Guarumo, Trumpet tree Dioecious tree, 6-20 m tall. Petioles densely hirtellous and arachnoid, the basal pulvinus a uniform mass of dense trichomes; stipules 6-9 cm long; leaves lobed less than three-fourths of the way to middle, usually about halfway; lobes 9-11, obtuse to rounded at apex, scarcely or not at all contracted at base, the lateral margins held prominently upward and prominently pleated between lobes to almost center of leaf, scabridulous above, paler and densely arachnoid-villous to glabrate below, the veins green. Staminate spathes usually 4-7 cm long, softly arachnoid outside, glabrous inside, the spadices in clusters of 12-46, 2.5-6 cm long and 3-4 mm diam, the stipes short, minutely hirtellous to glabrate, the common peduncle puberulent, 3.5-13 cm long, minutely hirtellous; perianth tubular; stamens two. Pistillate spathes mostly less than 7 cm long but sometimes to 10 cm at anthesis, broadly conic, mucronate, the spadices in clusters of 4-6, 3-5 cm long and ca 5 mm wide at anthesis, to 15 cm long and 1 cm wide in fruit, subsessile or with an inconspicuous sparsely pubescent stipe, the common peduncle 4.5-12 (17) cm long, hirtellous. Achenes oblong, acute at apex, ca 1.7 mm long, to 1 cm wide, muricate, greenish. Croat 11749, 11831. Common along the shore and in the old tree-fall areas of the older forest. Flowering seems to begin in the dry season and continue nearly all year. The fruits mature all year, possibly with a peak in the early rainy season. Mexico to Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas; West Indies. In Panama, characteristic of tropical moist and premontane moist forests (Tosi, 1971); known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Bocas del Toro, Panama, and Darien and from tropical wet forest in Colón, Veraguas, and Darien. Reported from premontane wet and premontane rain forests in Costa Rica (Holdridge et al., 1971). See Fig. 197.