Monoecious epiphyte; pseudobulbs subconic or cylindrical, 4-9.5 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, enveloped by the imbricating, persistent leaf bases. Leaves plicate, elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, deciduous at the end of the growing season. Flowers unisexual, dimorphic, the staminate and pistillate flowers on separate racemes from base of pseudobulb, greenish-brown with tinges of maroon, the petals darker than the sepals; staminate inflorescences arched or pendent, to 15 cm long, the sepals and petals subequal, +/- lanceolate, to 3 cm long, the lip short, white to pale yellow with reddish-brown spots, prominently saccate, bearing 3 narrow lobes at apex and 2 additional slender lobes near base; pistillate racemes +/- rare, few-flowered, 8-10 cm long, erect, the sepals coriaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, the petals similar to sepals, the lip fleshy, yellowish-green, forming a deep pocket, the apex broadly triangular. Fruits not seen. Zetek s. n. (collected in 1942). Collected only once on the island. Flowers throughout the rainy season and in the early dry season (June to January). The species is vegetatively identical to C. warczewitzii Lindl. & Paxt., a species thus far unknown on BCI. Pollinated by Euglossa cordata (Dodson,1967a; Dressler,1968a), by E, cyanaspis (Dressler,1968a), and by E. variabilis (R. Dressler, pers. comm.).