cm. wide, abruptly narrowed to a blunt tip, orange-red, glabrous, bearing cystoliths; bractlets elliptic-obovate, 2.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide; sepals ligulate- obovate, 10 to 15 mm. long, the 3 outer 3 to 5 mm. wide, the 2 inner 2 to 3 mm. wide, all rounded at apex, glabrous; corolla yellow, 4 to 5 cm. long, 6 to 7 mm. broad at throat, the lobes 3 mm. wide, rounded and emarginate at apex; filaments 4 cm. long, exserted 8 mm. beyond the throat of the corolla, pilose; staminodes 4 to 5 mm. long; style 5.5 cm. long, glabrous. Wet woods, usually on banks of streams. Panama, Colombia, Peru. ANTIOQUIA: Vicinity of Turbo, Haught 4545 (US). Vuelta de Acuña on the Río Magdalena, Pennell 3798 (NY, US). BOLÍVAR: Boca Verde on the Río Sinú, Pennell 4573 (NY). CHоCÓ: Andagoya, Killip 35399 (US). Negría, along the Río San Juan, Killip 35008 (US). Quibdó on the Río Atrato, Archer 1803 (US). EL VALLE: Along the Río Calima near La Brea, Cuatrecasas 21205 (Ch). Along the Río Calima at La Trojita, Cuatrecasas 16322 (US). MAGDALENA: St. Juancito, Holton (NY). META: Llanos de San Martín, Triana s. n. (Col). PUTUMAYO: On the Río San Miguel between the mouths of Río Bermega and Río Conejo, Cuatrecasas 11051 (US). On the Río San Miguel at the mouth of Río Conejo, Cuatrecasas 10918 (US). SANTANDER: Between Río Sogamoso and Río Colorado in the vicinity of Bar- ranca Bermeja, Haught 1538 (US). Brazo de Moro above Barranca Bermeja, Niemeyer 1 (US). Between Río Carare and Río Magdalena in the vicinity of Puerto Berrío, Haught 1835 (US). VAUPÉS: San José del Guaviare, Cuatrecasas 7442 (US).