L. pedicellata (Standl.) L. B. Smith Shrub or small tree, to 8 m tall; stems and twigs brittle; younger stems, petioles, and axes of inflorescences strigose. Petioles 3-8 mm long; blades elliptic to obovate-elliptic, acuminate, acute at base, 8-14 cm long, 2.5-4.5 cm wide, entire to obscurely toothed, glabrous above, the veins below weakly strigose and often pilose as well, especially in axils of lateral veins; stipules 1.5-2 mm long, caducous, the scar at most half-encircling stem. Flowers green, ca 1.5 mm diam, in solitary, axillary racemes to 9 cm long; axis and bracts pubescent; bracts minute; pedicels ca 1.5 mm long; perianth oblique, 4-lobed, the lobes +/- rounded, concave, the uppermost at first erect and +/- enclosing the pistil, later spreading to expose the pistil, the others +/- spreading, subtending the fleshy reniform disk; stamen 1, to 1 mm long, at first held near the upper perianth lobe with the anthers unopened, the filament later elongating, spreading away from the pistil, the anthers opening; anthers longitudinally dehiscent, broader than long, the thecae distinct, directed upward; ovary minute, pubescent; styles 3, recurved (appearing as 3 hooks). Capsules globose, ca 4 mm diam, sparsely puberulent; seeds 3, minute, with a red aril. Foster 2364. Apparently rare, but at least locally common. Collected by R. Foster on Balboa Trail 10 (Foster 2364) and by O. Shattuck at Gross Point (Shattuck 972). Flowering on BCI mostly in July and August. The fruits mature in August and September (mostly in August). Rarely flowering elsewhere in Panama in March, with the fruits maturing in April. Allen (1956) reported the species to flower in December on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica.