Herb or suffrutex, usually less than 50 cm tall; stems often purplish, with 2 pubescent ribs beneath each stipule. Leaves opposite-decussate, those at apex crowded or whorled, connected by an interpetiolar line or sheath; stipules weblike between petioles, rounded or truncate at apex; petioles obsolete or to 1.5 cm long; blades +/- lanceolate-ovate, acute to acuminate, obtuse to rounded and decurrent on petiole at base, 3-8 (10) cm long, 2-3.5 (4.5) cm wide, glabrous or with short stiff trichomes especially above. Flowers in 1 or 2 usually simple spikes; calyx to 4 mm long, glabrous, the lobes 5, slender, +/- equal; corolla white, 1.5-2 cm long, slender, funnelform, abruptly flared above, the lobes 5, +/- ovate, acute, often marginally tinged with purple; stamens 5, included, the free parts beyond flare of corolla tube curved inward; anthers held tightly against style, introrse; style densely pubescent at and above level of anthers, the short trichomes removing pollen from thecae as style elongates; nectar rather sparse, stored at base of tube around ovary. Capsules 4-6 mm broad, smooth externally, the persistent base rounded at both ends; seeds brownish, ovoid, to ca 1.5 mm long, densely muricate. Croat 15572. Frequent along trails or tree-fall areas of the forest and in clearings in shady areas. Flowers throughout the year, principally in the rainy season (May to September). The fruits develop quickly.