Euphorbia heterophylla L. Monoecious herb, to 120 cm tall, with milky latex; stems +/- glabrous. Leaves alternate at base of plant, opposite above, petiolate; stipules lacking or minute; blades mostly elliptic, 5-11 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Floral bracts leaflike, green or sometimes purple-spotted; cyathia glabrous, terminal, usually bearing 1 stipitate, tubelike gland, several staminate flowers, and 1 pedicellate pistillate flower, this developing well in advance of the staminate flowers; flowers naked; staminate flowers with 1 stamen; pistillate flowers with the styles 3, joined at base, each bifid most of its length. Capsules dehiscent, 3-celled, to 2.5 mm long; seeds 1 per cell, ovoid, sculptured. Croat 4070, 5952.