Stoloniferous herb, epiphytic (or terrestrial where there is considerable debris); stems usually decumbent but soon ascending, thick, rooting profusely at lower nodes; stems, petioles, and peduncles densely puberulent. Leaves deciduous below, crowded toward apex; petioles 2-5 (8) cm long; blades oblong-ovate to subobovate, shortly sharp-acuminate, rounded to subcordate or acute at base, 5-14 cm long, 2-7 cm wide, puberulent on both surfaces, especially on veins below, 9-11-pliveined mostly in basal half, drying membranaceous with moderately strong glandular dots below, the margins ciliate. Spikes 10-18 cm long, from upper leaf axils, ca 4 mm wide in fruit; bracts round, reddish, glandular-dotted, sparsely short-ciliate. Fruits subglobose, ca 1 mm diam, the lower two-thirds of each fruit yellowish, the upper part reddish with glandular dots, the apex pointed and oblique; stigma essentially apical. Croat 6309, 6848. Infrequent, in the forest, usually near the ground. Flowering chiefly in the middle of the rainy season (September to October). Fruiting chiefly in the late rainy season and the earliest part of the dry season (October to January). Known only from Panama, from tropical moist forest around Gatun Lake and in eastern Panama.