Oncoba laurina (Presl) Warb. Guavo cimarron, Carbonero, Uvre, Chopo cucullo, Amarillo carbonero Tree, 3-8 (15) m tall, 5-35 cm dbh; wood yellow; stems weakly striate, brown or with a thin gray flaky crust, the leaf scars 3-sided, raised. Petioles 5-11 cm long, canaliculate, somewhat swollen at apex; blades +/- oblong-elliptic, long-acuminate, obtuse to rounded at base, 10-30 cm long, 5-11 cm wide, glabrous, the midrib raised above. Panicles axillary and terminal, to ca 20 cm long; pedicels to 1.5 cm long; flowers ca 1.2 cm diam, conspicuous and sweetly scented; sepals 3, reflexed at anthesis, caducous; petals 6-12, white, blunt at apex; stamens numerous, unequal, exserted; anthers slightly bifid at apex; style 4-6 mm long; stigma shortly trilobate. Capsules 1-1.5 cm diam, covered with stiff bristles, dehiscing into 3 or 4 parts to expose seed; seed usually solitary, smooth, broadly ovate, ca 7 mm long, flattened on one side, gray-coated, with a shiny, bright red, lateral aril. Croat 6097, 7753.