Twining vine; stems and petioles densely and inconspicuously short-puberulent; internodes elongate, to 15 cm or more long. Petioles 3.5-4.5 cm long, invaginate; blades ovate-cordate, abruptly acuminate, 9-17 cm long, 6-13 cm wide, drying dark, +/- glabrous above, glabrous to sparsely puberulent on veins below, the veins 5-7, palmate, the reticulate veins prominulous. Inflorescences unknown. Croat 12929, 13245a. Apparently rare in the forest, though surely more common than it would appear; it has been collected only in the forest in the vicinity of the Laboratory Clearing. The collections are sterile but closely match the type, which was also sterile. The plant was described as a shrub by Yuncker in the Flora of Panama, but the BCI plants are clearly vinelike.