Epiphyte (or elsewhere pseudoterrestrial, growing in sandy places, fide Powell 15); pseudobulbs elliptic-ovoid, laterally compressed, 3-6 cm long, smooth to +/- ridged, bracteate at base, the uppermost bracts leaflike. Leaves 2 or 3, terminal on pseudobulb, +/- lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 20-35 cm long, 3-3.5 cm wide, ultimately deciduous, +/- plicate. Inflorescences 1-4, erect, l-flowered, 5-15 cm long from base of pseudobulb before leaves have fallen; peduncles slender, with several sheathing bracts along their length and a solitary flower at apex; flowers relatively large, very fragrant; sepals usually pale green, 2.5-3 cm long, the apices strongly recurved, the laterals adnate to base of column; petals about equal to sepals, usually white with rose markings; lip trilobate, to 2.5 cm long, nearly as wide, colored like petals, the lateral lobes erect, the middle lobe broadly obtuse and somewhat reflexed; column 8-9 mm long, the undersurface conspicuously pubescent. Fruits not seen. Dressler 2868. Rare, growing in wooded ravines (Allen (1949) in the Flora of Panama). Flowers in July. The species is closely related to L. brevispatha Klotzsch ex Lindl., which is reported from higher elevations. Known only from Panama, principally from premontane and tropical wet forests in Cocle (El Valle) and Panama (Cerro Campana); known less frequently from tropical moist forest such as on BCI.