Alcornoque, Sur espino Tree, to 8 (30) m tall; young stems golden-sericeous. Leaves alternate, compound, 9-17 cm long; petioles 5-8 cm long, pulvinate at base; petiolules pulvinate, ca 5 mm long, golden-sericeous; leaflets 5-9, oblong-lanceolate, gradually long-acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, 10-14 cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, inconspicuously golden-puberulent below, the secondary veins in 10-16 pairs, +/- straight, 5-20 mm apart. Flowers lilac; calyx densely fulvous-sericeous, 8-11 mm long, 5-lobed; corolla nearly 2 cm long. Legumes suborbicular when mature, flattened, ca 4 cm diam, not constricted between seeds, the valves thick with an alate margin 5-15 mm wide; seeds 1-4, separated by septa, ca 1.5 cm long, dark red. Foster 1128. Collected only once along the shore of a cove by Peña Blanca Point; seen also south of Armour Trail 1200 by R. Foster. Seasonal behavior uncertain. Some flowers have been seen from March to June, with the fruits maturing from August to December. Trees have been seen in July with both full-sized fruits and very juvenile fruits, indicating that individuals may flower more than once per year.