S. lepidotum Dun.; S. salviifolium Standl. non Lam. Slender shrub, to 2.5 (7) m tall; stems (at least when young), inflorescences, and lower leaf surfaces densely pubescent, the trichomes sessile, short-stalked, white, stellate. Leaves usually alternate, sometimes subtended by a much smaller subopposite leaf; petioles ca 0.5 (1) cm long; blades narrowly ovate, acuminate, rounded and often subequal at base, 7-14 (20) cm long, 3-7 cm wide, dark green above, white and sparsely stellate-pubescent below (more densely so on midrib). Corymbs upper-axillary, bearing many flowers; flowers 5-parted; calyx weakly lobed, enlarged in fruit, glabrous inside, the lobes obtuse; corolla white, 5-7 cm long, divided ca three-fourths of the way to base, the tube glabrous; style somewhat shorter than lobes, sparsely stellate-pubescent at base; stamens oblong; filaments short; anthers ca 2 mm long, their terminal pores directed inward. Berries globose, 6-8 mm diam, black, glabrate. Foster 1711. Rare, collected north of Zetek Trail 400 in the old forest and once along the shore (Wetmore & A bbe 200). Seasonal behavior uncertain. Apparently flowers and fruits twice per year, once in the dry season (January to April) and once in the rainy season (July and August).