Tr., J. Bot. 5:209.1867 Shrub, to 3.5 m tall, conspicuously hirsute except on petals and inner flower parts, the trichomes long, simple, sometimes slightly branching, especially on main veins and below inflorescences. Petioles to 2 cm long; blades narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, acuminate, acute to obtuse at base, 9.5-20 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, obscurely serrulate; veins 3. Panicles to ca 10 cm long; flowers in small glomerules subtended by oblong-ovate bracts to 8 mm long; hypanthium 2.5-3 mm long at anthesis; petals (5) 6 (7), obovate, rounded to truncate at apex, white, 7-8 mm long; bracts and petals burnt-orange when dry; stamens 12-18, 5-6 mm long; filaments geniculate below anthers.; anthers with terminal pores all directed toward style in vicinity of stigma; style straight. Berries round, hirsute, black and shiny, 8-12 mm wide; seeds minute, numerous. Croat 11079.