Herb or suffrutex, to 1.5 m tall; stems usually branched many times, minutely stellate-pubescent. Leaves minutely stellate-pubescent, especially below; stipules subulate, to 5 mm long; petioles 3-5 mm long; blades variable in shape and size, usually +/- rhombic, acute to obtuse at apex, obtuse to cuneate at base, 1.5-7.5 (8.5) cm long, 0.8-2.5 (3.5) cm wide, serrate; palmate veins 3 (5). Flowers 5-parted, ca 1 cm wide, solitary in axils, becoming corymbose at apex of stem; pedicels to 3.5 cm long, articulate usually above middle; calyx campanulate, 5-angulate, ca 6 mm long, the lobes deltoid, acuminate; petals ovate, oblique, clawed, emarginate at apex, mostly 7-9 mm long, yellow-orange; staminal tube ca 3.5 (6) mm long; styles 4 (8), connate to half their length. Mericarps usually 8-12, 3-sided, with a single beak, to 5.5 mm long (including beak); seeds bluntly 3-sided, ca 2 mm long. Croat 6926.