Monoecious vine; stems, petioles, and blades pubescent (sparsely so on blade above between veins), the trichomes fine, short, white. Leaves alternate, simple; stipules linear-lanceolate, to 6 mm long, paired, persistent; petioles 2-11 cm long, with 2-4 glands at apex, 2 of them to 3 mm long, acicular; blades ovate, short-acuminate, cordate at base, 4-15 cm long, often as broad as or broader than long, subentire to obscurely glandular-toothed; basal veins 5, the cauline veins in 1-3 pairs. Inflorescences bisexual, axillary, short-pedunculate; flowers subtended by a pair of involucral bracts, the bracts ovate-cordate, caudate-acuminate, reddish particularly on veins, the margins lacerate-toothed; staminate flowers with 4 calyx lobes; disk and petals lacking; stamens 20-30; pistillate flowers with the sepals 6-11, deeply pectinate-lobed; disk and petals lacking; ovary densely hispidulous; styles 3, connate, 3-5.5 mm long; stigma 1, disk-shaped, 2-3.5 mm wide. Capsules deeply trilobate, ca 12 mm diam; seeds 3, ca 5 mm long, +/- cube-shaped, dark-mottled. Croat 14456. Uncommon or rare, seen infrequently in lower levels of the canopy; two old collections are from Wheeler Trail. Probably more abundant than would appear, owing to its inconspicuous manner of growth. Flowering mostly throughout the rainy season, but often as early as April. The fruits mature mostly in the dry season and early rainy season.